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审判规律是审判活动各要素之间必然、本质、稳定和反复出现的联系。审判是第一位的,管理是第二位的,二者是主从关系,因此,审判管理必须尊重审判规律,使审判管理各项工作机制和管理的方式方法充分考虑审判工作的特点,符合审判工作实际。  相似文献   

This article reports an exploratory study of trial attorneys' views of competent advocacy and the factors that affect such performance. It examines how attorneys account for variations in civil trial performance. These perceptions are then examined in relation to the major programs that have been proposed to remedy attorney incompetence.  相似文献   

International Law is argued to have a “civilized” component, but viewing the actions of supposed “civilized” states, it is hard to agree. An example is the case of Slobodan Milosevic, the former head of Yugoslavia, who was put on trial (until his death in The Hague) for acts, which were in fact committed by many, including heads of state who are not subject to similar charges let alone trials. A close examination of the articles on which this purported international law rests reveals serious doubts about the legal basis for the trial, while agreeing that the acts of Milosevic might well have been morally reprehensible.Emeritus Distinguished Professor of International Law  相似文献   

马锡五审判方式是一种在我国抗日根据地产生、发展、广泛传播的巡回审判方式。它与能动司法联系在一起,是一种成功的审判方式。它的成功性表现为:能够及时、公正地解决纠纷;能够受到广大人民群众的欢迎;能够不断被发扬光大等。马锡五审判方式能够获得成功的原因有多个,其中的三个十分突出。它们是:弥补了抗日根据地司法资源的不足;提供了优质的司法服务;帮助实现抗日根据地的安定与和谐。马锡五审判方式的成功之处至今仍有其现实价值,主要是具有理念、审判方式和审判结果的价值。  相似文献   

李昌盛 《法律科学》2011,(1):130-140
我国刑事庭审的主要功能不在于查明案件事实,而在于以"表态——展示——教育——忏悔"四部曲的方式来教化被告人和其他公民。这种教化型庭审并非毫无意义的"形式",它不仅有利于实现刑罚的特殊预防功能,而且有利于罪犯复归社会、被害人的精神康复及社会重新接纳罪犯。但是,目前我国这种国家权力主导下的教化型庭审由于缺乏认罪自愿性的保障,会使无辜者面临着极大的定罪甚至从重处罚的风险。未来中国刑事庭审的改革方向不在于彻底放弃庭审的教化功能,而是将真相、权利、效率和教化融为一体,实现多元价值的有机结合。  相似文献   

行政案件之法律审与事实审辨析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、问题的提出我国行政诉讼法第五条规定 :“人民法院审理行政案件 ,对具体行政行为是否合法进行审查。”这一规定成为我国行政诉讼司法审查制度的基本原则。但对这一原则性规定如何理解认识并不一致。一种观点认为 ,人民法院审理行政案件只是审查行政机关作出的具体行政行为是否合法 ,而并不审查行政机关作出行政行为的事实前提。比如有论著认为 ,“人民法院审理行政案件只对合法性进行审查 ,或者说 ,人民法院无权对事实问题进行审查。”①赞成这种观点的理由有 :对具体行政行为的审查包括对事实结论的审查而不是对事实问题重新作出结论 ;…  相似文献   

潘胜忠 《法学杂志》2001,22(5):47-48
人民法院作为国家的审判机关 ,担负着宪法和法律赋予的打击违法犯罪、调处矛盾纠纷、裁判是非曲直、维护合法权益的神圣职责。这一性质决定了法院应当是最公正、最讲理的地方 ,决定了司法公正是社会公正的最后一道防线。由此可见 ,追求司法公正是人民法院最基本也是最高的价值目标 ,司法公正是人民法院的生命线。  一、程序公正是司法公正的前提所谓程序公正 ,是指人民法院在审理各类案件时 ,根据三部诉讼法的规定 ,在审理案件的各个环节中严格按照诉讼程序的规定办事 ,以确保当事人的各项诉讼权利能够得到有效实现。程序公正是司法公正的…  相似文献   

Numerous flaws made the Dujail trial a violation of the internationallyprotected human right to a fair trial. The United States andthe Iraqi authorities conducted an unfair trial knowing thatboth the Third and Fourth Geneva Convention describe ‘wilfullydepriving’ a person ‘of the rights of fair and regulartrial’ as a war crime. Even if Saddam Hussein was notto be regarded as a prisoner of war, that is, merely as a civilian,in any case his right to fair trial was protected by internationallaw. According to the author, both the relevant states and theindividuals involved in the unfair Dujail trial bear responsibilityfor breaches of international law.  相似文献   

Reform Litigation on Trial   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

在现行刑法概括性、抽象性的条款较多和法律解释不够系统完善、且滞后的状况下,以"参照"方式适用法律显得十分必要;其目的符合刑法基本原则和量刑一般原则,其本质是法官自由裁量权的具体运用;但需要加以合理规范。  相似文献   

A number of attorneys, judges, and legal scholars have asserted that the overly combative nature of American trials may impact on the actual quality of justice and bring the legal system into disrepute. In contrast, many who witness criminal and civil trials conducted in Great Britain are struck by the greater apparent civility of the courtroom atmosphere. Closer examination of the English system reveals seven specific procedural differences that may contribute to this perceived change in atmosphere. In this study, these procedural differences were manipulated and their effect on verdict and on perceptions of trial participants measured. In addition, opinions about these differences were elicited. Results showed that while the trial was perceived as more civil, and the judge viewed more positively, participants tended to indicate preferences for the American style. Implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

随着司法改革的蓬勃推进,囿于有限的员额比例,会有相当数量的现任法官将被裁汰出员额范围,成为未入额法官。但无论是要他们脱下法袍当助理,还是辞官不做另觅他途,都会对原本就严重短缺的司法人力资源造成极大浪费。从分析未入额法官协助办案机制形成的现实条件着手,以协助办案机制现实运作困境为分析节点,来探讨完善团队办案机制的路径。  相似文献   

合并审判的条件是各案件之间必须具有某些关联性,合并审判的主要价值在于有利于促进诉讼的经济性,但不当的合并审判将在案件的处理结果和处理程序上造成对被告人的侵害,法官应该享有分离审判的权力,被告人应该享有申请法官分开审判的权利。  相似文献   

李世清 《河北法学》2008,26(5):193-197
延期审理作为法院审判中的一种审判障碍,初衷是为了更好地查清案件事实,惩罚犯罪和保障人权。但是在审判实践中,延期审理审理却出现了一些缺憾,并没有发挥自己应有的作用。从法律的规定入手,结合审判实践分析其原因,以期完善延期审理制度,进一步维护司法公正。  相似文献   

质证制度是民事诉讼开庭审理阶段的重要组成,对查清案情、认定案件事实是非常重要的,弄清质证的概念、构成要素及通过对大陆法系和英美法系质证的范围和方式比较,提出我国质证程序的模式选择。  相似文献   

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