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俄东部地区少数民族众多,民俗风情古朴原始,民族传统文化完整,民俗旅游资源丰富。依托其丰富的民俗资源开发具有民俗文化特色的旅游项目,是发展民俗文化旅游、开展区域文化旅游合作和带动区域旅游经济跨越式发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

缅甸的寺院教育、扫盲工作与英语教学都很有特色。大学设置既追赶科学现代化,也注意继承传统文化。大学都是部属的,资金不足时,依靠学校后援会支持,教师职称的设置与晋升也和我国不尽相同。研究缅甸教育会给我们一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

印度文学理论经历了萌芽期、古典梵语诗学、印度中世纪文论、印度近现代文论和当代文论(印度独立以来)等几个发展阶段。印度文学理论的发展具有自己的特色,它既受到宗教、语言、文学等传统文化的渗透和影响,也受到近现代西方文化的影响。  相似文献   

越南文化具有鲜明的本民族文化特色,同时又深受外来文化,尤其是中国儒家文化的影响。在全球化大背景下,外来文化从陆路、海上和媒体信息等各种渠道进入越南。越南仍能保持其文化的民族特色并使其不断发展。本文阐述了中国南方邻近越南地区及中越边境民族地区历史上与越南的文化交流。  相似文献   

日韩文化产业发展及对我国的借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日、韩文化产业发展在全球范围内居领先地位,两国政府都高度重视文化产业,政府和民间都大力支持文化市场的开发。两国在发展文化产业方面有许多经验值得我们借鉴,诸如以对外文化交流带动文化产业,以发展文化企业推动文化产业的发展,完善法律法规保障,并培养专业人才支撑文化产业等。因此,我国应从理念上高度重视,组织上严密规划,体制上深入改革,下大力气发展好我国的文化产业。  相似文献   

文化的传播有一种势差现象 :先进的文化影响和改造落后的文化。作为一种成熟的文化 ,印度文化全面而又深刻地影响到了缅甸文化的形成与发展 ,在缅甸文化的各个层面都留下了深深的印记。当然 ,缅甸文化受印度文化的影响是一个渐进的、有序的过程 ,并非完全是外来文化强加的被动吸收。在受印度文化影响的同时 ,缅甸文化也保存了自己优秀的文化传统 ,并使之与先进的印度文化相结合 ,最终形成了有自身特色的缅甸民族文化。  相似文献   

大多数人认为,和平与发展是21世纪我们要面临的两大主题。当然只有建立在公正基础上的和平才会得到保障,我们所追求的发展是世界各地区之间平等、全面的发展,这样才能保留每个社会的传统、价值和特色,使不同的文化相互受益。……  相似文献   

位于马六甲海峡咽喉要冲的新加坡,是个多种族和谐共处,东西方文化荟萃的发达岛国。独特的历史文化特色,为这颗东方明珠带来了世界新兴美食之都盛誉。中餐、西餐、日本餐、马来餐、泰国餐等奇肴珍馔争奇斗艳,坐拥蕉雨椰风,您就可以放口吃遍天下。   在餐饮业群雄逐鹿中,周颖南先生手创的同乐饮食业集团异军突起,高举弘扬中华饮食文化的大旗,在菜肴出品、餐厅经营等各个领域大胆变阵,出奇制胜。历经 20年苦心经营,一步步发展为 新加坡最大的中餐集团,跃居餐饮行业的龙头老大地位。 一、文人开店   涉足餐饮业,周颖南先生完全…  相似文献   

中国的现代化事业和民族复兴,需要探索一条文化强国的中国道路,建设有中国特色的先进文化。任何一种文化都有时代性和民族性,时代性反映文化所体现的时代主题,民族性反映文化生成的地域特征和民族特色。一种文化在世界文化生态中的地位,主要取决于文化的时代性。中国传统文化与西方近代文化的差距,主要体现在认知体系的时代性而不是民族性上。近代以来中国文化转型始终是围绕不同时期的时代主题展开的,时代主题的变更是中国文化转型的主要动力,推动中外文化交融和不同思潮碰撞。只有把时代性与民族性有机统一起来,将本土文化与外来优秀文化融会贯通,才能使中国文化保持强大的生命力和影响力。马克思主义的世界观、认识论和方法论,弥补了中国传统文化的弱点。对古今中外文化精粹兼收并蓄,是中国发展道路的一条重要成功经验。当前马克思主义占主导地位的中国文化生态格局,总体上比较健康繁荣,时代性与民族性的关系处于比较好的状态,符合文化发展进步的规律,但也面临在中外文化之间搞门户对立等问题,不利于中国文化事业的健康发展。新时期中国特色先进文化应集时代性、民族性、包容性于一体。时代性要反映国内外发展潮流的客观要求,民族性要以是否符合中国国情而非是否来自本土为依归,包容性要体现关切人类共同利益的开放胸襟。  相似文献   

冷战结束后,韩国历届政府都致力于发展文化,逐渐确立了文化立国的方针。韩国政府一方面努力将文化实力转换成外交力,将文化外交视为与经济和政治并行的三大外交主轴之一;另一方面又借助文化外交推动文化大国建设,改善国家整体形象,并取得了良好成绩。本文将系统梳理历届韩国政府的文化战略和政策,探讨韩国对文化外交的认知和实践,在此基础上分析韩国文化外交的机制和特点,解读朴槿惠政府的文化外交构想及其对华文化外交政策。  相似文献   

This article presents evidence from Uganda's National Agricultural Advisory Service to argue that the concept of ‘the learning organisation’ is a valuable complement to participatory development which may facilitate a shift towards more democratic development institutions in which target beneficiaries have a stronger voice in planning and managing development. The concept of ‘the learning organisation’ as developed within the literature of management studies cannot, however, be readily translated into anything as specific as a clear set of practical guidelines. Rather it acts as a seed that grows to take on characteristics specific to the rural development context.  相似文献   

While in recent years, many nongovernmental development organizations (NGDOs) have committed themselves to addressing gender inequality in their development work, little is known about the gender-related practices of small NGDOs with annual budgets of less than 1 million pounds. It is known, however, that larger NGDOs tend to have developed more gender-aware policies and practices than smaller ones. Findings are reported from an exploration of the gender-related awareness and practices of 13 small NGDOs, 8 based in the UK and 5 based in Cameroon. The study found that at the organizational level, all studied organizations were aware of the concept of gender and acknowledged its importance, but had a wide range of ideas of what gender actually means. Most organizations had not devised any specific way of incorporating gender into their programs because they had neither a specific person nor unit responsible for gender issues. Male NGDO employees were not really involved in gender issues. Policy- and project-level findings are presented, followed by consideration of the problems encountered by small NGDOs, the advantages of such organizations, how to ensure gender-aware practices, gender and development versus women in development approaches, and recommendations for good practice.  相似文献   

吕昭义 《东南亚》2009,(4):37-42
印度东北地区是印度经济欠发达的贫困地区,也是与印度内地联系薄弱的边疆地区,在20世纪90年代印度提出“东向政策”以后,印度政府对这一地区的发展战略逐步走向开放。但由于该地区的特定历史、地缘政治、民族文化等因素,印度对发展该地区存在诸多疑虑,如何增进互信、开展沟通与合作是云南省与印度东北部开展合作的重要议题。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of ideology in underpinning the operations of major development movements. As a confessional NGO, World Vision (WV) presents a useful case study; and this article examines the influence on this NGO of the interaction between ideology and wider development trends. It is argued that from roots in a specific cultural expression of Christianity-which enabled a highly focused and homogeneous ethos-WV's ideology has been transformed by growth and diversification into a fusion of mainstream Christianity and the pursuit of the concept of partnership; a process which underlines the role of development and geo-political forces constantly to challenge NGOs' self-image and strategic directions.  相似文献   

港口物流与区域经济发展是互相促进的关系。文章具体分析广西北部湾经济区发展港口物流的区位优势和面临的机遇,提出了发展广西北部湾经济区港口物流及提升北部湾经济区综合竞争力的具体建议。  相似文献   

Development cooperation is a foreign policy tool marked by deep-seated conflicts of interest and dilemmas of particular relevance to second-tier and non-nuclear countries that aim to change their international status and role. Building on the concept of ‘graduation dilemma’, this article compares specific dilemmas that Brazil and South Africa face in their foreign policies concerning the development cooperation agenda at three levels: the domestic, the regional and the global level. The research question guiding this analysis is: how does the graduation dilemma manifest in relation to Brazil and South Africa’s role in development cooperation?  相似文献   

In 1993 the international community acknowledged for the first time that violence against women (VAW) is a human rights issue, while VAW is also increasingly recognised both as a global public health issue and a barrier to sustainable development. However, even where they are committed to reducing VAW through their programmes and advocacy activities, development practitioners are sometimes unsure about where this fits into the poverty‐reduction agenda. This article tries to situate VAW in the poverty discourse, drawing from a range of documentary sources to outline the conceptual links between VAW, poverty, and human development. It then goes on to look at issues surrounding the impact assessment of programmes aimed at reducing VAW, and offers examples of how specific programmes have been evaluated.  相似文献   

The last decade has seen the emergence of several new negotiation competitions around the world. We think the two major drivers of this development are a general trend toward the increasing internationalization of higher education and a recognition of the specific benefits of competitions for negotiation pedagogy. These benefits include: the high level of student commitment generated by participation in a competition, which enhances the quality of negotiation; the opportunity that the competitions give students to experience authentic cultural diversity; and the networking opportunities for students and instructors that the competitions create. This article focuses on the role that negotiation competitions can play in negotiation pedagogy. We first present an overview of the currently most important international negotiation competitions. This is followed by an outline of the specific benefits of negotiation competitions for pedagogy. We then take a closer look at the organization and outcome of negotiation competitions and discuss the opportunities for their development and growth.  相似文献   

Given the economic endowment, development needs and complementary advantages of the countries concerned, energy and resource cooperation is the most practical and feasible way for the Belt and Road Initiative to take root. As an area that bears strategic implications and requires long-term efforts, Belt and Road energy and resource cooperation needs continuous exploration besides down-toearth advancing of specific projects.  相似文献   

作为一个能源贫乏的国家,韩国十分重视新能源领域的技术开发和产业发展。新能源领域的知识产权发展已经成为韩国应对能源问题的重要国策。在韩国政府的系统规划和具体产业政策引导下,韩国大型集团和高科技企业主导了新能源领域五大产业,即太阳能、风能、生物质能、核能和新能源汽车的知识产权发展,并通过技术转化促进了新能源各个产业产能水平和科技竞争力的提高。  相似文献   

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