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陈士球 《人权》2015,(2):103-108
China has developed its own views on human rights and pursued its own path of human rights development in light of the UN Charter principles,its national conditions,and its experience over many years.Human rights in China have scored remarkable achievements.The Chinese perspective on human rights and the Chinese path of human rights development has become a shining example for the whole world.  相似文献   

<正>Constructing an environ-ment for human rightsdevelopment is a large,com-prehensive project as well asa long and arduous mission.Althoughconstructing an environment for humanrights development was not mentionedmuch in the past,in actuality it beganearly and achieved sustained progress.It is a gradual process that is also a pre-requisite for earnestly respecting andensuring human rights.There are fivedimensions to building a sustainableenvironment for human rights develop-ment.First,creating a political environ-ment in which great attention is paidto human rights.With the thriving and  相似文献   

尊敬的各位嘉宾,女士们、先生们、朋友们:中国人权研究会在北京举办“尊重和促进人权与建设和谐世界”国际研讨会,邀请来自世界各地的人权专家学者共同探讨促进人权事业发展、推动和谐世界建设,我谨对研讨会的召开表示热烈祝贺!  相似文献   

劳动权与人们的生存和发展有关,属于基本人权的范畴,已经得到绝大多数国家宪法的确认。对于受拘禁的罪犯来说,劳动是对其实施矫正的基本手段,但劳动同样也应是罪犯享有的基本权利,应当得到平等的保障,而人权的视角无疑将会为罪犯劳动权的保障提供最充分的理由、最大化的内容和最完善的保障措施。因此,如何从人权视角对罪犯劳动权进行保障尤其重要。  相似文献   

THE1997HumanDevelopmentReportonChinapubDevelopmentProgram(UNDP)statesthatChina'sprogressinpromotinghumandevelopmentcommandsrespect.Therehasbeenadropintheproportionofpoorpeopleandimprovementsineducationandhealth.Averagelifeexpectancylevelsandotherhumandevelopmentindicatorshaveapproachedthelevelsfoundindevelopedcountries.ThereportalsopointsoutthatChinafacesgreatchallengesontheroadahead,butisagoodexampleofprogress,naturalbalance,andstableandrapideconomicgrowth.RighttoSubsistenceandDevelopm…  相似文献   

LI XIAOJUN 《人权》2007,6(4):38-39
At the invitation of the China Society for Human Rights Studies(CSHRS),a six- member human rights dele- gation from Austria paid a visit to China from April 2-10. Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek,member of the Austrian Parliament and spokesper- son for women's issues and equal oppor- tunities for the Socialist Democratic Par- ty,said during a media interview that the  相似文献   

李军 《大连干部学刊》2006,22(11):42-44
执法为民,充分体现了党的全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,是一切政法工作的价值诉求,而尊重和保障人权则是执法为民的核心价值。  相似文献   

中国共产党的人权思想 ,是在半殖民地半封建社会的条件下产生的 ,是在中国革命、建设和改革实践的基础上形成和发展起来的 ,是中国共产党领导中国人民争取人权斗争、保障和改善人权事业的经验总结。由于中国特殊的经济、政治和文化背景 ,中国共产党的人权思想具有凸显人民主权和集体人权、强调生存权和发展权以及与时俱进的特征 ,并且对中国人权立法具有巨大影响。  相似文献   

YEARSago,AmnestyinternationalandothercirclesoftheWesternsociety,especiallythemedia,startedanunPrecedentedcrusadeagainsttheviolationofhumanrightsinthePeople'sRepublicofChina,acrusadethatisstillgoingon.WhatarethereasonsforthiscampaignandwhywasChinaunabletostopitsofar?LetmefirstanswerthisquestionandthendrawyourattentiontothepresentconditionsaswellastotheprospectsofhumanrightsinChina.Iwouldliketoemphasizefirstthatthiskindofcriticismdoalroccurinapoliticalvacuumbutthatitishighlyaffectedbytheglo…  相似文献   

In October 2003, the Third Plenary Session of the Sixteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) called for adherence to "the outlook toward development based on the fundamental interests of the people, toward an all-round, balanced and sustainable development." The session also  相似文献   

Since 1949, China has achieved great progress in human rights protection. We also experienced some big setbacks such as the Cultural Revolution. China redirected itself to a proper course of healthy human rights development from 1978. But during the time of 1983 to 1990, our concept of human rights fell behind world civilization greatly; the mainstream concept of human rights in China was that "the term of human rights is a pure slogan of western society." China should not adopt it. Theturni…  相似文献   

YE XIAOWEN 《人权》2011,(5):6-9
The Communist Party of China (CPC) has persistently fought for human rights since its founding in 1921.This is epitomized by the Party’s success in promoting democracy, getting the Chinese nation to rally around it,uniting with religious believers and protecting human rights.  相似文献   

<正>We are here at the ChinaUniversity of PoliticalScience and Law todiscuss human rightsconstruction and reform,which isvery important.The China Universityof Political Science and Law wasthe first higher learning institution inChina to set up a human rights majorand is also one of the nation’s educa-tion and training bases for humanrights.in recent years,the universityhas achieved a lot in popularizinghuman rights education and serv-ing society,pushing forward humanrights research and development,andenhancing human rights exchangeand cooperation.i congratulate youon this.The whole country is now study-  相似文献   

WANG CHEN 《人权》2012,(4):19-22
The State Council information Office unveiled the national human Rights action Plan (2012-2015) (hereinafter referred to as the action Plan) on June 11, drawing wide attention, both domestically and internationally. Wang Chen, minister of the State Council information Office, answered questions concerning China’s formulation of the action Plan in an exclusive interview with the Xinhua news agency. The following is the translated version of the full text of the interview:Xinhua: The Chinese government introduced the  相似文献   

Human rights refer to the rights that should be enjoyed by anyone as human beings. however, human beings have not only the natural attributes, but also social attributes, including such high-level social attributes as thinking capability and culture. The role of culture on human beings can be seen in people's understandings on human rights connotation and human rights value. in fact, the different views on human rights issue of various countries worldwide are linked with their different cultures.  相似文献   

享有充分的人权 ,是长期以来人类追求的理想。在旧中国 ,广大人民群众深受帝国主义、封建主义、官僚资本主义的压迫 ,没有人权可言。中国共产党诞生以后 ,一直把争得人权作为自己的奋斗目标 ,并为此进行了长期的艰苦卓绝的斗争。新中国成立后 ,在中国共产党的领导下 ,中国的人权状况得到了根本的改变  相似文献   

Since the Chinese Constitution does not stipulate the status of international treaties in the domestic legal system,the question of whether the domestic court can apply international human rights treaties keeps obscure all the time.China's official statement and academic opinions generally believe that the domestic court couldn 't resort to the human rights treaties.In recent years,however,several cases have come out involving direct reference to human rights treaties by the court.The following factors contribute together to the direct reference:the inward-looking nature of international human rights treaties,specific requirements of human rights treaties,and the possible institutional room in Chinas' s current legal system.Take the view off ulfilling international human rights obligations,the practice of judicial application should be fully affirmed.Nevertheless,it should also be noted that relevant practice is still in its infancy,there are some problems such as inconsistent understanding and non-standard application.From the perspective of top-level design,it is necessary to provide a normative basis for the practice of the court,so as to make the international human rights treaties play their due role.  相似文献   

There are more than 83 million people living with disabilities in China. Most are taken care by family members, which often creates a great financial burden.  相似文献   

<正>China was elected on Nov.12,2013 at the 68th session of the United Nations General Assembly(UNGA)in New York to the UN Human Rights Council for a three-year term from 2014 to 2016.Wang Min,deputy permanent representative of the People’s Republic of China to the UN,said after the election,"The Chinese government attaches great importance to the promotion and protection of human rights.It has made remarkable achievements and has vigorously developed inter-  相似文献   

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