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我国《物权法》第20条确立了预告登记制度,但是对预告登记制度的效力规定过于简单,不能解决实践中遇到的各种复杂问题。本文从预告登记的制度目的角度出发,分析预告登记的效力,认为其应当具有事实处分救济效力、法律处分救济效力、顺位效力、破产保全效力和对抗强制执行效力共五种效力。  相似文献   

黄素萍 《法治研究》2010,(2):102-105
预告登记制度作为一项特殊的不动产登记制度.为德国、瑞士、日本以及我国台湾地区法律所采纳,其旨在保全以不动产物权变动为目的的债权请求权。我国《物权法》第20条也规定了这一制度。本文探讨了预告登记制度的适用范围、发生条件、效力、失效和形式要件等问题,并对法律完善提出自。己的建议。  相似文献   

不动产预告登记制度是我国物权法新设立的制度。本文就不动产预告登记的特征与性质,提出了相关见解,希望对司法实践有所裨益。  相似文献   

国凯 《财经法学》2023,(1):106-119
就预售房抵押预告登记是否具有优先受偿效力,既有学说与实务多持否定态度。但否定说未注意到银行于诸多情形无法办理抵押登记,且若开发商完成首次登记后仍承担保证责任,颇为不公。此外,一味要求银行完成抵押登记亦将招致诉累、浪费司法资源。新近《担保解释》第52条转而持肯定立场,可堪赞同。抵押预告登记与抵押登记之利益状态类似,既通过抵押合同体现当事人意思自治,亦经由登记公示保护交易第三人利益,故肯定优先受偿具有正当性。无权处分说可为肯定立场提供教义学支持。预告登记时购房者并无设立抵押之处分权,而作为所有权人之开发商已作出事前同意,从而处分权瑕疵得以补正。基于处分权瑕疵补正之溯及力,此优先受偿效力溯及至预告登记之日。银行如欲基于抵押预告登记优先受偿,应满足开发商完成首次登记之要件,但90日失效期间之限定并无必要。  相似文献   

预告登记是不动产物权登记制度的重要组成部分,是我国物权法最新成果的重要体现,在保障当事人权利、保护交易安全、建立市场信用方面具有重要作用。本文从分析不动产登记的性质入手,进一步分析预告登记的性质,分析与相关制度的关系,从而从理论上论证预告登记为债权担保的一种手段,债权请求权物权化是预告登记后权利的性质。  相似文献   

我国《物权法》对预告登记善意取得没有明确规定,学者对其亦未有详论,有待补充。保护交易安全、充分发挥预告登记的功能需要我国《物权法》确立预告登记的善意取得,预告登记的自身属性亦为其善意取得提供了可能性。综合考虑善意取得构成要件之一般性和预告登记发生条件之特殊性,其构成要件应为存在以不动产物权变动为内容的债权请求权、存在预告登记约定、预告登记债权请求权人善意、完成预告登记。  相似文献   

也论“预告登记的性质”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国《物权法》第二十条对我国的预告登记制度作出了简单的规定,奠定了我国预告登记制度的基础。预告登记的相关问题早在我国学界就有所研究,其中对预告登记的性质问题一直存在较大争议,而我国颁布的《物权法》并没有回答这个问题。本文以新的角度分析认为之前学界对"预告登记性质"的称法存在误区,从关于"预告登记性质"理论的论述中可分析出,所谓"预告登记的性质"其实质研究的应该是"预告登记后的权利"的性质,本文从不同的角度论证这一权利的性质为债权。  相似文献   

董怡 《法制与社会》2010,(21):47-47
2008年出台的《房屋登记办法》以《物权法》为依据,对预告登记制度作了明确的规定,该规定能够有效防止"一房二卖"现象,有利于保证约定期内交易关系的稳定,但是依然存在进一步完善之处,本文据此提出相关思考。  相似文献   

预告登记制度在我国刚设立不久,大量的涉预告登记制度与相关法律制度冲突的案件随之相继出现,预告登记制度作为舶来品,加之我国立法对其的规定又比较原则和抽象,在司法实践中,必然面临与查封登记的衔接。当买卖之标的物被另案查封,此时定会出现两种利益的冲突,如何平衡各方权益,合理协调冲突,成为现实而又迫切的问题。本文从两种情况、四个问题出发,以求能明晰两者之间的关系。  相似文献   

论预告登记的性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
预告登记的性质分为形式意义的性质与实质意义的性质。前者是指预告登记制度本身的性质,没有特别探讨的必要,后者指经预告登记的债权请求权的性质,其决定着预告登记的效力。本文重点讨论了预告登记所保全的请求权的性质。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify common factors in false allegation adult crimes, by examining the dynamics involved in 30 confirmed false allegation cases. The authors conducted a comprehensive review of these adjudicated cases and then completed a collection instrument to capture offender demographics, offense characteristics, and motive. The results indicated that most false allegation crimes were committed by women (73.3%) and Caucasians (93.3%). Data indicated that more interpersonally violent allegations were primarily motivated by attention/sympathy needs (50.0%), whereas more impersonal offenses involved other motivations such as providing an alibi (16.7%) or profit (13.3%). Offenders tended to be younger, high school graduates with no higher education (43.3%). A total of 23.3% of offenders had a prior criminal history. Male offenders appeared as likely as women to be motivated by attention/sympathy; however, men tended to select more violent, nonsexual offenses (e.g., attempted murder) than women.  相似文献   


Police records of 38 rape allegations, evenly split into maintained-as-true and withdrawn-as-false categories were compared with 19 generated-false statements from recruited participants. The Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance Scale (IRMAS) was used to assess the attitudes of the participants and a content analysis derived from IRMAS was used to compare the three categories of allegation. Rape myths were present in all three allegation types. The two categories of false allegation both contained more rape myths than the true allegations but no differences were found between the generated and withdrawn false allegations. High scorers in IRMAS also produced more violent false accounts. In addition to these findings, this study provides support for the further examination of rape myths in both false and true statements and use of generated allegations as proxies for real false statements.  相似文献   


Despite public outrage over our global “rape culture,” sexual offences continue to be characterised by low levels of reporting, prosecution, and conviction in many countries. Attrition rates for sexual assault internationally, although varying in pattern, are consistently high. As a signatory to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women (DEVAW), the Indian Government acknowledges the need to afford better protection to victims of gender violence. Assessing the effect of rape law reform in India, using crime statistics and a survey of recent judgments from the Delhi District Courts, the author argues that the legislature has failed systematically to address the many injustices experienced by women who allege rape. The Indian Parliament responding to the moral panic generated by the Delhi gang rape case with knee-jerk reforms, focused mainly on increasing penalties, maintaining an outmoded view of rape as a crime against morality rather than as a violation of gender rights and human rights. By closely investigating the sociocultural context in which sexual crimes against women occur in India, the author reveals that India’s “cultural” arguments for rejecting further reform (such as repeal of the marital rape immunity) are merely entrenched gender biases, bearing strong parallels to nineteenth century English common law perceptions of women who allege rape as a class of false complainants.  相似文献   

This study is on how to discriminate between true and false intentions, an emerging area within psycholegal research. We argue that asking about the past (the planning phase) might be a promising way to detect lies about the future (intentions). That is, participants who had developed false intentions to mask their criminal intentions were assumed to provide equally long and detailed answers to questions about intentions, compared to participants who told the truth about their intentions. In contrast, we predicted that lying participants would be worse at answering questions about the planning of their stated (false) intentions, compared to participants telling the truth about the planning of their stated (true) intentions. To test our assumptions, we used a newly devised experimental set-up accommodating the main characteristics of intent. Both lying and truth-telling suspects perceived the questions on planning as more unanticipated, and more difficult to answer, compared to the questions about their intentions (future actions). Furthermore, in support of our predictions we found that the truth-telling (vs. lying) suspects' answers to questions on planning were longer and perceived as more detailed and clear, whereas liars' and truth-tellers' answers to questions on intentions were equally long and perceived as equally detailed.  相似文献   

Lie-detection research has shown that observers who rely on nonverbal cues or on verbal cues correctly classify on average 54% of truth tellers and liars. In addition, over the years, countless numbers of innocent people have made false confessions and, in analysing the problem, researchers have implicated both a suspect's vulnerability and the persuasive influence of certain police interrogation tactics. Levine et al. (2014) aim to contribute to these vast bodies of literature by reporting two studies purportedly showing that expert interviewers – when they are permitted to question interviewees – can achieve almost perfect accuracy without eliciting false confessions. We argue that theoretical and methodological aspects of these studies undermine the reliability and validity of the data reported, that as a result the studies do not contribute to the scientific literatures on lie detection and false confessions in any meaningful way, and that the results are dangerously misleading.  相似文献   

《刑事诉讼法》修改后,专家辅助人出庭作为补充强化鉴定意见质证效果的制度被正式纳入到刑事诉讼程序中,但在实践中如何适用,以及适用中应当注意什么问题,都需要结合专家辅助人出庭的理论背景,通过借鉴域外诉讼制度和我国民事诉讼制度、司法鉴定制度、律师制度中的先进经验予以进一步厘清。  相似文献   

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