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论领导干部压力的产生及其排解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
衣小品 《行政与法》2010,(12):61-63
在当代中国,人民群众对政府的期望和要求越来越高,领导干部群体承载了更大的责任和压力,由此引发的心理健康问题也日益增多。时代要求领导干部必须具备良好的心理调适能力,以保证他们身心健康,进而提高执政能力,更好地服务于社会和人民,使政府机构快速、高效、健康地运转。因此,探讨领导干部群体面临的压力以及如何在心理上进行自我调适并加以排解十分必要。  相似文献   

研究高校学生心理健康问题,对提高大学生的心理健康水平具有积极作用.本文分析了目前高校学生心理健康问题的表现形式及产生原因,提出了解决高校学生心理健康问题的具体方案.即建立覆盖全校师生的心理健康档案系统及心理健康教育系统是提高在较大学生心理健康水平的有效途径.  相似文献   

随着经济的快速发展和社会竞争的加剧以及素质教育的全面推进,大学生的心理健康教育问题已成为大学生思想政治教育的重要组成部分.本文从高校学生工作中心理健康教育和思想政治教育的现状出发,对心理健康教育和思想政治教育相结合进行了分析,并提出了将两者相结合的有效途径,以促进高校学生工作的有效性.  相似文献   

作为司法活动的重要参加者,检察官的作用越来越凸出.在以往总是关注检察制度的完善和检察官业务素质的提升,但是对检察官的心理健康状态的关注不足.由于特殊的职业属性和司法职业的现实生态,检察官的心理健康状态出现了不同程度的问题,影响了检察职能的发挥.本文指出建立科学合理的检察官心理干预机制,调节检察官心理健康状态.值得持续关注.  相似文献   

随着我国干部人事制度改革的深化,领导干部转为非领导干部职务成为一种普遍现象.此举一方面有利于精简机构人员,培养年轻干部,但另一方面也有可能造成人浮于事,人才浪费的现象.因此,如何管理好、使用好这些"转非"干部,则成为了当下急需解决的问题.本文主要探讨了领导干部"啭非"的优缺点,及其如何规范这一现象,加强对转任非领导职务的领导干部的管理.  相似文献   

近日,重庆市政协委员、君之薇董事长吴任军向政协大会提交了一份题为<关于加强公务员心理健康教育的建议>,呼吁市政府有关部门在建设"健康重庆"的同时,高度关注公务员的心理健康问题.他认为,公务员的心理健康问题,已是影响政府行政效能和导致公务员职务犯罪的重要原因.  相似文献   

最近,我市对近年来开展领导干部离任审计工作的情况做了调查.我们在调查中发现,某些领导干部任期内决策失误、疏于管理、虚报业绩等方面的问题相当突出,有的还十分严重,并带有一定的普遍性.认真解决好这些问题,对于加强领导干部的监督管理,促进党风廉政建设,有着十分重要的作用.这些问题主要是:  相似文献   

焦青美  刘艳 《法制与社会》2010,(29):221-222
领导干部的身心健康是领导干部素质健全和全面发展的重要标志,是建设和谐社会不可或缺的一部分。随着社会发展速度的加快,领导干部的身心健康问题已经越来越受到关注和重视。其中,组织在维护领导干部身心健康方面起着重要作用。本文分析了领导干部身心健康存在的问题及成因,并在此基础上提出了针对领导干部的组织健康管理系统。  相似文献   

旭红 《法制与社会》2012,(26):230-231
随着我国独立学院规模的日益扩大和数量的不断增加,大学生心理健康教育人员也开始关注独立学院大学生的心理健康问题.独立学院大学生与普通高等院校相比,有其特殊性,独立学院大学生存在更多的心理健康问题,本文以独立学院大学生为研究对象,研究独立学院大学生一般自我效能感与考试焦虑的关系,以期达到帮助独立学院高校管理者提高学生成绩和心理健康水平的目的.  相似文献   

经过试开通,中共中央组织部于2月26日正式开通了"12380"举报网站(http://www.12380.gov.cn),主要受理反映县处级以上领导班子和领导干部违反<党政领导干部选拔任用工作条例>选人用人问题的举报.  相似文献   

鄢广 《中国卫生法制》2020,(3):31-33,49
农民工从乡村到城市后,面对就业收入、子女教育、人际关系等剧烈变化的陌生环境,往往承受着较大的心理压力。过高压力可能带来诸多社会和医学问题,导致事故、酗酒、意外伤亡、自杀和家庭破裂,使社会蒙受巨大损失。解决农民工心理健康问题牵涉到社会保障、城市管理、工业发展等工作,需要政府及卫生部门、安监部门、社会保障部门等密切配合,供给有效保护农民工心理健康的社会政策。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to describe the social, relational and mental health characteristics of a sample of offenders serving prison or community sentences in the south-west England. About 100 adult male offenders were screened for anxiety and depressive disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), drug and alcohol dependence, and likely personality disorder using validated instruments. Fifty-eight per cent of the sample reported at least one common mental health problem, of these only 26% reported receiving treatment. Participants exposed to traumatic events and/or participants with past mental health problems were more likely to score positive for current common mental health problems. Our study identified factors that may increase the risk of a first episode or recurrent anxiety and/or depression for offenders. Health and criminal justice services should create partnerships and develop interventions that address the risk factors which lead and/or contribute to offenders' mental health difficulties.  相似文献   

Juvenile delinquency with co‐occurring substance abuse and mental health disorders has become an increasing problem within the United States. In part this can be attributed to the excessive number of delinquent youth entering the juvenile justice system with untreated substance abuse and/or mental health disorders. In an effort to combat this problem, interagency collaborations have been formed to provide more effective treatment services. One such interagency collaboration is the JETS Program. This study identifies the strengths and limitations of establishing an interagency collaboration within the first year of a juvenile treatment court's inception.  相似文献   

《公务员法》引咎辞职制度之忧思   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
贺日开 《法律科学》2007,25(6):60-65
《公务员法》引咎辞职制度引人三忧:一忧含义不明,难以执行;二忧制度运行,变形变质;三忧消极影响,不容忽视.鉴于引咎辞职赖以生成的条件短时期内在我国难以具备,与其去打造一件作用有限的监督武器,不如严格执法,加大对领导干部违法犯罪行为的打击力度,这才是打造责任政府,促进民主进程的正道和捷径.故建议在修改《公务员法》时,删除引咎辞职条款,使其回归道义责任之本位.  相似文献   

Drug-involved offenders report high rates of mental health problems that can negatively impact criminal justice outcomes. Yet, relatively little attention has been given to the mental health issues of drug court offenders. Therefore, this study examined 449 participants in a Delaware drug court and investigated relationships between mental health, gender, and program completion. Bivariate results indicated that gender was related to both mental health status and completion status. Multivariate findings revealed that two indicators of mental health, depression and being prescribed drugs for a psychological or emotional problem, were significant predictors of drug court completion. Policy implications include assessing the mental health status of all drug court participants at program entry so that services can be provided which aim to improve offender health and increase the likelihood of successful program outcomes. Drug courts must better meet the needs of participants with co-occurring disorders if they are to remain an effective and viable criminal justice intervention. This research was supported by grant RO1 DA12424 “Drug Court Offenders in Outpatient Treatment,” by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.  相似文献   

我国公务员心理健康问题分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王洪涛  薛明 《行政与法》2006,(11):41-43
目前,我国公务员队伍存在较为严重的心理健康问题,应加以关注。本文在探讨公务员心理健康问题的表现形式的基础上,分析其产生原因,并提出相应的对策,以期为解决我国公务员队伍的心理健康问题提供帮助。  相似文献   

Responsibility for the civil commitment process currently is shared between the justice and mental health systems. Neither system, however, owes substantial loyalty to the goals of civil commitment. The result, as documented in numerous empirical studies, is that the ostensible goals of the process are routinely subverted in favor of other systemic interests. Most reform efforts to date, focused on altering legal rules to conform to doctrinal desiderata, have ignored this problem, leading to uneven and disappointing outcomes. A systems perspective on these problems suggests that one means of dealing with systems whose loyalty to a task is questionable is to create an independent system with the incentives to give primacy to the task in question. The implications of this analysis for civil commitment are explored.  相似文献   

Ex-armed forces personnel constitute the largest known occupational group in prison but there is little evidence regarding their mental health, or substance misuse, needs. A total of 105 participants were interviewed and measures assessing symptoms of common mental health (CMH) problems and substance misuse were completed along with a review of their health care records. Forty (38%) participants screened for current CMH problems (CCMH) and high levels of dual symptomology and alcohol misuse were assessed. Thirty-nine (37%) had a mental health diagnosis recorded, most commonly for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and personality disorder. Those who screened for a CCMH problem were more likely to have pre-service vulnerability to negative health outcomes and those with dual symptomology were more likely to have experienced deployment during their service. Findings suggest the mental health needs of this group are similar to the general prison population. Potentially higher prevalences of PTSD and alcohol misuse may direct service provision.  相似文献   

Analysts have frequently used the concept of a cycle to describe the historical development of mental health policy in the United States. According to the "cyclical" perspective, the mental health system alternates between crests of high policy and program activity and troughs of stagnation and decline. Analysts also observe that past policy themes are periodically rediscovered, only to eventually lose favor and recede into the background once again. This article critically examines the cyclical model of mental health policymaking, placing it within a context of broader theoretical work on the dynamics of public policy formation. The purpose is to organize in a conceptually coherent way what has emerged as the leading theoretical approach to understanding the evolution of the mental health system; to identify major issues and ambiguities in the application of the cyclical framework to mental health policy analysis; and to derive some general insights about problems and possibilities in modeling policy change.  相似文献   

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