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Netherlands International Law Review -  相似文献   

Regulatory analyses often assume that compliance is desirable, with literature focusing on strategies to encourage "excellence" in adherence to regulatory goals. Yet, it is not unusual for disparate regulatory goals to exist that are based on competing values of what constitutes the "good society." It is this conflict that forms the substance of this paper. In cases of competing regulatory goals, techniques that encourage exemplary compliance in one area can create incentives to breach regulatory provisions of a competing regime. In such cases, generic regulatory techniques are unable to provide a useful means for resolving regulatory conflict but do allow a political delegation of conflict resolution to the "scientific" strategies of the regulator. In turn, the regulator places responsibility on companies for resolving competing regulatory demands. Successive delegation leads to juridification as well as regulators vying to retain primacy for their regime. This problem is examined through analysis of responsibilities for subcontractor safety under Australian health and safety law and sections of the Australian Trade Practices Act 1974 aimed at protecting competition.  相似文献   

在新的形势下法典化已经成为环境法发展的新路向,我国亦当对此予以积极回应。尽管我国环境法仍未发展到成熟的基本法阶段,但基于现实国情和形势发展需要,我国环境法应当跨越基本法发展模式,直接进入法典化发展阶段,实行渐进式、阶段性的法典化。在具体模式选择上,我国环境法的法典化应当在充分借鉴瑞典、法国和德国的环境法典(或草案)模式的基础上,采用法典法和单行法共存互补的方式,按照"总则-分则-附则"和"编-章-节"的体例结构来进行环境法典的编纂。  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of issues related to research on gender and the law. Following a discussion of the ways in which gender and the law interact, we assess the extent to which Law and Human Behavior (LHB) has addressed the issue of gender. Specifically, we present the results of our analysis of the role of gender in articles published in LHB from 1990 through 1996. We discuss the relatively few gender-relevant studies that appeared, as well as comment upon the attention given to gender by research with other primary foci. We then discuss various strategies for conducting gender research and their implications for research on gender and the law. We conclude by introducing the articles in this special issue on gender and the law, commenting on how they add to our accumulated knowledge in this area.  相似文献   

周明 《行政与法》2013,(2):103-109
实行严格计划生育政策以来,我国出生人口性别比逐渐攀升,男性出生胎儿的数量越来越多于女性胎儿的数量.本文认为,非医学需要胎儿性别鉴定的行为助长了出生胎儿性别失衡,这一现象的存在将会带来一些社会问题.因此,应当对非医学需要胎儿性别鉴定行为进行刑法上的规制.  相似文献   

中国社会科学院法学研究所性别与法律研究中心 (以下简称中心 ) ,主要研究社会性别与法律之间关系的理论与实践。这是一个极具挑战性的综合性边缘学科。社会性别概念在西方早在 2 0世纪 60年代就已提出 ,至 1 995年第四届北京世界妇女大会后 ,“社会性别主流化”的呼声日渐高涨 ,成为世界人权领域和国际妇女解放运动中的热门话题之一。“社会性别”概念为我们提供了一个崭新的研究视角和分析框架。用这个视角来分析传统的立法、司法、执法、法学研究和法律教育 ,创建有利于男女两性共同发展的法律框架 ,还是一门新兴的学科。在中国尚属空白…  相似文献   

社会性别在 2 0世纪 80年代成为联合国框架下的一个重要分析范畴。社会性别分析超越了以往仅仅关注妇女为一个孤立群体的做法 ,强调审视政策、法律和项目对男女产生的不同影响和作用。女权主义法学引入社会性别分析透视普遍国际人权标准 ,提出从社会性别视角重新概念化国际人权规范与标准的必要性 ,以使其能够真正反映男女两性的经历、利益和需要 ,最终有利于保障两性平等和妇女平等享有各项人权和基本自由。联合国层面 2 0世纪 90年代以来致力于将妇女人权纳入人权活动的主流表明 ,社会性别主流化在日益发挥重要影响和作用  相似文献   

Focusing on the issues of rape and honor killings in the Arab world, particularly Jordan, this article investigates the use of criminal laws as an element in political legitimation. These laws are an arena for contestation not merely over policy choices, but over the nature of the sociopolitical order as well. Recent debates over the alteration or preservation of such laws have highlighted the use of legal codes as an expression of dominant values in a political system. I argue that the use of gendered legal systems to serve legitimation claims has important implications for the prospects of democratization.  相似文献   

法治国家、法治政府与法治社会一体建设的重要途径就是必须全面推进科学立法、严格执法、公正司法、全民守法.  相似文献   

法律的社会性别分析及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林建军 《法学论坛》2007,22(2):137-141
法律的社会性别分析是运用社会性别视角对传统的以男性为中心建构的法律进行分析评判,发现并指出法律对社会性别偏见和女性屈从地位的塑造和建构,重构充分反映男女两性特别是女性正当诉求的法律规范.这种分析研究和建构是对"男性中心主义"的法律观和方法论的必要修正,是对以男性为中心的性别不平等法律制度的一种积极变革.  相似文献   

国际法的哲学之维:内涵、功能与路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际法哲学是国际法学和法哲学的新兴领域,在这一初级阶段,应当采取积极鼓励和多元发展、大胆尝试、积极讨论的态度。由于国际法本身不成体系,以及国际法历史发展的轨迹,国际法对于法哲学的需求更大。国际法哲学的探索有利于引领国际法的理论化进程,解决国际法实践中的困惑,促动国际法学与部门法学的沟通,推进法理学的全面均衡发展。国际法哲学所包含的内容可以从不同角度和广度进行分析,其研讨路径包括超越分析法学而拓展法哲学的各种方法在国际法上的适用;构建国际法哲学的基本体系;以跨学科的视角进行国际法具体问题的研讨;并由此建构一般法哲学(法理学)。  相似文献   

One of the most interesting and possibly disturbing developments in U.S. trademark law in recent decades is the rise of a federal remedy for trademark dilution. Dilution law in theory provides a remedy for owners of famous trademarks when others use similar marks in ways that blur or tarnish the famous mark. This article focuses on attempts by courts and scholars to formulate a methodology for proving this elusive cause of action. The article offers a history of dilution regulation and analyzes and critiques representative empirical approaches to proving dilution, with a focus on dilution by blurring.  相似文献   

曾赟 《法学研究》2015,(3):158-175
20世纪50年代,我国侦查机关就开始采用耳目监听等秘密方式收集违法犯罪证据。20世纪90年代至21世纪初,国家安全机关、公安机关、检察机关的监听侦查行为相继得到合法化。在这一合法化过程中,我国监听侦查法治实践主要从构建“附需要理由的严格批准程序”和满足“侦查犯罪的需要”的实体性程序这两个方面展开,公民宪法上的隐私权并未在这一过程中得到体现。为保护公民宪法上的隐私权免受监听侦查权的任意侵害,我国监听侦查法治实践应沿着程序性正当程序与实体性正当程序的构建渐次推进。首先,发展宪法上隐私权对监听侦查的防御功能;其次,通过不同层级法院许可令的构建,创设程序性正当程序的控权机制;再次,通过廓清犯罪调查的一般需要与超越法律执行一般需要的特别需要之间的界线,建立隐私期待的适当性和“特别需要”原则这两个实体性正当程序审查标准。  相似文献   

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