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社会学语境下的精神控制及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴兴民 《政法学刊》2005,22(2):39-42
邪恶势力进行的精神控制可以被解构为四个基本部分:行为控制、信息控制、思维控制和情感控制。心理学对精神控制的分析只是技术层面的,探讨精神控制的实质必须从社会学视野入手。利用相关的文化理论与行动理论对精神控制进行考察,得出其本质是阻碍沟通理性与争夺文化霸权。因而预防和解除精神控制的途径必须从创设理想沟通情境与主流文化重建两方面着手。  相似文献   

李赞 《时代法学》2013,11(4):92-98
国际法是以维护和平与促进发展为根本价值取向的国际法律体系。实现和平的使命是国际法赖以存在的重要基础。康德的永久和平思想重视国际法的制度和组织建设,但忽视了实现和平的心理因素。深受康德永久和平思想影响的现代国际法体系也偏重于法律制度和国际组织的建设,对人类内心和平的建设重视不足。虽然一些国际法律文件和个别国际组织已经意识到了内心和平对世界和平的重要性,并做出了积极努力,但显然还是很不够的。真正的永久和平只能从人的内心开始实现。国际法应该在进一步加强和完善现有国际法制度和国际组织建设的基础上,更加重视人类内心和平的宣传和建设。这是国际法的新使命。  相似文献   

案外情节与人身危险性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王利荣 《现代法学》2006,28(4):108-113
犯前、犯后情节简单归属于人身危险性不只是语义缺损,而且违背法治原则。因为处罚未然之罪缺乏正当根据。从理论上讲,累犯、惯犯可罚性的根据是行为人蔑视、敌视法益的意志状态能被罪过归属;积极救助、赔偿被害人或者威胁被害人或因部分减轻犯罪侵害程度、或客观说明其犯罪意志状态和改变而可以影响刑罚轻重;行为人自首、立功从宽处罚在于他与法律合作的态度是其再社会化的基本要求。简言之,为安全适用刑法,所谓“人身危险性”在特定情况下可影响刑罚适用的综合评判标准,但不宜直接成为情节的定性根据。  相似文献   

混沌理论的心理治疗观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
混沌理论给我们理解真实、复杂的人的心理提供了一个新的视角。将混沌理论应用于心理治疗,不仅是对传统心理治疗观的突破,同时对心理治疗的方法也产生了重大影响。按照混沌理论的观点,人的心理的本质是非线性的,而心理的混沌状态则是导致更高阶段有序结构出现的动力学基础。  相似文献   

复合罪过是对传统的犯罪主观心理状态理论的一个新的探索。作者运用类型学方法论来分析和论证这一提法的合理性和科学性,并从认识的模糊性,意志的缺失性,情感的矛盾性等特征透视复合罪过的心理机制。  相似文献   

[W]hen a poet's mind is perfectly equipped for its work, it is constantly amalgamating disparate experiences; the ordinary man's experience is chaotic, irregular, fragmentary. The latter falls in love, or reads Spinoza and these experiences have nothing to do with each other, or with the noise of the type-writer or the smell of cooking; in the mind of the poet these experiences are always forming new wholes. —T.S. Eliot  相似文献   

论主要罪过   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周光权 《现代法学》2007,29(2):38-48
在结果加重犯、结合犯,以及行为人对于结果发生难以预测的特殊犯罪中,要认定行为人究竟具备故意还是过失的罪过,可能比较困难。对此,刑法学界先后提出了复合罪过说、客观的超过要素概念等解决方法。但是,这些理论是否合理,还值得推敲。本文提出的新方法是:先从“事实上”确定这些特殊犯罪中的行为人究竟有多少个罪过;然后从“规范”意义上确定在这些罪过中,哪一个是次要罪过,哪一个是主要罪过,最终确定的这个主要罪过就是这些特殊犯罪的罪过形式。“主要罪过说”的提出,有助于解决刑法学上一直存在的罪过难题。  相似文献   


This paper aims to introduce a reconceptualisation of dialectic behaviour therapy (DBT), “wise mind–risky mind”, and its application to sexual offender treatment. This reconceptualisation holds some promise in addressing issues around general, affective, cognitive and sexual dysregulation, and may provide an alternative way of thinking about sexual offender treatment. The wise mind–risky mind dialectical construct helps clients and therapists utilise a common language that captures and validates the experiential difficulties that clients go through in effectively managing their risk for sexual offending. The incorporation of DBT principles in standard sexual offender treatment programmes can assist clients in effectively managing problems with dysregulation in various domains. It can also afford a more integrated treatment framework when working with sexual offending dynamics. The authors discuss this new construct and its possible applications within the broader forensic mental health field.  相似文献   

解读英国早期机能主义心理学   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
沃德是英国最早的机能心理学家,他坚持心理的主动性和统一性,强调心理的活动和机能,确定了英国早期心理学的机能主义方向。他的学生斯托特在此基础上进一步提出的心理意动说和麦独孤提出的策动心理学都是属于机能心理学的范畴。英国早期机能心理学 德国意动心理学对英国心理学影响的产物,也是欧洲机能主义心理学思想兴起的反映。  相似文献   

江国华 《河北法学》2005,23(10):11-13
当代中国权力秩序的演进已经开始蜕除暴力与神秘的色彩,并逐渐走向民主与法治。在一个地域辽阔的国家,适度的中央集权对于维护国家统一永远是必要的。而民主与法治建设是以维护既有秩序为前提的,是在维护既有秩序的前提下的一种对旧有秩序的改良,因而它只有在对旧有秩序具备最低限度之容忍情怀的群体中才能找到支持者。有产者大多对旧有秩序怀有宽容之心,比较能够接受改良之主张,故而民主与法治秩序的建设,最容易在有产者之中找到共鸣与支持。有鉴于此,中国的民主与法治建设实在应当走城市带动战略。  相似文献   

CIS原理与政府形象设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政府形象设计是政府形象管理的重要环节。借鉴CIS原理将企业CIS的设计和运作导入政府形象设计中,以政府行政理念为指导,通过提升政府行为和完善政府外在特征来提高政府在公众心目中的评价,把政府的理念、行为与视觉形象统一起来,使政府形象系统化。  相似文献   

应届考生考前心理状况与紧张原因的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在“考前一学期”和“考前一周”的调查中发现 ,应届考生的考前心理状况在绝大多数方面都处于较好水平 ,而且比较稳定。其中 ,男生普遍优于女生 ,理科学生普遍优于文科学生。在应届考生中 ,心理紧张普遍存在 ;随着高考的邻近 ,考生的心理紧张也随之发生显著变化 ,这不仅表现为紧张程度明显增强 ,还表现为紧张源排序的颠倒和紧张源性质的变化  相似文献   

代表广大人民群众的根本利益是马克思主义价值观和群众现的根本要求,并且构成了“三个代表”重要思想的价值维度。坚持以人民群众的根本利益为最高价值尺度,对于加强党的建设、巩固党的领导地位以及全面建设小康社会具有深远的现实意义。  相似文献   

Various explanations have been proposed to explain the motivation of serial killers. This article proposes that the theory of the Catathymic Crisis is an explanation that adds light to the “serial” nature of serial murder as well as an explanation of why and how a person can become a serial killer. The theory of Catathymic Crisis was presented in 1937 by Dr. Frederic Wertham as an explanation for some types violent and seemingly motivationless crimes. Dr. Wertham's theory describes a five stage process in which (1) a thinking disorder occurs within the mind of the criminal, (2) a plan is created to commit a violent criminal act, (3) internal emotional tension forces the commission of the criminal act, which leads to (4) a superficial calmness in which the need to commit the violent act is eliminated and normal activity can be conducted and (5) the mind adjusts itself and understands that the thinking process that caused the commission of the criminal act was flawed and the mind makes adjustments in order to prevent further criminal activity. The serial killer never reaches the fifth stage but returns to the second and operates in a cycle between stage two and four. This article advocates that the Catathymic Crisis explains why the serial killer needs to commit murder, why that need develops and why there is an escalating nature of the criminal activity by the serial killer.  相似文献   

All societies have to control individual behaviors that are considered as socially damaging. The use of mind altering drugs is one such behavior. These controls have always been determined locally but in the 20th Century an international drug control regime was developed that established a globally unified normative control system formulated in the three United Nations drug conventions. The global normative system is based on a prohibitionist paradigm. The international norms are very difficult to change and impose strong restrictions on the ways in which countries may manage addictive mind altering drugs. The essay surveys the development of the international drug control regime, identifies its main characteristics and makes a naïve proposal to manage the consumption of those drugs through an insurance system aimed at minimizing the sum of the social costs generated by drug addiction and anti-drug policies.  相似文献   

Football hooliganism is a world phenomenon and an everyday matter. Society spends a lot of money to prevent and control it. We need to know what hooligans think in order to anticipate their actions and prevent their violent behaviors. In this paper, I propose a theory of the hooligan's conscious mind, by analyzing the thinking of a real Italian hooligan who was my patient. I will show that violent behaviors of hooligans are not unconscious, because the mental states (both beliefs and goals) of hooligans are explicitly represented in their mind. In contrast, I will suggest that both supporting and fighting are planned (i.e., goal directed), because "recognized supremacy" is explicitly represented as the ultimate goal. In fact, hooligans support and fight in order to be recognized as good hooligans, i.e. as good supporters as well as good fighters.  相似文献   

The Court of Appeal for England and Wales has asked the ECJwhether it is sufficient, for a finding of a link and/or unfairadvantage and/or detriment, that the earlier mark is uniqueand famous and calls to mind the later mark on dissimilar goods.  相似文献   

国际经济法的性质--以WTO规则为例的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济的国际法是国际经济法的基本框架,国际经济法缺乏体系性、确定性和一致性,WTO对发展中国家有许多不利之处,必须在本国经济的发展和开放中对此保持清醒的认识.  相似文献   

The neurosciences not only challenge assumptions about the mind’s place in the natural world but also urge us to reconsider its role in the normative world. Based on mind-brain dualism, the law affords only one-sided protection: it systematically protects bodies and brains, but only fragmentarily minds and mental states. The fundamental question, in what ways people may legitimately change mental states of others, is largely unexplored in legal thinking. With novel technologies to both intervene into minds and detect mental activity, the law should, we suggest, introduce stand alone protection for the inner sphere of persons. We shall address some metaphysical questions concerning physical and mental harm and demonstrate gaps in current doctrines, especially in regard to manipulative interferences with decision-making processes. We then outline some reasons for the law to recognize a human right to mental liberty and propose elements of a novel criminal offence proscribing severe interventions into other minds.  相似文献   

The manifestations of disorders of the mind may play a role in the occurrence of criminal behavior. In the majority of the cases, the presence of a psychiatric disorder is cited as the reason that an individual was not fully aware of his behavior. However, other conditions, such as seizure disorders or hypoglycemia, have also been linked to an inability to understand the nature and consequences of one's actions. On occasion, these situations can be explained by a state of automatism that may be described as insane or noninsane. In this article, we describe the case of a 77‐year‐old man, suffering from Parkinson's disease, where the issue of criminal responsibility associated with incapacity of the mind secondary to medication misuse was raised. We elaborate on the thinking behind this opinion and the implications according to Canadian law. Although the legal outcome of this case is specific to our jurisdiction, the clinical implication may be common to any patient suffering from a similar condition and may inform physicians, families, and lawyers.  相似文献   

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