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Abstract: Recent scrutiny of forensic science has focused on unreliability of expert witness testimony when based on statements of individuality. In bitemark analysis, assumptions regarding uniqueness of the dentition have been based on use of the product rule while ignoring correlation and nonuniformity of dental arrangement. To examine the effect of these factors, two separate sets of scanned dental models (n = 172 and n = 344) were measured and statistically tested to determine match rates. Results were compared to those of a prior study. Seven and 16 matches of the six anterior lower teeth were found in the respective data sets. Correlations and nonuniform distributions of tooth positions were observed. Simulation tests were performed to verify results. Results indicate that given experimental measurement parameters, statements of dental uniqueness with respect to bitemark analysis in an open population are unsupportable and that use of the product rule is inappropriate.  相似文献   

Abstract: Knowledge of distortional properties of skin is important in bitemark analysis. Thus, the response of skin to stress from bites was investigated. Four sets of models were created from the dentition of one individual. Anterior teeth were systematically removed to vary contact surface area. A biting apparatus was constructed with an integrated load cell. Forty‐six bites were created perpendicular to Langer lines on six cadavers. Rate of force application and bite pressure were controlled. Metric/angular measurement and hollow volume overlays were employed. Distortion produced by each dentition was calculated and assessed. Results showed that as teeth impressed loose tissue, mesial/distal distance increased, angles of rotation flattened, and inter‐canine distance lengthened. An opposite effect was seen in tight tissue. When the surface area of the dentition was reduced, a mixture of these effects was observed. Conclusions indicated that stiffness of the tissue was the most important variable in bitemark distortion.  相似文献   

Abstract: In bitemark analysis, the forensic odontologist must consider how the biomechanical properties of the skin contribute to distortion of the bitemark. In addition, one must consider how the bitemark can be distorted by postural movement of the victim after the bite has occurred. A fundamental review of the architecture and biomechanical properties of the dermis is described and evaluated through bites made on cadavers. In order to assess distortion, 23 bites from a single characterized dentition were made on un‐embalmed cadaver skin. Bite indentations were photographed. Following various body manipulations they were re‐photographed in different positions. Hollow volume overlays of the biting dentition were constructed, and metric analysis of the dentition and all bitemarks was completed. The overall intercanine, mesial to distal, and angle of rotation distortion was calculated. Of the 23 bites made, none were measurably identical, and in some cases, dramatic distortion was noted.  相似文献   

Abstract: Prediction of dental characteristics from a bitemark (bitemark profiling) and arbitrary photographic distortion compensation are two practices proposed in bitemark analysis. Recent research on the effect of inherent skin tension properties in bitemark analysis suggests that these practices are subject to review. A biting apparatus was used to create 66 bitemarks in human cadaver skin. The bitemarks were photographed, sized 1:1, and evaluated with Adobe Photoshop®. Metric/angular measurements and hollow volume dental overlays were employed. Distortion produced was calculated and assessed. Results showed distortional ranges were nonuniform both between bites, as well as within each bite. Thus, enlarging/decreasing the photograph uniformly would not correct the distortion that resulted. With regard to bitemark profiling, 38% of the bites created patterns that could be misleading if profiled. Features were present/absent that were inconsistent with the biter’s dentition. Conclusions indicate bitemark profiling and arbitrary distortion compensation may be inadvisable.  相似文献   

An understanding of the variability of the anterior human dentition is essential in bitemark analysis. A collection of 1099 3D laser scans of paired maxillary and mandibular arches were studied using geometric morphometric methods. Analyses were performed without scale (shape only) and with scale (shape and size). Specimens differing by no more than experimentally obtained measurement error were counted as matches, or as indistinguishable. A total of 487 maxillary (396 size preserved), 131 mandibular (83 size preserved), and one paired dentition (two size preserved) matches were found. Principal component analysis and partial least squares revealed interpretable patterns of variation and covariation in dental shape, principally dominated by variation in dental arch width. The sensitivity of match rate to assumed degree of measurement error was also determined showing rapid increases in match rate as measurement error increased. In conclusion, the concept of dental uniqueness with regard to bitemark analysis should be approached with caution.  相似文献   

Forensically identifying a suspect's dentition from a bitemark in an open population requires the supposition that every person's dental alignment is different. There have been few studies that have tested this claim. Four hundred and ten lower anterior dentitions from a selected population and 110 lower anterior dentitions from one that was orthodontically treated were measured using geometric morphometric analysis, allowing comparison of arch shape. Dental match rates of 1.46% and 42.7% of individuals were found in the respective populations, given an established measurement error. Orthodontic treatment had a strong effect on match rate suggesting that treated or naturally well-aligned dentitions may be indistinguishable. Sexual dimorphism was found to be only slightly significant. Principal shape variation in both populations was degree of arch curvature. Results of studying these populations show that dental matches can occur, and that statements of certainty concerning individualization in such populations should be approached with caution.  相似文献   

This study attempts to characterize the nature of disagreement among odontologists in determining the fundamental properties of suspected bitemark injuries. Fifteen odontologists were asked to freely comment on six images of supposed bitemarks. Qualitative analysis using a grounded theory approach revealed that practitioner agreement was at best fair, with wide‐ranging opinions on the origin, circumstance, and characteristics of the wound given for all six images. More experienced practitioners (>10 years) tended to agree with each other less than those who had 10 years or less experience in forensic odontology. The differences in opinions can be at least partly accounted for by the inconsistent nature of approaches used by different practitioners in assessing bitemark evidence. The results of this study indicate that more definitive guidelines as to the assessment of bitemarks as patterned injuries should be developed to ensure the highest possible level of practitioner agreement.  相似文献   

The analysis of bitemarks has a significant bearing on forensic odontology and has attracted an increasingly sophisticated array of techniques in its evaluation. Two postulates underlie all bitemark analyses: firstly, that the characteristics of the anterior teeth involved in the bite are unique, and secondly, that this uniqueness is accurately recorded in the material bitten. Here, we investigate the question of the uniqueness of the anterior dentition. To do this, we use geometric morphometric techniques based on landmark and semilandmark data. The incisor and canine occlusal surfaces of 50 randomly selected orthodontic casts of young individuals (17-20 years) of both sexes form the material for this study. We analyzed the sizes of these teeth by means of landmark and semilandmark analysis to calculate Procrustes distances between tooth outlines. In order to analyze shape variation among individuals, we carried out principal components analyses on the partial warp scores. These are derived from Partial Procrustes coordinates aligned by means of thin-plate spline decomposition based on the bending energy matrix. The results indicate that there is no sexual dimorphism in the shape of the upper or lower arches. Plots of centroid size and first relative warps show less superposition among individuals than in shape analysis. This means that, when the size and shape are considered together, the difference between arches increases. Procrustes superimposition between the two individuals located most closely (0.0444) and the two most separated (0.1567) along the first axis of relative warp analyses show that individuals are not only differentiated by the relative position of their teeth but also by their arch shape. In conclusion, it appears that the incisal surfaces of the anterior dentition are in fact unique.  相似文献   

Abstract: A pilot study evaluated a computer‐based method for comparing digital dental images, utilizing a registration algorithm to correct for variations in projection geometry between images prior to a subtraction analysis. A numerical assessment of similarity was generated for pairs of images. Using well‐controlled laboratory settings, the method was evaluated as to its ability to identify the correct specimen with positive results. A subsequent clinical study examined longitudinal radiographic examinations of selected anatomical areas on 47 patients, analyzing the computer‐based method in making the correct identification based upon a threshold level of similarity. The results showed that at a threshold of 0.855, there were two false negative and two false positive identifications out of 957 analyses. Based on these initial findings, 25 dental records having two sets of full mouth series of radiographs were selected. The radiographs were digitized and grouped into six anatomical regions. The more recent set of films served as postmortem images. Each postmortem image was analyzed against all other images within the region. Images were registered to correct for differences in projection geometry prior to analysis. An area of interest was selected to assess image similarity. Analysis of variance was used to determine that there was a significant difference between images from the same individual and those from different individuals. Results showed that the threshold level of concordance will vary with the anatomical region of the mouth examined. This method may provide the most objective and reliable method for postmortem dental identification using intra‐oral images.  相似文献   

Abstract: Bite Marks: This study demonstrated that surface wetness was the most influential factor affecting ring adhesion to skin. Also, chemical depilatories and shaving creams were to be avoided when cleaning the skin. The second phase of this research examines the tensile stress needed to rupture the bond between TAK® hydroplastic, three new cyanoacrylates, and pigskin with particular consideration for temperature variations. This study also considers solubility issues of different cyanoacrylates in 10% formalin. Finally, the Dorion Type V bitemark excision technique could significantly reduce the risks of tissue distortion when used in conjunction with the following methods and materials. The skin should be devoid of moisture, razor shaved, and cleaned with dishwashing detergent and 98.9% ethanol while avoiding the use of shaving creams and/or chemical depilatories where ring placement is anticipated. The use of unopened cyanoacrylate is encouraged with Permabond® as the cyanoacrylate of choice.  相似文献   

Abstract: In forensic science, determining a person’s chronological age has become a challenge for researchers. Determining age using dental calcification is becoming increasingly important. The objective of this study is to estimate the dental age of the children’s population in Region VIII, Chile. The sample was randomly taken from children under the care of the Faculty of Dentistry at the Universidad de Concepción in Chile. The study encompasses 159 children between 3 and 14 years of age. The dental age was determined following the Demirjian method. The Bland–Altman method was applied to establish the correlation. It was determined that the range between chronological and dental age is similar, and the degree of correlation between both ages is nearly perfect. In conclusion, the degree of correlation between the chronological and dental ages for each gender is also very good although it is slightly higher for females.  相似文献   

Abstract: An online forensic dental identification exercise was conducted involving 24 antemortem–postmortem (AM–PM) dental radiograph pairs from actual forensic identification cases. Images had been digitally cropped to remove coronal tooth structure and dental restorations. Volunteer forensic odontologists were passively recruited to compare the AM–PM dental radiographs online and conclude identification status using the guidelines for identification from the American Board of Forensic Odontology. The mean accuracy rate for identification was 86.0% (standard deviation 9.2%). The same radiograph pairs were compared using a digital imaging software algorithm, which generated a normalized coefficient of similarity for each pair. Twenty of the radiograph pairs generated a mean accuracy of 85.0%. Four of the pairs could not be used to generate a coefficient of similarity. Receiver operator curve and area under the curve statistical analysis confirmed good discrimination abilities of both methods (online exercise = 0.978; UT‐ID index = 0.923) and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient analysis (0.683) indicated good correlation between the results of both methods. Computer‐aided dental identification allows for an objective comparison of AM–PM radiographs and can be a useful tool to support a forensic dental identification conclusion.  相似文献   

Abstract: Unsupported excised skin may shrink by as much as 50% or more. In 1981, a method was developed for ring adhesion to skin with the goal of minimizing tissue distortion upon excision. Five modified versions of the technique bearing the author’s name followed (Dorion types I, II, III, IV, and V). The scientific literature reveals little supporting empirical evidence for the preferential use of one adhesive/suturing technique over another. This study compares the use of various bonding materials (Loctite Super Glue gel®, Dermabond?, Vetbond?), cleaning agents (ethanol, dishwashing liquid, and shaving cream), and depilatory (Veet®) on the effects of ring adhesion to skin. The conclusions indicate that surface wetness is the most influential factor affecting ring adhesion to skin, followed by the type of bonding material, its “freshness,” and by the cleaning agent used to prepare the skin. The use of a depilatory or shaving cream is to be avoided.  相似文献   

Abstract: There is a gap in the literature concerning the chemical effects that household products may produce on human remains. The present study examines the effects of household chemical products on teeth. A total of eight chemicals were utilized for this experiment. The corrosive chemical categories include: hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, and sodium hydroxide. Two products with each chemical were used, each representing varying concentrations of the corrosive product. Two human teeth were allocated for emergence in the chemical throughout a 24‐h period of exposure. Results demonstrate hydrochloric acid as the most detrimental chemical to the dental samples. Sulfuric acid enacted minimal alterations to the teeth, although some etching and discoloration were noticeable. Phosphoric acid resulted in variable changes of the organic and inorganic contents of teeth. Lastly, exposure of sodium hydroxide resulted in little to no change. As hypothesized, distinct effects are observable of each chemical.  相似文献   

Abstract: The estimation of age at time of death is often an important step in the identification of human remains. The purpose of this study was to test the applicability of the Demirjian system on a sample of the Sydney child population and to develop and test age‐prediction models using a large sample of Sydney children (1624 girls, 1637 boys). The use of the Demirjian standards resulted in consistent overestimates of chronological age in children under the age of 14 by as much as a mean of 0.99 years. Of the alternative predictive models derived from the Sydney sample, those that provided the most accurate age estimates are applicable for the age ranges 2–14 years, with R‐square = 0.94 and a 95% confidence interval of ±1.8 years. The Sydney‐based standards provided significantly different and more accurate estimates of age for that sample when compared to the published standards of Demirjian.  相似文献   

Abstract: The project “Latent Fingerprints and DNA on Human Skin” was the first systematic research in Europe dealing with detection of fingerprints and DNA left by offenders on the skin of corpses. One thousand samples gave results that allow general statements on the materials and methods used. The tests were carried out according to a uniform trial structure. Fingerprints were deposited by natural donors on corpses. The latent fingerprints were treated with magnetic powder or black fingerprint powder. Afterward, they were lifted with silicone casting material (Isomark®) or gelatine foil. All lifts were swabbed to recover DNA. It was possible to visualize comparable and identifiable fingerprints on the skin of corpses (16%). In the same categories, magnetic powder (18.4%) yielded better results than black fingerprint powder (13.6%). The number of comparable and identifiable fingerprints decreased on the lifts (12.7%). Isomark® (14.9%) was the better lifting material in comparison with gelatine foil (10.1%). In one‐third of the samples, DNA could be extracted from the powdered and lifted latents. Black fingerprint powder delivered the better result with a rate of 2.2% for full DNA profiles and profiles useful for exclusion in comparison with 1.8% for the magnetic powder traces. Isomark® (3.1%) yielded better results than gelatine foil (0.6%).  相似文献   

Mesiodistal and buccolingual measurements, commonly used as a means of sex determination from teeth, can sometimes cause difficulties. The aim of this study is to test whether diagonal measurements can make it possible to take more accurate measurements. The results of diagonal measurements of dental casts taken from 30 males and 30 females have been evaluated by discriminant function statistics. Intra- and interobserver error tests did not indicate any statistically significant differences between the findings of two observers. Seven of the 14 measurements on the maxilla and 10 of the 14 measurements on the mandible have been found to be significantly greater in males. According to the results of the stepwise discriminant function statistics, the most contributory measurements to the function were upper first incisor mesiobuccal-distolingual (MBDL) and distobuccal-mesiolingual, lower second incisor MBDL, and lower canine MBDL. The highest reliability was obtained in MBDL measurements. It was realized that diagonal measurements of teeth, especially of canines, revealed clear dimorphic differences. Classification accuracy was found to be 83.3% for total sample, 78.3 for upper jaw, and 85.0% for the lower jaw. Accuracy rate was higher in the lower teeth. Commonly seen orthodontic anomalies, such as tooth rotations, crowding, attritions, deep dentin-enamel junction defects, and certain types of fillings, could make it difficult to correctly take width measurements or could cause other mistakes to occur. This explains the reason why this research has been considered to be of some use in diagonal measurements, which is an accurate method, particularly when employed for the front teeth.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This study was undertaken to determine if dental implants can be radiographically differentiated by company type to aid forensic identification of the deceased. Recognition of dental implants on intraoral radiographic images was assessed in a blind study using a radiographic examination guide to highlight differences between dental implants. Inter- and intra-examiner comparisons were conducted and a computer program (Implant Recognition System®) was evaluated to see whether it improved the accuracy of implant recognition. The study found that dental implants could be radiographically differentiated by company type. The Implant Recognition System® in its current form was of little benefit for radiographic assessment of dental implants for forensic odontologists. Prior knowledge of implant types, with a McNemar's statistical value of 92.9, proved to be most significant in identification.  相似文献   

This study was designed to provide insight concerning the attitudes and practices of forensic dentists regarding antemortem dental records reviewed for purposes of dental identification. Forensic dentists were invited to participate in a 10 item survey. The majority of the respondents reported a considerable amount of experience in dental identifications of the deceased. Sixty-six percent reported having suspected dental negligence or fraud in their antemortem record reviews. Only 17% believe that a forensic dentist should report suspected dental negligence, while 31% agree that dental fraud should be reported. Their response to additional issues addressed in the study suggests diversity in the practices and attitudes of forensic dentists in the use of antemortem dental records. In conclusion, opening a dialogue among practicing forensic dentists may lead to a standardized set of recommendations by the appropriate societies in the forensic dental community.  相似文献   

This study expands on existing juvenile age prediction models from tooth length by increasing sample size and using classical calibration. A sample of 178 individuals from two European known sex and age skeletal samples was used to calculate prediction formulae for each tooth for each sex separately and combined. Prediction errors, residuals, and percentage of individuals whose real age fell within the 95% prediction interval were calculated. An ANCOVA was used to test sex and sample differences. Tooth length for age does not differ between the samples except for the canine and second premolar, and no statistically significant sex differences were detected. The least prediction error was found in the incisors and the first molar, and the highest prediction error was found in the third molar. Age prediction formulae provided here can be easily used in a variety of contexts where tooth length is measured from any isolated tooth.  相似文献   

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