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Crime, Law and Social Change -  相似文献   

The current study explored the value change as manifested in the sense of anomie during the 1990s and sources of anomie in contemporary China. The multiple regression analysis found that employment, having children, and satisfaction in life were significantly related to anomie; however, the effect of education was related to anomie in the direction that was inconsistent with what was known in the Western literature. Age had no significant effect on anomie. It is concluded that the crime rates remain relatively low even after many years of dramatic increase, and that China may not be able to maintain its tight control over politics forever.  相似文献   

This paper analyses post-war (1945–1986) anti-combines enforcement in Canada in the light of major competing theoretical models of the state in capitalist economies. Such an analysis serves as a framework for the clarification of issues pertaining to the debate on the state in advanced capitalism, the outcome of which may permit certain postulates concerning state-corporate relations in Canada. A narrative history of the nature and development of the Canadian economy informed by Canadian political economists will be presented, followed by a brief review of the history of anti-combines legislation and its enforcement up to 1945. Data will then be introduced enabling analysis in greater detail of post-war enforcement.  相似文献   

Existing research on modernization and crime patterns largely focused on the volume of crime and its variation over periods of modernization. The empirical studies predominantly used cross-national data based on Western advanced capitalist societies and developing countries. To further discover patterns of crime during the modernization process in non-Western settings, the present study took a different approach. It examined the rate of change for property and violent crimes in China; and it employed longitudinal methods to analyze the crime series. The findings extended the conclusions of modernization theories regarding general crime patterns during modernization. Theoretical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

In the neoliberal West, while the growing awareness of women’s crimes in academic criminology has greatly extended our knowledge and understanding of the relation between women and crime, the growing visibility of female crime in popular culture brings with it a set of distinct problems that relate to the common misrepresentation of the actuality of female crime. In this article, we question whether similar trends can be identified elsewhere. We seek to address this question by focusing on female offending in China since the 1980s. Following a partial and preliminary account of female offending in this vast country, our attempt is to make some meaningful comparison and also to identify one or two key theories that might enable us to better understand the increased visibility of female offending in this non-“Western” country – one destined to play a much more active role in global culture and politics as the twenty-first century unfolds.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(3):383-410

References to gang initiation rites are common in contemporary discourse about crime. Contemporary legends claim that gangs require initiates to commit horrific crimes, social science researchers depict initiations as brief tests of character, and newspaper accounts use initiation rites to explain unsolved crimes. The motif of gang initiation resembles claims about other deviant conspiracies. Its use illustrates how existing cultural resources serve the construction of social problems.  相似文献   

The research goals of this study, undertaken on behalf of the National Strategy Information Center (NSIC), were to describe the evolution of the political-criminal nexus (PCN) in China and predict its development, examine the causes and patterns of PCN in China, assess the anticipated threats of Chinese PCN, and identify options for external factors—inside and outside government—to weaken PCN in China. The researchers used a variety of techniques as part of an overall exploratory methodology, including interviews and field observations in three Chinese provinces. Key informants included law enforcement officers, government officials, scholars, prosecutors, judges, businessmen, and underworld figures. Interviews and site visits were supplemented with the review of a large collection of English and Chinese literature on the subject. The major findings are (1) in China, PCN is primarily a nexus between gangsters and low- and mid-level government officials from the criminal justice system; (2) the Chinese government is concerned with the problem of PCN mainly because it is eroding the authority of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and not because of the threat of organized gangs to social and economic stability; (3) organized crime in China is going to be a local problem for many towns and cities in the foreseeable future; (4) reasons for the development of PCN in China could be categorized as economic, structural, social/cultural, and psychological/ideological and the impact of PCN could be categorized as social, economic, and political; and (5) several options exist for external governmental and nongovernmental measures to curb or at least control PCN in China, including research, education, and judicial reform.  相似文献   

国有企业社会责任特殊性的法学心133考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国有企业社会责任与一般企业社会责任有着根本区别,是目前推进我国企业社会责任的关键问题.国有企业由于其本身"公益性"与"营利性"并存的性质,决定了其社会责任的内涵具有特殊性.从法律角度来看,应该通过产权制度明晰化、社会责任内涵法制化、评价体系科学化、监督主体独立化和多元化等多种途径来确保国有企业社会责任的有效实现.  相似文献   

对转轨国家的主流研究文献认为,银行主导的公司治理模式对转轨国家是一种合适的选择.但从实施银行主导公司治理的国家的历史和现实演化,以及就中国的实际而言,这并不是一个可行的道路.  相似文献   

While the discourses and practices of crime prevention are of increasing salience, few criminologists have sought the inclusion of corporate illegalities on such agendas. Relatedly, within criminology, there has been a diminished tendency to think in idealistic, utopian and emancipatory terms. This paper is one small attempt to think in precisely such terms.1 But it is not an exercise in pure imagination. In particular, the paper makes extended reference to Finland, where recent experience suggests that corporate crime prevention may be feasible, under certain conditions, albeit subject to certain limitations. Thus we consider both the desirability and the feasibility of corporate crime prevention intruding upon the generally narrowly constructed terrain of ‘crime prevention’. We begin with a critique of some of the key aspects of crime prevention discourses – at both theoretical and practical levels – with a particular emphasis upon the extent to which these are both more appropriately and usefully applied to corporate crime prevention, before going on to discuss corporate crime prevention ‘in action’, through a focus upon recent developments in Finland. In a concluding section, we consider various aspects of both the desirability and feasibility of corporate crime prevention.  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(1):58-79
Beginning in 1974, the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline Railway (BAM) dominated public life in the Soviet Union for the next decade. Declared complete in 1984, BAM was arguably the greatest and most costly construction feat in post-war Soviet history. Officially, the mainline was to serve as the “path toward communism” that would unite all Soviet citizens. This article explores the crime and corruption that surrounded the propaganda-driven world of the BAM. Although the railway led to few concrete accomplishments in either the industrial or social development of the USSR, the sociological and criminological consequences of BAM were profound. The highly visible presence of both petty and hard-core criminals on the railway revealed that life on the rails was not as progressive or futuristic as the state claimed. Instead, the dynamics of crime and control that intersected during the BAM's ten years of prominence revealed that the peculiarities of human nature, not what the state termed “communist morality,” defined those who worked on the project.  相似文献   

我国黑社会犯罪发展趋势浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自20世纪70年代末期黑社会性质组织犯罪在中国大陆再度出现以来,随着改革开放的深入和社会转型的进一步加快,在20多年的时间里,中国的黑社会性质组织犯罪经历了一个萌芽、发展和成熟的过程,其中少数组织团伙基本上完成了从仅具黑社会职业犯罪组织的转型。许多黑社会性质组织不仅继承了旧时代黑帮势力的某些特征,而且随着境外黑社会渗透的加剧和内外勾结跨境作案的增多,  相似文献   

This paper presents an exposition of how the factorial survey approach may enhance empirical assessments of the complex judgment principles involved in public views of just punishments for convicted offenders. Ratings of the appropriateness of sentences given across 50 typical crimes obtained from a household sample (N=774) of the Boston SMSA and several special-interest samples in 1982 are examined in three alternative ordinary least-squares (OLS) regression equations. These analyses show there is not a one-to-one direct relationship between public perceptions of the seriousness of criminal acts and desired sanctions. Crime seriousness is modified by the characteristics of the offenders and victims and by the consequences of the crimes. Preferred punishments also vary in severity by demographic, experiential, and attitudinal characteristics of the persons who make the judgments.  相似文献   

PurposeKnowing sites used by serial sex offenders to commit their crimes is highly beneficial for criminal investigations. However, environmental choices of serial sex offenders remain unclear to this date. Considering the challenges these offenders pose to law enforcement, the study aims to identify sites serial sex offenders use to encounter and release their victims and investigate their stability across crime series.MethodsThe study uses latent class analysis (LCA) to identify victim encounter and release sites used by 72 serial sex offenders having committed 361 sex offenses. Additional LCA are performed to investigate the stability of these offense environments across offenders' crimes series.ResultsDistinct profiles of crime sites that are recurrent across crime series are found, suggesting that serial sex offenders present a limited diversity of victim encounter and victim release sites. Encounter sites representative of longer crime series are also identified. Specifically, the use of sites known to "attract" potential victims decreases over series and offenders become more risk-taking in regard of sites used to encounter their victims.ConclusionsThe study identifies patterns of site- selection for the victim encounter and release in cases of serial crimes. Implications for crime linkage and police investigations strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

There are two major ways for a society to control its members, formal and informal. A major goal of both forms of control is to curb criminal behavior. Formal criminal justice control uses the law and official government agencies (e.g., police, courts, and corrections) to ensure compliance. Informal criminal justice control uses morals and social institutions (e.g., family, peers, and neighbors). China has a long history of using informal criminal justice controls. Nevertheless, there has been a movement during the past several decades towards use of formal criminal justice controls. This study examined the level of agreement with both forms of control and the correlates of each form using a survey of Chinese college students. Findings from multivariate analysis indicated that those who held a Confucian belief in law and punishment, those who had a higher distrust of strangers, and those who grew up in rural areas were more supportive of informal control, while those who were majoring in the area of law and male respondents were more supportive of formal control.  相似文献   

论我国食品犯罪罚金刑的完善   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析我国食品犯罪罚金刑的立法设置与司法适用现状的基础上,指出食品犯罪罚金刑立法设置与司法适用中存在的诸多缺陷,进而提出完善我国食品犯罪罚金刑的方案,旨在罚金刑能在预防食品犯罪中发挥最大的、最佳的效果。  相似文献   

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