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基于中国职业安全卫生的基本状况和安全生产的紧迫形势,客观分析当前工会劳动保护工作难于开展的根本原因,从理论创新推动工作创新的角度,系统分析各级工会组织在工会劳动保护工作方面的有益尝试和良好做法,作出科学发展工会劳动保护工作的基本对策。  相似文献   

随着企业改革的不断深化和企业生产经营规模的不断扩大,企业工会的劳动保护工作也面临着许多新情况和新问题。应发挥企业工会的组织、引导、关爱职工和维护职工合法权益的作用,从而为广大职工创造一个安全卫生的工作场所和环境。  相似文献   

维护职工合法权益是工会的重要职责;获得劳动保护是职工的一项基本权利;综合这两点,应把维权作为工会劳动保护工作的出发点和切入点.  相似文献   

武汉钢铁(集团)公司自1998年开展"安康杯"竞赛活动以来,促进了企业领导者安全生产意识、职工劳动保护意识和自我保护能力的不断提高,降低了企业各类事故的发生率和职工各类职业病的发病率。"安康杯"竞赛已成为具有武钢特色的安全文化品牌、企业工会劳动保护工作的有效载体、维护职工安全健康权益的必要手段、社会主义劳动竞赛在安全生产领域的具体应用和延伸,  相似文献   

卢斌 《中国工运》2012,(12):44-45
当前,大量小型非公企业存在着安全生产基础薄弱、各项劳动保护监督制度不健全的现象,现有的工会劳动保护工作观念、工作方式、工作手段等与新时期企业生产发展和职工劳动保护的要求已不相适应。如何开展好劳动保护工作,履行好劳动保护监督检查的职责,开拓非公企业工会劳动保护工作的新局面,是我们必须认真思考的一个课题。  相似文献   

企业工会劳动保护工作,既要服务于企业经济建设,又要保证企业员工在生产经营活动中的人身安全与健康,是企业安全生产、和谐稳步发展最为重要的一环。工会要不断提高员工的安全意识和自我防护技能,充分发挥监督、参与职能,协助和监督企业落实各项劳动保护措施,不断创新与发展劳动保护工作,使其更具实用性和普遍的指导意义。  相似文献   

加强工会劳动保护工作,建立完善的工会劳动保护长效机制,保障职工的安全和健康,促进企业健康发展是当前和今后各级工会组织要认真研究和探讨的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

当前工会劳动保护工作面临严峻的形势 ,“维权”是工会劳动保护工作的出发点、切入点及落脚点。当前工会劳动保护工作的重点是源头参与、机制建设和现场监督以及加强工会劳动保护宣传教育培训等。  相似文献   

论我国刑法的劳动保护   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
刑法的劳动保护 ,是国家劳动保护的一个重要方面 ,我国刑法通过规定重大劳动安全事故罪和强迫职工劳动罪 ,构筑了劳保刑法的体系。但分析刑法劳动保护的客体 ,会发现一个显而易见的问题 ,即刑法设定的劳动保护的范围过于狭窄 ,尚有不少应通过刑法规制的行为处于刑事立法的盲区 ,显现出刑事立法的不足。这些行为如招用童工、虐待用工、隐瞒重大事故隐患、职业病扩散与蔓延等 ,亟待通过新的立法予以解决。  相似文献   

劳动保护是广大职工最切身的利益,企业工会要从思想上认识劳动保护工作的重要性;从实际工作中去改进和加强劳动保护工作方式、方法;从职业病危害中去重视、关注、落实相关待遇;从贴近职工群众中去说实话、办实事;从经验推广、表彰奖励中去激励创建企业工会劳动保护工作知名品牌。  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(4):309-324

Protection of the workers’ health in countries with developing economies is increasingly important because of the adverse effects of globalization, along with changing industrial relations, the rise of precarious work and outsourcing, and the decline in unionization. In this study, I examine whether the institutes created by universities might serve as an interface between workers, academia, and state agencies, and provide assistance for both improving workplace conditions and enforcing occupational health and safety rules. I describe the history of one such effort: The Labor Occupational Safety and Health Program (LOSH) at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Using a review of written sources along with participatory observation and interviews as methods, I found that the challenges faced by LOSH historically have important parallels in countries with developing economies today. Ultimately, university-based occupational health programs like LOSH need to be followed in other parts of the world and be supported by governments if the mission to reduce workplace injuries and diseases is going to be realized in the United States and in other countries.  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(6):809-833

This article examines how local state officials operated the Los Angeles Regional Labor Board, 1933-1934, a regional branch of the National Labor Board. Amid a surge in workers mobilizing strikes and organizing unions, which faced fierce business opposition in LA, one of the period’s most anti-union cities, local state officials discarded initial solutions to industrial conflict – solutions based on state paternalism and involved parties’ voluntary compliance – and proposed more robust state interventionist tools. Such efforts were to enhance state authority and power and forge greater class equality by accepting worker rights and limiting business prerogatives, while the officials also obsessively encouraged the economic ‘wheels be kept turning and the pulse quickened.’ Drawing on regional-based archives, we trace local officials navigating and shaping social relations, and investigate the unpredictable, everyday workings of local responses to national-level policy-making. Earlier scholarship on the period highlights the role of leaders, like FDR or Senator Wagner, or business elites crafting seemingly pro-working-class policy, alongside the accounts of structural political economy. We emphasize local state agencies tasked with policy implementation becoming sites of contention for class actors and state officials, reflecting more general patterns but also initiating institutional procedures with enduring implications for US capital-labor relations.

Abbreviations: LA: Los Angeles; NLB: National Labor Board; RLB: Regional Labor Board; NLRB: National Labor Relations Board; AFL: American Federation of Labor; LACC: Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce; M&M: Merchant and Manufacturers Association; NRA: National Recovery Administration  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(5):639-655

Although most scholarship stresses that ‘male regular worker-centeredness’ is a trait of mainstream Korean labor unions, the specific reasons why feminism has failed to spread within Korean unionism have not been clarified. In order to answer this question, this article focuses on the entangled interrelations of feminism with broader social movements, maintaining that the historical legacy of the victory of the 1987 Great Worker Struggle – led by male workers from the heavy and chemical industries – is still a powerful factor in discouraging the spread of feminism, even though a fundamental transformation in the nature of Korean labor unions from being primarily class conscious to economistic has taken place. This article also highlights that Korean women’s movements have raised little criticism against the gender-blindness of labor unionism largely because Korean labor unions have been positioned as a ‘moral force’ in bringing about democratization. Furthermore, I stress that conflict between old feminists (socialist feminism) and young feminists (radical feminism), who tend to reflect on the dichotomous relations between gender and/or class, has actually been counterproductive to the proliferation of feminism within Korean labor unions.  相似文献   

心理资本视角下企业员工心理健康教育的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
竞争压力考验员工的心理承受力,拥有心理健康的员工无疑是企业重要的竞争力.心理资本的出现为员工心理健康教育和管理提供了崭新的视角.心理健康的教育目标是培养和提升员工心理资本,对象是全体员工,教育方式是教育咨询一体化,要以机制和积极的企业文化来保障心理健康教育的实施.  相似文献   

根据当前高等学校教职工的身心健康状况,开展高校教职工的心理健康工作是十分必要的。为了搞好高校教职工的心理健康工作,应明确高校教职工心理健康工作的理念模式和实践策略,并且要了解工作中应注意的问题。  相似文献   


The paper presents a critique of the discourse of precarity that assumes that regulated era labor relations in advanced capitalist economies represent the norm, while ‘irregular work’ represents a historical aberration under capitalist employment. We argue that this approach fails to inform labor theorists in any meaningful way as it conceals the differences in the social relations under which work is performed. The catchall term ‘precarious labor’ makes it difficult to design policies for specific social groups who are non-homogenous in social relations. We propose a Marxian socio-spatial class framework that gives visibility to three key dimensions: 1) the manner in which surpluses are produced, appropriated, and distributed during the labor process; 2) the spatial component of where work is performed, and 3) the degree of market-orientation. Recognizing on the one hand that precarity will always be a ubiquitous feature of capitalist labor markets, and that there are differences within forms of work depending on the social context and location of work on the other, has a number of benefits for contemporary debates. These include a better appreciation of the multiplicity of processes in which labor participates and generates radically new ways of thinking about anti-capitalist resistance across national boundaries.  相似文献   

2 0世纪 6 0年代 ,国际商会首先把商业秘密视为工业产权。在知识经济的大背景下 ,商业秘密已成为企业生存、竞争的极其重要的手段 ,加强对商业秘密的法律保护已经成为国内外知识产权制度发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   

劳动法律侧重保护劳动者利益是世界劳动法律坚持的铁则,我国劳动合同法应当坚持保护劳动者利益的原则。从我国劳动关系的现状看,劳动立法应当向劳动者倾斜,对劳动合同法的偏见应当纠正。应该认识到,劳动合同法既不是对劳动者的单保护法,没有给劳动者提供"铁饭碗",也没有增加用人单位的经营成本。同时,低端加工制造业向外转移与劳动合同法的实施没有必然联系。  相似文献   

大学生心理健康教育发展性理论模式与实践体系构建研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
针对目前大学生心理健康教育存在诸多问题,应在超越局限,对大学生心理健康教育进行发展性方向研究,构建大学生心理健康教育的具有推介价值的完整理论模式和成熟的心理健康教育的实践体系。  相似文献   

作为协调劳动关系的重要依据,劳动合同法确立了对劳动者合法权益的保护,确保了员工在劳动条件、安全生产、工资福利等方面的基本人权.然而,基于降低用工成本的动机,一些企业千方百计地规避劳动合同法,漠视员工的合法权益,凸显了其对劳动者社会责任的缺失.为了解决这一难题,当前亟需建立企业自主履行对员工社会责任的长效机制,将劳动合同法的外在约束转化为企业履行对员工社会责任的内在激励,形成劳动者权益保障与企业可持续发展的统一.  相似文献   

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