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The idea of constitutionalism requires the notion of limiting the power and rights of the people guaranteed by the Constitution. Indonesia Constitution-Undang-Undang Dasar1945 clearly provides protection upon constitutional rights of citizens. Yet, in some places where agrarian conflicts happened, constitutional rights of citizens ignorance still occurs. One of the longest conflicts in Lampung is the conflict in Register 45forest area, in Mesuji district, Lampung. This conflict has been occurring for more than eleven years and resulting in many victims. It is a conflict about control and management of Industrial Plantation Forests (HTI) involving disputes among investors, people, and government.  相似文献   

Customary law is often criticized for being in conflict with human rights norms, mainly on the grounds that it tends not to emphasize gender equality and discriminate against women. Although customary law has not in the past emphasized equality between men and women, it cannot be regarded as completely in conflict with human rights1. As already stated, one of the principles of human rights is equality between the sexes. Customary law has the same aim as human rights, which is the protection of human dignity2. The conflict may be largely caused by the fact that, ideologically, African customary law is communal or socialist in approach, whereas human rights are based on the premise that a person has rights by virtue of his or her being an individual human being. Now that we in South Africa have a bill of rights and yet we will still have customary law, the question has been and is still being posed whether customary law is not in conflict with universal human rights. The reason for this is that one of the values that underpin our Constitution is equality.3 Customary law on the other hand does not insist on complete equality in every respect. In particular section 9 of the 1996 Constitution provides for equality before the law and for equal protection and benefit of the law, which entails the full and equal enjoyment of all the rights and freedoms. It further proscribes unfair discrimination based on the listed grounds although it allows steps to promote or advance people or categories of persons who have been disadvantaged by unfair discrimination.  相似文献   

The central thrust of the paper is to locate the appropriateness of peacekeeping in conflict resolution. Since 1948, peacekeeping operation has gained steady importance as a method to resolve both inter and intra state conflicts. In Darfur, since 2003 when the horrendous carnage first broke out resulting in killing of over 200,000 civilians and displacement of millions others,  相似文献   

Humanitarian scholars have remained concerned with the devastating harm and destructive effects associated with the new means and methods of conducting armed hostilities. Little research has been done in exploring the social-economic impact warfare on the rights of vulnerable groups. In this case persons with mental and physical disabilities are more prone to warfare's changing and challenging environments during and after the end of armed hostilities. There is, however, inadequate research depicting how physical or even mental disabilities could be a probable consequence of armed conflicts. Mixed research methods have been used in exploring themes arising from the war-disability relationship. These themes relate to how armed conflicts have caused and impacted the person with disabilities. The case study model is applied by refereeing chosen examples of armed conflicts. Radom case studies have been used.  相似文献   

The legislation of choice-of-law rules for torts has a long history in China. General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China of 1986 (GPCL), Maritime Act of the People's Republic of China of 1992 (Maritime Act) and Act of the People's Republic of China on Civil Aviation of 1995 (Civil Aviation Act)provide respectively the choice-of-law rules for general tort, maritime tort and limitation of liability for maritime claims as well as tort arising out of civil aircraft. The Act of the People's Republic of China on the Application of Laws in Foreign-Related Civil Relations of 2010 (PIL-Act) not only brings developments and changes to conflict rules for tort in general, but also provide choice-of-law rules for product liability, infringement of the right of personality via the internet and liability arising from an infringement of intellectual property rights, which marks that Chinese conflicts law has entered into a new developmental stage and taken on several new trends: (1) Chinese conflicts law system for torts has been basically set up; (2) Chinese choice-of-law rules for torts are becoming more and more diversified," (3) the prineiple of party autonomy has been fully introduced to tort liability; and (4) judicial interpretations issued or to be issued by the Supreme People's Court will still play an important role in judicial practice.  相似文献   

To fight against money laundering crime, a number of specialized governmental agencies were created. In Indonesia, these agencies are commonly referred to as "financial intelligence units" or FlUs, Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK) in Indonesia language. Indonesia's government declared statute No. 25 year 2002 in conjunction with Statute No. 25 Year 2003 about Money Laundering Crime. These statutes have arranged PPATK's definition and function. PPATK as an independent bridging body or institution between financial sectors (banks and other financial institutions) and law enforcement/judicial sectors has a task to analyze the report which must be submitted to the law enforcement officials (i.e., polices, prosecutors, and judges). This report is used as the basis to determine whether analysis results can continue to the court. Actually, PPATK has been included in investigation sector and granted part of the police's power. Therefore, the main function of PPATK is to act as the first gate to reveal money laundering crimes' presumption. Based on the research result in 2008, the number of Suspicious Transaction Reports (STR) obtained by PPATK during 2004-2007 was 411. However, only 15 cases were succesfulty brought to the court due to public prosecutors considering money laundering as a proceed of crime which ought to be a "sui generis crime". This paper aims to elaborate obstacles PPATK faced and the low law enforcement rate (3.6 %) of money laundering crime in Indonesia.  相似文献   

This article takes as a starting point, key claims from studies of the invention of the human category "white" during the late Seventeenth Century in Colonial North America: that "white" reflecting a unique group of humanity was an invention deployed to divide laborers; that white people were by law assigned greater material value and rendered more valuable; and that those who were seen as white were thought to be like the British and believed to be superior to those seen as nonwhite. Each of these claims will be briefly reviewed. Building upon the foundation of whiteness studies in law and history, this article explores what Ian F. Haney Lopez identifies as the "common knowledge" of race, the legal standard established within naturalization prerequisite cases in order to determine whether one was racially "white" by law. This article works to bridge the ideas revealed through studies of the invention of white people within Colonial North America and this legal standard that emerged in the 1920s. U.S. expansionism, immigration and naturalization law in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries provide critical areas of inquiry for the developing understanding of the "common knowledge" of race and the role of law in the construction of race.  相似文献   

Clinical legal education or CLE is known long enough in Indonesia by establishing Legal Aid Body named Lembaga Bantuan Hukum (LBH), which aimed to train and prepare student to work in the real world especially in contributing and supporting marginal people (low-income people). This mission was in line with the rule of law principle, which has characteristic values of supremacy of law, equality before the law, and due process of law. Recently, CLE is linking practical experience and legal theories to provide students with comprehensive understanding of legal aid and its goals, in particular, the implementation of the rule of law in Indonesia.  相似文献   

Preliminary question, a legal problem often involved in foreign marriage and foreign succession relations, has ever been discussed by masters in private international law. In the field of private international law study in China, the research on preliminary question has been the receiving and continuing of the British private international law expert, Morris. But his theory of preliminary question is open to question. This article restates the conditions and application of law of preliminary question of from both the theoretical and practical aspects and raises the author's new points and propositions.  相似文献   

Indonesia is a state law. This statement can be found in Article 1 Verse (3) of Indonesia Constitution of 1945 and is elaborated more in Act No. 48 Year 2009 on Judicial Power-in which Article 1 No. 1 asserts that Judicial Power refers to the power of a free country to perform court systems in order to enforce the law and justice based on Pancasila and Indonesia Constitution of 1945, in line with the status of Indonesia as a state law.  相似文献   

This article tries to explore the factors affecting women's participation in indigenous conflict resolution among the Issa and Gurgura clans of Somali ethnic group. It also tries to explore the system of conflict resolution among the Issa and Gurgura clans and women's representation in the system. It assesses the role of women in the formation of social capital through marriage and blood relations between the different clans. Women are the primary agent in the formation of social capital between clans or ethnic groups. The paper focuses on some of the important elements of the socio-cultural settings of the study community that are in one way or another related to conflict and indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms. It also examines the positive aspects of marriage practices in the formation of social capital which strengthens friendship and unity instead of enmity.  相似文献   

Legal scholar James Boyd White has challenged both lawyers and rhetoricians to imagine the law as an enterprise of language. In contending that members of the legal profession should see law as an activity of speech and imagination occurring in a social world, he has urged lawyers to view the legal profession as an interaction of authoritative texts and as a process of legal thought and argument instead of thinking of law as a technical system of regulations and applying its rules in a mechanical way. By asking members of the legal professional to consider law as rhetoric, White has encouraged them to recognize the socially constitutive nature of language, which runs contrary to a perspective of law as machine or, rather, the law as only a mechanistic system of rules and regulations. His ideas have inspired the "law and literature" movement, which has motivated other scholars to analyze the texts of judicial opinions, for example, according to White's theories. However, this essay takes White's concept of imagining the law and applies it public address and, specifically, to the 1965 "Crime and the Great Society" speech given by former Los Angeles Police Chief William Parker. Chief Parker's address reveals a vision for the City of Los Angeles in which Parker, himself, asks his audience of citizens and civic leaders to share for advancing a specific agenda for law enforcement's role in society.  相似文献   

The principal aim of this research is the quest for a well-balanced legal system that reconciles predictability and flexibility in the law of maritime delimitation. As with all types of law, the law of maritime delimitation should possess a degree of predictability. The other flexible considerations of geographical are also required in order to achieve equitable results. How, then, is it possible to ensure predictability while taking into account a diversity of factors in order to achieve an equitable result? This, according to the author, is the question at the heart of the law of maritime delimitation. This issue in depth by looking at three aspects of the question." first by looking at the two opposing and contrasting approaches evident in the evolution of the law of maritime delimitation; second, by undertaking a comparative study of the case law and State practice; and third, by examining the theoretic 1958 Geneva Conventions and the pioneer ruling in the North Sea Continental Shelf case." the inherent and "ab initio" rights of the coastal State, the requirement for delimitation by agreement, and the emphasis on the role of equity. But much remained to be worked out by State practice and by jurisprudence; and in such a novel field, it is perhaps not surprising that there have been many inconsistencies and reversals. There could be no better guide through this labyrinth than whose sureness of direction is based on very detailed study, All problems underlie the law of maritime delimitation. Nowadays, many studies have been written in the field of maritime delimitation. Most of them have focused on the case law. In fact, as is shown in the bibliography, there are many articles relating to inter-national judgments in this field. Since it has been argued that the law of maritime delimitation has developed through international jurisprudence, it was only natural that writers turned to the analysis of case law in this field. By contrast, State practice concerning maritime delimitation has not been suffici  相似文献   

On November 24, 2013, Egypt's signed into law - the Public Protest interim President Adly Mansour Law after it was proposed by the interim government, and soon it became the main concern in Egypt due to claim that after the ousting of President Mohamed Morsi and of the Muslim Brotherhood, the country is currently ruled by a military-backed government that seeks to restrict freedom and rights in order to introduce a new authoritarian-military rule. The government promoted the law by arguing that it aims to maintain stability and security in Egypt's streets and that it only targets factional protest movements and saboteurs. Nevertheless, the law has been widely criticized by human rights groups as well as rights and political activists who say it restricts freedom of speech and that it is an attempt to completely ban the right to protest, not to regulate it as the government claims.  相似文献   

The Qing Dynasty is the last dynasty of all the twelve dynasties in Chinese history. Its family law embodied the Confucian conception of the integration of family, country and the world under heaven. The rule of traditional Chinese society was depicted as "the Rule of Propriety and Music" which had been established by Duke Zhou as an instrumentalist mechanism and refined by the Confucian humanistic value orientation. This rule exhibited the intricate fabric of both family and country in five-types in dressing-service, making the laws and legalities in the Qing Codes and Cases peculiar in marriage, divorce, property inheritance and heir adoption and confirmation with obvious female and juvenile discriminations. Since Confucian ethics was introduced as a remedy to the deficiency in regulation and the stereotypes of mentality in the late Zhou Dynasty, their suggestions on equal and universal moral rights have become apparent in the relative enactments and cases ever since. As a system of social regulation, the Qing Codes and Cases demonstrated validity and stability in all areas of family law as well as in their compromise with Confucian ethics in the solidarity of family, clan, country and worm where the right to live and the balance between right and duty had been always prioritized.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role of informal groups, such as "Contact Group", in modem-day practice of conflict prevention, mediation, and settlement. It further aims to examine the legal status of this ad hoc grouping of states under international law, analyzing the Contact Group's involvement and operation in cases of Namibia (formerly South West Africa), Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo. This empirical survey is instrumental to delimit and define the relationship that is created between formal and informal processes and institutions at the planetary level, as a result of the emergence and proliferation of informal ad hoc groupings of states. The bases of authority, political effectiveness, and the place and position of the Contact Group within the existing UN system of collective security are used to understand the rationale behind the formation and existence, as well as contribution and utility of such informal structures.  相似文献   

Although environmental law is a relatively a new field of scholarship in South Africa, it is growing rapidly. The right to access to social security including environmental rights is found in the South African Bill of Rights, is being amplified by legislative and constitutional reforms, and developing case law in the courts. There is therefore a clear need to increase the understanding of the discipline through systematic research and teaching at various levels.1 The notion of including an “environmental right” in a domestic constitution is not novel in Africa. Most African countries have incorporated a constitutional provision that ensures the right to a healthy environment. Most of the problems that exist with environmental rights under the international and regional systems are absent under the domestic South African system. The way in which environmental rights have been formulated in international instruments, section 24 of the South African Constitution has been framed as an individual right and not as a collective one. Environmental degradation often affects groups of people and it could consequently argue that the right should protect groups and not just individuals.2  相似文献   

The dominance of computer and information technologies in the second half of the 20th century has begun to transform the conventional forms of concepts and relations in law and public administration. This transformation has beeome a trigger and an indispensable decisive factor of an ongoing change which has deep impacts on the social order. In this context, the conventional relations between citizens and administration have appeared in new forms with the emergence of the Internet and other information technologies. In administrative law, this innovation, mostly referred to as e- administration, results in changes in administration and administrative activities and applications. This change gives the signals of a start that will have deep impacts and transform both public administration and administrative law. The factors that influence the emergence and success of e-administration are the level of development, financial capability, level of infrastructure, national legislation and public support in a country. The recent global crisis has led to a decrease of acceleration in e-State applications. In international literature, Fang suggests a list of requirements for e-State and hence for e-administration. An expanded version of this list can be accepted as the "ideal" for the time being. Ten characteristics required for the good practice of e-administration are as follows:  相似文献   

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