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正2020年4月24日,由"一带一路"智库合作联盟(简称智库联盟)主办、中共中央对外联络部当代世界研究中心与中国人民大学重阳金融研究院共同承办的"一带一路"智库合作联盟云端专题论坛在北京举行。中联部部长宋涛发表书面致辞,社会党国际主席、希腊前总理乔治·帕潘德里欧,斯洛文尼亚前总统达尼洛·图尔克,法国前总理多米尼克·德维尔潘,  相似文献   

最近,葡萄牙总理、葡社会党总书记、社会党国际主席古特雷斯在德国发表演讲,阐述了他对当前一些重大国际问题的立场和看法,其主要观点如下:  相似文献   

近期,葡萄牙总理、葡社会党总书记、社会党国际主席古特雷斯向葡社会党十二大提出一项政治动议,重申坚持民主社会主义的基本原则和价值,强调"要市场经济,不要市场社会".主要观点如下:  相似文献   

应英国政府、加拿大政府、哥伦比亚政府和执政的民族团结社会党、印度尼西亚国会的邀请,中共中央政治局常委李长春于2012年4月15-28日对上述四国进行了正式友好访问.中联部部长王家瑞,中宣部常务副部长雒树刚,中央外宣办主任、国务院新闻办主任王晨,文化部部长蔡武,广电总局局长蔡赴朝,新闻出版总署署长柳斌杰,中联部副部长陈凤翔,商务部副部长姜增伟等陪同访问.  相似文献   

2月12-23日,应罗马尼亚社会民主主义党、波兰农民党、匈牙利社会党和工人党邀请,中联部蔡武副部长率代表团一行5人,踏上了访问上述三国的行程.  相似文献   

罗贝尔·于1994-2001年任法共全国书记,2001年当选法共主席,2003年离任.在此期间,他提出了法共变革思想,对党的建党思想进行了较大调整.1997年法共参加社会党政府,2002年在大选中惨败.变革并未取得预期效果,法共内部对变革批评增多,但罗贝尔·于仍坚持认为法共变革是正确的.2005年7月,罗贝尔·于应中联部邀请,以加布里埃·佩里基金会会长身份来华访问,介绍了法共的变革情况.  相似文献   

袁群  丁玮 《当代世界》2014,(1):60-62
社会党国际成立于1951年6月,是主张民主社会主义的社会民主党、社会党、工党及其他政党的国际联合组织。作为世界上规模和影响最大的政党国际组织和当今资本主义世界的主要政治力量之一,长期以来社会党国际及其成员党在国际事务和所在国政治舞台上发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

2012年1月9日,由中联部、德国联盟党和德国阿登纳基金会联合举办的中德政党对话在江苏省南京市举行。中联部副部长李进军、中共江苏省委副书记石泰峰和德国联盟党代表团团长、联邦议院联盟党议会党团外交政策发言人、德国青年联盟主席米斯菲尔德分别致开幕辞,江苏省发改委、商务厅,以及南京市委、  相似文献   

<正>社会党国际成立于1951年6月,是主张民主社会主义的社会民主党、社会党、工党及其他政党的国际联合组织。作为世界上规模和影响最大的政党国际组织和当今资本主义世界的主要政治力量之一,长期以来社会党国际及其成员党在国际事务和所在国政治舞台上发挥着重要作用。2008年爆发的全球金融危机为社会党国际的发展提供了新机遇,但作为一个具有半个多世纪历史的国际组织,社会党国际也面临着空前的挑战。如社会党国际内部机制僵化、官僚主义  相似文献   

以德国社会民主党为首的西欧传统社会党对社会党国际领导层进行了猛烈批评,最终与其他进步力量联合成立了与社会党国际平行的进步联盟。吸纳有争议的成员党、内部存在争取主导权的斗争及其内在缺陷是导致社会党国际分裂的主观原因,而社会党国际正式成员党地区结构的变化、欧洲社会党的发展壮大及西欧传统社会党联合更广泛力量的愿望成为社会党国际分裂的客观原因。世界社会民主主义运动出现了两个平行的国际组织,社会党国际的实力因此受到削弱。  相似文献   

One way of thinking about development - endorsed by the UNDP and the Brundtland Commission - involves improvements in the quality of life which are equitable. This conception invokes two values - equity and well-being - which can conflict. The potential conflict suggests that countries which are doing well in terms of well-being may perform badly on environmental concerns. Desai argued to the contrary that there are positive linkages between human development and environmental protection. He found tentative support for this claim in rankings of developing countries in terms of the HDI and indices of environmental exploitation. This result is not robust when similar exercises are carried out using a different set of countries and closely related indices.  相似文献   

FOCAC is a successful and pioneering cooperation model jointly explored by China and Africa.The Forum has become an important platform for facilitating China-Africa relations since its founding 10 years ago.Within this framework the two sides have achieved great accomplishment through cooperation,and have created new development areas.Currently,the international system is experiencing deep adjustments,and the international political,economic and security situation is becoming increasingly complicated.Within such a context,the Forum continues to embrace new development opportunities as well as face new challenges.This paper will evaluate the achievements and the experiences of the Forum,and offer some proposals on promoting the sustainable development of FOCAC within the new context.  相似文献   

The recently passed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) encompass a variety of explicit and implicit goals that address inequality. Although formulations remain vague and targets abstract, the SDGs go much further than previous development goals in addressing inequality as a central issue. Against the background of insights from inequality research, the article assesses their potential to become discursive resources for fundamental reforms of established development ideas.  相似文献   

Using agriculture input sector as an exemplar, this article assesses Bangladesh's efforts towards a market-oriented development approach. It examines the changing role of the state following the market-based reforms undertaken in this sector and assesses whether the outcomes of the reforms are sustainable. Findings reveal that, although the current move towards a market-oriented approach has led to a shift away from a state-dominated hierarchical structure, it has not been associated with adequate changes in institutional arrangements, safeguards, and regulation. As a result, despite notable achievements of the reforms, the sustainability of these successes is in question. To facilitate participatory, accountable, and sustainable, market-oriented development, the paper proposes an integrated governance model linking state, business, and civil society.  相似文献   

Internationally, there has been a general trend towards crime prevention and community safety measures. The main policy ideas and instruments associated with this trend have spread widely in Western countries. This article examines the Swedish national crime prevention policy. As Sweden is a welfare society with a long tradition of social crime prevention, it is of great interest to explore to what extent the aforementioned trend has influenced its crime prevention policy. We do this by examining Sweden's national policy and how its concepts have spread to the local level—specifically, to municipalities and their local crime prevention councils. We find that there has been a preventive shift in Sweden, although not as far-reaching as in many other European countries. Substantial changes have occurred in the understanding and direction of crime prevention work, and the question is to what extent this development will continue.  相似文献   

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