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1999年国际公法和国际私法学研究的回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章尚锦  余民才 《法学家》2000,(1):103-107
一、国际法学部分 (一)概述 1999年是国际法学的研究形势较好的一年。一方面,今年恰逢第一次海牙和平会议召开一百周年和日内瓦国际人道法四公约签订五十周年,同时也是联合国国际法十年的最后一年。国际法得到广泛普及,遵守、维护国际法成为共识。另一方面,新殖民主义、霸权主义抬头,发生了以美国为首的北约无视联合国的权威对南斯拉夫联盟共和国进行长达78天的空中打击和轰炸中国驻南大使馆、造成我使馆人员伤亡及财...  相似文献   

So there has been little check on the killing of him [African elephants] for commercial gain, and his numbers are said to be fast diminishing. (Sir J. Arthur Thomson, The Outline of Natural History (New York, Putnam's, 1931), at 200)  相似文献   

This paper examines the ‘deep-end’ of the international justice process—the incarceration of persons convicted in specially constituted international criminal tribunals and courts for gross violations of human rights, genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes with a focus on language rights of such prisoners who are commonly serving sentences in foreign prisons. The punishment phase of the international justice process and its effects are not easily quantifiable and have been largely hidden from view. Although international criminal law asserts that equal treatment before the law requires that there be no significant disparity in punishment regimes from one sentence-enforcing country to another, comparative penology shows that there are considerable differences in the conditions of confinement and the nature of correctional services in the prison systems of different countries. This has a direct impact on post-sentence procedural and rehabilitation rights of which language rights from a key part. In this specific context, and drawing from existing literature, the paper therefore examines the extent to which enforcement practice conforms to the ideal of equal treatment espoused by the tribunals.  相似文献   

防空识别区、国际法与邻接空问   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1923年,当远洋客轮还是往返于欧洲大陆和北美之间的唯一交通工具的时候,美国最高法院就已经认为,第十八修正案对美国领海是有效的,因而其规定对于所有外国船只来说也是可以强制执行的.①人们对这一判决的反应是直截了当、毫不含糊的:有十个国家表示强烈反对,其中有的认为"国际上普遍接受的国际法原则绝不允许他们采取这种侵害轮船船旗国主权的措施."②许多人承认美国没有违反国际法,但是认为美国的行为"跟国际惯例相左".③人们对美国未能遵守文明国家在这方面所公认的礼节的反应是如此强烈,以至于美国被迫和受到财政法规影响的航海国家就一系列双边"酒条约"进行谈判.  相似文献   

A growing body of sociolegal scholarship focuses the study of law away from formal texts and legal institutions and toward the experiences and perceptions of “everyday” citizens. This study introduces seventeen “radical” environmentalists who engage a repertoire of tactics that includes some actions that involve relatively severe forms of illegality. This research seeks to investigate the role of civil disobedience and lawbreaking within the radical environmental movement and the corresponding legal consciousness of movement actors. Utilizing ethnographic fieldwork and content analysis, this analysis suggests that Ewick and Silbey's (1998 ) three‐tiered model of legal consciousness is an operative starting point, but could be enhanced through theoretical expansion. This study proposes a new category of legal consciousness—Under the Law—that views the law as the protector and defender of a social order that is fundamentally illegitimate. Under the Law is qualitatively different from existing conceptualizations of legal consciousness and reaffirms the mutually constitutive nature of law and society.  相似文献   

Indigenous peoples face a number of hurdles intaking cases to Australian law courts. In thecase that the social and economic problems canbe overcome, they face problems related to theintellectual structures of the court and thelanguage and philosophical beliefs that thecourt systems are based on. Derrida shows thatWestern metaphysics privileges speech overwriting, and this counts against indigenouscultures in which narrative knowledge is a formof writing. Due to this privileging, there is adifferend involving the courts and indigenouspeoples which makes the achievement of justicedifficult in the legal arena in Australia. Thisarticle questions whether the courts are thecorrect bodies to deal with indigenous issues.The achievement of justice is made moredifficult again by the truth-producing effectsof legal decisions, which render native titleas a weaker form of property right. Finally,indigenous Australians are caught in a catch-22situation, in which in order to receivejustice, they must Westernise their thought toadapt to the court system, and yet not allowany Westernisation of their culture. Such aWesternisation can be forced upon indigenouspeoples by the truth-producing effects oflanguage.  相似文献   

This paper uses parallels between Sophocles’ Theban Playsand the House of Lords decision in Dudley and Stephens, to questionthe decision in the Erdemovi case before the International CriminalTribunal for the former Yugoslavia. One should distinguish betweencausal, moral and criminal responsibility. If a man who commitsa crime, not by the action of his free will, is to be foundguilty, we are essentially equating causal responsibility withcriminal guilt. This logic clearly does not correspond withthat of the rest of international criminal law. The storiesof Erdemovi, Oedipus, Dudley and Stephens are tragedies. Eachof the victims/perpetrators felt an overwhelming sense of remorse.Whether they should be considered morally guilty of murder isa matter of individual conscience. The International CriminalTribunal for the Former Yugoslavia majority erred in using anabsolute moral position in Erdemovi. The majority's moral condemnationof the killing of innocents was confused with the question ofwhether Erdemovi should have been criminally punished. The contentof the majority opinion is largely of an irreproachably moralisticnature, though shrouded and mystified by the discussion of precedent.More generally, the decision to try Erdemovi at the InternationalCriminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia was itself self-defeating.Erdemovi should never have stood trial at The Hague. The internationalcommunity should not aid in self-flagellation. While his actionscannot be approved of, they should not be punished internationally.He could have been helped, supported and reintegrated with fargreater benefit to all.         ‘Heroesare hard to find in an atmosphere of total terror.’1  相似文献   

朱丹 《环球法律评论》2020,42(1):127-141
国际刑事法院对《罗马规约》近年来的解释中呈现出司法能动主义的趋势,即背离约文的字面含义和立法者的原意,扩张国际刑事法院管辖下犯罪的定义和可受理案件的范围。国际刑法的混合性质、先前国际刑事法庭的司法能动主义政策以及《罗马规约》适用法条款和解释规则的不确定性都是导致国际刑事法院司法能动主义的原因。作为非经授权的司法立法行为,国际刑事法院的司法能动主义不但违背国家主权原则和罪刑法定主义,而且损害了国际社会通过其追究国际犯罪的信心。构建对其司法能动主义进行规制的关键在于厘清和协调《维也纳条约法公约》中的解释规则、罪刑法定原则下的严格解释以及存疑有利于被告解释方法三者在《罗马规约》解释中的适用范围及适用关系。  相似文献   

朱文奇 《法学家》2006,58(1):106-109
国际法是法学一个部门,也是国际关系学在宏观意义上的一个极其重要的一个部门.国际法作为对国家与国家之间关系进行规范的规则的总体,它对维持国际秩序、国际政治力量相互之间的重新组合以及国家在政治、军事、经济和贸易等各方面的发展,始终发挥着相当重要的作用.  相似文献   

朱文奇 《法学家》2004,(1):114-117
国际法是国家间用来规范它们相互之间关系的法律规则和规定的总和.国际法是一门"活的法律学科"(living law).之所以说它"活",是因为国际形势的发展使得规范国家关系的国际法也在不断地发展和变化.  相似文献   

余民才 《法学家》2001,(1):101-105
一、概述 2000年是新旧世纪交替的一年,国际法将以何种面目进入下一个世纪是国际法理论界面临的共同课题.同时,一些值得记取的重要事件为我国国际法学的研究注入了新的动力.……  相似文献   

This paper argues for the superiority of international law’s existing ban on unilateral secession over its reform to include either a primary or remedial right to secession. I begin by defending the claim that secession is an inherently institutional concept, and that therefore we ought to employ institutional moral reasoning to defend or criticize specific proposals regarding a right to secede. I then respond to the objection that at present we lack the empirical evidence necessary to sustain any specific conclusion regarding an international legal right to secession. Specifically, I argue that we ought to adopt a precautionary approach, and that such an approach justifies giving no weight to promoting political self-determination per se when considering whether to reform international law governing secession. I conclude with several reasons to think that even a remedial right to unilateral secession will detract from, not enhance, the international legal order’s ability to promote peace and human rights.  相似文献   

邵沙平  何帆 《法学家》2005,(1):95-97
一、国际法学研究概况 对中国的国际法学研究而言,2004年是理论研究深深嵌入国际现实的一年.伊拉克战争、美军虐囚事件、日本遗弃化学武器事件、国际法院就巴以隔离墙问题出具咨询意见、<联合国反腐败公约>的签署,上述事件均引起国际法学界的关注与思考.学者们以专题报告、论文或访谈的形式提出问题,阐明观点,探讨对策,促进了中国当代国际法学研究的发展.  相似文献   

The antinomy between judicial activism and self-restraint, wellknown to students of the US Supreme Court, has implicationstoday also for international tribunals. The resort to judicialsettlement of international dispute is still predicated upona certain basic homogeneity of legal cultures and values goingwith them. When, however, social and cultural values are infundamental tension or collision with each other, there maybe an inclination towards activism to try to resolve the conflictsor contradictions. Any such activism on the part of the InternationalCourt of Justice, after the way seemed opened by the landmarkadvisory opinion in Nambia in 1971, effectively "overruling"earlier, more static jurisprudence, seems, however, to havebeen tempered by a perceived obligation of judicial respectfor the constitutional role and missions of the other policy-makingUN organs and other main players in the international community.As a result, this tends to lead to a situation in which theCourt may be dealing with no major, high political–legaltension-issues of the day.  相似文献   

邵沙平  陈道丽 《法学家》2003,(1):100-103
2002年我国国际法学界注重理论联系联系实际,研究国际法的重大理论和实际问题,并取得了一些很好的成果.国际法学研究呈现出良好的发展趋势. 一、研究的主要问题 2002年学术活动十分活跃.我国学者主持或参与的国际法学术研讨会有:2月由华东政法学院国际法系主持召开的"战争引起民间索偿法律问题国际研讨会";4月由中国国际法学会和复旦大学法学院联合举……  相似文献   

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