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在我们学习和借鉴西方市场经济的理论和政策过程中,越来越多的人对西方新自由主义思潮给予关注,并进行了针对性的研究,但其中存在着不同程度的误解和不适当的态度,妨碍着我们正确对待新自由主义思潮.我们要区分新自由主义经济学中的合理因素和谬误成分,区分新自由主义经济学所涉及的利益和立场在不同时间、不同范围、不同对象上的差异,区分理论界与政策决策当局认识的异同、学术界认识与"华盛顿共识"的异同,区分新经济自由主义的国内政策和国外政策的异同,注意新自由主义经济政策与国家干预主义和保护主义经济政策的交替、转换和灵活运用.发展中国家学习和借鉴新自由主义经济学必须注意:要将市场化与市场自由化、全面市场化区分开,将对外开放与对外全面自由开放区分开,将市场化、产权改革与全面私有化区分开,将市场化与快速市场化和快速自由化区分开.  相似文献   

李树 《河北法学》2006,24(7):18-20
法经济学作为经济学帝国主义的重要表现,它是用经济学的方法和理论来考察、研究法律和法律制度的形成、结构、过程、效果、效率及未来发展的学科;它是法学和经济学科际整合的边缘学科.在阐述法经济学的基本理论思维后,通过法经济学运动的启示作用,提出以经济战略推进我国法治化进程的思路.  相似文献   

This paper examines the use of citations analysis as an empiricaltool for understanding aspects of the legal system and for improvingthe performance of the system. Emphasis is laid on the use ofsuch analysis as a means to evaluate courts and judges (andtherefore as a judicial-management tool), to test hypothesesabout judicial behavior, and to evaluate and improve legal scholarship.It is argued that economic models, particularly of reputationand of human capital, can frame and guide the use of citationsanalysis in law.  相似文献   

法律的经济分析方法评判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法律的经济分析方法的新颖之处就在于经济方法对传统法律方法的替代。法律的经济分析方法与马克思主义的经济分析法虽然研究风格迥异,但在价值观上存在一致性。作为一种强有力的分析工具,经济方法已经对法学、政治学等诸多领域产生了划时代的革命性的影响,具有不可替代的优势。但法律的经济分析方法存在着不足,它不会也不可能完全代替传统的法律方法。法律的经济分析具有广大的包容力和发展潜力。法律的经济分析的发展将可能更注重价值多样化、更关注动态的法律发展过程。  相似文献   

EMU represented an important change in the economic constitution of the European Union. It is, to a large extent, a culmination of a process of Franco-German reconciliation and understanding. However, in the postwar period, there were significant differences in thought and economic policy-making in Germany and France. France was dominated by the tradition républicaine, giving a central role to the state in economic life. In Germany, the federal structure of the state went together with the social market economy. In this paper an analysis is presented of these differences in thought and economic policy-making, how they evolved through time, and how they contributed to shaping the nature and economic constitution of the European Union. The focus of the paper is on the Rome Treaties, the Werner Report and the Maastricht Treaty process.  相似文献   

2008年以来国际经济格局发生了深刻变化,国际经济法律制度的不适应性和不公平性凸显,变革迫在眉睫。发达国家的国际经济法律制度变革主张具有片面性,不能有效解决国际经济法律制度的不适应性问题,也不能解决发展中国家的发展问题。人类命运共同体思想客观揭示了国际经济关系的本质特征,确立了“共同繁荣”的发展目标,明确了解决发展难题的基本途径和法律原则,指明了实现共同繁荣的途径。它冲破了发达国家学者的传统窠臼,成为人类解决发展问题的重要思想源泉;其中的目标设置和原则确立,对国际经济法的发展具有关键意义,可以成为国际经济法律制度变革的指导性思想。“一带一路”倡议的成功实施显示了人类命运共同体思想的威力。依据人类命运共同体思想进行国际经济法律制度变革前景可期。  相似文献   

Publicness, a concept developed by public administration theorists, is a measure of government influence on an organizational process. This study examines the effect of publicness on the flow and movement of the energy technology decision process. The study finds that technology service providers have the potential for adversely affecting the technology decision process of service recipients by increasing paperwork, conflict, and decision time. The study suggests that a greater understanding of the multiple forms of publicness can help technology service providers minimize disruptions and administrative costs for service recipients. It lays the groundwork for more extensive research into how economic development agencies, state universities, federal laboratories, and other service providers affect the technology decision process of private firms.  相似文献   

The paper is an exercise in a neo-Austrian based economic analysis of product liability. After a short historical introduction, we take two of the basic premises of Austrian economic thought and see which system of product liability results. If costs are subjective and entrepreneurship is the essence of an efficient market process, a system of caveat emptor and vendor results. For judges to assess damages, in the way others advocate judges to do, judges would need to measure costs, something that cannot be done according to Austrian economics. The paper also answers some possible criticisms from the mainstream neoclassical perspective.  相似文献   

以引用数据库CSSCI、CNKI和文摘数据库《新华文摘》和《人大复印报刊资料》为依据,采用引用率和转载率两项指标,聚焦中国经济法学高影响论文。通过数据分析,提炼中国经济法学30年的研究热点和焦点,从而试图为该学科的未来发展形成一个基本文献基础。回顾经济法热点,集中在经济法基础理论、竞争法、财税法、证券法、消费者法、劳动法和社会保障法和环境资源法8个方面,但已有研究思路值得反思。  相似文献   

经济法的定位与经济法学体系之重构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李正华 《河北法学》2003,21(6):37-40
回顾我国经济法的发展历史,可以看到经济法学体系是在计划经济向市场经济转变过程中逐渐建立和发展起来的。正确认识经济法的本质,界定经济法是政府管理和协调国民经济运行关系的法律,是正确构建经济法学体系的前提。面对知识经济的挑战,经济法学体系应根据现实发展而重构,有关经济法学研究的理念也应当更新。特别是要完善经济法学理论体系、注重知识经济社会对经济法发展的影响、加大对现实问题的研究、将比较法进一步引入经济法研究之中。  相似文献   

Despite its long history in criminology, research on the relationship between macroeconomic conditions and rates of common crime remains limited. That is in part because many analysts doubt that any systematic relationship exists and in part because of disagreement with regard to the validity of the indicators typically used to measure economic conditions. We argue in this article that good theoretical reasons exist to expect macroeconomic effects on crime rates, but many theories imply that collective perceptions of economic hardship should have effects on crime that are independent of those of more “objective” economic indicators. To evaluate this argument, we examine the relationships between the Index of Consumer Sentiment and regional robbery, burglary, larceny, and motor vehicle theft rates in the United States between 1970 and 2003, which was a period of large swings in both consumer sentiment and instrumental crime. Controlling for several factors thought to influence temporal variation in crime rates, we find that consumer sentiment had significant effects on robbery and property crime rates over the period that were largely independent of the effects of unemployment and economic growth. We also find that consumer sentiment accounted for a sizable fraction of the crime decline during the 1990s and yields reasonably accurate predictions of changes in the four offenses in 2004 and in two of the four offenses in 2005. We conclude that the effects of collective economic perceptions should become an important focus of future research on crime trends.  相似文献   

包容性发展与排徐性发展或歧视性发展相对,它的本质就是指全体社会成员都能平等地参与社会发展的过程,公平地共享社会发展的权利、机会和成果的一种发展.包容性发展包括社会包容、经济包容、政治包容、文化包容等多个方面.包容性发展与经济法的本质、理念和价值有着密切的联系,是天然耦合的,包容性发展是经济法本质的核心要求,与经济法理念内在统一,是经济法价值的重要体现.实现包容性发展,离不开经济法治保障,因为建立健康有序的市场秩序是包容性发展的基础,而法治的宏观调控是包容性发展的保障.  相似文献   

海南国际旅游岛建设需要大力发展游艇经济产业,鼓励和扶持游艇经济产业发展已是海南国际旅游岛建设的一项重要内容之一。海南发展游艇经济产业,具有得天独厚的优势,利用海南经济特区立法权,制定有关游艇经济产业发展的法规,充分营造游艇经济产业良好的法制环境,是当务之急。  相似文献   

随着"宽严相济"刑事政策的出台,刑法势必重新选择对经济犯罪的控制对策,以摆脱效益与公正性的困境。根据这种对策所形成的制度安排应当在减少交易成本和保障制度创新方面符合市场经济的基本要求,具体包括两个方面:构建非刑法的经济犯罪控制体系;根据经济违法行为的不同危害性构建相应的刑法控制体系。  相似文献   

Prices in illegal drug markets are difficult to predict. Based on qualitative interviews with 68 incarcerated drug dealers in Norway, we explore dealers’ perspectives on fair prices and the processes that influence their pricing decisions. Synthesized through economic sociology, we draw on perspectives from traditions as different as behavioral economics and cultural analysis to demonstrate how participants in illicit drug distribution base their pricing decisions on institutional context, social networks, and drug market cultures. We find that dealers take institutional constraints into consideration and search for niches with high earnings and low risks. The use of transactions embedded in social networks promotes a trusting form of governance, which enables strategic network management and expedient distribution but also uncompetitive pricing. Finally, dealers’ pricing decisions are embedded in three different cultures narratives: business, friendship, and street cultural stories, with widely varying implications for prices. Our findings demonstrate how an economic sociology of illicit drug distribution can extend insights from behavioral economics and cultural studies into a coherent criminology of illegal drug markets.  相似文献   

以人权为核心度量发展的四个维度   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
人权是发展的根本目的,也是发展的手段。缺失人权精神的滋养,发展就会丧失方向,失去灵魂。发展是一个扩展人权的全面过程,包括政治、经济、社会和文化发展四个维度,要知悉发展的"质量"如何,就必须以人权为基点进行度量。以政治权、经济权、社会权和文化权四项基本人权来度量发展的四个维度,是一个"四位一体"的复杂的相互关联体系,是一个全新的、相当重要却长期被人忽视的评价标准模型。  相似文献   

西方现代官方经济学理论即凯恩斯主义对西方经济法的产生、发展有着直接的影响,而西方经济法的发展对西方市场经济的规范和完善有着积极的作用。明乎此,对我国加强经济法的学科建设和完善社会主义市场经济大有裨益。  相似文献   

法学研究的经济学维度——基于法律经济学的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李树 《现代法学》2003,25(6):45-48
法律经济学作为经济学帝国主义的重要表现 ,它是用经济学的方法和理论来考察、研究法律和法律制度的形成、结构、过程、效果、效率及未来发展的学科 ;它是法学和经济学科际整合的边缘学科。本文在阐述了法律经济学的发展历程及基本理论思维后 ,提出了法律经济学运动带给我们的几点思考  相似文献   

全球化背景下世界经济发展的双重趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济全球化是当今世界经济发展中最为突出的一个重大特征和趋势。在经济全球化的推动下,世界经济运动在多方面呈现出双重发展趋势,即经济增长轨迹上升和波动趋势并存,区域集团化和经济民族化趋势并存,新经济技术迅速发展和不平衡加剧趋势并存,世界经济格局单极化和多极化趋势并存,各国强化市场机制和发挥政府作用趋势并存,国际经济合作协调和对立冲突趋势并存。正确认识世界经济发展的双重趋势,可使我们认清经济全球化对我们带来的各种机遇和挑战,采取积极有效的对策,趋利避害。  相似文献   

Companies, as primary disseminators of information, and financial institutions, as major recipients, have economic incentives to self-regulate the transmission and usage of price-sensitive information. These include increased (lost) reputation costs and adverse share price penalties arising from poor management of information disclosure. The economic motivation for self-regulation is seen as conceptually linked to but distinct from legislative changes. Self-regulation has the strong support of economic efficiency arguments, whereas recent additional new legislative changes do not. This article examines a major corporate and institutional response to the new regulatory climate—to internalize part of the regulatory process during their regular relationship communications. Relationships between the case companies and institutions already exist for transaction purposes. They are used as a convenient and low-cost means to pursue self-regulation and to avoid errors of price-sensitive information release. This self-regulatory process is illustrated using case material. It is clear from the response pattern presented that the development of a self-regulatory framework by the parties has been an iterative one. The corporate and institutional systems that have been evolving seem to be significantly influenced by the regulatory trends. The regulatory changes appear to have played a role in increasing market costs incurred by those companies with poor stock market communication practices. The article ends by arguing that new proposals to change in the formal regulatory system should recognize that further legislation is unlikely to improve the poor prosecution record. Nevertheless, legislative changes can combine with and buttress the self-regulation process to create an effective regulatory system.  相似文献   

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