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阮加文 《法人》2009,(3):14-16
在共和国经历迥然不同的两个30年之后,我们从中找到了对中国企业影响最大的10部法规、10篇著作和10位企业家。那么,影响下一个30年的又将是什么?  相似文献   

阮加文 《法人》2009,(10):12-13
在所有代表中国经济与社会生活的现代符号中,还没有一个产业像汽车这样——能唤起全体国人的热情和忧伤,承载一个民族的梦想,并且伴随着共和国工业凌乱而坚定的脚步整整走过60年。  相似文献   

黄鸣 《法人》2008,(4):86-86
与“个人破产法”有关的,除企业家之外,还几乎涉及到每个人,它将从法律的层面上规范和保障所有企业家的社会责任、作为个人的信用以及生存空间。这正是作为人大代表的企业家提出“个人破产法”议案的初衷  相似文献   

吴意 《中国律师》2012,(3):30-32
10年风雨兼程,10年磨砺创新;10年用心服务,10年重诺践行;10年仗义执言,10年守信忠诚。一家地处中国西部的律师事务所,在10年的时间里,从人员的增速到党组织建设:从业务量的增长到自觉承担社会责任;从法律服务创造的社会价值到律师事务所的规模,在具有中华古老文明的陕西省,都处在排头兵的位置。它  相似文献   

告别贫穷中国迈入中等收入国家行列 今年80岁的中国经济体制改革研究会会长高尚全,1952年从上海圣约翰大学毕业后,坐上北上的列车,投身到热火朝天的新中国工业建设.他参加了第一汽车制造厂的选址和验收工作.  相似文献   

“走自己的路,建设有中国特色的社会主义”,这是我们党总结长期历史经验特别是建国60年来的历史经验得出的基本结论。事实证明,“在当代中国,坚持中国特色社会主义道路,就是真正坚持社会主义。”  相似文献   

王海明 《中国法律》2011,(3):49-51,109-111
改革开放以来,中国在法治建设的道路上不断前行。破产法的立法也经历了从无到有,从粗陋到完善的过程,其立法思想也从以保护债权人为主,到债权人、债务人、社会整体利益综合平衡的转变。从企业重生机制在破产法上引进与突破的过程中,我们可以看到中国在法律移植方面做出的努力及制度突破。  相似文献   

破产法是形成我国特色社会主义法律体系的一部重要法律。破产法是规定在债务人不能清偿到期债务或负债超过资产时,由法院选宣告其破产,并主持对其全部财产强制进行清算分配,公平清偿全体债权人,或由债务人与债权人会议达成和解协议、进行企业重整,避免破产的法律规范的总称。现代意义上的破产法均是由规定  相似文献   

备受社会关注的新的《中华人民共和国企业破产法》经过12年的起草和审议,于2006年8月27日经过十届全国人大常委会第二十三次会议表决获得了通过,并于2007年6月1日起施行。新破产法的出台是中国经济体制改革进程中的一部标志性法律,它的出台表明我国的市场经济进入到一个新阶段。  相似文献   

吕斌 《法人》2009,(3):30-34
建国60年,中国商界风云变幻,涌现出一批又一批优秀的企业家,中国经济发展的每一步脚印都与他们的智慧与胆识息息相关。 在此,我们甄选出十位有代表性、有影响力的中国企业家,与读者一起分享他们的成功案例及企业发展经验。  相似文献   

蒋瑛 《行政与法》2009,(10):4-7
政府职能转变既是经济体制改革的延续,也是政治体制改革的发端。新中国成立以来的60年间,经济体制从多种经济成分并存的新民主主义经济过渡到单一公有制和计划经济,再向社会主义市场经济转变,政府职能也发生了相应的变化,从"全能政府"过渡到"建设型政府",再到现在的"服务型政府"的建立与完善。政府职能的演进已经体现出行政体制改革和机构改革的内在要求,成为推动社会进步与发展的强大动力。可以说,建设服务型政府,实现服务行政将是我国政府职能转变的落脚点,而以责任观念为前提、以人本观念为基础、以电子政务为技术手段的服务理念的提升必将推动政府职能的转变。  相似文献   

Sixty women who were repeatedly assaulted by their husbands were referred by the police for medicolegal examination between August 1978 and August 1981. In most instances, the injuries were non-grievous and they were mostly contusions situated mainly in the region of the head, the neck and the upper limbs. Weapons used ranged from fire-wood to knives. In sixty percent of the cases, complaints were made to the police after 10 years of marriage. This is probably due to the fact that the majority of the women were illiterate and not gainfully employed and were totally dependent on their husbands for their existence.  相似文献   

The international fight against money laundering illustrates changes in global governance as a result of the increasingly cross-border nature of crime and the need it creates for all involved to cooperate. The economic priorities and security concerns that surround it contributed to the strong evolution of global governance in this area and the status of anti-money laundering as a shared problem. The creation of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), its expansion and cementation throughout the years, is a good example of the many forces working together to responding to the demands of emerging criminal threats and trends. It offers a good illustration of how relationships in global governance have influenced FATF’s priorities and action and ultimately the way in which illicit financial flows are tackled. This analysis offers an overview of FATF’s network across time taking into account the role of states, international organisations, and the private sector in the decision-making processes. It argues that Great Powers – a small, but aligned, group of states of global economic relevance – are responsible for FATF’s direction and the international efforts against illicit financial flows. It suggests, however, that unlike what could be expected, their power is declining following the rise of private sector influence through resourceful, organised and transnational actions e.g. on information sharing.  相似文献   

This paper aims at examining the collaborative networks established during the seven Framework Programmes on Research and Technological Development (1984–2009). These networks are the result of self-organized partnering by different participating entities (industry, universities, research centers and technology users) in subsidized research joint ventures selected on a competitive basis under the thematic priorities and funding rules imposed by the European Union. Social network analysis tools are employed in order to describe and assess the architecture, and the dynamics of the networks that were developed in the context of each Framework Programme. Analysis of organizations’ positioning in the network space will show whether there are some pivotal actors with significant policy implications for knowledge and technology transfer. Last but not least, understanding how these network are formed and how they have evolved over time may provide useful policy implications for the design and structure of the current and future EU Programmes aimed at shaping and creating a unified European Research Area.  相似文献   

This study examined the intergenerational transmission of aggression across three generations in 181 community families. Regression analyses were conducted to assess the extent to which child abuse and marital abuse in the family-of-origin (G1) are predictive of child abuse potential and marital aggression in the second generation (G2), abuse in the family-of-origin is predictive of aggression in the third generation (G3), and child abuse potential and marital aggression in the second generation are predictive of aggression in the third generation. For males, exposure to aggression was predictive of aggressive behavior across all three generations. For females, the only significant prediction was from marital aggression in G1 to husband-to-wife marital aggression in G2. This study points to the importance of examining the transmission of both child abuse and marital aggression in order to assess their relative importance. It is also recommended that the transmission of aggression be assessed separately for males and females, as the data point to the family system as a factor related to aggression in males, yet do not provide the same explanation for females.  相似文献   

In just over a month's time London will be the centre of international focus as athletes from over 200 countries arrive for the Olympic Games. The last Olympic Games held in London was in 1948 – in the same month the National Health Service (NHS) was established. It is a tragic coincidence that the Olympics returns to London in the same year as the Health and Social Care Act was passed, legislation the chairman of the British Medical Association described as likely to be ‘irreversibly damaging to the NHS as a public service, converting it into a competitive marketplace that will widen health inequalities and be detrimental to patient care’ (Buckman, 2012).  相似文献   

Legal and practical context. The streamlined procedure is asimplified patent litigation procedure that was introduced overtwo years ago in the English Patents Court and Patents CountyCourt. This article looks at the procedure, the way it has beenapplied since its introduction and the effect it has had onpatent litigation in the UK. Key points. The procedure was designed to deal with simple patentcases quickly and relatively cheaply. It is geared towards aone day trial taking place approximately eight months afterthe commencement of proceedings. Under the procedure there isno automatic disclosure, no experiments and cross-examinationis limited to permitted topics only. Although it was designedwith patents in mind, the procedure is available for all appropriateactions heard in the Patents Court and Patents County Court.It is only suitable, however, for relatively simple actionsin which complex findings of fact are not necessary. Conclusions. Not many actions have come to trial under thisprocedure, but its availability is nonetheless of great significanceto patent litigation in the UK. This is because it providesa new point of departure for directions in certain types ofaction and because its availability has increased access topatent litigation in the UK and has renewed interest in thePatents Court and Patents County Court as forums in which toissue patent proceedings.  相似文献   

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