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美国经济学家马丁·布朗芬布伦纳对日本经济颇有研究,并深入参与了战后日本经济的重建工作。他极力支持"道奇路线"的紧缩政策,为解决冲绳货币问题提出了政策建议,在夏普税制使节团和联合国亚洲远东经济委员会中发挥了重要作用。本文参考其论文与自传,并结合其学习和工作经历,力图概括指出马丁.布朗芬布伦纳对战后日本经济发展的思考及其所作出的贡献。  相似文献   

张仕颖 《德国研究》2011,(3):72-78,80
在德意志宗教改革家马丁·路德认神识人的过程中,"上帝之义"概念一直困扰着他,构成了其精神困苦的根源。通过对其发现"上帝之义"过程的分析,我们发现"上帝之义"的希伯来文原义在古希腊罗马文化背景下的扭曲变迁才是路德精神困苦的实质所在,只要将亚里士多德和西塞罗的理性分配正义观应用到"上帝之义"的讨论之中,并将义解释为按照人所有的属分进行分配,就会产生这样的精神困苦。  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Kiron K. Skinner, Annelise Anderson and Martin Anderson, (eds.) Reagan, in his own hand: The writings of Ronald Reagan that Reveal His Revolutionary Vision for America
Elizabeth Mitchell, W: Revenge of the Bush Dynasty
Molly Ivins and Lou Dubose, Shrub: The Short but Happy Political Life of George W. Bush
Nicholas Lemann, Sons: George W. Bush and Al Gore
Ralph Nader, Cutting Corporate Welfare  相似文献   

A. L. Tibawi 《亚洲事务》2013,44(3):309-323
The Baha'i Faith: The Emerging Global Religion. By William S. Hatcher and J. Douglas Martin. San Francisco and London (Harper &; Row, 1985). Pp. 226. Illus. Index. £11.95.  相似文献   

From Protection to Competition — The Politics of Trade Practices Reform in Australia. By Kerrie Round and Martin Shanahan (Sydney: The Federation Press, 2015), AU$125.00 (hb).  相似文献   


From the editors: In 2005 Monthly Review Press (New York) published a book entitled China and Socialism: Market Reforms and Class Struggle, written by Martin Hart-Landsberg (a coeditor of Critical Asian Studies) and Paul Burkett. (The content of the book had appeared earlier, in the July-August 2004 issue of Monthly Review [vol. 56, no. 3].) We invited the editors of Critical Asian Studies to participate in a roundtable discussion of the issues that Hart-Landsberg and Burkett have raised. Responses from CAS editors Victor Lippit, Gene Cooper, Alvin So, Mobo C.F. Gao, and Tai-lok Lui appear in the September 2005 issue of the journal (vol. 37, no. 3). A rejoinder by Hart-Landsberg and Burkett is presented here.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Forschungsdesign in der Politikwissenschaft: Probleme ‐ Strategien ‐ Anwendungen : Gschwend, Thomas und Frank Schimmelfennig (Hrsg.) Direkte Demokratie: Bestandsaufnahmen und Wirkungen im internationalen Vergleich : Freitag, Markus und Uwe Wagschal (Hrsg.) Switzerland and the European Union: A Close, Contradictory and Misunderstood Relationship : Church, Clive H. (ed.) Der Assoziationsversuch der Schweiz mit der EWG 1961‐1963: Ein Lehrstück schweizerischer Europapolitik : Zbinden, Martin und Dieter Freiburghaus (Hrsg.) Hutlose Bürschchen und halbreife Mädels: Protest und Polizei in der Schweiz : Tackenberg, Marco und Dominique Wisler Full Disclosure: The Perils and Promise of Transparency : Fung, Archon, Graham, Mary and David Weil (eds.) Recht als Handlungsressource kommunaler Industrieansiedlungspo‐litik : Breunung, Leonie und Hubert Treiber  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Fördern und Fordern im Fokus: Leerstellen des schweizerischen Integrationsdiskurses Die Christdemokratie in Westeuropa: Der schmale Grat zum Erfolg Frey , Tiomtheos Die Wähler der extremen Rechten 1980–2002 Arzheimer , Kai The Radical Right in Switzerland: Continuity and Change, 1945–2000 Skenderovic, Damir Strategien der extremen Rechten: Hintergründe — Analysen — Antworten Braun, Stephan, Alexander Geisler und Martin Gerster (Hrsg.) Die finanzpolitische Handlungsfähigkeit der Bundesländer: Determinanten, institutionelle Defizite und Reformoptionen Hildebrandt, Achim Kommunalfinanzen Rehm, Hannes und Sigrid Matern‐Rehm Die Professionalisierung von Parlamenten im historischen und internationalen Vergleich Climate Change and Political Strategy Compston, Hugh (ed.) The Politics of Climate Change Giddens, Anthony  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
ARMINGEON, Klaus and Michelle BEYELER (eds)(2003) . The OECD and European Welfare States. BONOLI, Giuliano and Martin POWELL (ed.)(2004) . Social Democratic Party Policies in Contemporary Europe. KNOEPFEL, Peter, Ingrid KISSLING‐NÄf und Frédéric VARONE (Hrsg.) (2001) . Institutionelle Regime für natürliche Ressourcen: Boden, Wasser und Wald im Vergleich. TAN, Sor‐hoon (2003) . Confucian Democracy: A Deweyan Reconstruction.  相似文献   


Mitteilungen und Berichte

Nachruf auf Karl Martin Bolte (1925–2011)  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: LERESCHE, Jean‐Philippe (Hrsg.) (2001). Gouvernance locale, coopération et légitimité. Le cas suisse dans une perspective comparée. SCHMID, Josef, et Susanne BLANCKE (2001). Arbeitsmarktpolitik der Bundesländer ‐ Chancen und Restriktionen einer aktiven Arbeitsmarkt‐ und Strukturpolitik im Fderalismus. SENTI, Martin. (2002). Internationale Regime und nationale Politik. Die Effektivität der Intenationalen Arbeitsorganisation (ILO)im Industrieländervergleich.  相似文献   

Kenton Clymer 《亚洲研究》2013,45(3-4):123-125

Written by the research director of the Centre national de la Recherche scientifique in Paris, Cambodia: A Shattered Society is an updated and revised version of a book first published in France in 1989.  相似文献   


To talk about Vietnam now is to get caught in a flurry of accusations and counter accusations, from the Chinese and Kampucheans, the Western press, and the Vietnamese themselves. At a time when Vietnam is entangled in military disputes and deepening party disputes with its socialist neighbors, it may seem anachronistic to go back and relive the spring days of 1975 when, after decades of war, Vietnam was euphorically reunited and freed from foreign invaders. One is tempted to read into those momentous days a foreshadowing of the conflicts to come. There is another reason to review Vietnam's spring liberation, however, and the reason goes beyond the fact that a good book has been written about the subject. Central to current disputes about Vietnam is an assessment of the meaning and practice of socialist transformation. Reaching the Other Side, by Earl S. Martin, is an eyewitness account of the earliest days of socialist Vietnam's postwar transition. In the pages of Martin's book, concrete form is given to the dreams and difficulties facing the newly reunited Vietnam. Martin offers a quiet, detailed account of the socialist government's early answers to those challenges.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Saudi Arabia and the United States, Birth of a Security Partnership, by Parker T. Hart.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , by David E. Long.
Saudi Arabia and the Politics of Dissent , by Mamoun Fandy.
Murder in the Name of God: The Plot to Kill Yitzhak Rabin , by Michael Karpin and Ina Friedman.
Islam in the United States of America , by Sulayman S. Nyang.
Contrasts and Solutions in the Caucasus , ed. by Ole Hoiris and Sefa Martin Yurukel.
Minorities and the State in the Arab World , edited by Ofra Bengio and Gabriel Ben-Dor
Arab National Communism in the Jewish State , by Ilana Kaufman  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Understanding Iraq , by William R. Polk. Losing Iraq: Inside the Postwar Reconstruction Fiasco , by David L. Phillips. Understanding Terror Networks , by Marc Sageman. Islamic Fundamentalism since 1945 , by Beverley Milton‐Edwards. Hezbollah: The Changing Face of Terrorism , by Judith Palmer Harik. Peace Process: American Diplomacy and the Arab‐Israeli Conflict since 1967, Third Edition , by William B. Quandt. How Israelis and Palestinians Negotiate, a Cross‐Cultural Analysis of the Oslo Peace Process , by Tamara Cofman Wittes, editor. Defending Israel: A Controversial Plan Toward Peace , by Martin van Creveld. Inheriting Syria: Bashar's Trial by Fire , by Flynt Leverett. The World According to Whitbeck , by John Whitbeck. Endgame in the Western Sahara: What Future for Africa's Last Colony? by Toby Shelley.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this issue. Innocent Abroad: An Intimate Account of American Peace Diplomacy in the Middle East , by Martin Indyk. We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land: A Plan That Will Work , by Jimmy Carter. A Necessary Engagement: Reinventing America's Relations with the Muslim World , by Emile Nakhleh. Egypt After Mubarak: Liberalism, Islam, and Democracy in the Arab World , by Bruce K. Rutherford. Faysal: Saudi Arabia's King for All Seasons , by Joseph A. Kéchichian. What Kind of Liberation? Women and the Occupation of Iraq , by Nadje al‐Ali and Nicola Pratt. Kemalism in Turkish Politics: The Republican People's Party, Secularism and Nationalism , by Sinan Ciddi. European and Turkish Voices in Favour and Against Turkish Accession to the European Union. Christiane Timmerman, Dirk Rochtus, and Sara Mels, eds.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: LIBERALS FACE THE FUTURE. Edited by George Brandis, Tom Harley, Don Markwell EQUALITY IN DIVERSITY: Fifty Years of the Commonwealth Grants Commission THE AUSTRALIAN LABOR PARTY AND ITS LEADERS. By Denis Murphy AUSTRALIA INTHE KOREAN WAR, 1950–53. VOL. II. COMBAT OPERATIONS. By Robert O'Neill THE DISENCHANTMENT OF THE HOME. Modernizing the Australian Family, 1880–1940. By Kerreen M. Reiger GROWING UP THE COUNTRY. By Phillip Toyne and Daniel Vachon ADVENTUROUS SPIRITS. Australian migrant society in precession Fiji. By John Young IN THE LAND OF STRANGERS: A Century of European Contact with Tanna, 1774–1874. By Ron Adams THE END OF THE ABSOLUTE MONARCHY IN SIAM. By Benjamin A DANGEROUS WORDS: Language and Politics in the Pacific. Edited by Donald Lawrence Brenneis and Fred R. Myers SINGAPORE: STRUGGLE FOR SUCCESS. By John Drysdale LEADERSHIP, LEGITIMACY, AND CONFLICT IN CHINA. From a Charismatic Mao to the Politics of Succession. By Frederick C. Teiwes CAMBODIA: 1975–1982. By Michael Vickery THE PAPERS OF DWIGHT DAVID EISENHOWER: VOLUME VI: OCCUPATION 1945. Edited by Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., and Louis Galambos THE PAPERS OF DWIGHT DAVID EISENHOWER: VOLUMES VII-IX: THE CHIEF OF STAFF. Edited by Louis Galambos THE PAPERS OF DWIGHT DAVID EISENHOWER: VOLUMES X-XI: COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Edited by Louis Galambos THE ARMS RACE TO ARMAGEDDON: A CHALLENGE TO US/NATO STRATEGY. By Generals ON DUTY: A CANADIAN AT THE MAKING OF THE UNITED NATIONS, 1945–1946. By Escott Reid THE MAKING OF THE SHETLAND LANDSCAPE. By Susan A. Knox CAPITALIST DEMOCRACY IN BRITAIN. By Ralph Miliband THE PEOPLE AND THE PARTY SYSTEM. The referendum and electoral reform in British Politics. By Vernon Bogdanor STATES OF MIND: A Study of Anglo-Irish Conflict 1780–1980. By Oliver MacDonagh WHY IRELAND STARVED: A Quantitative and Analytical History of the Irish Economy, 1800–1850. By Joel Mokyr BEFORE MARX: SOCIALISM AND COMMUNISM IN FRANCE, 1830–1848. Edited by Paul E. Corcoran PIERRE MENDES FRANCE. By Jean Lacouture DIE GESCHICHTEDER WLASSOW-ARMEE. By Joachim Hoffmann FACING TOTAL WAR: German Society 1914–1918. By Jiirgen Kocka THE ORIGINS OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR. By James Joll THE NAVY AND GERMAN POWER POLITICS 1862–1914. By Ivo N. Lambi REVOLUTION AND WAR IN SPAIN 1931–1939. Edited by Paul Preston LETTERS FROM SPAIN: LLOYD EDMONDS. Edited by Amirah Inglis HISTORY OF CENTRAL AFRICA, 2 Vols. Edited by David Birmingham and Phyllis M. Martin WESTERN SAHARA. The Roots of a Desert War. By Tony Hodges THE RED SEA. Edited by Abdel Majid Farid CONFLICT IN WORLD SOCIETY: A New Perspective on International Relations. Edited by Michael Banks WAR, STATE AND SOCIETY. Edited by Martin Shaw COALITION WARFARE: AN UNEASY ACCORD. Edited by Keith Neilson and Roy A. Prete PUBLIC AND PRIVATE IN SOCIAL LIFE. Edited by S.I. Benn and G.F. Gaus THE STATE AND POLITICAL THEORY. By Martin Carnoy POLITICAL LEADERSHIP AND NIHILISM: A Study of Weber and Nietzsche. By Robert Eden CHIVALRY. By Maurice Keen MINING AND DEVELOPMENT. By Ciaran O'Tairchaellaigh THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF NATIONALISM. By Dudley Seers IDEAS INTO POLITICS: Aspects of European History 1880–1950. Edited by R.J. Bullen, H. Pogge von Strandmann and A.B. Polonsky  相似文献   

In this “critique and rejoinder” Martin Hart-Landsberg and Paul Burkett argue that Constance Lever-Tracy and Noel Tracy (authors of “Mismatch at the Interface,” Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars 31, no. 3 [1999)) have fallen into the trap of searching for an “optimal” form of capitalism rather than moving beyond contemporary capitalism's “end-of-history” ideology and envisioning and struggling for a more sustainable and human-developmental system. Lever-Tracy and Tracy reply that however much one might hope for a revival in the fortunes of workers in China and Southeast Asia the reality is that “in the kind of short-term perspective relevant to a temporary, frictional crisis, there really is no realistic prospect for solving [the current crisis] by constructing an alternative society.”  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
CHURCH, Clive H.(2004). The Politics and Government of Switzerland. HERMANN, Michael und Heiri LEUTHOLD (2003). Atlas der politischen Landschaften. Ein weltanschauliches Porträt der Schweiz. HÖPNER, Martin (2003). Wer beherrscht die Unternehmen? Shareholder value, Managerherrschaft und Mitbestimmung in Deutschland. MAZZOLENI, Oscar (2003). Nationalisme et populisme en Suisse. La radicalisation de la “nouvelle” UDC. SEGESVARY, Victor (2003). World State, Nation States, or Non‐Centralized Institutions? A Vision of the Future in Politics. VIRIOT DURANDAL, Jean‐Philippe (2003). Le pouvoir gris: sociologie des groupes de pression des retraités.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
Collier, Simon and Sater, William (1996), A History of Chile, 1808–1994
Bulmer-Thomas, Victor (1994), The Economic History of Latin America Since Independence
Ramirez, Susan Elizabeth (1996), The World Upside Down: Cross Cultural Contact and Conflict in Sixteenth-Century Peru
Mundy, Barbara, E. (1996), The Mapping of New Spain: Indigenous Cartography and the Maps of the Relaciones Geograficas
Davis, Darien J., ed., (1995) Slavery and Beyond: The African Impact on Latin America and the Caribbean
Meade, Terasa A., (1997), 'Civilizing' Rio: Reform and Resistance in a Brazilian City, 1889–1930
Schneider, Ronald M. (1996), Brazil: Culture and Politics in a New Industrial Powerhouse
Coutinho, Mauricio (1996) The Brazilian Fiscal System in the 1990s: Equality and Efficiency Under Inflationary Conditions
Jelin, Elizabeth and Hershberg, Eric (eds.) (1996), Human Rights, Citizenship and Society in Latin America
Chalmers, Douglas A., Vilas, Carlos M., Hite, Katherine, Martin, Scott B., Piester, Kerianne and Segarra, Monique (1997), The New Politics of Inequality in Latin America: Rethinking participation and representation
Costa, Sergio (1997), Dimensionen der Demokratisierung: Offentlichkeit, Zivilgesellschaft und likale Partizipation in Brasilien .
Little, Walter and Posada-Carbo, Eduardo (eds.) (1996), Political Corruption in Europe and Latin America.
Linkogle, Stephanie (1996), Gender Practice and Faith in Nicarague: Constructing the Popular and Making 'Common Sense'
Prevost, Gary and Vanden, Harry E. (eds) (1997), The Undermining of the Sandinista Revolution  相似文献   

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