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The authors show the necessity of elaboration and practical application of normative documents (standards) and forensic-medical criterions of assessment of defects in obstetric-gynecological medical aid. The examples of the above assessment are given in the article.  相似文献   

Most of the suits brought against medical professionals concern obstetricians-gynecologists. The experienced clinicians take part in commissions of experts to certify validity of diagnosis, treatment, operations, manipulations. Current state of obstetric-gynecological expertise is characterized. Algorithm of making obstetric-gynecological examinations is proposed. Criteria on forensic-medical assessment of medical care conducted in comparison with current standards of this care are formulated.  相似文献   

The authors established that special structure of bones in childhood have a significant influence on the fractures of long tubular bones. The formation of unusual fractures shows it. Under condition of low speed of bending in the area of fracture many microfissures are formed, which leads to structural failure of intraosseous microcirculation and osteocytes.  相似文献   

Law and Human Behavior - There are serious difficulties in using standard psychometric techniques for validating professional licensing examinations such as medical and bar examinations against...  相似文献   

“意思表示”是医务人员在医疗行为过程中将其期望发生某种法律效果的内心意思以一定方式表现于外部的行为,是医疗行为的核心内容。针对当前临床医疗实践中医务人员意思表示的具体情况,本文分析了医务人员“意思表示”的构成要素、表示形式及法律效力,尤其是具体分析了意思表示不真实情况下医疗行为的法律效力,对医院规范管理医务人员的医疗行为具有一定的积极意义。  相似文献   

This article examines a number of legal issues which arise where medical examinations or tests are used in the employment context, either to test the suitability of a prospective employee in pre-employment situations or to ascertain the fitness of existing employees. Employer justifications for seeking medical information usually relate to attempts to comply with health and safety legislation and to reduce workers compensation costs. This article discusses the legal obligations involved in pre-employment medical testing and, in particular, employee obligations to provide correct information in relation to their health to a prospective employer. It also notes the consequences for employees of providing false information in relation to workers compensation claims and dismissal cases. The article notes the growing trend of requiring drug and alcohol testing for existing employees, particularly in the mining industry. The article concludes by noting that employers need to take care in seeking medical information, and that it should not simply be done as a mechanical, matter-of-course exercise. Failure to observe anti-discrimination laws may result in the employer facing allegations of misuse of medical information and claims for damages for discrimination.  相似文献   

Distribution of irritant on the target after a shot from a 99 mm gas gun ME-38 COMPACT from different distances and gas gun MAUZER (a 9 mm HSc model) in use of different ammunition was studied. There is a correlation between irritant distribution characteristics, distance of shot and cartridge brand.  相似文献   

为有效规避和转移医疗执业风险、解除医疗机构和医务人员的后顾之忧,本文对设立与完善医疗执业风险行业内分担机制的必要性和可行性进行探讨。通过深人分析本文认为,通过整合社会各方面力量和医疗行业内的资源,建立医疗责任商业保险机制,可分担医疗执业风险,维护社会和谐与稳定。  相似文献   

This article responds to Brodsky's critique of the author's views on forensic evaluation of capital defendants and condemned prisoners. It discusses whether objective assessment is possible in a context where personal values are so strongly held, and whether the criteria for assessing competency of condemned prisoners are too vague to permit objective application. And it concludes that evaluations of competency of condemned prisoners to waive opportunity for leniency are more problematic than evaluations of “competency to be executed”.  相似文献   

A test for trace quantities of synthetic detergents on fabric is described in detail. Feasibility of detergents identification in the spots on the exhibits with thin-layer chromatography on silufol is shown and cases of such identification in biological material are given for illustration. Adequacy of the results is confirmed. Such investigation in forensic-medical practice will raise informative value of expert certification in cases when standard biological methods are unable to provide necessary precision.  相似文献   

郭伟  陈凤英 《证据科学》2004,11(2):95-96
四川省通江县辖77个乡镇(含7个办事处),525个村民委员会,3309个村民小组,总人口73万。幅员面积4116平方公里,是一个老山边穷地区,以农业为主的国定贫困县。全县有医疗卫生机构799个。其中县级医疗卫生机构7个,乡(镇)卫生院77个,村卫生站525个,社团、个体医疗机构190个。县级卫生人员1011人,乡镇519人,村站1043人。  相似文献   

基层医疗机构85例医疗纠纷分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
四川省通江县辖77个乡镇(含7个办事处) ,5 2 5个村民委员会,3 3 0 9个村民小组,总人口73万。幅员面积4116平方公里,是一个老山边穷地区,以农业为主的国定贫困县。全县有医疗卫生机构799个。其中县级医疗卫生机构7个,乡(镇)卫生院77个,村卫生站5 2 5个,社团、个体医疗机构190个。县级卫生人员10 11人,乡镇5 19人,村站10 43人。一、资料来源及医疗纠纷的分类统计本文所涉医疗纠纷是我局医政股收集了9年来全县医疗纠纷投诉、报告,以及市、县医疗事故鉴定委员会受理案,共85例。实际发生的医疗过错和医疗纠纷应大于本统计数。1.年度构成1995年2例…  相似文献   

韩华 《证据科学》2004,11(1):12-13
本文作者收集53例医疗纠纷的医疗事故技术鉴定案例,并就其构成医疗事故的原因和不构成医疗事故但存在医疗缺陷的相关因素进行初步分析。  相似文献   

53例医疗纠纷鉴定案例分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
自从《医疗事故处理条例》实施以来 ,无论是医疗纠纷的行政处理、行政机关参与下的调解还是到人民法院进行诉讼 ,来自社会、律师和法官对医疗事故技术鉴定结论的种种质疑就没有停止过 ,尤其是最高人民法院颁布《人民法院参照〈医疗事故处理条例〉处理医疗侵权损害赔偿案件的通知》以来 ,这个问题更是成为事件处理各方争议的焦点。本期我们组织了一部分有关医疗事故技术鉴定的文章 ,设立“医疗事故鉴定专题” ,对该问题进行专门讨论。我们希望在今后一段时间内仍将讨论这一问题。  相似文献   

Toxicological characteristics are presented for 198 cases of acute parenteral poisoning with morphine and heroin. The range of their metabolites concentration in the blood and urine encountered in practice are analysed. Principal causes of death due to opiate poisoning in inpatients are shown. Opiates toxicity was assessed by the method of logit-regression and dose-effect curves for analysis of probability of death depending on opiate metabolite concentration in blood and urine. Relations between probability of death and detection of morphine in biological media of the victims are considered. Morphine concentrations in the blood and urine undoubtedly indicating morphine poisoning are determined.  相似文献   

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