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The article focuses on the politics of representation in Kosova since the United Nations took over ‘peace management’ in 1999. It uses UN propaganda posters (political pedagogy) and local nationalist political advertising as a way to read the multiple gendered discourses of representation. It shows how gender is used relationally between competing forces – the ‘international community’ and nationalists – as a tool to ensure UN's imposition of Western policies and norms and as a mechanism for local politicians to consolidate their domination of the domestic/private sphere. Moreover, it discusses the price paid to mimic the West: how Kosovar politicians have sought to ‘undo’ national identity in favour of a Western self-representation through a gendered abnegation of Islam. Thus, as an intrinsic part of the discourse of ‘peace-building’, these images represent the site of power production, domination, negotiation, and rejection, involving the collaboration of different actors, institutions, and individuals. Three specific points will be made: first, the article seeks to show that a Western political modernization discourse has, paradoxically, reinforced patriarchal relations of power and traditional gender roles in Kosova through the subjugation of women. Second, it explains the inability to resolve competing Albanian narratives – one relying on the legacy of peaceful resistance and the other on the armed struggle against Serbian domination during the 1990s. Third, through the intermeshing of international peace-keepers and local nationalist patriarchs, it will show how the militarization of culture is perpetuated through, and in relationship to, gender.  相似文献   


This essay explores three case studies that show how Indigenous women enact the principles of Indigenous feminism by deploying the concept of active silence to bring attention to the social justice goals of Indigenous communities in Canada. It begins by defining Indigenous feminism and its broader objectives before turning to a discussion of the Sahtu Dene’s efforts to restore land polluted through uranium mining, Heiltsuk resistance to the Northern Gateway Pipeline Project, and Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission.  相似文献   

This paper traces the evolution of a coherent feminist genre in written historical texts during and after slavery, and in relation to contemporary feminist writing in the West Indies. The paper problematizes the category ‘woman’ during slavery, arguing that femininity was itself deeply differentiated by class and race, thus leading to historical disunity in the notion of feminine identity during slavery. This gender neutrality has not been sufficiently appreciated in contemporary feminist thought leading to liberal feminist politics in the region. This has proved counter productive in the attempts of Caribbean feminist theorizing to provide alternative understandings of the construction of the nation-state as it emerged out of slavery and the role of women themselves in the shaping of modern Caribbean society.  相似文献   

The following article is an exploration of the non-linear and non-unified identities that make up Australian feminism. The main premise is that the divergent strands of rational and romantic thought, central to the project of liberalism, are inherent in the characterization of Australian feminisms. As a result, there have always been tensions between feminists, centred around politics of self-identification. These tensions continue to exist, but to be articulated in different ways in different decades as a result of the ever changing relationships between feminist, state and media/public discourses. These ideas are explored through comparing two key moments in our recent past in which differences between feminisms were declared. These two events - the Mary Daly visit to Australia to promote Gyn/Ecology in 1981, and the debate engendered by Helen Garner's The First Stone in 1995 - are taken to be performative metaphors through which the continuities and discontinuities of the nature of Australian feminisms can be subjectively explored.  相似文献   

高职院校数字化校园的建设及应用研究是目前我国高等职业教育发展的一大热点问题。完整的安全体系保障方案包括:数字化校园建设的目标,数字化校园结构体系,基于支持单点登入的高性能统一身份认证平台设计,以及数据中心的主要功能及其功能的实现等。  相似文献   

校园网存在着不少安全问题,校园网安全管理有自身的特点,针对以上问题,提出了校园网网络安全解决方案。  相似文献   

随着经济的飞速发展和高校的扩大招生,越来越多的大学生开始到校外住宿,这其间蕴藏着各种各样的的原因。在这种趋势下,高校的教育管理模式和观念都必须随之更新,才能推动高等教育现代化的步伐。  相似文献   

和谐校园视域下的高校民主政治建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民主政治是和谐校园的基础和保障。和谐校园下的高校民主政治建设应从三个方面来实现,即:加强高校党的执政能力,民主治校,依法治校;拓展民主渠道,实现决策科学化、民主化;完善民主机制,实现决策的制度化、规范化和程序化。  相似文献   

和谐校园在环境、制度和各种关系协调上表现出一定的内在特征,由此分析,工会在和谐校园构建中,可以通过参与校园文化建设、组织教职工参与民主管理、维护教职工合法权益、承担群众工作任务等发挥独特的作用.  相似文献   

校园心理剧作为一种有效的团体心理辅导方法,能使大学生挫折教育更具有实效性、针对性、自主性。在校园心理剧的组织实施过程中应遵循一些伦理原则,打造一支专业化的校园心理剧表演团队,并与其他大学生挫折教育形式相结合。  相似文献   

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