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《The Political quarterly》1956,27(1):101-121
Books reviewed in this article.
T he A frican A wakening . By B asil D avidson .
B lack M oses , the S tory of M arcus G arvey .
E lections and E lectors . By J. F. S. R oss .
L e R egime P olitique B ritannique . By A ndre M athiot .
M oslems on the M arch . By F. W. F ernau .
B ritish P ost -W ar M igration . By J ulius I saac .
P eopling the B ritish C ommonwealth . By G. F. M c C leary .
C ulture and H uman F ertility . By F rank L orimer , with special contributions by Meyer Fortes, K. A. Busia, Audrey I. Richards, Priscilla Reining and Giorgio Mortara.
A merican C onstitutional L aw . By B ernard S chwartz .
T he "H igher L aw " B ackground of A merican C onstitutional L aw . By E dward S. C orwin .
I ndia : N ew P attern . By L ady H artog .
I ndia at a G lance . Edited by G. D. B inani and T. V. R ama R ao .
T he T heory of E conomic G rowth . By W. A rthur L ewis .
S oviet E ncounter . By R ear -A dmiral P eltier .
T rade U nions and T he L aw . By H oratio V ester and A nthony H. G ardner .
T he U nknown P rime M inister : T he L ife and T imes of A ndrew B onar law , 1858–1923. By R obert B lake .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1986,57(2):195-225
Book reviews in this article:
T he D iary of B eatrice W ebb . Edited by N orman & J eanne M ackenzie Volume One 1873-1892 G litter A round and D arkness W ithin
Volume Two 1892-1905 A ll T he G ood T hings of L ife
Volume Three 1905-1924 T he P ower to A lter T hings
Volume Four T he W heel of L ife
T he L ast D issenter : H. N. B railsford and his W orld . By F. M. L eventhal .
K eir H ardie : R adical and S ocialist . By K enneth O. M organ .
C arrington : A L ife and a P olicy . By P atrick C osgrave .
T he R eturn of G rand T heory in the H uman S ciences . Edited by Q uentin S kinner .
A P reface to E conomic D emocracy . By R obert A. D ahl .
Y ears of R ecovery : B ritish E conomic P olicy 1945–51. By A lec C airncross .
T he N ew S elect C ommittees : A S tudy of T he 1979 R eforms . Edited by G avin D rewry .
W ork and I nequality . BY S usan L onsdale .
W omen's R ights at W ork : C ampaigns and P olicy in B ritain and the U nited S tates . BY E lizabeth M. M eehan .
R eduntant W omen . BY A ngela C oyle .
B eyond E mployment : H ousehold , G ender and S ubsistence . Edited by N anneke R edclift and E nzo M ingione .
U nions and E conomic C risis : B ritain , W est G ermany, and S weden . By P eter G ourevitch , A ndrew M artin , G eorge R oss , S tephen B orstein , A ndrei M arkovits, and C hristopher A llen .
I ndustrial R elations in B ritain . Edited by G eorge S ayers B ain .
H istory and H eritage ; T he S ocial O rigins of the B ritish I ndustrial R elations S ystem . By A lan F ox .
T he B ritish S tate and T he U lster C risis : F rom W ilson to T hatcher . By P aul B ew & H enry P atterson .
I reland : A P ositive P rosposal . By K evin B oyle and T om H adden .
B ritish P olicy T owards I reland 1921–1941. By P aul C anning .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1965,36(3):360-361
Book reviewed in this article:
T he Q uest for P eace . T he D ag H ammarskjöld M emorial L ectures . Edited by A ndrew W. C ordier and W ilder F oote .
S ocial P olicy . By T. H. M arshall .
B ritain L ooks to G ermany : A S tudy of B ritish O pinion and P olicy towards G ermany since 1945. By D. C. W att .
B efore T he S ocialists . By R oyden H arrison .
P ublic A dministration in F rance . By F. R idley and J. B londel .
T he R ise of the S oviet E mpire : A S tudy of S oviet F oreign P olicy . By J an L ibrach .
M andate M emories , 1918–1948. By N orman and H elen B entwich .
A C asebook of A dministrative L aw . By J. A. G. G riffith and H. S treet .
T he C ommons and T heir S peakers in E nglish P arliaments (1376-1523). By J. S. R oskell .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1967,38(2):200-223
Book reviewed in this article:
T he P olitical S ystem of C hile . By F ederico G. G il .
T he M exican P olitical S ystem . By L. V incent P adgett .
A cción D emocrática , E volution of a M odern P olitical P arty in V enezuela . By J ohn D. M artz .
T he A lliance for P rogress . By J. W arren N ystrom and N athan A. H averstock . [ D. van Nostrand Co .
A H istory of M odern B razil 1889–1964. By J osé M aria B ello . Translated from the Portuguese by J ames L. T aylor . With a new concluding chapter by R ollie E. P oppino .
T he P olitics of F inancial C ontrol . By G ordon R eid .
I nfluencing V oters . By richard rose.
T he B ritish G eneral E lection of 1966. By D. E. D utler and A nthony K ing .
H obbes's S cience of P olitics . By M. M. G oldsmith .
P olitical B ehaviour in I ndia . A C ase s tudy of the 1962 G eneral e lections . By V. M. S irsikar .
M inority P olitics in the P unjab . By B. R. N ayar .
S uccession in i ndia. A S tudy in D ecision -M aking . By M ichael B recher .
A tomic E nergy P olicy in F rance under the F ourth R epublic . By L awrence S cheinman .
P hilip S nowden . By C olin C ross .
T he A ccountability and A udit of G overnments . By E. L. N ormanton .
T he P aranoid S tyle in A merican P olitics . By R ichard H ofstader .
I ronies of H istory : E ssays on C ontemporary C ommunism . By I saac D eutscher .
M odern T rade U nion L aw . By C yril G runfeld .
T rades U nion L aw . By H. S amuels .
T he B lackcoated W orker . By D avid L ockwood .
W hite C ollar T rade U nions . Edited by A dolf S turmthal .
W orkers , U nions and the s tate . By G raham W ootton .
D e G aulle and the W orld : T he f oreign P olicy of the F ifth F rench R epublic . By W. W. K ulski .
C entral and L ocal G overnment . By R. E. C. j ewell .
T he L ife of the M ind in A merica . By P erry M iller .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
M ussolini ' s I taly . By Dr. H erman F iner .
C ivilisation and the G rowth of L aw . By W illiam A. R obson .
T he R ebuilding of manchester . By E. D. S imon and J. I nman .
T he H ousing Q uestion . By F rederick E ngels . Edited by C. P. D utt .
T he D efence OF F reedom . By M. A lderton P ink .
L eonard W oolf . T he P olitical I nfluence of Q een V ictoria ,1861–1901. By F rank H ardie .
K ingsley M artin M odern T rade U nionism . By J. T. M urphy .
J. H enry R ichardson . B ritian ' s A ir P olicy . By J onathan G riffin .
D isarmament in B ritish F oreign P olicy . By R olland A. C haput .
P olicies and O pinions at P aris , 1919. By G eorge B. N oble .
W. A rnold -F orster W hat I S aw in S pain . By L eah M anning .
W orld R eorganisation on C orporative L ines . By G iuseppe de M ichelis .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1983,54(3):317-335
Book review in this article:
U nions , C hange and C risis : F rench and I talian U nion S trategy and T he P olitical E conomy , 1945–1980. By P eter L ange , G eorge R oss, and M aurizio V annicelli .
T he M edical E ffects of N uclear W ar : R eport of T he B ritish M edical A ssociation's B oard of S cience and E ducation .
N uclear W ar : T he A ftermath . Edited by J eannie P eterson .
T he F ate of T he E arth . By J onathan S chell .
T he S urvival O ption : A G uide to L iving T hrough N uclear W ar . By I van T yrrell .
U nderstanding the U nited K ingdom : T he T erritorial D imension in G overnment . By R ichard R ose
T he T erritorial D imension in U nited K ingdom P olitics . Edited by P eter M adgwick and R ichard R ose
T he E nglish W orld : H istory , C haracter and P eople . Edited by R obert B lake .
E urope's N uclear P ower E xperiment : H istory of the OECD D ragon P roject . By E. N. S haw .
F usion : S cience , P olitics and the I nvention of a N ew E nergy S ource . By J oan L isa B romberg .
T he P relude to the T ruman D octrine : B ritish P olicy in G reece 1944–1947. By G. M. A lexander .
U nder J apanese M anagement . By M ichael W hite and M alcolm T revor .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1949,20(2):176-200
Book reviewed in this article:
P roudhon . By E douard D olléans .
M akers of the L abour M ovement . By M argaret C ole . W ith a F oreword by H ugh D alton .
T he H absburg M onarchy . By A. J. P. T aylor .
T he W hite H ouse P apers of H arry L. H opkins . An Intimate History By R obert E. S herwood
C iano's D iplomatic P apers . Edited by M alcolm M uggeridge
T wentieth C entury E mpire . By H. V. H odson .
C olonial P olicy and P ractice . A C omparative S tudy of B urma and N etherlands I ndia . By J . S. F urnivall .
T ime L onger T han R ope .– By E dward R oux .
C ollective S ecurity in S wiss E xperience (1291–1948). By W illiam E. R appard .
L a C onstitution F édérale de la S uisse 1848, 1948. By WI lliam E. R appard .
T he M ost C ivilised P eople in E urope . By H amilton F yfe .
B ritish C inemas and their A udiences . By J. P. M ayer .
M ilitary and P olitical C onsequences of A tomic E nergy . By P. M. S. B lackett .
A H istory of the L abour P arty from 1914. By G. D. H. C ole .
S ocialism the B ritish W ay . Edited by D onald M unro , with a foreword by Herbert Morrison.
N ational S elf -D etermination . By A lfred C obban .
T he Y ear B ook of W orld A ffairs , 1949.
T he U nited N ations A ssociation Y earbook , 1948. Edited by H. E. M adol in collaboration with A. W. de R usett and L eslie R. A ldous .
C hristopher C olumbus . By S alvador de M adariaga .
T hes/ A dministration of the L aw . By the R t . H on . S ir H enry S lesser .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1959,30(4):411-431
Book reviewed in this article:
L aw and O pinion in E ngland in the T wentieth C entury , being the text of seventeen lectures delivered at the London School of Economics, 1957–58. Editor: M orris G insberg .
T he A ge of I mprovement . By A sa B riggs .
Y our S econdary M odern S chools . By J. V incent C hapman .
T he P ress in A uthoritarian C ountries .
T he S oviet U nion and the M iddle E ast . By W alter L aqueur .
N igeria : B ackground to N ationalism . By J ames S. C oleman .
N ew F abian C olonial E ssays . Edited by A rthur C reech J ones .
B ritish P olicy in C hanging A frica . By S ir A ndrew C ohen .
W hat A re the P roblems of P arliamentary G overnment in W est A frica ?
E veryman's A frica . By J ohn H atch .
A S urvey of N orth W est A frica (T he M aghrib ). Edited by N evill B arbour .
S yria and L ebanon under F rench M andate . By S. H. L ongrigg .
S yria : A S hort H istory . By P hilip K. H itti .
T he A fro -A sian S tates and T heir P roblems . By K. M. P anikkar .
S ocialism in S outhern A sia . By S aul R ose .
T he D ictionary of N ational B iography , 1941–1950. Edited by L. G. W ickham -L egg and E. T. W illiams .
P rimitive R ebels . By E. J. H obsbawm .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1941,12(2):223-236
T he D evelopment of M odern F rance (1870–1939). By D. W. B rogan .
A dvisory B odies : A S tudy of T heir U ses in R elation to C entral G overnment , 1919–1939. Edited by R. V. V ernon and N. M ansergh .
T he C ambridge H istory of the B ritish E mpire . Volume II. The New Empire.
B ritish W orking C lass P olitics , 1832–1914. By G. D. H. C ole .
T he U kraine . By W. E. D. A llen .
D emocracy's L ast B attle . By F rancis W illiams .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article.
T he S tudy of P olitical B ehaviour . By D. E. B utler .
T he F oundations of P olitical T heory . By H. R. G. G reaves .
T he T heory of C ommittees and E lections . By D uncan B lack .
C onviction . Edited by N orman M ackenzie .
O ppression and L iberty . By S imone W eil .
T he H uman C ondition . By H annah A rendt .
L abour and P olitics , 1900–1906. A H istory of the L abour R epresentation C ommittee . By F. B ealey and H. P elling .
T he B ritish C ommunist P arty . A H istorical P rofile . By H. P elling .
E ssays on "T he W elfare S tate ." By R. M. T itmuss .
T he M inistry of P ensions and N ational I nsurance . By S ir G eoffrey S. K ing .
N ationalisation in B ritain . T he E nd of a D ogma . By R. K elf -C ohen .
N ational W ages P olicy in W ar and P eace . By B. C. R oberts .
T he B ackground to C urrent A ffairs . By D esmond C rowley .
T he V ichy R eagime , 1940–1944. By R obert A ron , in collaboration with G eorgette E lgey . Translated by H umphrey H are .
Q uai d'orsay (1945–1951). By J acques D umaine , with a Preface by F rancois M auriac . Translated by A lan D avidson .
T he C oming C aesars . By A maury de R iencourt .
P roblems of the N ew C ommonwealth . By S ir I vor J ennings .
A ustralian A ccent . By J. D. P ringle .
T he F irebrand . By W illiam K ilbourn .
SHORTER NOTICES T he B ritish S ystem of T axation .
W hat is the C ommonwealth ?
E conomic D evelopment in the C ommonwealth .
N ew U niversity . By J ack S immons .  相似文献   

Book review in this article:
E uropean G overnments and P olitics . By F rederic A. O gg , P h .D., L.L.D.
T he D uty of E mpire . By L eonard B arnes .
"Q uack , Q uack !" By L eonard W oolf .
Q ueen V ictoria . By E. F. B enson .
T he T willight of T he S upreme C ourt . By E dward S. C orwin
A dministrative L egislation and A djudication . By F rederick F. B lachly and
M iriam E. O atman
E ssays on the L aw and P ractice of G overnmental A dministration .
C harles G. H aines and
M arshall G. D imock
W illiam A. R obson
T he N ature of C apitalist C risis . By J ohn S trachey
M aurice D obb .
P rinciples of E conomic P lanning . By G. D. H. C ole
P lanning for E mployment . By S ome M embers of P arliament .
I vor T homas .
R ussia's I ron A ge . By W. H. C hamberlin
E conomic P lanning in S oviet R ussia . By B oris B rutzkus
T he S ecound F ive Y ear P lan . By W. P. and Z. K. C oates
L aw and J ustice in S oviet R ussia . By H. J. L aski
H. L. B eales
T he F all of the G erman R epublic . A P olical S tudy . By R. T. C lark
C harles H. W ilson
T he H istory of T he T imes . "T he T hunderer " in the M aking
T he P ress in E ngland . By K urt V on S tutterhem
L eonard W oolf
T he B leak A ge . By J. L. & B arbara H ammond .
T raining for C itizenship . By S ir E rnest S imon & E va M. H ubback
T he N eed for C onstitutional R eform . A P rogramme N ational S ecurity . By W illiam Y andell E lliott
M. J. B onn .
L ord B rougham By G. T. G arratt
W orld P olitics and P ersonal I nsecurity . By H arold D. L asswell
I nternational D elusions
L aw and the S ocial S ciences . By H untingdon C airns . Foreword by R oscoe P ound .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1991,62(1):125-146
Book reviews in this article:
T he W orld T rading S ystem . L aw and P olicy of I nternational E conomic R elations . By J ohn H. J ackson .
R estructuring the G att S ystem . By J ohn H. J ackson .
I nternational C ompetition in S ervices . A C onstitutional F ramework . By J ohn H. J ackson .
L iberalizing S ervice T rade . S trategies for S uccess . By P hedon N icolaides .
T he C ompetitive A dvantage of N ations . By M ichael E. P orter .
C apitalism . By A rthur S eldon .
C orporatism and A ccountability : O rganized I nterests in B ritish P ublic L ife . Edited by C olin C rouch and R onald D ore .
U prooting P overty T he S outh A frican C hallenge . By F rancis W ilson and M amphela R amphele .
P ower and P rejudice : W omen and P olitics . By A nna C oote and P olly P attullo .
A verting the A pocalypse : S ocial M ovements in I ndia . By A rthur B onner .
A P rice T oo H igh . By P eter R awlinson .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1980,51(2):227-249
Books Reviewed in this Article:
L ying : M oral C hoice in P ublic and P rivate L ife . By S issela B ok .
T he E thics of W ar . By B akrie P askins and M ichael D ockrill .
N uclear A rms in the T hird W orld : U.S. P olicy D ilemma . By E rnest W. L efever .
N uclear P ower and N uclear W eapons P roliferation . By T he A tlantic C ouncil's N uclear F uels P olicy W orking G roup .
N uclear F uel A ssurance : O rigins , T rends , and P olicy I ssues . Ry T homas L. N eff and H enry D. J acoby .
P olitics in I ndustrial S ociety . T he E xperience of T he B ritish S ystem S ince 1911. By K eith M iddlemas .
S low G rowth in B retain : C auses and C onsequences . Edited by W ilfred B eckerman .
B eyond I ndustrial G rowth . Edited by A braham R otstein .
C ontroversy : P olitics of T echnical D ecisions . Edited by D orothy N elkin .
T elevision , C ensorship and T he L aw . By C olin R. M unro .
T elevision and P olitical L ife . Edited by A nthony S mith .
M edia , P olitics and C ulture : A S ocialist V iew . By C arl G ardner .
I n on T he A ct : M emoirs of a L awmaker . By S ir H arold K ent .
R ethinking C ommunity M edicine . U nit for the S tudy of H ealth P olicy .
T he P alestine T riangle : T he S truggle B etween T he B ritish , T he J ews and T he A rabs , 1935-48. By N icholas B ethell .
L eadership . By J ames M ac G regor B urns .
T he R ussian M ind . By R onald H ingley .
T he F actory of G rievances : D evolved G overnment in N orthern I reland , 1921-1939. By P atrick B uckland .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1965,36(2):228-231
Book reviewed in this article:
S ystems of I ntegrating the I nternational C ommunity . Edited by E lmer P lischke .
T he R ole of T heory in I nternational R elations . Edited by H orace V. H arrison .
A ction and R eaction in W orld P olitics . By R ichard N. R osecrance .
W alter L ippmann's P hilosophy of I nternational P olitics . By A nwar S yed .
U nited N ations F orces . By D. W. B owett .
T he B ureaucratic P henomenon . By M ichel C rozier .
P olitics in G hana , 1946–1960. By D ennis A ustin .
L ocal G overnment in G hana . By J. K. N sarkoh .
T he C ongo S ince I ndependence : J anuary 1960 to D ecember 1961. By C atherine H oskyns .
D ocuments on C hina's R elations with S outh and S outh -E ast A sia 1949–1962. Edited by G. V. A mbekar and V. D. D ivekar
S outheast A sia , I llusion and R eality in P olitics and E conomics . By L ennox A. M ills
G overnments and P olitics of S outheast A sia . Edited by G eorge M c T urnan K ahin . S aul R ose
T he C onservative P arty in O pposition , 1945–51. By J. D. H offman .
P lekhanov . T he F ather of R ussian M arxism . By S amuel H. B aron .
M en and W ork : T he A utobiography of L ord C itrine .
A D ictionary of the S ocial S ciences . Edited by J ulius G ould and W illiam L. K olb .
E nglish C onstitutional T heory and the H ouse of L ords 1556 to 1832. By C orinne C omstock W eston .
T he G enesis of P arliamentary R eform . By G. S. V eitch
C hartist P ortraits . By G. D. H. C ole .
T he E ssentials of P arliament D emocracy . By R. B assett .
G reat B ritain and G hana D ocuments of G hana H istory 1807–1957. By G. E. M etcalfe .
T he S ocialist C ommonwealth of N ations . Organisation and Institutions. By K azimierz G rzybowski .
B ritish P olitics and the A merican R evolution . By B ernard D onoughue .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
B eyond the W elfare S tate . By G unnar M yrdal .
S ocial M obility in I ndustrial S ociety . By S. M. L ipset and R. B endix .
N ationalised I ndustries and P ublic O wnership . By W illiam A. R obson .
A H istory of the N ursing P rofession . By B. A bel -S mith .
P ioneers in C riminology . Ed; H ermann M annheim .
R estitution to V ictims of C rime . By S tephen S chafer .
S owing . By L eonard W oolf .
I mperialism and S ocial R eform : E nglish S ocial -I mperial T hought 1895–1914. By B ernard S emmel .
N igerian P erspectives . By T homas H odgkin .
S ir G eorge G oldie and the M aking of N igeria . By J ohn E. F lint .
Awo: T he A utobiography of C hief O bafemi A wolowo .
C onstitutional D evelopments N igeria . By K alu E zera .
N igeria : T he P olitical and E conomic B ackground .
D eterrent or D efence . By B. H. L iddell H art .
T he D esert G enerals . By C orrelli B arnett .
A merican F oreign P olicy . By Louis J. H alle .
A N ew H istory of the U nited S tates . By W illiam M iller .
S enator J oe M c C arthy . By R ichard R overe .
T he C oming of the N ew D eal . By A rthur M. S chlesinger J r .
T he S oviet S ystem of G overnment . By J ohn N. H azard .
B ritain and A rgentina in the N ineteenth C entury . By H. S. F erns .
I ndependent I raq , a S tudy in I raqi P olitics F rom 1932 to 1958. By M ajid K hadduri .
S tranger W ithin . By S ir F rancis O ppenheimer .
T he C ommunist I nternational 1919–1943. D ocuments . Vol. II: 1923–1928. Selected and edited by J ane D egras .
S urvey of I nternational A ffairs , 1955–56. By G eoffrey B arraclough and R achel F. W all .  相似文献   

T he N atiosalisation of B ritish I ndustry 1945–51. By S ir N orman C hester , C.B.E.
P ower , V iolence , D ecision . By W. J. M. M ackenzie .
E xplorations in G overnment , C ollected P apers 1951–1968. By W. J. M. M ackenzie .
O swald M osley . By R obert S kidelsky .
T he I mpact of H itler . B ritish P olitics and B ritish P olicy 1933–1940. By M aurice C owling .
T he T ransfer of P ower , 1942–47. Edited by N icholas M ansergh . Volume V, The Simla Conference, September 1, 1944-July 28, 1945.
T he P ast M asters : P olitics and P oliticians 1906–1939. By H arold M acmillan .
C ommittees of I nquiry . By G erald R hodes .
T he P arliamentary O mbudsman . By R oy G regory and P eter H utchisson .
S ociology and S ocial P olicy . By P. T ownsesd .
S ocial P olicy and A dministration R evisited . By D. D onnison et al.
T he P olitical I deas of M arx and E ngels : V ol . 1: M arxism and T otalitarian D emocracy 1818–1850. By R ichard N. H unt .
M arx W ithout M yth . By M aximilien R ubel and M argaret M asale .
M arxian and P ost -M arxian P olitical E conomy . By A run B ose .
M arx and M odern S ocial T heory . By A lan S wingewood .
M arxist A nalyses and S ocial A nthropology . Edited by M aurice B loch .
T he S tudy of G overnment . By F. F. R idley .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1955,26(2):186-205
Books reviewed in this article.
G reat C ities of the W orld : T heir G overnment , P olitics and P lanning . Edited by P rofessor W. A. R obson .
B ritish P olitical P arties . T he D istribution of P ower W ithin the C onservative and L abour P arties . By R. T. M c K enzie .
I n the S hadow of the M au M au . By I one L eigh .
W hite A fricans . By J. F. L ipscomb .
D efeating mau mau . By L. S. B. L eakey .
T he H eart of A frica . By A lexander C ampbell .
M ust W e L ose A frica ? By C olin L egum .
A ustralian G overnment and P olitics . By J. D. B. M iller .
A merican G overnment . By R ichard H. P ear .
G reat B ritain and the U nited S tates . By H. C. A llen .
A merican F oreign P olicy . By E laine W indrich .
H istoire de V ichy . 1940–1944. By R obert aron .
T he M iddle C lass V ote . By J ohn B onham .
V oting in D emocracies . By E nid L akeman and J ames D. L ambert .
E xecutive D iscretion and J udicial C ontrol . By C. J. H amson .
F rench A dministrative L aw and the C ommon -L aw W orld . By B ernar d S chwartz .
E gypt's D estiny . By M ohammed N eguib .
S a'udi A rabia . By H. S t . J ohn P hilby .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1970,41(1):119-132
Book reviewed in this article:
J udicial C ontrol of A dministrative A ction in I ndia and P akistan . By M. A. F azal .
S tatesmen in D isguise . By G eoffrey K ingdon F ry .
T he B ody P olitic . By I an G ilmour .
T he P olitics of L egislation . T he R ent A ct 1957. By M alcolm J oel B arnett .
T he C hanak A ffair . By D avid W alder .
B ritish F oreign P olicy since V ersailles 1919–1963. By W. N. M edlicott .
L abour's I nternational P olicy . T he L abour P arty in the 1930s. By J ohn F. N aylor .
T he E den L egacy and the D ecline of B ritish D iplomacy . By G eoffrey M acdermott .
F rance in the A ge of the S cientific S tate . By R obert G ilpin .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1990,61(4):486-504
Book reviews in this article:
N ational C urriculum H istory W orking G roup : F inal R eport .
T he B ritish I sles : A H istory of F our N ations . By H ugh K earney .
B ritain : A P lural S ociety : R eport of A S eminar .
P atriotism : T he M aking A nd U nmaking of B ritish N ational I dentity . Edited by R aphael S amuel , 3 Vols.
G ames with S hadows . By N eal A scherson
T he E nchanted G lass : B ritain and its M onarchy . By T om N airn .
T he D ivided K ingdom . By J ohn O smond .
T he P olitics of I llusion : R epublicanism A nd S ocialism in M odern I rleand . By H enry P atterson .
P arental C hoice and E ducational P olicy . By M ichael A dler , A lison P etch and J ack T weedie .
G overnment B y M oonlight: the H ybrid P arts of the S tate . By P. B irkinshaw , I. H arden and N. L ewis .
T he S ocial and P olitical T hought of R. G. C ollingwood . By D avid B oucher .
D ivided S ocieties : C lass S truggle in C ontemporary C apitalism .
F eminism /P ostmodernism . Edited by L inda J. N icholson .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
W ealth and L ife By J. A. H obson
T he S tatistical M ethod in E conomics and P olitical S cience By P. S argant F lorence
U plift in E conomics By P. S argant F lorence
R esearch in T he S ocial S ciences (A S ymposium )
T he F ranco -R ussian A lliance 1890–4 By W. L. L anger
T he F ranco -R ussian A lliance 1891–1917 By DR. G eorges M ichon Translated by N orman T homas
T he L ittle E ntente By R obert M achray
T he E conomic D evelopment of I ndia By V era A nstey , D.Sc.
T he P roblem of I ndustrial R elations By H enry C lay
T he N ext T en Y ears in B ritish S ocial and E conomic P olicy By G. D. H. C ole
T he P rogress of the O pen C onspiracy  相似文献   

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