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陈华彬 《现代法学》2011,33(4):49-58
管理规约是规范区分所有建筑物的管理、使用乃至所有关系的自治规则,它如同公司的章程、国家的宪法,具有业主团体(共同体)根本自治法规的性质。我国管理规约的订立、变更及废止,应由目前的普通多数决变易为特别多数决;管理规约应对业主间的基础法律关系、业主间的共同事务、业主间的利害关系的调节及对违反义务者的处置等作出规定。业主大会、业主委员会的决议、管理人的行为等,不得与管理规约抵触。管理规约的效力原则上及于业主及其特定继受人,但承租人、借用人等区分所有建筑物的占有人(物业使用人),应仅受管理规约事项中有关使用事项的拘束。原始管理规约的设定、效力、登记等应借鉴日本法的经验,原始管理规约的变更(撤销)及公平性,应借鉴德国法的做法,认可对于一些事项业主大会的多数决决议具有变更原始管理规约的规定的效力,认可业主享有变更原始管理规约的请求权。  相似文献   

赵海乐 《北方法学》2011,5(1):143-152
我国台湾地区法定停车位是法律规定开发商在修建区分所有建筑物时必须设立的最低数额的停车位。其在法律权属上被强制划定为共有部分,但开发商可以通过拟制分管契约的方式为业主设定对特定停车位的专有使用权。业主享有的专有使用权只能依附于专有部分而存在,权利的行使也需要受到法律的限制。我国台湾地区法律还创设了完备的登记制度,有力地保护了区分所有建筑物功能的完整性和业主对于特定停车位的专有使用权。借鉴我国台湾地区的经验,在我国的立法当中应当明确停车位所在空间的性质,并通过制度安排,将业主所购买的车位权利合法化;此外,还应完善并统一不动产登记制度,使停车位的权属与让与制度获得公示效力的保护。  相似文献   

In Australia, prostitution regulation has taken a very different path from many other countries. Law reform has led to the opening of some significant new spaces for legal sex work, including the (very different) regulatory regimes established in two Australian states – Queensland (brothels legal if their owners are licensed) and New South Wales (most commercial sex businesses and some street prostitution decriminalized; no licensing regime). The main research question is: how has regulation impacted on the positive rights of sex workers? I argue that law reform has engaged a mix of neo-liberal and other approaches – not to increase personal or corporate freedom but as part of a practical strategy designed to control a range of social problems, such as police corruption and organized crime. Neo-liberal regulation of prostitution in Australia has always been deployed in tandem with other modes of regulation – including new criminal law and policing strategies, planning law, health regulations, and (of course) moral regulation.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(168):46180-46181
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is issuing proposed regulations to change the existing Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program regulations concerning the effective date for new enrollments made by employees during the annual open season. These regulations would also change the effective date of open season changes in enrollment made by employees, annuitants, former spouses and individuals enrolled under the temporary continuation of coverage (TCC) provisions of FEHB law. The proposed regulations would standardize the effective date of most of these new enrollments or changes in enrollment. This would make it easier for employing offices and health plan carriers to administer the Program and reduce the potential for error in determining effective dates.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(44):11174-11177
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is proposing to amend its regulations on notice of certification of invalidity or noninfringement of a patent to provide additional methods for new drug and abbreviated new drug applicants to provide notice to patent owners and new drug application (NDA) holders, without removing the existing means. These proposed amendments reflect current business practices and are intended to ensure that notice is provided to patent owners and NDA holders in a timely manner. FDA is also proposing to require certain applicants to submit to FDA a copy of the notice of certification.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1982,47(38):8304-8306
On May 19, 1980, EPA promulgated regulations applicable to owners and operators of hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities which prohibited the landfill disposal of most containerized liquid waste or waste containing free liquid on and after November 19, 1981. Further on June 29, 1981, EPA amended its hazardous waste management regulations so as to extend the compliance date of the restriction on the landfill disposal of containerized liquid ignitable wastes to coincide with the compliance data of the general restriction on landfill disposal of liquids. The Agency is today extending the compliance date on both these requirements until May 26, 1982, and, in a separate action, is proposing amendments to these restrictions. This extension of compliance dates is provided for the sole purpose of allowing time to complete the rulemaking action on today's proposed amendments. The Agency is also today exempting from the requirements of the hazardous waste management regulations, the acts of adding absorbent material to hazardous waste in containers and adding hazardous waste to absorbent material in a container, at the time waste is first placed in the container, in order to reduce the free liquids in a container.  相似文献   

易继明 《河北法学》2005,23(8):20-25
在中国民法典制定进程中,单行法模式也是一种较为现实的选择。全国人大常委会2004年10月15日委员长会议审议稿《中华人民共和国物权法(草案)》采五编制结构,虽不失严谨,但也是作茧自缚。物权法在总体设计上应该采取较为松散的结构模式。一种可供选择的总体结构包括12章和附则,依次为:通则,所有权,关于土地、矿藏、森林、草原、江海湖泊等自然资源的使用,地役权,居住权,典权,抵押权,质权,留置权,让与担保,优先权,占有,以及施行法。作为一部单行法,物权法在第1条中规定立法目的是有必要的。草案第1条规定基本上体现了物权法的价值取向,但也有失宽泛。建议将该条修改为:“为了保护物权权利人的民事权益,明确物的归属,充分发挥物的效用,制定本法。”  相似文献   

刘琳 《时代法学》2011,9(1):104-108
文物由于具有稀缺性被视为保值增值的上佳投资品,因而其跨国流转日益频繁,不过其中相当一部分是被盗掘或盗窃后进八国际市场交易。不法分子利用各国所有权取得的种种歧异的规定,将非法获取文物的所有权“漂白”后转手给善意购买人,而最后的纠纷往往在原始所有人与善意购买人间发生。在相关国际公约在解决此类纠纷存在不足的情况下,应从国际私法法律适用的角度探讨解决上述问题的现实可行的方法,即:扬弃“物之所在地法”既有原则,引入文物最初来源地法,在平衡各方利益的基础上形成一套更具灵活性和综合性考量的法律适用方法。  相似文献   

《Federal register》1981,46(74):22395-22399
This proposed rule sets forth procedures for the handling of complaints of employment discrimination which are filed with Federal fund granting agencies under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and other provisions of Federal law which prohibit discrimination on grounds of race, color, religion, age, sex or national origin in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. The regulations allow the fund granting agency to refer complaints to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). For complaints covered both by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, or other statutes within EEOC's jurisdiction and by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act or Title IX, the regulations contemplate that most complaints of individual acts of discrimination will be referred to EEOC for investigation and conciliation, while most complaints of systemic discrimination will be retained by the fund granting agency. Employment discrimination complaints which are not covered by Title VI or Title IX will be transferred to EEOC. This proposed rule is not a "major rule" as defined by Section 1(b) of Executive Order 12291.  相似文献   

刘连泰 《法学家》2020,(2):45-56,192
公平市场价值是征收补偿的通常标准,是自愿的买家愿意支付给自愿的卖家的价格,包含了财产对于财产权人的平均主观价值,不包含特殊的主观价值和自治价值。补偿超过平均主观价值的主观价值技术上不可能;财产权是法定的权利,负有社会义务,法律不补偿财产权人的过敏反应;补偿某些特殊的主观价值与宪法价值不兼容,还可能给财产权的策略性抵抗提供正当理由。许多域外征收法规定不补偿特殊主观价值,但特殊主观价值可以通过其他概念在个案中进入补偿。中国征收法采通行的公平市场价值补偿标准,没有规定主观价值的补偿,但主观价值可以通过社会稳定风险评估、补助和搬迁奖励部分进入补偿额。  相似文献   

《Federal register》1999,64(22):5160-5188
The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA) added health care continuation requirements that apply to group health plans. Coverage required to be provided under those requirements is referred to as COBRA continuation coverage. Proposed regulations interpreting the COBRA continuation coverage requirements were published in the Federal Register of June 15, 1987 and of January 7, 1998. This document contains final regulations based on these two sets of proposed regulations. The final regulations also reflect statutory amendments to the COBRA continuation coverage requirements since COBRA was enacted. A new set of proposed regulations addressing additional issues under the COBRA continuation coverage provisions is being published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register. The regulations will generally affect sponsors of and participants in group health plans, and they provide plan sponsors and plan administrators with guidance necessary to comply with the law.  相似文献   

杜明强 《行政与法》2013,(8):120-124
微博作为一种新型的网络信息沟通平台,在改变人们生活方式的同时,亦产生了法律上不可避免的问题:即微博的著作权问题.微博是否受保护虽有争议,但依据《著作权法》,只要其内容符合作品条件,就应予以保护.囿于微博自身特点所限,法律救济渠道不畅,导致微博著作权侵权案件频频发生.为净化微博使用环境,建议确立微博著作权侵权之认定标准、实行微博实名注册使用机制,通过完善相关法律法规争明确网络服务提供者的法律责任等制度采保护微博著作权,维护微博著作权人利益.  相似文献   

In June of 1999, Texas became the first state to pass a law allowing physicians to collectively bargain with managed care plans for fee-related activities. Whether this law will give physicians renewed control over patient care remains to be seen. Notwithstanding the intention of its drafters, it is likely that the law and its proposed regulations may only provide physicians with costly and time-consuming procedures that present multiple risks instead of renewed power.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1982,47(231):54093-54104
This document contains proposed regulations relating to the minimum funding requirements for employee pension benefit plans, and to excise taxes for failure to meet the minimum funding standards. Changes to the applicable tax law were made by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. The regulations would provide the public with guidance needed to comply with that Act and would affect all pension plans subject to the provisions of the Act. The proposed amendments would apply generally for plan years beginning after 1975, but earlier (or later) in the case of some plans as provided for meeting the minimum funding requirements under the Act. The proposed rules pertaining to the frequency of actuarial valuations, and to the time for making contributions, generally would not be effective prior to the publication of final regulations.  相似文献   

There are two developments the combination of which has led to new challenges to international law: the growth of economic regulations and globalisation. While the modern economies are associated with the proliferation of regulatory laws which are rooted in the national economic and social policies, the loosening of the national borders and globalisation has led to conflicts of economic regulations. Such developments have posed various risks of violations of national economic regulations by the economic actors and could lead to tension among national states which have jurisdiction over multinational enterprises in one way or another. The private parties involved in such a situation could somehow avoid such risks by their own initiatives and contractual arrangements but in most cases such measures do now work and the conflict has to be resolved through the cooperation between the countries involved. The paper investigates the potentials for public international law to come up with rules, principles and norms to resolve such complex disputes which touch up issues such as non-intervention, equality of sovereign states, state immunity, self-determination and other principles of international law. Unlike certain area of international law such as law of sea where a few factors involved and the disputes could be resolved by relying on simple facts and rules, the application of national economic regulations extraterritorially creates tensions among the nation states in respect of the demarcation of national jurisdictions. It is here that public international faces a new challenges and need to come up with new approaches such a balancing of interests of the states involved in the conflicts.  相似文献   

论法律保留原则   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从我国行政法律理论和实践出发 ,法律保留在我国确立的基本依据是民主原则、法治国家要求和基本人权 ,其适用范围理论应该采用重要性理论 ,其适用的密度应该涉及法律、行政法规、地方性法规、单行条例、自治条例、行政规章等 ,法律保留适用的领域应该包括涉及人身权、财产权、劳动权、受教育权、政治权利以及行政组织和行政程序等行政活动领域 ,而且法律保留原则还要求法律必须具有明确性 ,以保证行政权力公正合理地行使  相似文献   

税兵 《法学研究》2013,(4):4-18
祛除国家所有权的法律神话,遵循解释论立场的研究范式,中国语境中的自然资源国家所有权是一个法规范系统。该系统包含基础性规范、确权性规范、授权性规范及管制性规范四个单元,分别由宪法文本、物权法文本和特别法文本予以载明。具备转介功能的引致条款把各单元串联成一个整体。在现代法秩序中,所有权绝不是由某一个部门法“独家经营”的法律概念。就所有权类型的理论反思而言,自然资源国家所有权蕴含着宪法所有权与民法所有权的双阶构造,纯粹私权说与纯粹公权说均难谓恰当。就自然资源使用的法律调整机制而言,应回归公物与私物二元区分的大陆法传统,并对“非对物采掘类”与“对物采掘类”自然资源作类型化处理,由此形成不同的规范配置。  相似文献   

《Federal register》1982,47(239):55696-55697
This document contains proposed regulations relating to the treatment of certain hospital services furnished by a tax exempt hospital to other such hospitals. Changes to the applicable tax law were made by the Tax Reform Act of 1978. The proposed regulations would affect those tax exempt hospitals that furnish the services and would provide the furnishing hospitals with the guidance needed to determine their unrelated business taxable income.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1982,47(74):16544-16561
The Environmental Protection Agency is today revising regulations of January 12, 1981, on liability coverage requirements for hazardous waste facility owners or operators. Under these requirements, owners or operators must demonstrate liability coverage for bodily injury and property damage to third parties resulting from facility operations. The major revisions are: addition of the option of a financial test as a means of demonstrating liability coverage to satisfy the requirements; addition of the option of submitting a certificate of insurance as evidence of insurance; and changes in the requirements for the endorsement and certificate. In a future document, EPA will propose to delete two provisions of the January 12, 1981 regulations. These provisions are: the procedure to obtain a variance for liability coverage requirements; and the provision allowing an owner or operator to use State assumption of legal responsibility for liability coverage to satisfy the liability requirements. The January 12, 1981, regulations were issued under an accelerated schedule imposed by a court order. The revisions that are being made today are necessary to eliminate unworkable aspects of the previous regulations, improve their effectiveness, and allow reasonable flexibility in satisfying the requirements.  相似文献   

张淑芳 《中国法学》2005,4(6):33-49
行政法的援用既是一个行政法的法律产出技术问题,又是一个行政法的法律适用问题,其在行政法治体系和行政法学体系中本应具有非常重要的地位。但令人不解的是该问题在目前行政法学中还是一个理论空白,理论上的不成熟严重制约了其在行政法治实践中的良性化格局。为了使该问题引起学界的关注并对行政法治进程有所助益,本文对行政法援用的若干重大理论和实践困惑作了初步厘清,并构设了行政法不宜隔位援用、行政法规范规制同一事项不宜多次援用、正式法律渊源不宜用非正式的行为规则、实体规范不宜再作实体性援用、程序性规范不宜再作程序性援用等规范化援用的要件,指出了行政法援用走上规范化的若干路径。  相似文献   

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