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The Department is publishing this final rule to implement section 706 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2010, Public Law 111-84. Specifically, section 706 exempts TRICARE beneficiaries under the age of 65 who become disabled from the requirement to enroll in Medicare Part B for the retroactive months of entitlement to Medicare Part A in order to maintain TRICARE coverage. This statutory amendment and final rule only impact eligibility for the period in which the beneficiary's disability determination is pending before the Social Security Administration. Eligible beneficiaries are still required to enroll in Medicare Part B in order to maintain their TRICARE coverage for future months, but are considered to have coverage under the TRICARE program for the retroactive months of their entitlement to Medicare Part A. This final rule also amends the eligibility section of the TRICARE regulation to more clearly address reinstatement of TRICARE eligibility following a gap in coverage due to lack of enrollment in Medicare Part B.  相似文献   

This rule implements Section 735 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002 (NDAA-02) (Pub. L. 107-107). It also implements Section 728 of the Floyd D. Spence National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2001 (NDAA-01) (Pub. L. 106-398). Section 735 of NDAA-02 eliminates the requirement for TRICARE Standard beneficiaries who live within a 40-mile radius of a military medical treatment facility (MTF) to obtain a nonavailability statement (NAS) or preauthorization from an MTF before receiving inpatient care (other than mental health services) or maternity care from a civilian provider in order that TRICARE will cost-share for such services. Section 735 of NDAA-02, however, authorizes the Department of Defense to make exceptions to the elimination of the requirement for a NAS through the exercise of a waiver process under certain specified conditions. This section also eliminates the NAS requirement for specialized treatment services (STSs) for TRICARE Standard beneficiaries who live outside the 200-mile radius of a designated STS facility. This rule portrays the Department's decision to eliminate the STS program entirely. Finally, Section 728 of NDAA-01 requires that prior authorization before referral to a specialty care provider that is part of the contractor network be eliminated under any new TRICARE contract.  相似文献   

This final rule implements 10 U.S.C. 1079(p), as added by section 722(b) of the Floyd D. Spence National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2001. The rule provides coverage for medical care for active duty family members who reside with an active duty member of the Uniformed Services assigned to remote areas and eligible for the program known as TRICARE Prime Remote. Active duty family members who enroll in TRICARE Prime Remote for Active Duty Family Members (TPRADFM) will enjoy benefits generally comparable to TRICARE Prime enrollees including access standards, benefit coverage, and cost-shares. This final rule also implements Section 702 of the NDAA for FY 2003, which establishes circumstances under which dependents of Reserve Components and National Guard members called to active duty in support of contingency operations may enroll in TRICARE Prime Remote for Active Duty Family Members, and dependents of TRICARE Prime Remote service members may remain enrolled when the service member receives orders for an unaccompanied follow-on assignment. Finally, this final rule establishes circumstances under which eligible beneficiaries may enroll in TRICARE Prime for a period of less than 1 year.  相似文献   

This rule is submitted as an interim final rule (IFR) in order to meet the Congressional requirement set forth in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2011, Section 724, which required the Department of Defense to prescribe regulations by June 20, 2011, to establish the criteria, as had previously been studied in accordance with Section 717 of the NDAA 2008, that would allow licensed or certified mental health counselors to be able to independently provide care to TRICARE beneficiaries and receive payment for those services. Under current TRICARE requirements, mental health counselors (MHCs) are authorized to practice only with physician referral and supervision. This interim final rule establishes a transition period to phase out the requirement for physician referral and supervision for MHCs and to create a new category of allied health professionals, to be known as certified mental health counselors (CMHCs), who will be authorized to practice independently under TRICARE. During this transition period the MHCs who do not meet the requirements for independent practice as established in this rule, may continue to provide services to TRICARE beneficiaries under the requirements of physician referral and ongoing supervision. This transition period, ending December 31, 2014, will allow time for those MHCs who seek to continue providing services under the TRICARE program to meet the independent practice requirements as outlined in this notice. After December 31, 2014, the Department of Defense will no longer recognize those mental health counselors who do not meet the criteria for a CMHC and will no longer allow them to provide services even upon the referral and supervision of a physician.  相似文献   

The Department is publishing this interim final rule to implement sections 711 and 715 of the Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005 (NDAA-05), Public Law 108-375. Specifically, that legislation makes young dependents of deceased Service members eligible for enrollment in the TRICARE Dental Program when the child was not previously enrolled because of age, and authorizes post-graduate dental residents in a dental treatment facility of the uniformed services under a graduate dental education program accredited by the American Dental Association to provide dental treatment to dependents who are 12 years of age or younger and who are covered by a dental plan established under 10 U.S.C. 1076a. This rule also corrects certain references in 32 CFR 199.13. The rule is being published as an interim final rule with comment period in order to comply with statutory effective dates. Public comments are invited and will be considered for possible revisions to the final rule.  相似文献   

The Department of Defense is publishing this final rule to allow coverage for otherwise covered services and supplies required in the treatment of complications (unfortunate sequelae) resulting from a noncovered incident of treatment provided in a Military Treatment Facility (MTF), when the initial noncovered service has been authorized by the MTF Commander and the MTF is unable to provide the necessary treatment of the complications. This final rule is necessary to protect TRICARE beneficiaries from incurring financial hardships due to the current regulatory restrictions that prohibit TRICARE coverage of treatment of the complications resulting from noncovered procedures, even when those procedures were conducted in a Department of Defense facility.  相似文献   

The Department is publishing this final rule to implement sections 711 and 715 of the Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005 (NDAA for FY05), Public Law 108-375. Specifically, that legislation makes young dependents of deceased Service members eligible for enrollment in the TRICARE Dental program when the child was not previously enrolled because of age, and authorizes post-graduate dental residents in a dental treatment facility of the uniformed services under a graduate dental education program accredited by the American Dental Association to provide dental treatment to dependents who are 12 years of age or younger and who are covered by a dental plan established under 10 U.S.C. 1076a. This adopts the interim rule published on September 21, 2005 (70 FR 55251).  相似文献   

《Federal register》2001,66(41):12855-12871
On October 23, 2000 (65 FR 63202), the Department of Defense published a final rule on TRICARE Family Member Dental Plan. The rule had an effective date that began during the Presidential Moratium on Rules, therefore, this rule is republished to change the effective date to April 1, 2001. This rule is published exactly as previously published. No changes have been made. It revises the comprehensive CHAMPUS regulation pertaining to the Expanded Active Duty Dependents Benefit Plan, or more commonly referred to as the TRICARE Family Member Dental Plan (TFMDP). The TFMDP limited eligibility to eligible dependents of active duty members (under a call or order that does not specify a period of thirty (30) day or less). Concurrent with the timeframe of the publication of the proposed rule, the Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000 (Pub. L. 106-65, sec. 711) was signed into law and its provisions have been incorporated into this final rule. The Act authorized a new plan, titled the TRICARE dental program (TDP), which allows the Secretary of Defense to offer a comprehensive premium based indemnity dental insurance coverage plan to eligible dependents of active duty members (under a call or order that does not specify a period of thirty (30) days or less), eligible dependents of members of the Selected Reserve and Individual Ready Reserve, and eligible members of the Selected Reserve and Individual Ready Reserve. The Act also struck section 1076b (Selected Reserve dental insurance), or Chapter 55 of title 10, United States Code, since the affected population and the authority for that particular dental insurance plan has been incorporated in 10 U.S.C. 1076a. Consistent with the proposed rule and the provisions of the Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000, the final rule places the responsibility for TDP enrollment and a large portion of the appeals program on the dental plan contractor; allows the dental plan contractor to bill beneficiaries for plan premiums in certain circumstances; reduces the former TFMDP enrollment period from twenty-four (24) to twelve (12) months; excludes Reserve component members ordered to active duty in support of a contingency operation from the mandatory twelve (12) month enrollment; clarifies dental plan requirements for different beneficiary populations; simplifies enrollment types and exceptions; reduces cost-shares for certain enlisted grades; adds anesthesia as a covered benefit; provides clarification on the Department-s use of the Congressional waiver for surviving dependents; incorporates legislative authority for calculating the method by which premiums may be raised and allowing premium reductions for certain enlisted grades; and reduces administrative burden by reducing redundant language, referencing language appearing in other CFR sections and removing language more appropriate to the actual contract. These improvements will provide Uniformed Service members and families with numerous quality of life benefits that will improve participation in the plan, significantly reduce enrollment errors and positively effect utilization of this important dental plan. The proposed rule was titled the --TRICARE Family Member Dental Plan.  相似文献   

This final rule executes the expansion of section 1078a of title 10, United States Code (U.S.C). With the recent expansions of Military Health System (MHS) coverage, particularly with the Reserve Component (RC) members, some MHS beneficiaries would not be eligible to purchase Continued Health Care Benefit Program (CHCBP) coverage under certain circumstances that terminate their MHS coverage. This provision allows the Secretary to establish CHCBP eligibility for any category of MHS beneficiaries who otherwise would lose MHS coverage with no continued care eligibility. Although the proposed rule listed each authorized category of MHS beneficiary eligible to receive care, on further examination this format for the rule appeared cumbersome and perhaps confusing. Thus this final rule contains some organizational changes to simplify the rule to enhance understanding and make clear that any category including future categories of beneficiaries are entitled to purchase this CHCBP coverage. This final rule also includes administrative changes providing clarification on eligibility notifications and the CHCBP premium rate publication process. It updates the previous final rule published in the Federal Register on September 30, 1994.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(137):38558-38559
This notice is to advise interested parties of a demonstration project in which the Department of Defense (DoD) will provide health care services to Medicare-eligible military retirees in a managed care program, called TRICARE Senior, and receive reimbursement for such care from the Medicare Trust Fund. The program is authorized by section 1896 of the Social Security Act, amended by section 4015 of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (P.L. 105-33). The statue authorizes DoD and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to conduct at six sites during January 1998 through December 2000, a three-year demonstration under which dual-eligible beneficiaries will be offered enrollment in a DoD-operated managed care plan, called TRICARE Senior Prime. The legislation also authorizes Medicare HMOs to make payments to DoD for care provided to HMO enrollees by military treatment facilities (MTFs) participating in the demonstration. This part of the demonstration, to be called Medicare Partners, will allow DoD to enter into contracts with Medicare HMOs to provide specialty and impatient care to dual-eligible beneficiaries currently provided on a space-available basis. Additional legal authority pertinent to this demonstration project is 10 U.S.C. section 1092. Under TRICARE Senior Prime, Medicare-eligible military retirees who enroll in the program will be assigned primary care manager (PCMs) at the MTF. Enrollees will be referred to specialty care providers at the MTF and to participating members of the existing TRICARE Prime network. TRICARE Senior Prime enrollees will be afforded the same priority access to MTF care as military retiree and retiree family member enrollees in TRICARE Prime. DoD will receive reimbursement from HCFA on a capitated basis at a rate which is 95 percent of the rate HCFA currently pays to Medicare-risk HMOs, less costs such as capital and graduate medical education, disproportionate share hospital payments, and some capital costs, which are already covered by DoD's annual appropriation. However, under the authorizing statute, DoD must meet its current level of effort for its Medicare-eligible beneficiaries before receiving payments from the Medicare Trust Fund. That is, DoD must continue to fund health care at a certain expenditure level for its Medicare-eligible population before it may be reimbursed by HCFA for care provided to TRICARE Senior Prime enrollees. The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 required DoD and HHS to complete a memorandum of agreement (MOA) specifying the operational requirements of the demonstration project. That MOA was completed on February 13, 1998, and is published below. Except as provided in the MOA, TRICARE Senior Prime will be implemented consistent with applicable provisions of the CHAMPUS/TRICARE regulation, particularly 32 CFR sections 199.17 and 199.18.  相似文献   

This final rule implements section 702 of the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007, Public Law 109-364. The rule provides coverage of contracted medical care with respect to dental care beyond that care required as a necessary adjunct to medical or surgical treatment. The entitlement of institutional and anesthesia services is authorized in conjunction with non-covered dental treatment for patients with developmental, mental, or physical disabilities or for pediatric patients age 5 or under. This final rule does not eliminate any contracted medical care that is currently covered for spouses and children. The entitlement of anesthesia services includes general anesthesia services only. Institutional services include institutional benefits associated with both hospital and in-out surgery settings. Patients with developmental, mental, or physical disabilities are those patients with conditions that prohibit dental treatment in a safe and effective manner. Therefore, it is medically or psychologically necessary for these patients to require general anesthesia for dental treatment.  相似文献   

《Federal register》2000,65(205):63202-63218
This final rule revises the comprehensive CHAMPUS regulation pertaining to the Expanded Active Duty Dependents Benefit Plan, or more commonly referred to as the TRICARE Family Member Dental Plan (TFMDP). The TFMDP limited eligibility to eligible dependents of active duty members (under a call or order that does not specify a period of thirty (30) day or less). Concurrent with the timeframe of the publication of the proposed rule, the Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000 (Public Law 106-65, sec. 711) was signed into law and its provisions have been incorporated into this final rule. The Act authorized a new plan, titled the TRICARE dental program (TDP), which allows the Secretary of Defense to offer a comprehensive premium based indemnity dental insurance coverage plan to eligible dependents of active duty members (under a call or order that does not specify a period of thirty (30) days or less), eligible dependents of members of the Selected Reserve and Individual Ready Reserve, and eligible members of the Selected Reserve and Individual Ready Reserve. The Act also struck section 1076b (Selected Reserve dental insurance), or Chapter 55 of title 10, United States Code, since the affected population and the authority for that particular dental insurance plan has been incorporated in 10 U.S.C. 1076a. Consistent with the proposed rule and the provisions of the Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000, the final rule places the responsibility for TDP enrollment and a large portion of the appeals program on the dental plan contractor; allows the dental plan contractor to bill beneficiaries for plan premiums in certain circumstances; reduces the former TFMDP enrollment period from twenty-four (24) to twelve (12) months; excludes Reserve component members ordered to active duty in support of a contingency operation from the mandatory twelve (12) month enrollment; clarifies dental plan requirements for different beneficiary populations; simplifies enrollment types and exceptions; reduces cost-shares for certain enlisted grades; adds anesthesia as a covered benefit; provides clarification on the Department's use of the Congressional waiver for surviving dependents; incorporates legislative authority for calculating the method by which premiums may be raised and allowing premium reductions for certain enlisted grades; and reduces administrative burden by reducing redundant language, referencing language appearing in other CFR sections and removing language more appropriate to the actual contract. These improvements will provide Uniformed Service members and families with numerous quality of life benefits that will improve participation in the plan, significantly reduce enrollment errors and positively effect utilization of this important dental plan. The proposed rule was titled the "TRICARE Family Member Dental Plan".  相似文献   

《Federal register》2000,65(141):45288-45289
This final rule implements Section 712(c) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000 (Pub. L. No. 106-65), which requires that a nonavailability-of-health-care statement shall be required for a beneficiary not enrolled in TRICARE Prime for TRICARE cost-share of maternity care services related to outpatient prenatal, outpatient or inpatient delivery, and outpatient post-partum care subsequent to the visit which confirms the pregnancy. The Act reestablishes a requirement which was previously eliminated under the broad direction of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 1997, section 734, which removed authority for nonavailability statements (NASs) for outpatient services. Therefore, the Act changes the provisions which require an NAS for inpatient delivery, but do not require an NAS for outpatient prenatal and post-partum care. The change will significantly contribute to continuity of care for maternity patients. In furtherance of that principle, and consistent with the previous policy, an NAS for maternity care shall not be required when a beneficiary has other health insurance for primary coverage.  相似文献   

This final rule revises requirements and procedures for the Transitional Assistance Management Program, which was temporarily revised by section 704 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 (NDAA-04) (Pub. L. 108-136) and section 1117 of the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for the Reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan, 2004 (Emergency Supplemental) (Pub. L. 108-106), which revisions were made permanent by section 706(a) of the Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005 (NDAA-05) (Pub. L. 108-375). In addition, it establishes requirements and procedures for implementation of the earlier TRICARE eligibility for certain reserve component members authorized by section 703 of NDAA-04 and section 1116 of the Emergency Supplemental, which provisions were made permanent by section 703 of NDAA-05. The rule adopts the interim rule published in the Federal Register on March 16, 2005 (70 FR 12798).  相似文献   

The Department is publishing this final rule to implement section 703 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 (NDAA for FY10). Specifically, that legislation amends the transitional health care dental benefits for Reserve Component members on active duty for more than 30 days in support of a contingency operation. The legislation entitles these Reserve Component members to dental care in the same manner as a member of the uniformed services on active duty for more than 30 days, thus providing care to the Reserve member in both military dental treatment facilities and authorized private sector dental care. This final rule does not eliminate any medical or dental care that is currently covered as transitional health care for the member.  相似文献   

The final rule allows the Department of Defense to waive normal requirements so that covered beneficiaries can participate in Phase II and Phase III clinical trials sponsored or approved by the National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute (NIH NCI). This waiver authority is expected to promote beneficiary access to promising new treatments and contribute to the development of such treatments.  相似文献   

The Department is publishing this final rule to implement requirements enacted by Congress in section 701(g) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002 (NDAA-02), which terminates the Individual Case Management Program. The Department withdraws its proposed rule published at 66 FR 39699 on August 1, 2001, regarding the Individual Case Management Program. This rule also implements section 701(b) of the NDAA-02 which provides additional benefits for certain eligible active duty dependents by amending the TRICARE regulations governing the Program for Persons with Disabilities. The Program for Persons with Disabilities is now called the Extended Care Health Option. Other administrative amendments are included to clarify specific policies that relate to the Extended Care Health Option, custodial care, and to update related definitions.  相似文献   

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