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This research addressed how professionals involved with the legal system evaluate children, primarily between 4 and 8 years old, as witnesses. In particular, we focused on professionals’ beliefs and opinions regarding children's memory, suggestibility, and behaviors as they relate to witness credibility. In addition, we surveyed professionals’ evaluations of investigative methods related to reliability. Four hundred and seventy-eight professionals working with children in the Norwegian legal system (i.e. judges, police detectives, psychologists, child psychiatrists, prosecutors, and defense attorneys) completed a questionnaire about child witness issues. Results indicated that psychiatrists as well as police officers expressed greater belief in children's capacities than did other groups, whereas defense attorneys and psychologists were more skeptical regarding children's general credibility. Psychiatrists and psychologists both, however, tended to favor, more than did legal professionals, the use of clinical techniques with children in abuse investigations. Implications are discussed in relation to professionals’ attitudes toward children as witnesses.  相似文献   

The collection presents an approach to history in which the dominance of structure is replaced by the effects of human agency. Individual motives and actions are the subject of these studies. In particular, the articles focus on the economic approach of family strategies, starting with a methodological discussion of the problematic concept of strategies: how to disentangle the influence of social structure, family circumstances, and individual behavior. The conflicting interests of individuals resulted in replacing the so-called “joint utility function” with that of “bargained family decisions.” The focus of the contributions is on the labor deployment of family members. All articles deal with three factors influencing labor deployment: adaptation to the structural environment, regulation of labor within the family, and reconciliation of choices at transition points during the individual life course of family members.  相似文献   

This ex post facto study of officially reported child abuse and neglect incidents examined the demographic and dynamic variables associated with reportedly maltreating adolescent mothers of differing ages. A sample of one half of all the incidents reported within Maricopa County, Arizona, was drawn for the period January 1, 1976, through December 31, 1978 (N =5,098). Adolescent mothers were compared on the basis of their age at the time of the incident, and were categorized as younger adolescents (less than 16 years of age) and older adolescents (16 to 19 years of age). It was found that this total sample of adolescents was faced with pressures such as those found within the general, non-age-specific maltreating population. However, the younger adolescent was faced with the greatest financial stress, yet was less likely to be receiving any income supplement. Additionally, the younger adolescent was more likely to be a minority group member, was less likely to be married, and the maltreating situation involved neglect of children. In sum, the reported situation was likely to have been a direct result of the financial, educational, employment, and life experience limitations found in the adolescent's environment. Discussion of the findings reported that the younger adolescent parent's problems were rooted in basic survival and environmental stabilization needs. Implications and suggestions for further research are also presented.  相似文献   

In this study, the prevalence, nature and consequences of violence against mental health care professionals are examined. Dutch mental health professionals working in clinical psychiatry were approached to fill in an online questionnaire on their personal experiences with physical violent incidents. It appeared that 67% of the 1534 respondents were victim of at least one physical violent incident in the past five years. In total, the 1534 respondents reported they had encountered 2648 physical violent incidents. In some cases, the consequences were very severe, not only for the victim but also for the employer. Some groups of professionals appear to have an increased risk of being victimized. The findings show that the violence that mental health professionals encounter is a substantial and severe problem that no longer should be disregarded.  相似文献   

Parental alienation (PA) is a highly consequential family dynamic that causes harm to children and parents. While many mental health and legal professionals agree that PA is common and potentially very harmful to children, there is still the appearance that there is controversy and discord in the field. The purpose of this study was to test the extent of consensus in the field regarding the basic tenets of PA theory. Specifically, 11 key terms related to PA were identified through expert input and preliminary field-testing. An on-line survey was created specifically for the study to assess level of agreement with these key terms among custody evaluators. This profession was selected because of their high degree of training and experience with a variety of family conflict situations; 119 child custody evaluators selected as members of a professional custody evaluator listing (88% response rate) rated their endorsement of these 11 key definitions with response options including: strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, and strongly disagree. Results revealed that roughly 80% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed with each of the 11 definitions. These results demonstrate a high degree of consensus and should guide future trainings of legal and mental health professionals to ensure a common language and understanding of this phenomenon.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to obtain a quantitative measure of the discussion behaviour of real eyewitnesses. Undergraduate psychology students were given a questionnaire to determine if they had witnessed a serious event. Results from the questionnaire showed that the majority of respondents had witnessed a serious event at some point in their lives, and the majority of witnesses were not alone when they observed the event. Respondents who had experienced a serious event for which there was more than one witness present were invited to fill out a follow-up questionnaire. The follow-up study showed that when there is a co-witness present, most people (86%) report discussing the event with the co-witness. This is potentially problematic if the witnesses are contaminating one another's memories of the event. The results are discussed in terms of psychological research and policy implications.  相似文献   

法治国家的建立和法律秩序的维护需要一大批高素质的职业法律者,德国在培养和选拔职业法律者的过程中创造了一批独特的模式.这种模式具有浓烈的国家色彩.它通过国家考试的形式将培养和选拔溶为一体.在德国,未来职业法律者在参加国家考试前,必须要经过校园专业学习和职业预备期的训练.当然,这种模式也有其缺陷和不足.  相似文献   

The Southern Association of Criminal Justice Educators (SACJE) is a regional professional organization which was developed to improve professionalism in criminal justice. In recent years the organization seemed to loose its focus and was having membership and budgetary problems. The authors, in an attempt to understand the feelings of members and former members, surveyed current and prior members of SACJE. The results of the survey are presented with recommendations for action by the SACJE Executive Board. Several areas of consensus were evident. The membership wants SACJE to continue to exist. The role of the organization is to promote better criminal justice education and to disseminate new criminal justice information. The membership wants annual meetings and the Southern Journal of Criminal Justice published twice yearly. They also want voting by mail on all major issues and elections. All other voting should be conducted at a business meeting on the second day of a three day annual meeting.  相似文献   

Despite the increased attention to dating violence among adolescents and young adults, limited information is available on ethical and legal considerations specific to this population. Therefore, this qualitative study explores 21 trainees' and practitioners' conceptualization of ethical and legal issues pertaining to adolescent dating violence. Data are collected through focus groups included as part of an ethics and legal issues seminar. Six themes are identified to illustrate ethical and legal issues concerning dating violence: knowledge, client welfare, counseling interventions, informed consent and disclosure, barriers, and counselor reactions.  相似文献   

The results of a survey conducted to determine the extent and effectiveness of present correctional study-release programs and policies are presented, and direction is offered for the expansion of such programs based on current practices.  相似文献   

This article analyses the impact of widowhood upon women in early modern urban society in Holland. Widows were able to maintain their households and to minimize the discontinuity with their lives when married. A remarkably egalitarian inheritance and marital property law, access to a broad range of occupations, a privileged status, an extended poor relief system, institutionalised mutual assistance and new forms of financial provisions for widows enabled widows to survive after the loss of an adult male breadwinner. However, legal rights, social provisions and economic opportunities available to women in the Dutch Golden Age and thereafter, could not prevent social polarization after women lost their spouse.  相似文献   

A series of surveys were analyzed to determine how vending machine location and properties affected the likelihood of being vandalized. Two broad categories of vandals were identified, professionals and amateurs, by their vandalism methods. Both types were found to be rational in the sense of being drawn to areas where they could remain anonymous and could escape detection. Professionals were found to respond to the size of the monetary prize. Amateurs were drawn to public areas such as schools, parks, and grocery stores, where they appeared to be motivated by the possibility of an audience. As such, the behavior of amateurs is less amenable to economic analysis than to psychological or sociological study.  相似文献   

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