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DURING President Hu Jintao's state visit to the U.S. in January, China and the U.S. signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Establishing China-U.S. Governors Forum to Promote Sub-na- tional Cooperation. The memorandum supports the estab- lishment of a China-U.S. Governors  相似文献   

IN July 2002 the well pre—served body of a woman,LingHuiping,was unearthed from aHan Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D.220)tomb in Lianyungang.It hadbeen embalmed,and was in a con—dition equal to the remains of theWestern Han(206 B.C.-24A.D.)female.Xinzhui.unearthed in  相似文献   

Following a series of African leaders conferences in the EU, China, India, and Japan, the U.S. held the first U.S.- Africa Leaders Summit in Washington D.C. from August 4 to 6. The high-level meeting saw the announcement of a US $33 billion-investment in Africa, in sectors such as construction, clean energy, banking, and information technology, to propel economic and trade relations between the U.S. and African countries. Meanwhile, the U.S. laid down plans to catch up with Europe and China in terms of influence in Africa in sectors such as infrastructure and production.  相似文献   

1.12月20日,税务部门公布对网络主播____偷逃税处理结果。该主播被依法追缴税款、加收滞纳金并处罚款,共计13.41亿元.A.薇娅B.李佳琦C.罗永浩D.辛巴2.厦门经济特区建设__周年庆祝大会12月21日在福建省厦门市举行。A.35 B.40C.50 D.303.中国稀土集团有限公司于12月23日在____成立。  相似文献   

大同的军旅文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李彬 《今日山西》2003,(2):34-35
As early as the Western Han Period of 200 B.C., there was a war named as Baidengshan be-tween Liu Ban, the Emperor of Western Han (206 B.C.-23 A.C.)and Shanyu Maodun from Xiongnu, an ancient nationality in China, taken place here. There are many great walls built in differ-ent dynasties scattering every-where in the city--the great walls of Qing Dynasty (221 B.C.-206 B.C.), Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-220 A.C.), Northern Wei (386 A.C.-543 A.C.) and Ming Dynasty (1368 A.C.-1644 A.C.).…  相似文献   

1.有好事儿不通报。2.明知而推说不知。3.进出不互相告知。4.不说可以说的私事。5.有事不肯向同事求助。6.拒绝同事的“小吃”。7.常和一人“咬耳朵”。8.热衷于探听家事。9.喜欢嘴巴上占便宜。九种行为影响同事关系  相似文献   

FromearlythisyearwestChinahasbecomethefocusoftheChinesegovernmentandtheChineseCommunistParty.ThemediuminChinacalledthisplantodevelopwestpartofChinatheWesternDevelopingcampaign.ShanxiProvinceliesinthenortheastofChinaandonly560kmawayfromBeiJing.ThisprovinceisthecradleoftheChinesecivilization;manyoutstandingscientists,astronomersandpoliticiansarefromhere.Shanxialsohasabundanthistoricheritages.Yourfirstimpressionhereisthekindnessandpurenessofitspeople.Theyareoutspokenandhonest.Themainproble…  相似文献   

Rick Dunham,a former correspondent for BusinessWeek,has been working as a U.S.visiting professor of journalism at Beijing-based Tsinghua University since 2012.He found a big difference between Chinese and U.S.students:Chinese students usually study with an international view,while most of their U.S.peers don't.  相似文献   

TheBankofCommunication,TaiYuanBranchisthebiggestbankLimitedinShanxiProvince.Thebankhasspentmoremoneytoreplaceitsequipmentanddevelopmodernelectroniccalculationsystem.Thebankhasinvestedinmanymajorprojectsinourprovince.TheBankofCommunicationhasissuedthePacificCardlastyear.Thepromotionofthiscardhasachievedgoodresults.bytheendofthisyearthebankhasissuedmorethan60,000cards.作为山西省最大的股份制产业银行,交通银行太原分行在新世纪到来之际,以发展为主旋律,以理顺管理体制为基础,以增加科技含量为手段…  相似文献   

On August 24, the U.S. announced that it would raise tariffs on about $550 billion worth of Chinese exports to the U.S. by an additional 5 percent. The U.S. move harms both countries’ interests, threatens the security of ttie global industrial and supply chains, and drags down global trade and world economic growth. China has urged the U.S. not to miscalculate the situation.  相似文献   

一、业务需求背景 1.推进社区信息化建设的需要; 2.大力发展社区服务的需要; 3.推动公共服务覆盖到社区的需要; 4.促进政务、事务在社区层面公开的需要; 5.提高街道、居委会办事效率的需要.  相似文献   

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met with Jacob Lew,special representative of the U.S.President and the U.S.Treasury Secretary,in Beijing on February 29,2016.Li said that China became the largest trading partner of the U.S.last year.According to Li,China was ready for closer  相似文献   

1.据国家统计局1月17日发布数据,中国GDP2021年与2020年两年平均增长__A.5.1%B.8.1%C.7.2%D.6.5%。2.国台办发言人1月19日敦促__政府慎重妥善处理涉台问题。A.立陶宛B.爱沙尼亚C.斯洛文尼亚D.斯洛伐克。  相似文献   

The U.S. Department of the Treasury officially designated China a"currency manipulator" on August 5. The designation followed the Chinese yuan(renminbi),both onshore and offshore,falling beyond 7 against the U.S. dollar the same day, making Chinese exports cheaper in the U.S.  相似文献   

白薇 《今日山西》2003,(3):16-17
Atthe13thEastChinaFair(ECF)heldinShanghai,Shanxi'stradingdelegatiolanded22.56millionU.S.dollarsworthofexportcontract,a48%increaseofthatoflastedition.ThehistoricallyhighestfigurplacedShanxisecondamongthe28provincialandmunicipaldelegations.Shanxiexportswerethistimeconcentrateonartandcraft,textileandotherlighindustrialgoods,whichwereofhighqualityyetatreasonableprice.That'swhyShanxi'stextileproductshavecaughttheattentionofthemerchantsfrommoreaffluentregionsorindustrializedcountries.第13届上海…  相似文献   

刘敏 《今日山西》2000,(6):12-13
Theknowledgeeconomyistheeconomyleadingbytheknowledge-orientedindustry.Itisatimeaftertheagricultureeconomyandindustryeconomy.Itisaneconomythatproduces,conveysandutilizesknowledgeandinformation.TodevelopthisneweconomycanbenefitourprovincelotsafterourWTOentry.TheadoptionofthisnewtypeofeconomycanbeagreathelpforShanxitodevelopabettereconomyandfreefromtheoldconceptofheavyindustry,primaryproductthatcharacterizedourprovinceinthepast.Thisneweconomyistoimprovetheoldtechnologyandtheoryofthetraditional…  相似文献   

Editor’s note: Last April 17 U.S. o cials came to the Center for U.S.-ChinaRelations at Tsinghua University to attend a seminar on such topics as China’spolitical system, foreign policy, trade policy, military modernization and media.As contacts between China and the U.S. are growing closer, mutual communication and trust become  相似文献   

THE year 9014 marks the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the U.S. Its significance, from a global perspective, goes without say-ing. The past 35 years have witnessed enormous changes, both in China-U.S. ties and globally. I was appointed the first resident People's Daily correspon- dent in the U.S. in 1979. Commenting on internationalissues is not my field of expertise. I would, however, like to discuss my feelings in this regard, based on my experiences in the U.S.  相似文献   

1.中国海军___舰航母编队12月20日顺利通过台湾海峡,赴南海相关海域开展训练。A.辽宁B.山东C.贵阳D.太原2.12月22日,我国自主研制的新型中型运载火箭长征号首次飞行试验取得圆满成功。A.七,B.五,C.八,D.十一,3.12月23日,高速货运动车组在中车唐山机车车辆有限公司正式下线,未来将在全球首次实现__时速公里高铁货物快运。  相似文献   

自主创新问题可以从供给和需求两个角度来考察.在需求方面.企业家的激励是重要的问题.对于自主创新的激励而言,产品市场的竞争性是一个重要的条件.经过市场化改革,我国已经基本具备.问题在于生产要素市场的非竞争性.在转型经济中.降低生产要素成本的重要方法是:强制、赠与、转移成本.生产要素低成本固然造就了利润空间.却不可避免地弱化了企业家自主创新的激励.因此可得命题:低生产要素成本和自主创新不可兼得.  相似文献   

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