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We conduct experiments to test the collective action dilemmas associated with defensive and proactive counterterror strategies. Defensive policies are associated with creating public ??bads' (e.g., a commons) whereas proactive policies are akin to the voluntary provision of public goods. When combined, the inefficiency of collective action is exacerbated, resulting in a situation known as a Prisoner??s Dilemma squared (PD2). Deterministic versus probabilistic equivalent versions of the associated externalities are compared within a laboratory setting. Experimental results reveal that the collective action problem associated with counterterror strategies is deepened in uncertain environments, and is indeed a robust regularity that is not easily overcome; as individuals gain more experience, they become even more self-interested.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, a great deal of research has been done to analyze the ways in which popular media, especially movies and television shows, construct fictional terrorist threats. However, little attention has been given to the extremely popular genre of counterterrorism video games and how they fit into the War on Terror media narrative. Counterterrorism video games reflect many of the themes of other media about terrorism, such as the demonization of terrorist enemies and the exaggeration of terrorist threats. However, video games strengthen these themes to make the threat of terrorism appear more pervasive and imminent. Consequently, counterterrorism games display an intensified vision of the War on Terror narrative, in which the entire world is a war zone. This leads game narratives to simulate and justify more extreme state responses to terrorism.  相似文献   

The Propaganda of the Deed: Terrorism, Counterterrorism, and Mobilization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many terrorist factions care about the level of popular support they enjoy within a population they claim to represent. Empirically, this level of support can either rise or fall in the aftermath of a campaign of terrorist violence. Under what circumstances is the use of terror an effective tactic for mobilizing political support for an extremist group? This article models a scenario in which an extremist faction considers attacking a government in the hopes of provoking a counterterror response that will radicalize the population, increasing the extremists' support at the expense of a more moderate faction. In our scenario, such radicalization can result either from the economic damage caused by counterterror operations or by the way in which such operations change the population's assessment of the government's motivations. We demonstrate that such attempts at mobilizing public support can be, but need not be, successful, discuss factors that make both the initiation of a terror campaign and successful mobilization more or less likely, and relate our results to several empirical cases.  相似文献   

从马德里铁路大爆炸看我国铁路反恐体系的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年3月11日,西班牙首都马德里及附近地区3列火车4节车厢连续发生10余起爆炸,造成2O0余人死亡,18O0余人受伤。这次系列爆炸震撼了全球,也给我们敲响了铁路反恐工作的警钟。铁路成为恐怖主义分子制造爆炸、投毒等破坏的重要目标的主要原因:(一)铁路是社会的主要交通运输工具,铁路在一个国家的经济生产和人民生活,甚至军事、涉外等方面具有重要影响;(二)铁路是社会人财物高度聚集的流动性很强的公共场所,铁路发生爆炸可以造成大量的人财物损失,破坏程度巨大;(三)铁路的分布范围广,列车昼夜固定高速运行,安全防范体系薄弱。对于恐怖主义采取在铁路站车制造爆炸的新型恐怖主义犯罪,我们应该有清醒的认识,应该从我国的反恐斗争需要出发,研究、制定国家的铁路反恐体系,以确保铁路的安全。  相似文献   

Vance Gulliksen 《Society》2008,45(4):342-344

This article adds to earlier research revealing that the American news media did not discharge their responsibility as a watchdog press in the post-9/11 years by failing to scrutinize extreme and unlawful government policies and actions, most of all the decision to invade Iraq based on false information about Saddam Hussein’s alleged weapons of mass destruction arsenal. The content analyses presented here demonstrate that leading US news organizations, both television and print, did not expressly refer to human rights violations when they reported on the torturing of foreign detainees during “enhanced interrogations” in US-run prison facilities abroad and the killing of civilians, including children, in US drone strikes overseas and outside theaters of war. Moreover, by framing torture and the “collateral damage” caused by drone-launched missile attacks episodically rather than in the context of human rights, the news media failed to alert the American public to the grave humanitarian violations in the so-called war on terrorism during the George W. Bush and Barack Obama administrations.  相似文献   

Explanatory models of attitudes toward U.S. domestic counterterrorism policy routinely incorporate individual concern over terrorism, but uniformly disregard concern about the government??s use of domestic surveillance. Indeed, one of the most prominent works of this kind explicitly argues that ordinary Americans will not perceive that government monitoring targets people like themselves and thus domestic surveillance programs will not generate anxiety. We question this assumption on theoretical and historical grounds. Our research uses a unique probability sample survey to demonstrate that significant portions of ordinary Americans feel anxious about domestic government monitoring. Moreover, the results show that anxiety about government monitoring negatively relates to attitudes toward domestic counterterrorism policies. Although never included in previous models, and even plainly dismissed as irrelevant, felt anxiety about government monitoring importantly predicts attitudes about domestic counterterrorism policies.  相似文献   

产业集群理论及其进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
产业集群现象的大量出现以及成功的发展实践 ,已成为许多学者研究的焦点。本文回顾了产业集群的经典理论 ,并简要介绍了国内外有关产业集群理论的研究现状。由于区域发展过程中存在问题的复杂性以及区域间发展个性的差异 ,研究产业集群的形成和发展 ,不能寄希望于任何单一理论 ,以求全面地解释所有的发展问题。而应该从多种角度来分析 ,从研究区域创新网络的视角来探讨产业集群发展的机制。  相似文献   

Biotechnology will be the star industry of the 21st century, and will also be one of the main focal areas of Taiwan's future industrial development. Many scholars have suggested that the presence of geographical clusters is an important factor that determines an industry's international competitiveness. As an example of the clustering effect, when high‐tech industry was just starting to take off in Taiwan, the establishment of the Hsinchu Science‐Based Industrial Park successfully promoted the upgrading of the industrial structure. The goal of this study is to explore the development of an industrial park location selection model for Taiwan's biotech industry, while considering the influence of the clustering effect, with the ultimate intent of promoting the industry's development. Because clustering factors are certainly not necessarily independent, and may entail a feedback effect, this study uses the analytic network process (ANP) multiple criteria decision‐making (MCDM) model to construct a “biotech park” location selection model, and then determine the optimal location of a biotech park from three alternatives. The results suggest that Taipei City would be the optimal choice for a biotech park. This finding can serve to guide the government's biotech industry development policies.  相似文献   

In this paper we use evidence from the recent trajectories of mining industry associations in the Australian federation to argue for the significance of institutional explanations for the formation and maintenance of interest groups. We argue that the recent lack of consultation by the Commonwealth government with the Minerals Council of Australia over resources rent taxation proposals reflected a weakness that resulted from the shifting basis of associability stemming from institutional changes.  相似文献   

在资源、环境等压力加大和国内外经济不利影响加剧的形势下,东部产业向中西部转移是缓解各种发展压力,促进产业升级的必然要求。东部产业向中西部转移的动力机制主要有低成本吸引、产业链延伸等;投资进入方式主要有商会引导和牵线搭桥、财团经济扩展模式等。目前东部产业向中西部转移,面临着地方政府行为短期化和非规范化、投资环境的差异以及人力资源和人文环境等方面的障碍。加快东部产业向中西部的转移,需要中西部培育良好的投资环境,加强与东部的产业合作和资本结合等。  相似文献   

行业选择对企业市场价值的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本用实证研究的方法,分析在中国的市场环境中,行业选择对企业市场价值的影响。时行业风险作回归分析,对市场分化具体的概括,对股市各行业价格指数与整体市场人格指数的有序关系进行分别研究,最后分析各行业与市场平均水平差异形成的原因。研究结果表明,行业选择在我国对企业的市场价值有着很强的决定作用,不同的行业归属在很大程度上决定了投资了投资对企业价值的认同,从而决定企业价值在市场上的实现。  相似文献   

本文针对电子信息产业发展中存在的问题,分析了制约四川电子信息产业发展的"瓶颈",运用宏观经济学产业经济学和风险投资的基本理论,提出发展四川电子信息产业风险投资的对策建议.  相似文献   

张洁 《学理论》2008,(24):25-27
"满业"是20世纪30年代后半期到40年代前半期日本在中国东北设立的掠夺东北经济资源的超级垄断组织,全称是"满洲重工业开发株式会社",简称"满业"。"满业"是在日本政府和伪满当局及军方的大力支持下创立的垄断伪满重工业的"国策"会社,服务于日本不断扩大的侵略战争的需求。本文主要从"满业"的建立、"满业"对东北重工业的垄断、"满业"垄断东北重工业的影响三个方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

Royce Turner 《管理》1997,10(4):377-395
The coal industry has provided for huge controversy since the 1970s. Much of it has focused on contraction and attempts to stop that. This article examines the efforts of two pressure groups—the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) and the Coalfield Communities Campaign (CCC)—seeking to manipulate the political agenda in their own favor. It examines why the two groups, though both trying to affect issues on the political agenda to meet aspirations in coalfields, met a different response. It also examines why and how the CCC was able to achieve more success at political agenda manipulation at the European, rather than the national, level.  相似文献   

支柱产业选择与中国旅游产业的效用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
支柱产业是在一定时期内能够支撑和推动国民经济发展的产业。当前 ,旅游业已成为我国国民经济新的增长点 ,具有成为我国支柱产业的条件和优势。  相似文献   

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