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Female law enforcement officers who have strong social bonds with their colleagues can reduce the effect that sexual harassment has on job satisfaction. Social bond theory was tested to examine the relationship between sexual harassment and job satisfaction in a sample of 109 active-duty male and female police and correctional officers. Law enforcement personnel are thought to be particularly vulnerable to stressors on the job, like sexual harassment, but they can significantly benefit from strong departmental and colleague support. With some progress toward gender equity, this study shows that female officers still face barriers that are linked to this predominantly male-dominated career.  相似文献   

美国性骚扰法律制度及其借鉴意义   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
胡田野 《河北法学》2004,22(6):123-125
性骚扰是不受欢迎的带有性色彩的言行,是一种非法的性歧视。依美国判例,性骚扰不必源于性的目的,其内容不必是直接的表示;同时,性骚扰行为者在主观上应当是有过错的,受害者在主观上须为不欢迎骚扰行为。构成可诉的性骚扰行为其损害后果须达到严重的程度。依美国最新判例,同性之间也可以构成性骚扰;雇主对员工中的上级职员的性骚扰行为承担民事责任。美国的性骚扰法律制度对我国的立法具有一定的借鉴意义,如公法上的规定并不排除私法的适用,性骚扰的含义应当包含性别歧视,雇主责任应当在立法上得以确立,立法者应当在道德规范和法律规范中寻找平衡点。  相似文献   


The importance of proper response to victims of sexual abuse or assault has been well documented. However, despite their prominence as responders, little research has been conducted on training law enforcement officials to conduct this aspect of their jobs effectively. We describe results of a statewide survey of the adequacy of law enforcement officers' preparation to respond to victims of sexual assault. Results revealed a significant need for greater training on the topic, as well as a number of potential positive impacts of additional training and education, including feelings of better preparation, greater collaboration with external resources, more likelihood of victim participation in investigation, and more cases being brought to prosecution. Based on the results, we present a model of proposed benefits of additional training for police officers in sexual assault.  相似文献   

靳文静 《中国司法》2009,(5):100-103
一、问题由来 我国《妇女权益保障法》的修正案规定:“禁止对妇女实施性骚扰”。这一规定说明:性骚扰在我国仅是作为男性对妇女权益侵害的一种违法行为,其立法基础是性别歧视。随着同性性骚扰行为在司法实践中被认定为侵权行为被追究民事责任的案例出现,这一法律规则被我国的司法实践所突破。同时,由于对性骚扰的认定标准、证据适用规则、处罚措施等方面规范的欠缺,使得该规定的效力和可操作性受到公众和法律界人士的质疑,  相似文献   

性骚扰行为的司法及私法规制论纲   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王成 《政治与法律》2007,2(4):81-90
在现行法的框架下,司法应该且能够以私法手段对性骚扰行为加以规制。性骚扰行为无法列举穷尽,应当授权法官根据上述特点自由裁量。性骚扰行为本身是多种行为的集合,因此,不同的性骚扰行为侵犯的是不同的权利。从司法角度而言,由于我国现行法没有规定贞操权,可以通过对一般人格权的解释来论证性骚扰侵犯了一般人格权。同时,也可以从法律规定的现有具体人格权出发,认定性骚扰同时构成对身体权、健康权、人身自由权及人格尊严权等多种权利的侵犯。就解释论而言,雇员遭受性骚扰,雇主应当根据《人身损害赔偿解释》第9条和第11条的规定承担雇主责任。就立法论而言,性骚扰行为的雇主责任应当适用于劳动关系、人事关系以及公务员与国家机关之间的关系。  相似文献   

性骚扰立法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从比较法的角度对性骚扰立法中的几个问题进行了探讨,重点分析了性骚扰的法律界定,性骚扰的构成要件和法律责任。在文章的最后,作者就我国性骚扰立法和司法中的一些问题提出了独到的建议。  相似文献   


The aim of this article is to provide insight into the phenomenon of sexual harassment in the theatre world. A survey among Norwegian actors is presented showing that sexual harassment is much more prevalent in the theatre world than in Norwegian work life in general. Further, the article aims at understanding why the prevalence is as high as it is. Based on qualitative interviews, the article points out some risk factors that shed light on the high prevalence of sexual harassment. Lastly, the risk factors are related to charismatic authority as an important power base in the theatre world.  相似文献   

性骚扰行为的侵权责任形态分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
确立我国的制裁性骚扰行为的法律制度应当以权利保护主义为立场。由于性骚扰行为的形态有所不同,因此,其侵权责任形态也不同,具体规则也就不同。  相似文献   

性骚扰防治对策探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
性骚扰危害受害人的身心健康,影响婚姻关系的建立与稳定,影响职业发展、造成经济损失,扰乱社会秩序。我国现行法律在不同的立法层面上明确了反对性骚扰的法律原则,妇女权益保障法又将性骚扰纳入了法律范畴,但没有关于性骚扰的专门立法;现行法律规定过于原则、笼统、空泛,缺乏可操作性;法律规定不周全、不延续。应加强立法,填补法律空白,并在刑法典中增设“性骚扰罪”的有关规定;建立起性骚扰的社会预防和防治机制。  相似文献   

性骚扰民事诉讼特别规制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于日益增多的性骚扰案件,研究如何在民事诉讼方面进行特别的规制是至关重要的.根据性骚扰案件的特点,从证据、审理和救济三大方面作出符合性骚扰案件特性的规定:(1)合理运用证据规则,实现证明责任的特殊配置,并且在取证方式的合法性问题上予以适当的放宽;(2)在性骚扰案件的审理期间要特别注重对诉讼参加人的隐私权进行严格的保密与保护;(3)确立惩罚性赔偿以及用人单位责任,切实保护性骚扰案件的受害者,法院还可以适当运用司法建议的方式来遏止和预防职场性骚扰行为的发生.  相似文献   

Studies of legal mobilization often focus on people who have perceived some wrong, but these studies rarely consider the process that selects them into the pool of potential "mobilizers." Similarly, studies of victimization or targeting rarely go on to consider what people do about the wrong, or why some targets come forward and others remain silent. We here integrate sociolegal, feminist, and criminological theories in a conceptual model that treats experiencing sexual harassment and mobilizing in response as interrelated processes. We then link these two processes by modeling them as jointly determined outcomes and examine their connections using interviews with a subset of our survey respondents. Our results suggest that targets of harassment are selected, in part, because they are least likely to tell others about the experience. We also discuss strategies that workers employ to cope with and confront harassment. We find that traditional formal/informal dichotomies of mobilization responses may not fully account for the range of ways that individuals respond to harassment, and we propose a preliminary typology of responses.  相似文献   

林建军 《法学杂志》2007,28(5):114-116
我国修改后的《妇女权益保障法》首次明令禁止"性骚扰",但何谓"性骚扰"没有明确,而概念是理论上被抽象认知和实践中被切实遵从的前提,本文结合不同国家、地区的立法例,指出性骚扰行为应主要依据被骚扰者的主观状态、性骚扰行为的性质以及骚扰者的主观状态等加以判断.  相似文献   

性骚扰是一个影响面极其广泛的社会问题,在西方世界较早引起人们的关注。美国、澳大利亚等资本主义发达国家通过制定法或判例确立了反性骚扰的诸多原则,对世界上其他国家的类似立法颇具借鉴意义。在我国,性骚扰问题引起人们热烈讨论是近几年的事,立法相对滞后。在解决人类面临的相同问题时,法律作为最后的选择往往具有其优越之处。借鉴乃至移植已有的先进立法及其精神不失为一种良策。为此,笔者在分析比较主要国家的相关立法之后,提出制定与完善我国反性骚扰法的管见,以期抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

依法行政的重心在于行政执法。要完成执法任务,行政执法主体必须具备相应的能力。我国当前行政执法中存在诸多问题的一个重要原因就是由于行政执法缺乏保障而致使行政执法主体的能力欠缺。因而,应加强对行政执法的保障,提高行政执法主体的执法能力。  相似文献   

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