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The Investigator DIPplex® kit (Qiagen) contains components for the simultaneous amplification and analysis of 30 biallelic autosomal InDels and amelogenin. The objective of this study was to estimate the diversity of the 30 markers in a Polish population sample (N = 389) and to evaluate their usefulness in forensic genetics. The DIPplex genotype distributions showed no significant deviation from Hardy-Weinberg rule expectations (Bonferroni corrected). The mean observed heterozygosity value is 0.4611, and the combined Matching Probability value is 1.08x10−13. The investigated marker set has been confirmed as a potential extension to standard STR - based kits or a separate informative system for individual identification and kinship analysis.  相似文献   

Gene frequencies of coagulation factor XIIIB polymorphism were determined in a random population sample of east Westphalia (n = 417). Furthermore, mendelian inheritance of alleles was examined in 60 families. Determinations were made after treatment of serum samples with neuraminidase by immunofixation on agarose gels. All six phenotypes were observed in our population sample. The gene frequencies were: FXIIIB1 = 0.71, FXIIIB2 = 0.11, FXIIIB3 = 0.18. The family data confirm the hypothesis of autosomal inheritance of three common alleles and disprove the two-allele model of Kera et al. [5].  相似文献   

FXIIIB phenotypes were determined in neuraminidase-pretreated serum samples by using isoelectric focusing in ultrathin-layer polyacrylamide gels containing 1 M urea and subsequent immunoblotting. In a Libyan population sample from Tripoli, (n = 108) nine different phenotypes as products of four common alleles were recognized, with frequencies as follows: FXIIIB*1 = 0.6574, FXIIIB*2 = 0.2454, FXIIIB*3 = 0.0741 and FXIIIB*6 = 0.0231. It is suggested that FXIIIB*6 is the fourth common allele of the FXIIIB system in this population.  相似文献   

目的首次调查北京地区人群体凝血因子B(FB)DNA水平的遗传多态性。方法应用PCR-STR技术。结果推算出FBDNA水平的基因分布频率,符合Hard-Weinberg平衡定律。结论对法医的办案工作,具有一定的实用性和推广意义。  相似文献   

目的首次调查北京地区人群体凝血因子ⅩⅢ B(FⅩⅢ B)DNA水平的遗传多态性.方法应用PCR-STR技术.结果推算出FⅩⅢ B DNA水平的基因分布频率,符合Hard-Weinberg平衡定律.结论对法医的办案工作,具有一定的实用性和推广意义.  相似文献   

Y-chromosomal microsatellites (STRs) are potentially useful in forensic practice but, in contrast to autosomal systems, large and diverse population databases are required in order to facilitate the statistical evaluation of donor-stain matches. Since appropriate data from the Baltic region have so far been lacking, blood samples were obtained from 430 males originating from one of the three Baltic states and these samples were genotyped using a previously described "extended core set" of nine Y-STR marker systems. Allele frequency distributions and discrimination indices were calculated, and the three populations were tested for genetic differences by means of analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). A larger genetic difference became apparent between Estonian and both Lithuanian and Latvian males than between the latter two, non-Finno-Ugric speaking populations. The haplotype data reported here have been included into the Y-STR database maintained at the Institute of Legal Medicine, Humboldt University, Berlin.  相似文献   

Haplotypes and allele frequencies of 17 Y-chromosomal short tandem repeat (Y-STR) markers were examined using the AmpFlSTR Yfiler PCR Amplification Kit (Applied Biosystems) in a population sample of 1166 Japanese male volunteers in 6 prefectures: Miyagi, Yamagata, Osaka, Tottori, Fukuoka, and Okinawa. A total of 1058 haplotypes were observed from 1166 males, and the most common haplotype detected in 12 males had a frequency of 1.03% and the discrimination capacity was 0.907. The RST analysis showed statistically significant differences between Okinawa and the other subpopulations.  相似文献   

Population genetics of nine STR loci in two populations from Brazil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Short Tandem Repeats (STRs) D3S1358, HUMvWA31/A, HUMFIBRA/FGA, D8S 1179, D2S11, D18S51, D5S818, D13S317, and D7S820 were studied in two Brazilian populations (from Amazonia and S. Paulo) using the "AmpF1 STR Profiler Plus PCR Amplification Kit." The nine loci showed a combined discrimination power greater than 0.9999999999 and a chance of exclusion of 0.9999.  相似文献   

Allele and haplotype frequencies of 11 Y-chromosomal short tandem repeats (STRs) included in the PowerPlex® Y Systems (Promega) were determined in a sample of 215 unrelated healthy male individuals of Chinese Tujia ethnic group living in Chongqing (Southwest of China). The gene diversity values of the Y-STRs loci ranged from 0.3757(DYS391) to 0.9170 (DYS385a/b). A total of 195 haplotypes were identified in the Y-STR loci, among which 180 were unique, 11 were found in two individuals, 3 were shared in three individuals and 1 was shared in four individuals. The observed haplotype diversity value and discrimination capacity were 0.9942 and 0.9070, respectively.  相似文献   

POPULATION: Over 259 unrelated individuals from the State of Sergipe (Northeastern Brazil).  相似文献   

Allele frequencies for the nine short tandem repeat (STR) loci (D3S1358, FGA, TH01, D7S820, VWA, CSF1PO, D5S818, D13S317, TPOX) were determined in a sample of 120 unrelated individuals of the Baoan ethnic group living in northwest China. The values of observed heterozygosity (H), discrimination power (DP), a priori chance of exclusion (CE) and polymorphism information content (PIC) were calculated. All loci were in accordance with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P=0.05). The obtained frequency distributions were compared with other previously reported population data.  相似文献   

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