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论董事问责的诚信路径   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
董事经营决策的尊重审查模式契合了适应性效率的要求,有利于鼓励董事进行尝试性试验。但是,在商事判断规则作用下,董事问责需原告负担严苛的举证责任,董事决策审查形式化以及注意标准的不确定性,使得注意义务几乎被掏空,介于重大过失与恶意之间的董事失信情形往往逃脱法律责任。诚信路径不仅是问责空隙的填补机制,也是克服股东与董事之间信息不对称问题的重要机制。20世纪90年代以来董事问责的司法实践催生了诚信路径,诚信概念亦因创造性转化而获得新生,其行为标准日益明晰,司法审查可操作性增强。我国可通过《公司法》的司法解释界定诚信的行为标准,将故意让公司违法、不坦诚告知、滥用职权和严重失职纳入其涵摄范围,从而引入诚信问责路径。  相似文献   

Under the doctrine of hospital corporate liability, the hospital governing board bears the responsibility for detecting the incompetence of its staff physicians. Since hospital governing boards are generally composed of lay community members, they lack the expertise to evaluate the clinical competence of their staff. Therefore, they must delegate their screening responsibilities to medical staff review committees. After analyzing the development of hospital corporate liability doctrine, this Note examines the respective policing capabilities of review committees and the governing board. The Note contends that the board should not be held liable for aspects of the policing process which it is incapable of controlling. The Note concludes that, given their superior ability to evaluate clinical competency, staff review committees should shoulder the responsibility for the clinical aspects of staff evaluation, leaving remaining aspects to the hospital governing board. The Note proposes that courts should recognize a cause of action for negligence against medical staff review committee members in order to upgrade the effective policing of the medical profession.  相似文献   

The legal notion of an independent board member was introduced to the Mexican legislation in 2005. The goal was to improve the corporate governance of the corporations listed on the stock exchange. It was thought that including the independent board members would help to better represent the interest of the minority holders, as well as to increase the level of accountability. This article challenges these ideas based on 10 interviews carried out with independent board members. It finds that what the law says is far from what actuatly occurs: they lack of an adequate level of knowledge to perform their tasks, their degree of independence is severely limited by the criteria used to appoint them and they usually ignore essential corporate information, which impede them from participating effectively in the board sessions. The article suggests the creation of an independent board member’s association, a mechanism that, along with a mandatory certification system, would improve the way in which they perform their duties.  相似文献   

This part implements Department of Defense (DoD) policy and assigns responsibilities for the SAPR Program on prevention, response, and oversight to sexual assault. It is DoD policy to establish a culture free of sexual assault by providing an environment of prevention, education and training, response capability, victim support, reporting procedures, and accountability that enhances the safety and well being of all persons covered by the regulation.  相似文献   

The recently reported number of patient deaths attributable to medical errors is staggering. In response to this crisis, the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations ("JCAHO") proposed its Sentinel Event Policy. The policy mandates self-reporting by hospitals accredited by the JCAHO. This Article argues that the JCAHO's policy shows an inattention to the legal realities of discovery and absence of immunity. Until the JCAHO addresses these issues, self-reporting will have limited success. This Article suggests that to promote patient safety, self-regulatory reports should go to a neutral, nonsanctioning third party, an approach adopted from aviation's highly successful reporting system.  相似文献   

我国行政问责经历了一个从权力问责到制度问责、再由制度问责趋向法治问责即问责法治化的过程。问责法治化不等于问责制度化,问责制度化是问责法治化的一种表象。我国行政问责法治化对推进法治国家建设、促进社会和谐进步、加强公民权利保障和完善反腐倡廉机制都有重要的现实意义。行政问责法治化的基本理念应包括公众参与、规范统一、程序公正、权责一致、救济有力五个方面,其中公众参与理念是核心。  相似文献   

《侵权责任法》第37条第1款是违反安全保障义务的过错责任之规范基础,其设置于该法第6条第1款过错责任一般条款之后是过错责任从一般到具体的规范逻辑范式。侵权法的功能主要为救济与预防,故宜将第37条"造成他人损害"修改为"侵害他人民事权益",从而为停止侵害、排除妨碍、消除危险等责任方式的司法适用提供通道。为充分救济损害,宜认可安全保障义务具有法定义务与合同义务的双重属性。根据补充责任制度的内在逻辑,第37条第2款的适用范围应限缩为"第三人的主观故意+安全保障义务人的主观过失",进而在立法上明确补充责任人承担责任后可向第三人追偿的法权结构。对《侵权责任法》第37条的检讨,可以作为完善《民法典侵权责任编(草案第三次审议稿)》第973条的基础。  相似文献   

本意是使我国吏治进入"能上能下"有效运行的官员复出机制,目前却面临着非公开化、非责任化、非透明化、社会认同度低的困境。因此,有效解决问责官员复出面临的现实困境,完善问责的基础,明晰官员的职责和构建相应问责程序;转变问责的模式,变"权力问责"为"制度问责";建立官员复出的回应机制,使体制外的"权利问责"与体制内的"权力问责"、"制度问责"形成完整体系;建立多元化的问责主体,提高官员复出的社会认同度是关键。  相似文献   

梁晓春 《政法学刊》2008,25(2):52-55
企业社会责任运动要求公司尤其是跨国公司在参与市场竞争的过程中应承担其应尽的社会责任以保障基本人权和劳工权利。考查企业社会责任运动的发展及相关国际法律文件的规定、实施及影响,相较于我国法律的相关规定,企业社会责任标准并非高不可攀的道德苛求,只要我国建立起规范、明确的约束体系,切实实施劳动法等相关法律的规定,劳工权益得到切实维护,企业社会责任的标准也就基本达到了。  相似文献   

近几年来,由于食品安全事故频发,引起整个社会包括法学界的普遍关注。政府是食品安全领域中的监管者,在食品安全监管中负有不可替代的责任,但现行法律中对政府的监管责任的规定却十分不到位,存在重食品生产者、销售者的法律责任,轻政府监管部门的法律责任;相关法律对政府监管责任规定概括、缺乏可操作性、不全面以及无相关责任追究程序等问题。为此,必须完善食品安全中的政府监管法律责任,从归责原则到具体法条的设定,都应做到科学、具体、行之有效,使政府的监管责任落到实处。  相似文献   

徐浩 《北方法学》2010,4(6):80-85
规定股东会职权的《公司法》第38条和规定董事会职权的第47条分别有一个概括性的规定:“公司章程规定的其他职权”,这种条款一般被称为兜底条款。这是2005年公司法修改的时候新增加的条款,立法者试图通过强化章程自治解决股东会和董事会职权规定不清的问题。然而,事与愿违,兜底条款不能全部实现立法的目的,甚至还由此产生了新的问题,即在章程没有规定时,无法判断有些事项究竞是股东会的职权还是董事会的职权。同时在股东会职权规定条款和董事会职权规定条款增加兜底条款实际上是不了解股东会和董事会功能定位所致,因此需要先对兜底条款作无害化解释,在下次公司法修改时删除。  相似文献   

责任政府是现代民主政治的必然诉求,责任无疑是一个有效率、公信力高和敢于担当的现代政府所具备的政治品格。建立完善的行政问责制一直是党和政府以及社会公众十分关心的问题。因此,对我国行政问责制的实施历程、发展中的困境以及发展的路径进行研究十分必要。  相似文献   

The development of pharmaceutical materials from innovationto finally entering the marketplace is a tedious and expensiveone. A vital step in this development is obtaining statutoryauthorization to offer the product to the public. This entailsthe creation of substantial amounts of regulatory data to showthe safety and effectiveness of the pharmaceutical. There isno agreement among WTO members or the scholarly community asto the level of protection that Article  相似文献   

关于国有独资公司设立监事会的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周郑屹 《政法学刊》2000,17(2):18-21
《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于修改〈中华人民共和国公司法〉的决定》对该法的第六十七条作了修改,规定了国有独资公司的监事会制度。本文拟运用现代企业理论中代理理论的某些观点,结合修改后的《公司法》第六十七条的规定,对国有独资公司设立监事会的必要性、其监督作用的不足之处,以及国有独资公司治理结构的完善等问题,作初步的探讨。  相似文献   

Every year, the Practice Groups of the American Health Lawyers Association assemble a Year in Review summary of the leading developments in case law, legislation, and administrative actions affecting healthcare. This Article provides a comprehensive overview of these developments. The introduction presents a "Top Ten" list of the year's most noteworthy developments. The remainder of the Article is divided into fourteen topical areas, and offers a brief overview of issues in those areas. Overall, these various developments demonstrate society's efforts to balance accountability, efficiency, and affordability in the delivery of healthcare.  相似文献   

股东权利的维护是现代企业制度的重点内容。股东知情权是股东权力体系申其他权利的基础和前提,也是保障股东对公司业务监督纠正权得以有效行使的必要前提和手段。中国《公司法》第34条第一款明确规定:“股东有权查阅复制公司章程、股东会议记录、董事会会议决议、监事会会议决议和财务会计报告。”在法律实践申如何有效维护股东知情权,以及当股东知情权受到侵害时如何进行司法救济,使股东知情权制度真正实现其法律价值,是本文重点讨论的问题。  相似文献   

This article describes the evolution of political conditions for accession to the European Community from 1957 to 1973 on the basis of the responses of the Community and national parliaments to applications for association (Article 238 EC Treaty) and membership (Article 237 EC Treaty) and to a US foreign policy initiative. It challenges the thesis that the European Community was originally uninterested in the political nature of its members as long as they were non‐communist and that the Community made a volte face in 1962 in reaction to a request for an association agreement by Franco's Spain. It argues that the Copenhagen political criteria, except minority protection, were firmly established by 1973 after a series of pronouncements and decisions by the European Parliament, national parliaments (both 1962), the Commission (1967) and the Council (1973). The article aims to contribute to the early history of the constitutionalization of the Union and discusses how demands from outsiders prompted the Six to define the constitutional requirements for (candidate) members. It is partly based on new archival research.  相似文献   

This Article analyzes potential conflicts that arise from both the judicial and administrative approval processes that govern the closure of charitable hospitals through a sale of all or substantially all of their assets. Examining the recent closure attempt by the Manhattan Eye, Ear & Throat Hospital as an example, the Article highlights the various public health and corporate law issues that are raised when a not-for-profit hospital seeks closure. The Article thoroughly discusses both the statutorily and judicially required approval schemes applicable to the closure of charitable hospitals. The Article also suggests ways in which these conflicts might be avoided or remedied, as well as gives advice regarding hospital board decisionmaking.  相似文献   

我国的生态环境问责制度是一项以党内法规和生态环境政策为规范基础,并以《环保督察规定》、环保督察制度和问责依据为主体构成的制度。在实践中,它也拥有着基层性、广泛性和严厉性三大特点。这样的属性和特点使得生态环境问责制度一方面对督促地方党委和政府履行生态环境保护职责,解决重大生态环境问题上大有裨益。但另一方面,也给地方政府带来了较大的政治压力,并继而影响到了生态环境损害赔偿制度的实施。在这种压力的影响下,如何引导地方政府积极提起生态环境损害赔偿诉讼就成为了亟待解决的问题。为此,我们首先需要构建生态环保领域干部容错机制,并实现生态环境问责制度法制化的改造,最后完成生态环境问责机制多元化的转变,以此赋予生态环境问责制度新的功能和使命。  相似文献   

One of the goals of Pennsylvania's juvenile justice system is the “imposition of accountability” for offenses committed. This White Paper, originally published in 2006, takes the position that true accountability requires juvenile offenders to repair the harm caused by their offending behavior and to understand and acknowledge the wrongfulness of their actions, their responsibility for causing harm, and the impact of the crime on the crime victim and community. It identifies system responsibilities, restorative practices, and outcomes relative to accountability. This White Paper was the result of debate among focus group participants under the auspices of the State Advisory Group.  相似文献   

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