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Two important perspectives on courts highlight fundamentally different elements of adjudication and yield distinct predictions about judicial outcomes. The Attitudinal Model of judicial voting posits judge ideology as a strong predictor of court outcomes. Alternatively, the Law and Economics perspective focuses on the settlement behavior of litigants and reasons that while judges may vote ideologically, litigants adapt to these ideological proclivities, nullifying the effect of judge ideology. This analysis focuses on reconciling expectations about the effects of judge ideology and litigant strategies by examining their contingent nature and the conditioning effects of institutional design. The analysis examines state supreme courts from 1995–1998 to identify empirical evidence supporting both perspectives. While some state supreme courts have discretionary dockets allowing judges greater opportunities to exercise their ideology, others lack discretionary docket control, making dockets and outcomes largely litigant driven. Support for each perspective largely hinges on this fundamental feature of institutional design.  相似文献   

Even in a democratic society, the need for transparency must be balanced with an important countervailing interest: the occasional, legitimate need for government secrecy. This article, based on an examination of opinions in federal cases dealing with national security and transparency, explores how judges identified the main legal issues presented by a case and the legal factors or mode of legal interpretation used to reach or justify their conclusions. The article concludes that many of these opinions are as much about judges’ attempts to balance the judicial branch's power with the powers of the executive and legislative branches as they are about national security and transparency. Furthermore, the article contends these opinions have created an “architecture of power” that determines how national security information is controlled. The final section also suggests that judges should be mindful of the original architecture of power established by the Constitution and the First Amendment when writing their opinions.  相似文献   

Teen courts are juvenile justice diversion programs found in most states. Programs vary significantly between, and even within, states, making regulation cumbersome. Their grass roots nature requires legislative latitude so each program can meet the specific needs of the communities they serve. States have passed both specific and broad legislation acknowledging their existence and providing referral sources. This article examines teen court legislation from every state, analyzes each, and draws conclusions about teen courts from a legislative perspective.  相似文献   

This case study of criminal process in a middle-sized western city in the United States employs quantitative data, interviews, and library research to explore the politics of criminal process and its impact on the operative policies of the criminal courts from I964 through 1980. The research reveals significant policy change but a very elusive relationship between politics and policy. Judges and prosecutors preserve a significant measure of autonomy for dealing with the bulk of their caseload by giving up much of their independence in those cases that are inescapably politicized. Both judges and prosecutors use this partial political insulation to advance their own versions of criminological wisdom. On the other hand, they are constrained by the prevailing ethos and by institutional limitations to operate well within conventional definitions of crime and criminality—even when those conventional views run counter to their own practical experience.  相似文献   

实践中的民事审判——四个中级法院民事一审程序的运作   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王亚新 《现代法学》2003,25(5):177-184
本稿是在特定理论模型支撑下对若干有代表性的中级法院民事一审程序运作状况展开实证调查而取得的一项初始性成果。调查采用案件卷宗抽样、访谈、参与观察、问卷和文献研究等方法,就庭前准备、开庭样式、各类证据的使用情况及结案方式等方面程序的实际操作做了系统的了解,并对"非正式开庭"等调查中新的发现进行了较深入的分析。调查结果显示了在审判方式改革给司法实践带来重大变化的同时,诉讼模式转型仍在进行之中的实际状况。  相似文献   

董红海  陆准 《知识产权》2009,19(4):84-89
CAFC在1984年Litton systems确立了新颖点法之后,美国外观设计专利侵权判断就开始同时应用两个独立的判断方法:新颖点法和普通观察者法.新颖点法的单独应用在带来侵权判断客观性的同时,也造成诉讼中何谓新颖点的"美国式"争论,侵权判断方式过于僵硬,并可能最终削弱了外观设计专利的作用.在Egyptian案中,CAFC以满席判决的方式放弃了新颖点法,仅仅运用普通观察者法进行侵权判定.因此,如何理解美国最新的外观设计专利侵权判断方法,如判断标准是否降低、新旧方法中的普通观察者法是否相同等,就值得探讨.  相似文献   

Mental health courts (MHCs) are rapidly expanding as a form of diversion from jails and prisons for persons with mental illness charged with crimes. Although intended to be voluntary, little is known about this aspect of the courts. We examined perceptions of voluntariness, and levels of knowingness and legal competence among 200 newly enrolled clients of MHCs at two courts. Although most clients claimed to have chosen to enroll, at the same time, most claimed not to have been told the court was voluntary or told of the requirements prior to entering. The majority knew the “basics” of the courts, but fewer knew more nuanced information. A minority also were found to have impairments in legal competence. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the changing context for sexual images and the spaces that give law meaning. The details are evident in Congressional efforts to regulate sex on the Internet and the Supreme Court’s response as well as changing contexts for encountering forbidden images from the old stag films and peep shows to the local public library and sex sites on the web. The paper is part of a larger project on seeing law and the idea that Lady Justice is blind.  相似文献   

This article explores the relevance of disagreement about valuesand about the functions and effects of law to debates concerningthe appropriate relationship between courts and legislatures,common law and statute. Recent developments in tort law providea context for the discussion. The argument is that in general,political processes of law-making should be preferred judicialprocesses.  相似文献   

This critical ethnographic study of family court child maltreatment proceedings describes and illuminates the ways in which racial, gender, and class disadvantages can manifest on the ground as judges, attorneys, social service workers, and parents—joined often by gender but split by race and class—adjudicate cases. The findings suggest that intersectionality worked in ways that exponentially marginalized poor mothers of color in the courtroom. They were marginalized both through the rules of the adversarial process (which silenced their voices) and through the construction of narratives (which emphasized individual weakness) over structural obstacles as well as personal irresponsibility over expressions of maternal care and concern. Standard due process courtroom practices also communicated bias or social exclusion, especially in a courtroom split by race and class.  相似文献   

中国法院经过较长时间的历史演变,于20世纪80年代初确立了独特的合一制组织模式。合一制指的是一种审判与(司法)行政彼此交织融合、由院长全面负责的科层化的制度安排。合一制一度对中国持续快速的经济增长产生积极影响。但是,随着社会中心议题及正当化机制从经济增长逐渐向社会可持续、综合性发展转变,司法行政与审判融为一体的组织结构已不合时宜。将司法审判从过度的科层结构和总体性框架中脱域出来,进而促进宏观政治社会的功能分化,应作为一种发展取向。  相似文献   

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