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Kürzlich hat der OGH das Eintrittsrecht des homosexuellen Lebensgef?hrten in den Mietvertrag unter Berufung auf die MRK-konform vorzunehmende Auslegung des § 14 Abs 3 MRG grunds?tzlich anerkannt. Der folgende Beitrag setzt sich n?her mit der aktuellen Entscheidung unter Berücksichtigung der Vorjudikatur und des neueren Schrifttums auseinander und bezieht dazu ausführlich Stellung.  相似文献   

Nur ein Raum, der allseitig, von der Decke bis zum Boden von festen W?nden (sei es auch aus Glas) umschlossen ist und mit einer Türe geschlossen werden kann, kann einem "Raum" nach § 13a Abs 2 TabakG entsprechen. Eine bauliche "Trennung" blo? durch Unterbringung von Raucher- und Nichtraucherbereichen in unterschiedlichen Gescho?en, ohne dass eine bauliche Abtrennung des Raucherraumes von den übrigen Bereichen des Betriebes besteht, entspr?che auch bei Vorhandensein von getrennten Lüftungsanlagen dem Erfordernis des § 13a Abs 2 TabakG nicht.  相似文献   

Although much is known about humans?? responses to inequity, little is known about similar responses in other species. The goal of these issues is to bring together researchers focusing on both humans and non-humans to provide a synthesis of our knowledge of non-human responses to inequity to date, and what these data tell us about the evolution of humans?? responses. In this Introduction, I provide a brief background, highlighting both areas in which differences among the related literatures emerge and the ways in which the comparative approach can provide insight in to this question. As becomes clear in these issues, we have reached the point where we can move beyond documenting these responses in other species and develop research programs combining both human and non-human perspectives to better understand the evolution of fairness and justice.  相似文献   

?rzte sind wie Rechtsanw?lte berufliche Geheimnistr?ger und die ?rztliche Verschwiegenheitspflicht nach § 54 Abs 1 ?rzteG beruht auf ?hnlichen überlegungen, wie sie für die Verschwiegenheitspflicht eines Rechtsanwalts nach § 9 Abs 2 KAO gelten. Die Judikatur zur Verschwiegenheitspflicht, die einen Rechtsanwalt hinsichtlich ihm in Ausübung seines Berufs anvertrauter oder bekannt gewordener Geheimnisse trifft, kann auch für die Beurteilung der ?rztlichen Verschwiegenheitspflicht herangezogen werden. Insb treffen die Erw?gungen, dass keine Verschwiegenheitspflicht besteht, falls der Rechtsanwalt solche Geheimnisse "in eigener Sache" vorbringen muss, um seine Honorarforderung gegen den Mandanten durchzusetzen oder sich in einem Strafverfahren zu verteidigen oder behauptete Schadenersatzansprüche abzuwehren, auch auf ?rzte zu. Aus § 54 Abs 2 Z 4 ?rzteG ist nicht abzuleiten, dass das Vorliegen h?herer Interessen nicht auch in Bereichen, die darin nicht genannt sind, eine Durchbrechung der ?rztlichen Schweigepflicht rechtfertigen kann. Was ein Arzt zur Abwehr behaupteter Ansprüche vorbringen darf, h?ngt von objektiven Kriterien ab. Die Angaben des Arztes haben sich bei einer Durchbrechung seiner Verschwiegenheitspflicht zur Wahrung seiner Verteidigungsrechte in einem Zivil-, Disziplinar- oder Strafverfahren stets auf das Notwendigste zu beschr?nken. Was und wie viel der Arzt zur Wahrung seiner Interessen preisgeben darf, wird daher von den Umst?nden des Einzelfalls abh?ngen.  相似文献   

In this paper we examined beliefs about deception held by legal professionals. Three groups of presumed expert lie-catchers were investigated: police officers ( n =104), prosecutors ( n =158), and judges ( n =251). The experts' beliefs about deception were remarkably inconsistent with the general pattern resulting from studies mapping actual cues to deception. For example, a majority of police officers believed there is a strong relationship between (a) deceptive behaviour and gaze aversion and (b) deceptive behaviour and an increase in body movements. The scientific literature does not support this view. Furthermore, all three professional groups believed that truthful consecutive statements are more consistent than deceptive, and that it is easier to detect deception in interactive than non-interactive contexts. Research on deception shows the opposite. For five of the seven investigated items we found significant between-group differences. Both the genesis and the implications of these differences are discussed. Judging from self-ratings, the presumed experts admitted knowing close to nothing about scientific research on deception.  相似文献   

Homicide perpetrators can use concrete as a means to conceal their victims. When concrete encasement is encountered in the forensic field, albeit rarely, it is often coupled with postmortem dismemberment. This method of obscuring the evidence presents unique investigative obstacles, specifically related to identification. Various approaches to obtaining fingerprints from decedents encased in concrete have been suggested and implemented over the years. The presented case is that of an initially unidentified 44-year-old male, who was subject to postmortem dismemberment and concrete encasement. Meticulous excavation techniques facilitated preservation of evidence and an anatomical reconstruction of the body. These techniques enabled inspection of the incision sites of the dismembered remains during the postmortem examination. Identifiable jewelry and tattoos were noted at autopsy. Further, the resulting concrete molds could be utilized to obtain fingerprints. These prints were used to ultimately identify the decedent.  相似文献   

For several decades citizens of the Czech Republic have endured a severely degraded environment, stemming partially from reportedly lax enforcement of environmental protection laws. During this period, Czech citizens have lacked the right to litigate citizen suits as a means of increasing environmental enforcement and have never initiated civil litigation against a polluter. However, since 1958, Czech citizens have exercised the right to use citizen correspondence as a means of pursuing their legal interests by alerting government agencies to environmental problems. By Czech law, citizen correspondence obligates government agencies to respond to the cited environmental problems. This paper analyzes how environmental authorities responded to citizen correspondence related to water problems (e.g., drinking water contamination) during the years 1988 to 1992. Since responses may include enforcement actions—monetary fines, remediation requirements (i.e., mandatory cleanup), and correction requirements (e.g., replacement of a leaky storage tank), this type of legal action on the part of citizens approximates a citizen suit. By examining enforcement actions taken in response to these citizen suits, this paper is able to test hypotheses regarding the relationships among the three different types of enforcement actions and empirically identify the liability rule guiding each type of enforcement action.  相似文献   

Die Frist des § 1111 ABGB beginnt nach dem insoweit eindeutigen Gesetzeswortlaut mit der "Zurückstellung des Bestandstückes" zu laufen. Im Fall einer R?umungsexekution muss auf den Zeitpunkt ihrer Beendigung abgestellt werden. Die R?umungsexekution ist dann beendet, wenn das zu r?umende Bestandobjekt nach Entfernung des Verpflichteten und der diesem geh?rigen oder von ihm eingebrachten Fahrnisse dem betreibenden Gl?ubiger übergeben wurde; dass nicht alle Fahrnisse des Verpflichteten aus dem Bestandobjekt entfernt wurden, steht der Beendigung des Exekutionsvollzuges nicht entgegen.  相似文献   

Widows in contemporary and past societies are normally portrayed as passive individuals needing to be cared for by their children or relatives, the community, or the state. This article challenges this assumption by documenting the extent and range of the participation of widows in the labor market and the number of dependents for whom they were responsible. The introduction discusses the longstanding image of the widow and the attempts made to coerce widows to behave in accordance with the image. The reasons for the high degree of regulation and supervision, particularly of sexuality, are discussed. The image and associated regulations are then contrasted with the reality of the widows' struggle to survive. It is argued that many widows perceived their age and widowhood as less of a burden and more as a form of liberation from the social and economic constrictions of married life. As widows developed strategies to reorganize their lives, friendships with other women were often decisive.  相似文献   

Der Begriff des "Kennenmüssens" stellt grunds?tzlich darauf ab, ob etwas bei verkehrsüblicher, objektiv gebotener Sorgfalt erkennbar ist bzw auffallen muss. Von einem Bieter im Zwangsversteigerungsverfahren kann erwartet werden, dass er versucht, sich über den Inhalt von Mietvertr?gen betreffend das zu erwerbende Objekt zu informieren.  相似文献   

Sailer 《Juristische Bl?tter》2009,131(5):313-315
§ 1114 ABGB und § 569 ZPO legen fest, dass ein bestimmtes Verhalten als Willenserkl?rung gedeutet wird; es handelt sich also um eine normierte Willenserkl?rung. Diese Rechtsvermutung kann widerlegt werden. Weder die ?ltere noch die jüngere Rsp verlangen dafür grunds?tzlich die Einbringung einer Klage innerhalb der Frist des § 569 ZPO oder innerhalb angemessener Frist. Ma?geblich ist lediglich, dass der betreffende Vertragspartner seinen Willen, eine stillschweigende Erneuerung des Vertrags zu verhindern, durch unverzügliche, nach au?en erkennbare Erkl?rungen und Handlungen so deutlich zum Ausdruck gebracht hat, dass bei objektiver Würdigung kein Zweifel an seiner ernstlichen Ablehnung einer solchen Vertragserneuerung aufkommen kann.  相似文献   


Institutional weaknesses in the criminal justice system (limited court capacity and the increasingly sophisticated armament of splintering drug trafficking organizations) limit the effectivity of Mexican states to deter organized crime style homicide. Court capacity, expressed by increasing sentencing rates in states where the oral court system was institutionalized, remains insufficient against the post-2006 organized crime related homicide epidemic. The illegal arms market, combined with long-standing deficits in firepower between organized crime and municipal police forces, limit the state’s capacity to alter the arms balance toward policing forces. Taken together, limited court capacity and the tactical imbalance of weapons held by drug trafficking organizations create a vicious cycle which continually perpetuates state ineffectiveness to deter and punish organized crime style homicide.


In this paper we draw on interviews with 15 law students at the University of Birmingham in the UK to explore the extent to which law students critically self-evaluate themselves against their perceptions of the preferences of elite law firms. While our conclusions are necessarily tentative, we show how some law students “opt out” of applying to certain law firms where they perceive there is no fit between themselves and that law firm. Equally, our data also shows that some students recognise that, despite not having a supplementary fit with a firm (i.e. they can see that they do not “match” that firm’s current crop of lawyers or what they think is the firm’s culture), they realise that they can instead be a complementary fit for the firm, and hence realise that their potential to add something “new” to the law firm (by way of increasing diversity) can secure them a vacation scheme placement or a training contract. Finally, a proportion of students play “the numbers game” and despite determining a law firm “misfit”, still proceed to apply to as many law firms as possible as they thought that more applications meant a higher chance of success.  相似文献   

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