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本文通过查阅大量的法律资料、枪支鉴定方面的相关文献资料,研究分析《公安机关涉案枪支弹药性能鉴定工作规定》和“枪弹杀伤力刑事科学技术鉴定标准”的征求意见稿等法律规定的不足之处,对非制式枪支的认定、杀伤力标准进行理论探讨,找出合理和可行的鉴定标准,并针对现在的枪支鉴定相关问题提出自己的观点,为枪支鉴定提供一定理论依据.  相似文献   

从枪弹痕迹识别非制式枪支   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
区分发射枪支为制式枪支与非制式枪支是枪弹痕迹检验鉴定的第一道工序。对于一些制造粗糙的非制式枪支,其发射的弹头、弹壳上的痕迹特征属性很明显,容易与制式枪支相区别。但对于一些加工很好的非制式枪支,特别是那些用制式的零部件组装的枪支,仅凭单个痕迹就很难与制式枪支相区分。本文就此问题作如下讨论。1 制式枪支的痕迹特征制式枪支的生产、加工都有严格的标准,各个零部件的数据要求精确到0 .0 1mm ,其表面光洁度更有特殊的工艺要求,所以制式枪支发射的弹壳痕迹都很规则,基本上能反映出造痕客体的形状大小和加工特征。对于有一定磨损…  相似文献   

底火击发检验认定枪支发射能力的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李文 《刑事技术》2005,(1):54-55
历史上 ,物证鉴定领域内枪支检验的对象主要是军用与民用制式枪支 ,并且集中在弹道轨迹、枪与弹同一认定两个方向。而当前与今后 ,随着黑社会犯罪、暴力犯罪增多、经济利益矛盾的尖锐 ,涉枪涉爆犯罪 ,涉及物证检验的非法制作、持有枪支案件 ,除了常见的土铳 ,还有电发射的钢珠枪、改制枪、仿制枪、仿真枪等等。另一方面 ,由于法律对证据的科学性要求逐步提高 ,要追究涉枪犯罪嫌疑人的刑事责任 ,必须鉴定涉案的“枪”是否法律意义上的枪 ,这也是刑事技术学中枪弹检验专业的新课题。1 统一枪支检验标准势在必行《中华人民共和国枪支管理法》…  相似文献   

枪支检验鉴定是地市级公安机关痕迹人员经常遇到的问题.关于鉴定标准,公安部(2001)68号通知《公安机关涉案枪支弹药性能鉴定工作规定》(以下简称《规定》)已作了明文规定:"(一)凡是制式枪支、弹药,无论是军用枪支、弹药,还是民用枪支、弹药,一律认定为枪支、弹药;(二)凡是能发射制式(含军用、民用)枪支子弹的非制式枪支(包括私自制造、改制枪支),一律认定为枪支;(三)对于不能发射制式(含军用、民用)枪支子弹的非制式枪支,按下列标准鉴定:将枪口置于距厚度为25.4mm的干燥松木板1m处射击,当弹头穿透该木板时,即可认定为足以致人死亡;弹头或弹片卡在松木板上的,即可认定为足以致人伤害.  相似文献   

李刚 《刑事技术》2003,(3):57-58
1概述在涉枪犯罪的案件中,有大量使用的是自制的非制式枪。这些枪支是否是有关法律法规所规定的应该受到处罚的枪支,需要进行技术鉴定。本文提供一种较为简约的鉴定方式,以引起国内同行的兴趣和商榷。有关法律法规所规定的应该受到处罚的枪支,最高人民法院在2001年5月15日颁布的《关于审理非法制造、买卖、运输枪支、弹药、爆炸物等刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》中,将这类枪支定义为:以火药为动力发射枪弹的非军用枪;公安部2001年公通字犤2001犦68号文件发布的《公安机关涉案枪支弹药性能鉴定工作规定》中对这类枪支虽然没有明确定…  相似文献   

在笔者受理的检验、鉴定中,有很大部分为土制枪支,为对该类枪支的致伤机理、结构、种类、检验鉴定有一概括以供同行参考,现综述如下: 1 土制式手枪的致伤机理 与制式枪支相似,土制式手枪由枪管、枪体、握柄、板机、击锤、簧等组成,皆由板机控制击锤打击击针击发底火而实现击发,致被击客体毁坏或伤亡。 2 土制式手枪的种类 一般根据枪支所用的致伤物、土制方式,我们分别分列如下:  相似文献   

本文旨在使用常见材料设计制作一种简易抓弹装置,用于在案发地收集小口径枪弹样本弹头,从而有效减少因办案单位直接送检枪支而带来的诸多不便,达到降低运输安全隐患和办案成本、提高检验鉴定效率的目的。使用该装置收集小口径步枪发射的5.6 mm枪弹弹头54颗,观察不同组别的样本弹头形态,并与未击发的弹头和经制式的筒式纤维抓弹器收集的弹头进行比较。结果表明该装置收集的小口径枪弹弹头形态良好,均未发现明显变形或碎裂,能够达到检验鉴定和分析研究的要求。由此得出结论:该装置可以简单、便捷、安全、可靠地抓取高质量的小口径枪弹弹头,同时制造和使用成本相对低廉,有利于推广利用。本文方法提供了枪弹痕迹检验鉴定的新思路。  相似文献   

涉枪案件中的枪支“杀伤力”的鉴定越来越多,庭审中争辩也越来越激烈。如何规范此类鉴定,在法庭庭审中客观、科学准确地表达鉴定的内容,本文阐述了这一观点。建议制定枪支的致人伤亡的标准,研究、制造适应于自制枪支威力测试检验的测定仪。并介绍了在实际案件中“杀伤力”的鉴定的案例。意在有关枪支杀伤力的鉴定能在法庭证据中更加客观、公正、科学。  相似文献   

制式霰弹是用塑料弹杯盛装错弹丸,弹林底部装火药(多为有机火药),用机械压制而成。其弹林前端似“花瓣”状,多为四个“瓣”,故在创道内或现场提取到塑料弹杯域在射入口创线检见弹杯损伤,可确定该创为制式雷弹枪射击所致。霰弹创鉴定射击距离是法医学检验的一个难题。射入口创缘弹杯损伤的形态特征与射击距离有关,利用弹杯损伤可较准确地推断射击距离c笔者曾遇一例,现报告如下。实例李某,男,3O岁。1996年10月20日被人用制式霰弹杀死,死后15h尸检、死者上衣衣领右侧翻领处见一2.4×1.6cm的缺损;右胸上部有一4.2×2.7cm的横…  相似文献   

通过对一支德国造摧泪瓦斯特种手枪的检验,对该枪的结构、性能、用途等进行了剖析,报道如下。 1996年11月份,伊犁地区检察分院从某受贿嫌疑人家中查获特种手枪一支、子弹2枚,要求检验确定枪支、子弹的性能和用途。 送检枪支为德国制造的口径8mm的特种手枪(枪号36812)。枪支较新,加工精  相似文献   

To satisfy the Criminal Code of Canada's definition of a firearm, a barreled weapon must be capable of causing serious bodily injury or death to a person. Canadian courts have accepted the forensically established criteria of "penetration or rupture of an eye" as serious bodily injury. The minimal velocity of nonconventional ammunition required to penetrate the eye including airsoft projectiles has yet to be established. To establish minimal threshold requirements for eye penetration, empirical tests were conducted using a variety of airsoft projectiles. Using the data obtained from these tests, and previous research using "air gun" projectiles, an "energy density" parameter was calculated for the minimum penetration threshold of an eye. Airsoft guns capable of achieving velocities in excess of 99 m/s (325 ft/s) using conventional 6-mm airsoft ammunition will satisfy the forensically established criteria of "serious bodily injury." The energy density parameter for typical 6-mm plastic airsoft projectiles is 4.3 to 4.8 J/cm2. This calculation also encompasses 4.5-mm steel BBs.  相似文献   

Two waves of longitudinal data from 1,049 African American youth living in extreme poverty are used to examine the impact of exposure to violence (Time 1) and violent behavior (Time 1) on first time gun carrying (Time 2). Multivariate logistic regression results indicate that (a) violent behavior (Time 1) increased the likelihood of initiation of gun carrying (Time 2) by 76% after controlling for exposure to violence at Time 1, which is consistent with the stepping stone model of youth gun carrying, and (b) youth who were both exposed to violence at Time 1 and engaged in violent behavior at Time 1 were more than 2.5 times more likely to initiate gun carrying at Time 2 compared to youth who had neither of these characteristics, which supports the cumulative risk model of youth gun carrying. The authors discuss the implications of these findings in clarifying the role of violence in the community on youth gun carrying and the primary prevention of youth gun violence.  相似文献   

The impact of gun control and gun ownership levels on violence rates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
What effects do gun control restrictions and gun prevalence have on rates of violence and crime? Data were gathered for all 170 U.S. cities with a 1980 population of at least 100,000. The cities were coded for the presence of 19 major categories of firearms restriction, including both state- and city-level restrictions. Multiple indirect indicators of gun prevalence levels were measured and models of city violence rates were estimated using two-stage least-squares methods. The models covered all major categories of intentional violence and crime which frequently involve guns: homicide, suicide, fatal gun accidents, robbery, and aggravated assaults, as well as rape. Findings indicate that (1) gun prevalence levels generally have no net positive effect on total violence rates, (2) homicide, gun assault, and rape rates increase gun prevalence, (3) gun control restrictions have no net effect on gun prevalence levels, and (4) most gun control restrictions generally have no net effect on violence rates. There were, however, some possible exceptions to this last conclusion—of 108 assessments of effects of different gun laws on different types of violence, 7 indicated good support, and another 11 partial support, for the hypothesis of gun control efficacy.  相似文献   



Existing theories of gun violence predict stable spatial concentrations and contagious diffusion of gun violence into surrounding areas. Recent empirical studies have reported confirmatory evidence of such spatiotemporal diffusion of gun violence. However, existing space/time interaction tests cannot readily distinguish spatiotemporal clustering from spatiotemporal diffusion. This leaves as an open question whether gun violence actually is contagious or merely clusters in space and time. Compounding this problem, gun violence is subject to considerable measurement error with many nonfatal shootings going unreported to police.


Using point process data from an acoustical gunshot locator system and a combination of Bayesian spatiotemporal point process modeling and classical space/time interaction tests, this paper distinguishes between clustered but non-diffusing gun violence and clustered gun violence resulting from diffusion.


This paper demonstrates that contemporary urban gun violence in a metropolitan city does diffuse in space and time, but only slightly.


These results suggest that a disease model for the spread of gun violence in space and time may not be a good fit for most of the geographically stable and temporally stochastic process observed. And that existing space/time tests may not be adequate tests for spatiotemporal gun violence diffusion models.

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(6):838-862
Two waves of longitudinal data from a high-poverty sample of minority youth living in extreme poverty was used to determine if the nexus (or intersection) of gang membership T1, exposure to violence T1, and violent behavior T1 is a precursor of first time gun carrying T2. The findings indicated a significant amount of overlap between gang membership, exposure to violence, and violent behavior. The multivariate findings also revealed that: (1) the effect of exposure to violence T1 on initiation of gun carrying T2 became non-significant after controlling for gang membership T1 and violent behavior T1; and (2) only 1.8% of youth were part of the nexus of gang membership T1, exposure to violence T1, and violent behavior T1, but they were 665% more likely to initiate gun carrying T2. The theoretical and policy implications of the findings for the prevention of youth gun violence as well as areas for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

This analysis attempts to measure the impact of state laws upon the rates of gun violence. While controlling for several standard social phenomena and using two different statistical techniques, it appears that laws governing the use of handguns in the various states have little effect on the rates of gun crime. It is suggested that the possible reason for such ineffectiveness is not necessasrily the nature of the solutions (laws), but rather the misunderstanding of the problem (gun violence) by policy implementers.  相似文献   

利用射击弹壳痕迹区分小口径枪支种类的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了小口径枪支的种类、性能特点,探讨通过射击弹壳痕迹区分制式、非制式枪的方法,重点分析了匕首枪、单管枪、双管枪、转轮枪等枪种的区分依据,研究了小口径枪弹壳痕迹在检验鉴定中的稳定性和变化规律.  相似文献   

We report the case of a 27 year old man who was injured by a Taser gun device which penetrated the frontal part of the skull and damaged the underlying frontal lobe. Cerebral penetration was revealed by a brain CT scan. A neurosurgical procedure was required to remove the dart from the skull and brain and the evolution was successful allowing discharge of the patient one week later. There were no additional lesions, particularly electrifying lesion, as only one probe had penetrated the skull. We also observed the length of a Taser dart is sufficient to allow brain penetration. Fortunately, no infection or neurological complication occurred following brain injury. This case study underlines the potential risk induced by the use of Taser stun gun. Although generally regarded as a safe alternative, serious injuries have however been reported and questions regarding the safety of the device still remains unresolved.  相似文献   

The case for legal restrictions on gun ownership and use as a strategy for reducing criminal violence relies on factual assumptions about the nature of gun ownership and violent behavior. Five of the most crucial ones are identified and subjected to a comparison with the available empirical evidence. All of the following assumptions were found to be substantially at variance with the evidence: (1) Guns are five times deadlier than the weapons most likely to be substituted for them in assaults in which guns are not available. (2) The sight of a gun can elicit aggression, due to the learned association between guns and violence. (3) If guns are made more expensive, more difficult to obtain, or legally risky to own, people will do without them. (4) Guns are useless for self-defense or protection of one's family, home, or business, and have no deterrent effect on criminals. (5) Homicides are largely "crimes of passion" committed by otherwise law-abiding citizens not distinguishable from other people. Therefore, control must be directed at all gun owners rather than select criminal subgroups.  相似文献   

This paper reports a method for the determination of the firing distance. Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) was used to determine the lead (Pb) pattern around bullet holes produced by shots on test targets from the gun. Test shots were made with a Colt 38 Special at 5, 10, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, 80, and 100 cm target distance. The target was created with sheets of Whatman no. 1 paper on a polystyrene support. The target was subdivided into three carefully cut out rings (1, 2, and 3; with external diameters of 1.4 cm; 5 cm; 10.2 cm, respectively). Each sample was analyzed with graphite furnace AAS. Lead values analysis performed for each ring yielded a linear relation between the firing distance (cm) and the logarithm of lead amounts (microg/cm(2)) in definite target areas (areas 2 + 3): [ln dPb(2+3) = a(0) + a(1)l]; where dPb(2+3) = lead microg/cm(2) of area 2 + 3; a(0) and a(1) are experimentally calculated; l = distance in cm.  相似文献   

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