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The 9/11 attack was undoubtedly one of the most important events to influence international relations in the 21st century. On September 11th, 2001, al-Qaeda, led by Osama bin Laden, attacked the US heartlands. The attacks caused the death of nearly 3000 people and led to direct economic losses of around US$ 100 billion. This was the most serious external attack on the US since the War of Independence of 1812. In influence it surpassed even the attack on Pearl Harbor in the Second World War. 9/11 highlighted the importance of non-traditional security and raised it to a position almost parallel with that of the world’s traditional security agenda. The events have profoundly influenced the outlook and behavior of the world’s sole  相似文献   

The U. S. president responded quickly to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Confronted by a changing world, the United States had to implement new strategies in order to deal with problems of the post- 9/11 era, one of these strategies being its war on terrorism. Bush's policy at home and abroad, in particular the strategic transformation of international security is based on an assessment that the world has changed. How much has the world changed over the past five years and in what way? The answers to these questions are keys to understand the current international situation.  相似文献   

The decade-long anti-terrorism campaign has begun to wind down after the killing of Osama bin Laden and the start of U.S. troop withdrawals from Afghanistan and Iraq. The tenth anniversary of 9/11 is an apt point at which to analyze the losses and gains for the U.S. and predict where it can go from here.  相似文献   

Li: We should not lose sight of the growing rampancy of terror de-spite our consensus on intensified international crackdowns. It seemsthe harsher the war on terror, the stronger the rebound. Inquiry intosuch a paradox will be helpful to the international community for takingmore effective steps.Chen: Strong rebound or frenzy retaliation can be used to portraythe current situation. Acts of terror once declined somewhat due to un-precedented post-9/11 international pressure to squeeze their li…  相似文献   

The U.S. subprime mortgage crisis has rapidly developed andspread from the region to the world and from the economic and financial field to the political and social field. It has evolved into an international financial crisis with a powerful force of impact and covering a wide range of fields rarely seen in history, and has become a major historical event that has a profound impact on the United States and the world at large since the 9/11 incident. The international community generally believes that it is a crisis of the existing order and system, and calls for reform of the international financial system are unprecedentedly high. This again has led to a discussion of the reform of the international system. The impact of the crisis on the transition of the entire international system has begun to appear.  相似文献   

Li: It's a pleasure to invite you here for a discussion on the hottopic of our common concern. A puzzling phenomenon has sprung up ofrising rampancy of terror against the backdrop of surging internationalanti-terrorism tide with greater joint efforts over the past two-plusyears since 9/11. We need to explore this puzzle from a variety oflinks, through layer-by-layer analysis for revealing the deep-set trou-bles and coming up with some ideas for tackling the knotty issue.Yang: I would like to …  相似文献   

In the past ten years since 9/11, terrorism has become a growing threat to international security, and to people’s lives and property. Increasing incidents of terrorism have underlined the fundamental structural flaws in the international system, showing that American hegemony has reached a certain limit. Not only have the major security concerns of the United States changed, but existing international strategic relations have also been shaken. This has directly affected global strategic stability.  相似文献   

The world changed after the 9/11 events, so did big-power relations. The war against terrorism drew the big powers closer, and the negative influence of ideological difference and cold war mentality was weakened. Big-power relations are always the determinant factors affecting international security and stability. Whether they cooperate or confront with each other often set a tune to the major trend of the  相似文献   

Will 2014 be remembered as a chaotic year a decade or two in the future?Not necessarily so.Looking back at the post-Cold War years,only two major developments stand out:the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the rise of the emerging countries such as China.They both mark a shift in global power distribution,from major powers to smaller stakeholders,from the Atlantic to the Pacific,and from the developed to the developing worlds.From this perspective,nothing that extraordinary happened in 2014.purchasing power parity(PPP).Trans-Pacific rivalry also escalated in the first half of the year,particularly in the East China Sea and the South  相似文献   

Nobody denies that the Iraq war launched by America is a local war that is of global influence and beyond the anti-terror campaign. The various contentions among major world political powers before and after the war reveal that the world strategic structure that is changing since the end of the Cold War has gone through another grave impact after the 9/11 events. The paper does not want to make an in-depth  相似文献   

The strategic legacy of 9/11 will outlive the Korean and Vietnam Wars and the two Gulf Wars because they triggered only quantitative rather than qualitative transformations in the international strategic landscape. The 9/11 disaster sparked the Afghan and Iraq Wars and the global "war on terror," which as yet have no end in sight. It has already led to a qualitative overhaul in the world strategic order, affecting the international power balance and perspectives on international relations so much that even the unfolding upheaval in West Asia and the North Africa known as the Arab Spring seems minor by  相似文献   

<正>In the first decade of the 21st century, the world went though the successive impacts posed by the incidents like the "9/11", the Afghan and Iraq wars, and strongly affected by the financial and economic crises sweeping across the world. Fundamental and major changes, thus, have occurred to the established international set-up  相似文献   

In the 1990s, the dramatic changes in the Soviet Union and East Europe put an end to the Cold War stand-off between the United States and the Soviet Union. The world entered the post-Cold War era with the United States as the world's sole superpower. In the 21st century, the outbreak of the 9/11 terrorist attacks brought the United States into two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  相似文献   

Owing to a series of impacts of the "9·11 terrorist attack," the accounting scandals of big companies, Iraq War and the SARS crisis in the past two years, the world economy that might have rebounded forcefully has been on a wavering process of slow recovery.  相似文献   

Ever since Bush entered the White house, especially after 9/11 events, America has successively published series of strategic documents, such as the Nuclear Posture Review, Quadrennial Defense Review, National Security Strategy of the United States of America, National Strategy for Combating Terrorism, National Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction. After its unilateralist practices gained points military and lost points politically in the Afghan war and the Iraq war, the multi-lateralist posture on dealing with Israeli-Palestinian  相似文献   

Fu: Relations between America and Russia are one of the most im- portant bilateral ties that could affect the trend of world situation. What's the matter with U. S. -Russia ties? What's wrong with their bi- lateral relations? People tend to ask these days. Some observers on both sides suggest that post 9/11 honeymoon has turned sour when joint ef- fort against challenges from nontraditional security issues failed to re- move original bilateral contradictions over traditional security concer…  相似文献   

How to assess America's international status is an issue of world- wide attention. In the 1970s, a debate was once carried out on America's strength and on whether it would decline as a great power. After 9/11, a new fervor on the same topic was set off once again. I share the view with many scholars that America's strength is still at its peak. Its superpower status "hegemonic status" as it can be said can last for several decades, at least to the middle of the centu- ry. Before that time, …  相似文献   

The meeting of the 10th Council of the Chinese Association for International Understanding has accomplished all its agenda according to the schedule, and come to an end. The meeting has reviewed and summarized the work of the 9th council, brought up a train of thought on the work in the future, adopted the report of the "revised draft to the constitutions of CAFIU", and elected the new leadership. I'm honored to serve as thePresident of CAFIU. Here I would like to thank you for your trust in me.  相似文献   

The global campaign against terror has achieved considerable success over the past five years since the events of 9/11. The Taliban forces in Afghanistan have been destroyed and Al-Qeda has received a devastating blow. In Russia, Chechen secessionist terrorist forces have also suffered heavy losses. Nevertheless, the major terrorist attacks that took place in the UK, Spain, Russia, Iraq, India and Indonesia clearly demonstrate that terrorism has not yet disappeared.Terrorist attacks are on the increase, the targets are becoming more varied, and the methods more covert and more violent. Terrorist groups and organizations have become better organized in their activities and there is a trend towards the use of high-tech in the attacks.Some world public media refers to these phenomena as "counter-terrorism leading to yet more terrorism". Therefore, two fundamental questions may be posed to all countries throughout the world: What are the roots of terrorism? How can terrorism be eradicated?  相似文献   

<正>At the invitation of the Danish-Chinese Business Forum(DCBF),Zhou Tienong,Vice-Chairman of the 11thNational People’s Congress Standing Committee and President of CAFIU,led a CAFIU delegation to visit Denmark from June 9thto 12th.When we arrived in Copenhagen at 10:30 pm,looking at the skyline of the copper domes and  相似文献   

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