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Virus attacks are 7ustone of the many dubiousaspects of the net suchas fraud,corruption,embezzlement,andpolitica,and commercialespionage that requireattention and control.  相似文献   

税收优先权是否及于税收滞纳金的争论显示了税法与破产法的理念分歧,对于该问题的讨论应从二者理念融合的视角展开。在明确税收滞纳金性质是行政执行罚的基础上,引入课税特区理论,确定破产法可以对税法在实体和程序上进行适当的调适,衔接税法量能课税原则与破产法利益平衡原则,实现破产法与税法之间理念融合、规则互认。因此,以理念融合为视阈,税收优先权不及于税收滞纳金;在具体的破产清偿顺位上,税收滞纳金应置于普通破产债权之后。  相似文献   

Zhongguancun Science Park strives to become an innovation center for China and the world china’s first hi-tech science park just got an upgrade.Zhongguancun Science Park(Z-Park) in northwest Beijing will serve as the national  相似文献   

培养学生的创新思维,施教者首先应打破条条框框,培养学生独立自由的个体意识,求新求变的创造性思维,如发散思维、求异思维、直觉思维、形象思维、非理性思维等;其次,施教者应该尽可能地为学生提供一个独立思考、自由发挥的空间;最后,培养创新思维,需要宽容失败。  相似文献   

创新是一个知识、经济与社会等多种因素交互作用的复杂动力过程.通过持续的市场创新、技术创新及管理创新以及其间的协同,企业可以获取远远大于单维创新所获效益之和,从而促使企业跨越成长的衰退期,使企业持续不断地由"成长"走向新的"成长",创新协同是企业代际成长的原动力.  相似文献   

马克思主义理论创新论本质上是马克思主义理论创新条件论.解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进是马克思主义理论创新的思想条件,表现为从实践中提出理论创新的主题或问题,正确认识马克思主义和贯彻马克思主义的自我批判;社会制度、文化和意识形态管理是马克思主义创新的社会条件,通过政治文明建设营造有利于马克思主义理论创新的社会环境;理论家队伍是马克思主义理论创新的主体条件,应努力培养一批具有创新意识和创新能力的马克思主义理论家.  相似文献   

基于工作价值观的公共科技服务员工激励探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文基于调研数据分析了公共科技服务员工工作价值观的新特点,探讨了运用复杂适应系统理论研究公共科技服务员工激励问题的可行性;同时,采用自适应神经模糊推理系统(ANFIS)方法建立了基于工作价值观的公共科技服务员工激励决策模型,该模型对研究公共科技服务员工工作价值观激励具有良好效果。本研究采用实证研究方法分析了不同激励方案对提高员工绩效的效果差异,从而对模型的有效性进行了验证。本研究成果可以为国家制定公共科技服务员工激励政策提供决策支持。  相似文献   

由建勋 《中国发展》2007,7(3):70-73
计划经济时代沿用至今的模糊的农村集体土地产权制度,使得土地一级市场征地与二级市场供地之间形成巨大利差,诱导地方政府乐此不彼地过度行使征地权。在国家作为土地权形式上的管理者缺位,农民又无权维护自身土地权益的制度安排下,造成了耕地资源流失的难以遏制。对此,及时进行土地产权制度创新,让农民能真正维护自己的土地权益,成为从源头上保护我国有限的耕地资源的最佳路径选择。  相似文献   

大学英语是高职高专学生的必修课,其课程考核是学生学习英语的风向标。应将口语、写作、手工等技能的形成性考核与听力、阅读、词汇、语法、翻译等理论考核一起纳入课程考核体系,由单一的终结性评价过渡到形成性评价与终结性评价相结合。在考核学生语言知识掌握、语言应用能力的同时,提高学生思维、表达、操作和创新的能力。  相似文献   

<正>This year’s government work report gives unprecedented priority to innovation.The global economic system is undergoing its most significant restructuring ever,and economic ties have moved from global production networks to global innovation networks.Innovation is becoming a strategic option to reshape the world economic landscape other than a policy option  相似文献   

正As China gears up to rebalance its economy in its quest for more sustainable growth,innovation is proving to be a pivotal source of economic dynamism.How should China spur innovation? What problems are impeding the innovation process? Economists,government officials and industry insiders discussed these issues at the annual economic  相似文献   

<正>The Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2013,also known as Summer Davos,openedinnortheastChina’sport cityofDalianonSeptember11,with thethemeof MeetingtheInnovationImperative.History tells us that crisis always calls for innovation.The economic crisis in the 1920s and 1930s,which swept up the whole world,was solved by  相似文献   

正What’s China’s global ranking in terms of innovation competence?It may be a difficult question to answer.China has become a global leader in some fields of technology and scientific innovation,such as quantum research,supercomputers and manned deep-sea exploration,but lags behind many countries in overall innovation capacity.Ancient China was an innovation  相似文献   

<正>Beijing Makerspace,an open-source lab,fosters creativity By Wang Hairong With electric drills,laser cutting machines,sandpaper and circuit boards scattered around,Beijing Makerspace,located in Zhongguancun International Digital Design Center,could be mistaken for a typical engineering workshop.  相似文献   

正As a top exporting country, China is already equipped with strong production capability, but continues to lag behind in innovative capability. Thus, the ability to innovate will to a large extent decide China's economic prospects. The long-term strategy to develop its science and technology sectors and  相似文献   

正In the past 35 years,China has made tremendous achievements in innovation.Now the country’s innovation-oriented development is heading for a"deep-water"phase,with both opportunities and challenges ahead.China must make innovations more scientific and effective in the future.The establishment of market economy in China has laid the foundation for promoting innovation.Competition based on market rules has forced state-owned enterprises(SOEs)  相似文献   

<正>Jiangsu showcases the CPC’s role in driving innovation and economic transformation The sound of Suzhou Pingtan,an art form which combines story-telling and ballad singing in the Suzhou dialect,swirled around a hall of the International Department of the Communist Party of China’s Central Committee(IDCPC) in Beijing  相似文献   

正Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s recent trip to Europe was a fruitful one.Apart from signing a series of agreements on economic and trade cooperation,its biggest highlight was the laying of the practical foundations of the new China-Europe innovative partnership.When President xi Jinping visited  相似文献   

正China is growing into a world-class idea generator China is the maker of the world’s goods,however,the idea of "Made in China" denoting innovative,efficient products might seem like fantasy.The same entrepreneurial spirit that has driven the country’s meteoric rise in the global marketplace is now driving a wave of innovation supported by the deep pockets of the Central  相似文献   

China’s employment landscape looks sparse right now as many private enterprises that absorb much of the country's workforce are succumbing to economic stagnation. While the Western world is caught in a tailspin, numerous private enterprises, and exporters in particular, have no place to hide. Their orders are declining to a trickle, and the supply chains of many also have broken down because of a lack of cash. In such a time of gloom, how can they weather the storm through innovation and industrial upgradin...  相似文献   

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