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<正>I.Concept of People’s Livelihood in Traditional Chinese Culture The concept of human rights was borrowed from the West.In order to have it become rooted in China,people needed to i nd traces in Chinese culture on which the human rights theoretical system could be based and the Chinese human rights idea could be realized.Only if the idea of human rights is grounded in Chinese culture can the concept of human rights be understood by the people and human  相似文献   

正Lambasting social injustices,Charles Dickens’fame lives on in China By some standards,China today may be going through the best of times and the worst of times:The nation’s economic power has resulted in one of the  相似文献   

The honor of being part of the first-ever Chinese Olympic Games has spurred enormous enthusiasm Atotal ofhalf a million volunteers are needed to host the Olympic Games in China next year, but organizers will still have to turn many people away because of an enormous pub-lic response.  相似文献   

The first Western documentary toexplore the ongoing legal revolutionin China opens in the U.S. High in the hillside village of Longjiacun in Gongxian County, Sichuan Province, southwest China, four somber people dressed in dark- blue uniforms sit in a row behindtwo desks. A white sign that reads “mobilecourt” hangs at the front. Amiddle-aged mansits toone side,next toa red plasticstoolwitha tag that reads “plaintiff,”  相似文献   

Since the Chinese government set out to transform the country’s economic development model, China’s economy has grown healthier, more sustainable and better adapted to fast, long-term growth.  相似文献   

陈春 《人权》2007,6(4):31-32
2007年3月19日,杭州市城镇老年居民大病住院基本医疗保险参保缴费工作正式启动,拱墅区祥符镇的老年居民以震天锣鼓来欢迎这项措施实行。  相似文献   

ON July 9, 2010, I paused on the Great Wall of China on the outskirts of Beijing, trying to imagine all the people who had stood in that spot before, feeling the same breeze and viewing the same horizon.  相似文献   

What is summarized as"harmony is of paramount importance" is a most prominent philosophical approach embraced by China's Confucian culture. This is an extension of the approach summarized as "the people are of paramount importance." It calls for harmonious human relations, obliging one to respect others' rights and interests while protecting the rights and interests of one's own. Harmony as a philosophical approach manifests itself, in many ways, in the realm of human rights in China today. To name just a few: the country's political system of multi-party cooperation under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, harmony that prevails between different religions in the country, and the country's call for international dialogue and cooperation to promote the human rights cause. As a fine Chinese tradition, this philosophical approach is being carried forward.  相似文献   

I was revising an article on the evening of March 9, 2004 when the telephone rang. I picked up the receiver and heard a wom- an’s sob from the other end. Who was it weeping so grievously late in the evening? “It’s me, Wei Chaoyun, Mr. Xu. My father Wei Fengjiang passed away on March 5 ...” My heart tightened. Holding the receiver in one hand, I could not utter a word for quite a while. Then, all of a sudden, tears gushed from my eyes, wetting the front of my jacket. I. Establishing a…  相似文献   

LEI Chuang, a postgraduate student at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, was very excited to learn that aproposal of his was being taken up at the annual session of the National People’s Congress (NPC) byXie Zilong, an NPC deputy and president of LBX Pharmacy.Lei is a vocal advocate of reducing discrimination against hepatitis B virus (HBV) carriers. Lastyear, his proposal on HBV-related discrimination was also taken up at the NPC session by Xie. More recently,  相似文献   

YAN JIA 《人权》2012,(1):28-29
At the end of June2011,Chinahad 29 reformatories fordelinquent minors,where 17,149 convicts aged 18 oryounger were serving their terms.Thesefacilities have persistently followed thepolicy ofcombining punishment with redemption,  相似文献   

正Over the past 30 years, Xiamen has been carefully implementing a scientific outlook on development that is human-oriented and focused on comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development, actively advancing construction of a socialist harmonious society. When vigorously developing the economy, Xiamen has made remarkable achievements  相似文献   

Mr. Amaradasa Gunawardena, the president of the Sri Lanka China Society presented the first copy of the book People’s China to President Mahinda Rajapakshe of Sri Lanka on Oct. 2, 2008 in the Presidential Residence "Temple Trees". Ambassador Ye Dabo of the People’s Republic of China to Sri Lanka, Guthila Wickramasinghe, secretary of the Society, Wilmon Wickramasinghe and Jinith de Silva, co-editors of the book were present on the occasion.  相似文献   

The protection of human rights on the part of the accused is the core of modern human rights protection, known as the barometer of human rights condi-  相似文献   

The Information Office of the State Council, or China's Cabinet, issued a white paper on Progress in China's Human Rights in 2009 on Sept. 26, 2010. Following is the full text filed by Xinhua News Agency:  相似文献   

Historically,the Constitution of 1982 is the most complete constitution since the establishment of the PRC.However,the country has faced new situations with the advance of time.The Constitution has needed to be amended in order to keep pace with the times,so there have appeared four constitutional amendments in 1988,1993,1999 and 2004,respectively.Although the four  相似文献   

May 2013, Beijing Foreword Since the arrival of the 21st century, the Chinese people have been making constant efforts in advancing human rights protection along the path of building socialism with Chinese characteristics under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Chinese government. It has been the will and action of the CPC and state organs at all levels to respect and protect human rights.  相似文献   

ZHANG WEI 《人权》2012,(6):14-16
China’s human rights undertaking has ushered in a brand-new era with planned,sustainable and comprehensive development since the State Council Information Office issued the National Human Rights Action Plan of China(2012-2015).Like the National Human Rights Action Plan of China(2009-2010),the revised edition specifies the requirements for the popularization of human rights.  相似文献   

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