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WITH its back to the enchanting Taihang Mountains and its face to the Yellow River, Jiaozuo City in central China's Henan Province is traditionally known as the Golden Plain of Cornucopia. But until recently, its stunning scenery had a hefty price: its mountains and rivers practically cut the city off from the rest of the nation. This has all changed with the construction of an extensive highway network in the region. To the north, it is  相似文献   

Invisible Guard     
China deploys radio frequency identification technology to ensure quality food supply Food safety inspectors will be tuning in to enforce the strict new food safety law that just came into force on June 1.  相似文献   

正Language experts’ role in the frontline of the battle against COVID-19 When Ji Jin flew into Italy in March, it was the height of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic there and her work meant direct exposure to high risk.She was an interpreter for the Chinese medical team that had been sent to work with Italian doctors on COVID-19 prevention and control.  相似文献   

Understanding is key to Westerners and Chinese surmounting barriers Most of the media reports will not present a thorough and balanced analysis of the situation in Xinjiang, a vast region whose stability and development are not only strategic for the People's Republic of China  相似文献   

犯罪统计的数量往往低于实际发生的犯罪总量.犯罪黑数研究是人们获悉实际犯罪情况不可或缺的一种重要手段,可为政府采取有针对性的防控犯罪的措施奠定事实基础.了解犯罪黑数可采取犯罪自我报告调查和被害人调查的方法,而减少犯罪黑数必须建立一套适合我国国情的犯罪黑数评估体系.该体系包括,犯罪评估的综合指标:犯罪的数量、质量指标、突出犯罪类型的数量、犯罪人数量;犯罪的社会控制指标:司法机关打击犯罪的力度、发动群众的程度、维护社会治安的资源保障状况;影响犯罪的社会因素指标;群众安全感指标.  相似文献   

范水涛 《桂海论丛》2006,22(1):37-39
实践思维方式,是实践活动本身各种矛盾在哲学思维中的有机统一,是唯物论的实事求是原则和辩证法的否定批判原则在思维方式上的内在耦合。马克思实践思维方式在中国社会发展的三种形态是:在长期革命斗争中产生的革命思维方式;在改革开放大潮中形成的建设思维方式;在新世纪初期提出的创新思维方式。以创新为实质和内核的创新哲学已成为新时期马克思主义哲学中国化的应有范式。  相似文献   

市场化社会条件下公安工作如何应对治安管理的重大挑战,这是一个崭新的课题。义乌市公安机关所取得的经验,可以引发我们思考一些公安建设的重大理念问题。义乌市公安机关把服务与防范结合起来,通过服务强化防范的经验是具有普遍意义的。义乌市公安机关通过强有力的社会治安管理措施,确保一方平安,同时也减少了犯罪,这一经验也是值得推广的。  相似文献   

A green product, safe and gentle enough to avoid causing irritation. Suitable for any skin type.  相似文献   

To remain relevant in a time of rapid wansformation, government poli-cies, business strategies or the conceptual frameworks of analysts must fully integrate the meaning and effects of the Chinese renaissance, arguably the 21 st century's major factor of change.  相似文献   

王磊  赵利梅 《中国发展》2007,7(1):57-59
无形资产质押贷款为企业融资开辟了一条新途径,然而无形资产种类较多且特性各异,并不是所有的无形资产都适于质押,必须符合一定的条件才能充当担保标的用于质押。无形资产质押属于权利质押的一种,用于充当担保标的权利必须具备两个要件:一是该标的为所有权之外的财产权;二是该财产权应具有可转让性。当然对于具体的无形资产是否适于质押,还需要进行具体分析。中国《担保法》中规定可用于质押的无形资产种类太少,范围过窄,有较大的扩充余地。  相似文献   

诺斯和其后的历史制度主义学派,围绕着"制度"开展了一系列富有启发意义的大国兴衰和制度变迁研究,然而,基于"理性选择"的假设,对"路径依赖"和"报酬递增"的偏爱,使新制度主义更多关注英国模式下的"连续(渐进)变迁",对于急剧的突变却鲜有研究.我们拟从"政治衰败"、"失败国家"和"卡里斯玛型统治"等经典理论中寻找资源,以构建一个新的解释非连续性变迁的理论框架.  相似文献   

全球一体化背景下技术转移趋势及发展路径研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王新新 《前沿》2010,(1):4-8
技术转移是构成国家自主创新体系的关键环节。我国技术转移发展策略是建立政府为主导、企业为主体、市场为导向、产学研结合为突破口,以促进科技资源高效配置、开放共享和综合集成为重点,加速实现科研成果的商品化、产业化和国际化,促进企业技术创新和产业振兴,从而推动国家整体经济结构的调整和提升。本文从技术转移的基本特征,历史演变入手分析了现代技术转移的发展趋势,并依据我国情况提出了技术转移发展路径。  相似文献   

The world should adhere to sustainable development despite challenges and obstacles The Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro,  相似文献   

HAVING never worshipped the godhead,China's population is generally regardedas atheist. Religion is not, however, analien concept. People frequently exclaim"Good Heavens!" (tian na) and "GoodLord!" (lao tian ye a). To their mind, tian —Heaven — is perceived on the one hand as thesupreme force that rules the universe, and on the  相似文献   

李新市 《桂海论丛》2002,18(3):72-73
无形合作是人们对学术争论的一种褒扬性表述 ,它对促进学术交流、推动理论的发展有积极意义。目前我国社会科学界在这方面做得还不够。建立学术争鸣的政策保障机制对促进学术争鸣有积极作用 ;在学术争论中要有正确的目的 ,要从团结和澄清事实的愿望出发开展学术争论 ;在学术争论中要培养高尚的道德风尚 ;要注意营造学术争鸣的气氛。  相似文献   

China rolls up its sleeves to revitalize its large and fragmented logistics industry With its infrastructure boom roaring on,  相似文献   

Paving the Way     
<正>This November,the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China(CPC)proved to be the most noteworthy event in China.Deciding the country’s direction for the next five to 10 years,the meeting was as significant as the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee in 1978,where the reform and opening-up policy was drawn up.  相似文献   

Leading the Way     
正The port city of Guangzhou is poised to spearhead the Belt and Road Initiative Alan Murray,editor of Fortune magazine,announced that the 2017 Fortune Global Forum will take place in Guangzhou,capital of south China’s Guangdong Province,at a press conference on September 13.Guangzhou was chosen as the host city for  相似文献   

Paving the Way     
正Shenzhen takes the lead in providing social care for people with disabilities When Li Si was a child,his role model was Zhang Haidi,the writer who has been cal ed China’s Helen Keller for overcoming childhood paraplegia to become an activist for the rights of people with disabilities.One of his primary school books carried Zhang’s photograph and to him,she symbolized the qualities of cherishing life and striving for selfimprovement.  相似文献   

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