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近年来,我国数字城市、5G运用、未来社区建设的推进,改变了老年人的社区养老环境,老年友好社区作为我国社区研究中的一个重要组成部分,亟待对其在数字城市背景下的构建内容、实践与评估、发展趋势开展深入探究。本研究通过对杭州市K街道N社区数字化背景下的老年友好社区构建的满意度调查,分析了数字化背景下的老年友好社区构建与老年人日常生活的关系、与原居养老的关系、与代际互动的关系以及融入的意愿度,认为这是老年友好社区的构建内容从单一的物质环境向多维度转变、构建主体由政府单一型向老年人参与及多主体合作型转变,探索形成良好代际互动的全龄社区的内在机制。  相似文献   

从概念辨识入手,利用权威数据,描述近几十年我国离婚率和离婚态的变动趋势及水平。研究发现:我国的离婚率持续增长,超过日本与韩国;因年轻人口总量减少,可结婚人的比例下降,离婚结婚比持续上升。数据分析显示,1982年以来,我国离婚态占比单调上升:就人群特征而言,35-49岁年龄组、男性、中等教育程度人群(1990年除外)、商业服务人员和办事人员(1990年除外)离婚态占比最高,女性的离婚态占比较之男性上升趋势更为明显;就地域分布而言,各省处于离婚态人群的占比呈西高东低、北高南低趋势,东北地区及西部省区城市人群离婚态占比最高。离婚率和离婚态的持续攀升是多重制度、城镇化与市场化结构、家庭与个体特质等因素综合作用的结果。离婚不仅透视出家庭的不稳定性,损害(部分)家庭成员福祉,而且可能引发更大范围的负面效应。在尊重当事人意愿的前提下,必须从源头、过程和后果上加强对离婚行为的社会治理,减少不必要的离婚现象。  相似文献   

Raath  Andries 《Publius》2000,30(2):87-110
This study investigates the tenability off. Wayne Baker's viewsof theological and political federalism and the origins thereofin the thought of Heinrich Bullinger within the jurisprudentialcontext of the early Cape settlement (1652–1708). Mostauthors commenting on the ideological roots of this Dutch settlementof the middle of the seventeenth century advanced the uncriticalnotion that Dutch Calvinism determined the nature of the communityat the Cape. A critical analysis shows that the Reformed approachof federalism, flowing from Henrich Bullinger's views of thecovenant, played a much more fundamental role in this earlyformative phase of typical Cape jurisprudence. This federaljurisprudence provided a vision of legality based on the lawof God and legitimacy involving the whole of society bound tothe precepts in the Decalogue. In the final analysis, the underpinningsof the rule of law applied at the Cape settlement confirm Baker'sconclusions about the fundamental impact Bullinger's federalviews had on the Reformed world of the sixteenth and seventeenthcenturies.  相似文献   

We examine the dynamics of the impact of the evolving policy response during the COVID-19 pandemic on the equity market sentiment in India. We operationalise our study by examining the India VIX, the fear gauge of the Indian equity market as an indicator for the market sentiment, and the country level Government Response Index of the Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University as an indicator for the policy response. The relation is examined through the Markov-switching model using high-frequency daily data from January 30, 2020, to May 31, 2021. The evidence suggests that the policy response has a positive impact on the market sentiment when the market is fearful. Further, the evidence suggests that both the high-fear state and the low-fear state of the market sentiment given by the model are short-lived indicating heightened volatility and possible speculation during the ongoing pandemic in the Indian equity market.  相似文献   

This article aims to provide an assessment of the evolution and contribution since 2001 of the European Union infrastructure and transport protection policies to the European fight against terrorism. Using the avowed goals of the Protect strand of the 2005 EU Counter-terrorism Strategy as a yardstick, the intention here is to evaluate the extent to which reality matches the aspirations present in the European political discourse and in particular the overall aim of ‘strengthen[ing] the defences of key targets, by reducing their vulnerability to attacks, and also by reducing the resulting impact of an attack’. In this way, special attention is paid to the outcomes from a number of initiatives in the field such as the European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection (EPCIP), the Critical Infrastructure Warning Information Network (CIWIN), the Action Plan for the Enhancement of the Security of Explosives, the directives and regulations on aviation and maritime security and others. Continuing the pattern set out by the other contributions in this issue, the objective is to assess the degree to which initiatives have led to practical results, the political and institutional factors that have facilitated the process of policy development and implementation, the obstacles that have stood in the way of the practical realization of the initial objectives and, finally, lessons learnt.  相似文献   

当代中华民族话语体系中,有两个关键词语:一是实现中华民族伟大复兴;二是铸牢中华民族共同体意识。深入研究中华民族复兴与中华民族共同体建设的关系,对于创新完善中华民族话语体系具有重要意义。民族复兴的涵义是国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福,三者统一于复兴民族走向现代化的历史进程。与此相应,民族复兴战略全局中的中华民族共同体建设,要开拓世界历史、国家、民族、国民四个维度以形成新格局。中华民族共同体建设要兼顾规模和效率,平行推进中华民族作为民族共同体和国民共同体的建设;要在国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的整体框架中,作出相关战略布局和资源配置;作为民族共同体的建设,要铸牢中华民族共同体意识,夯实各民族共同繁荣的物质基础;作为国民共同体的建设,要从全体国民和国民个体两方面,增加扩展中华民族共同体建设的国民维度。  相似文献   

拓宏伟  惠晓峰 《学理论》2012,(16):34-36
人民幸福是中国共产党人自建党之日起就铭刻在理想旗帜上的奋斗目标。为着这一伟大目标,中国共产党人作出了不懈努力、无私付出和巨大牺牲,同时也取得了伟大成就。在长期的奋斗过程中,我们看到,我们党形成的关于人民幸福的思想,成为了马克思主义理论的重要组成部分;以毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民为核心的历代中国共产党人为人民幸福进行了积极的探索和深入的实践;新时期以胡锦涛为核心的中国共产党人在科学发展观指导下赋予了人民幸福更加丰富的时代内涵,中国共产党人正昂首行进在为人民谋幸福的中国特色社会主义道路上。  相似文献   

This article explores the politics of response to the 7 July 2005 London bombings, by analysing UK counter-terrorism institutional campaigns in the three years following the attack. By drawing on the interpretive category of community/immunity, the semiotic analysis of counter-terrorism campaigns aims to describe their representation of the political community and citizen in the immediate aftermath of the terrorist attacks. The article argues that the counter-terrorism discourse relies on two contrasting tendencies: on the one hand, the unifying force that brings people together in the name of common values; and on the other, the necessity to weaken communitarian bonds in order to allow the citizen to control and check-up on others, reporting “anything suspicious” to authorities. In these texts, the figure of the citizen surveillant clearly emerges. Surveillance activities are shaped around the representation of the terrorist event, from the image of the terrorist in normal everyday life to the actual attacks. Paradoxically this brings about a mimicry effect. The surveillance action carried out by the citizen and the imagined actions of the preparation of a terrorist attack partially overlap in the way they are described and visually represented.  相似文献   

刑事诉讼法中的强制措施是保障刑事诉讼顺利进行的有力措施,但同时它也最容易对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的人身权利造成侵害。在当事人遭受强制措施的侵害之后,如何及时挽救被侵害人的权利,恢复当事人的利益、保障犯罪嫌疑人以及被告人的人权,是刑事诉讼制度中需要特别关注的内容。我国刑事诉讼法没有赋予被采取强制措施者对强制措施提起异议的权利,特别是侦查阶段强制措施适用较少受到制约,犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的人身权利和财产权难以得到有效保障。因此,建议在我国刑事诉讼法中建立强制性侦查措施的异议机制。  相似文献   

科学发展观与执政资源的使用和保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
执政资源是中国共产党生存和发展不可或缺的宝贵财富。加强执政资源建设,事关党和党的事业的生存与发展。科学发展观作为与时俱进的发展理念,既是党的理论创新的产物,也是党发展建设的指导。研究党的执政资源的使用和保护,要以科学发展观为指导,只有把科学发展观的思想植入执政资源建设,才能使党的执政资源建设稳步推进、全面协调、永续发展。本文提出要从“以人为本”出发树立执政资源来自人民服务人民等意识;要立足实际全面协调有效地使用执政资源;要着眼长远注意积累开发执政资源。  相似文献   

任何刑事案件的侦破过程都处于运动、变化、发展的侦查情势中,情势的易变性决定了侦查活动的复杂性。为了深刻把握侦查情势的运行规律,我们通过勾画侦查情势构造图的形式,运用静态分析的方式,从侦查中主体、客体与环境的关系入手,以案件结构要素与侦查基本程式的关联性为目标,力图准确地剖析侦查情势构造,进而对侦查情势进行科学解读。  相似文献   

It is commonplace to observe that while Marx saw the withering away of the state as necessary for communism, the state in ‘Communist’ societies has done anything but wither away. This seems to indicate a paradox in the Marxian theory, whose resolution would probably tend to undermine the theory itself. It is, however, argued that the expansion of the state in ‘Communist’ societies is only apparently contradictory to the Marxian theory, and that the theory in fact provides the basis for a most adequate account of this phenomenon. But the theory does have a genuinely paradoxical quality which lies in the tension between the political and its social basis, in the socialist movement. The fundamental component of the Marxian theory is its demonstration of the dependence of the state and politics on society; the problem then is the very status of ‘the political’ as a category, and especially the meaning of a ‘marxist politics’. Marxism itself demonstrates that the very existence of ‘politics in the direct and narrow sense of the word’ is the product of an alienated society, and yet it posits a politics which necessarily exists partly in this very sense. This paper considers the Marxian theory and the problems it tries to deal with, and attempts to show that the solution to its paradox lies in resolving the real tension between the social movement and its political expression. It will be argued that terms of the dilemma are being modified by changes in the relations between the state and society. These changes make a political solution of social contradictions more possible, precisely because they reduce the abstraction of politics from society.  相似文献   

This article will consider the approach of 1992 and the single market from the perspective of the community budget. It will begin by recalling the distinctive characteristics of that budget and the way in which argument about it dominated the EC agenda throughout the 1980s up until the Brussels European Council meeting held between 11 and 13 February 1988. It will then consider the relationship between the decisions taken in Brussels and the wider issue of the creation of a single market. In particular, it will examine the issue of resource availability and will argue that the budgetary framework established in Brussels significantly contributed to modifying the extent and nature of community policies in a way which will continue to be felt after 1992. It will conclude by arguing that the process initiated in Brussels has widened the acquis communautaire and altered the balance between autonomy and interdependence in the community in the run-up to the creation of the single market.  相似文献   

针对现阶段基层公职人员经济类违纪发案率较高的实际情况,根据文献研究结论、纪检办案流程研究与办案人员经验总结等,确定了基层公职人员经济类违纪因素的18个问卷调查指标,随机问卷调查了104件基层公职人员经济类违纪案件。对问卷调查结果进行探索性因子分析,萃取出5大类违纪共性因素,即法纪保健因素、思想道德因素、工作激励因素、监督制约因素、廉洁自律因素。以处分结果变量为因变量、萃取出的5大类因子作为自变量,采用逐步多元回归分析方法,得出违纪的基层公职人员3大类经济类违纪主要因素,即法纪道德因素、思想道德因素和监督制约因素。根据实证研究的结果,提出了加大查案力度,强化廉政教育,加强监督制约等预防建议。  相似文献   

马克思视野中的“人”是人的抽象和人的现实的统一。具体表现在人的抽象是人的现实的价值评判尺度和根本方法;人的现实是人的抽象的特殊表现;人的抽象在人的现实发展中生成。马克思关于人的抽象与以往传统人学中抽象的人有着根本的区别,其出发点和归宿点不同。马克思在这个问题上的根本变革在于两者在实践基础上达到了统一。马克思关于人的抽象和人的现实关系的学理层面的意义在于,人学研究要把人学的基础理论和人的现实问题结合起来;实践层面的意义在于,以人为本要实现共性和差异、整合和分解的统一。  相似文献   

中国特色社会主义制度和国家治理体系具有无比优势,但制度优势还有待于转化为治理效能,治理能力还有待于进一步提高。实现现代化,当务之急是积极促进我国制度优势转化为治理效能。为此,应当加强和改善党对制度优势转化为治理效能的领导,各级党组织要充分认识和高度重视把制度优势转化为治理效能的重大意义,坚决贯彻党集中统一领导的各项制度,确保治理工作始终坚持正确的方向;应当充分发挥人民在制度优势转化为治理效能中的主体作用,完善人民代表大会组织制度和工作制度、立法和决定功能、监督功能,充分发挥共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度、基层群众自治制度的作用;应当改革和创新治理的体制机制,优化行政决策体制机制,强化行政执行体制机制,加强责任追究制度,健全行政执法责任制;应当优化政府职责体系和行政监管督察体制机制,加强决策监督、执行监管督察、效能监管督察,实现监督督察的制度化、程序化;应当正确处理和理顺各种治理关系,特别是政府和市场的关系、中央和地方关系、各行政部门之间的关系;应当强化各级领导干部的制度意识,不断提高其治理能力。  相似文献   

This article examines the growing trend towards regional cooperation in the corridor between the Baltic and the Adriatic/ Black Sea and specifically focuses on the origins, structures, activities and prospects of the most important such bodies: the Nordic Council, the Baltic Sea Council, the Visegrad Group, the Central European Initiative, and the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Region. It seeks to place this recent development in the wider context of the longer‐term conflicts within the region and the relations between the states of the region and the European Community. The conclusion is that such regional co‐operation is not a strategic alternative to EC membership, but can represent an important and lasting element in the new European architecture.  相似文献   

代理治理模式揭示基层政府治理的性质,指出基层政府治理体系的核心元素是政治治理而不是科层治理,是党政统合体系与威权治理结构的多重因素作用结果。代理治理模式有三个基本特征:代理治理是政治职能与行政职能的统合体系;代理治理与社会是一种统治关系;代理治理是一种多中心权威治理结构。代理治理模式的权力来源在国家,不在基层社会,向上级政府(国家)负责,与基层社会没有授权关系。代理治理模式的现代转型,应从基层政府的政治职能与行政职能的分离着手,以民主法治原则来建构基层政府的权力结构和治理体系,在行政职能上建构政府治理的公共本质,在政治职能上建构基层治理的社会授权关系。  相似文献   

The study aimed at measuring and analyzing the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the growth of the Jordanian tourism sector during the period 1980–2016. In order to test the stationarity of the variables of the study model, the augmented Dickey–Fuller and the Philips Perron tests were applied. The results showed that the variables were not stationary at their levels, but they become so when taking the first difference with the intercept. The study also found a positive long‐run relationship between the ratio of FDI to gross domestic product (GDP) and the ratio of tourism revenues to GDP according to the cointegration test used, which was the Granger causality test. The test showed a one‐way causal relationship between the ratio of FDI to GDP and the ratio of tourism revenue to GDP. According to the estimation results, the error correction model showed that there is a positive impact of FDI on the growth of the tourism sector. Based on the results reached, the study recommended the need to pay attention to the tourism sector, enhance its role in economic development, and work to provide an optimal investment environment by providing all necessary means for and assistance in establishing such investments. All obstacles that limit the flow of the FDI in the Jordanian tourism sector should be removed.  相似文献   

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