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江峰 《法律与生活》2010,(20):32-33
他被称为恩施“马加爵”。在多年后还原他的人生历程,不难发现,纠结在他的内心深处的自卑无法排解,导致了悲剧的发生。  相似文献   

马加爵事件已经结束,可是他留下来的思考远没有停止,本文从马加爵事件出发,探讨了标签理论在青少年犯罪中的作用.  相似文献   

马加爵事件已经结束,可是他留下来的思考远没有停止,本文从马加爵事件出发,探讨了标签理论在青少年犯罪中的作用。  相似文献   

赵永泉 《法治研究》2006,(11):47-49
2004年4月7日,昆明市人民检察院以马加爵犯有故意杀人罪对其提起公诉后,围绕马加爵会受到怎样的处理,谁将出庭为马加爵辩护,律师会提出怎样的辩护观点的议论达到高潮。海内外媒体也做了不少报道。由于当时形势的特殊性,“上级”重申和补充了不少办案纪律,所以,承办案件的公、检、法办案人员都不敢轻易谈论案情,作为马加爵辩护律师的赵耀和冯明俊也一反常态,讳莫如深。作为云南照耀律师事务所“马加爵杀人案辩护后勤组”服务人员的我们,也严格遵守办案纪律,不敢轻易透露半个字。  相似文献   

本文以震惊全国的马加爵杀人案为切入点,剖析人格障碍与犯罪的关系问题。文章根据最新司法精神病学的研究成果,系统地分析和界定了人格障碍的概念以及生物器质性因素、心理因素和社会环境因素三方面的成因;并在此基础上讨论了人格障碍与犯罪的内在关系,分析概括了反社会人格障碍者犯罪的形式特点及其性质特点。最后,针对反社会人格障碍的特征,提出了几点预防措施。  相似文献   

张帆  陆艺 《河北法学》2004,22(10):135-138
由马加爵案的悬赏侦破,引出对最近各地公安机关和法院“悬赏办案”的分析,即从历史、法律、法社会学及法经济学的角度,指出这种“改革”方案的危险性倾向,并提出了建设性建议。  相似文献   

“女版马加爵”拷问中国教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李敏 《政府法制》2008,(7):60-61
1月18日,南方都市报一则《被包养女大学生杀死大款碎尸并拍下全过程》的消息,引来人们的一片震惊。报道称:“去年12月19日,云南大学旅游文化学院19岁的大二女生张超和她的男朋友等人,将包养她的当地大款杀害、分尸,并用DV全程拍摄下来。”  相似文献   

背景:2007年的12月12日凌晨3点,在北京昌平的一个肉类加工厂职工宿舍里发生了一起令人震惊的杀人案件,宿舍里正在熟睡的三名年轻工人均被尖刀切割颈部或者刺扎要害部位当场死亡,一夜之间宿舍里血流成河,惨不忍睹。案件发生当即就被侦破:熟  相似文献   

王金兰 《河北法学》2001,19(6):50-52
人格障碍者具有辨认能力和控制自己行为的能力.其一定程度的危害社会的行为是犯罪行为;人格障碍者控制自己行为的能力不足,在对其的刑罚裁量上宜从宽处罚.刑罚的执行上宜注意对其进行心理帮助。  相似文献   

张赛宜 《政法学刊》2010,27(4):104-107
反社会人格有很强的犯罪倾向,其所引起的违法犯罪行为最多。郑民生的犯罪心理体现了反社会人格犯罪的特点。反社会人格障碍引发的犯罪应当成为犯罪预防的重点。  相似文献   

Reported levels of crime continue to fall, but fear of crime remains a significant social problem. Previous studies have identified several factors that predict fear of crime (e.g. age and gender), however, it is not obvious how this information can be used to help distinguish between individuals in larger groups. Personality is predictive of other lifestyle outcomes yet its relationship with fear of crime remains unknown. We examined personality correlates of fear of crime alongside other well-established predictors. A total of 301 participants completed the HEXACO-PI-R personality scale, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire. Higher levels of emotionality (r = .37) and lower levels of honesty-humility (r = ?.18) correlated with increased levels of crime-related fear; however, prior victimisation did not improve a subsequent model. While elucidating the relationship between fear of crime and personality, our results also raise additional questions concerning the measurement of crime-related fear in the general population.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It is well established that staff attitudes to personality disordered patients are commonly negative, characterised by pessimism and rejection. A recent study in forensic psychiatric hospitals has described the psychological and social factors underlying positive attitudes, and suggested that staff with more positive attitudes perform better and are less stressed. AIM: To assess whether it is possible to predict which staff will adjust positively to working with personality disordered people. More specifically to confirm links between attitude to personality disorder and: job performance; perception of managers; personal well-being; burnout; and interaction rates with inmates. METHODS: The opening of a new Dangerous and Severe Personality Disorder unit within a UK prison allowed a longitudinal study of prison officers to be performed, in which a number of measures, including the Attitude to Personality Disorder Questionnaire (APDQ), were collected at three fixed points (at baseline, eight and sixteen months after the opening of the unit). RESULTS: Attitude to Personality Disorder varied over the course of the study, and changes in attitude were linked to events experienced by individual officers. More positive attitude to personality disorder was associated with improved general health and job performance, decreased burnout, and favourable perception of managers. CONCLUSIONS: Attitude to Personality Disorder has important outcomes, and is responsive to the psychosocial environment. Its measurement is not useful for staff selection, because of low stability over lengthy time periods. The APDQ has been demonstrated to be valid measure of attitude to PD, and potentially useful for outcome studies, or benchmarking between units.  相似文献   

职务犯罪主要表现是贪污贿赂、挪用公款等经济犯罪和渎职侵权犯罪,是腐败现象最突出的表现。中国的现代化建设和改革开放事业取得了巨大成就,然而腐败现象的黑影也在不断扩展,当前职务犯罪呈蔓延之势,给整个社会带来极大危害。本文分析了职务犯罪的内涵、特徵、危害及其成因,并从思想上、立法上、完善监督机制和加大打击力度等方面深入探讨预防对策,从源头上预防和治理职务犯罪。  相似文献   

What constitutes a "mental disorder" for purposes of the insanity defense? Does mental disorder denote any diagnosable condition listed in the third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders? Is a mental disorder a disturbance wherein the functional criteria of the appropriate insanity law appear to be met? Or does insanity law define mental disorder apart from functional criteria of insanity? The answer to the last question is that some insanity laws attempt to define or qualify mental disorder, but many do not. Unclarities in the law leave room for unnecessary disagreements between expert witnesses even before the functional criteria for insanity are to be addressed. The potential for confusion is compounded when the defendant's disturbance is ambiguous, amphibious, or both. Schizotypal personality disorder is offered as an example of such a disturbance, and inferences are discussed.  相似文献   

An offender's punishment can be reduced when a court decides that his mental disorder reduces his responsibility for what he did. Courts have sought to establish whether a mentally disordered offender's responsibility is reduced by asking whether his disorder caused the crime. Acceptance of this “causation by mental disorder” criterion has fluctuated, however. This may be because causal explanations are not the types of explanations we are accustomed to offering for the kinds of acts that bring defendants, and psychiatric witnesses, to court. More often, we offer what philosophers have called “possibility” explanations for these acts. The application of psychiatry to possibility explanations has not been widely explored. It offers the potential for the improved use of psychiatric evidence in criminal proceedings.  相似文献   

The diagnostic criteria for antisocial personality disorder (APD) have gone through successive modifications with DSM-II, DSM-III, DSM-III-R, and DSM-IV. We asked 331 forensic psychiatrists to make prototypic ratings of the DSM versions, PCL-R (Hare, 1991), and the ICD-10 dyssocial personality disorder. Four distinct factors emerged that encompassed the following dimensions: (a)unstable self image, unstable relationships and irresponsibility, (b)manipulation and lack of guilt, (c)aggressive behavior, and (d)nonviolent delinquency. These dimensions are discussed in light of an earlier prototypical analysis (Rogers et al., 1992) and raise questions concerning the DSM-IV criteria.Clarke Institute of Psychiatry.  相似文献   

论犯罪现场重建   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
犯罪现场重建在我国自20世纪80年代就已有运用,美国等西方国家对犯罪重建的运用晚于我国但研究成果比较丰厚。本文在借鉴国外研究成果的基础上,结合我国犯罪现场重建既有经验和实际需要,对犯罪现场重建的概念及其与现场分析的关系,现场重建的功能、种类、依据、步骤、局限性等基本问题进行了系统的探讨。  相似文献   

Competing models of antisocial personality disorder have important consequences for mentally disordered offenders and their management in the criminal justice system. In order to provide a fresh perspective on these enduring diagnostic problems, we conducted a prototypical analysis on 250 adult subjects' perceptions of psychopathy from a set of criteria, which included DSM-II, DSM-III, DSM-III-R, and Psychopathy Checklist (PCL) scores. Through principal components analysis we identified four factors: (a) impaired relationships and deception, (b) aggressive behavior, (c) nonviolent delinquency, and (d) frequent sexual relationships not attributable to mental illness/substance abuse. These factors appear to be more closely allied with PCL and two new proposals for DSM-IV than the current DSM-III-R model.We appreciate the efforts of David Di Giuseppe and Ireneusz Celejewski in data entry and management as well as the cooperation of the Ontario Science Centre in making this study possible.  相似文献   

论侵略罪   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王秀梅 《法学家》2002,(2):39-44,封三
长期以来,在国际法和国际刑法领域,关于侵略罪(crimes of aggression)的定性问题始终是困扰国际社会的现实问题,也是国际法和国际刑法学界长期论争的理论课题.  相似文献   

犯罪周期浅探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱德林  石泽忠 《犯罪研究》2005,(2):27-32,40
犯罪周期现象,学名应为犯罪循环变动,是指犯罪现象的总体及若干罪种的数量在一定时期内比较稳定的涨落起伏以至循环往复.借助于统计学的处理技术,我们可从按月、年等单位连续编制的犯罪数据中看到明显的循环变动,这是否定之否定的辩证唯物主义规律在犯罪现象中的一种体现,具体由各种致罪因素对立统一的矛盾运动所决定.本文从理论与实际两个方面,初步证明犯罪周期是一种近乎规律性的盛衰交替变动,是犯罪运动的正常表现形式.犯罪周期理论的建立和运用对正确研判犯罪形势,修正与克服传统经验分析及定性研究中的错误与不足,探索与把握犯罪宏、微观规律,科学预测犯罪走向及解释犯罪数量变化原因具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

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