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Yugoslavia's wars provide a rich example of the range of challenges posed to international stability and fundamental principles of international relations since 1989. Within this context, Kosovo's independence has now become a cause celebre of the use of the principle of self-determination in state-creation. In addition, the case of Kosovo is an important development in the practice of humanitarian intervention and by implication the evolution of the concept of the Responsibility to Protect. To better understand the effects of Kosovar claims to self-determination on international order, a clearer understanding is required of the factors shaping that order and how self-determination (as it emerges from the road to Kosovo's independence) relates to those factors. The issue of ‘self-determination after Kosovo’, is placed here into both the context of Yugoslavia's collapse and a number of broader key features which could be said to have played a dominant role in shaping international order post-1989.  相似文献   

曹广伟 《国际展望》2012,(5):72-84,97,144
本文将近代以来的世界经济秩序划分为形成时期、英国霸权下的世界经济秩序和美国霸权下的世界经济秩序等三个阶段,并从权力结构对经济秩序创立和维护,不平衡增长引起世界经济秩序的调整与变革,市场机制引导经济秩序发展演变等方面,分析世界经济秩序的历史演变进程,以期发现其演进的内在规律,探究影响经济秩序变迁的内在原因,为当前国际经济秩序的调整寻找历史依据。  相似文献   

伊拉克战争对美国国际地位及世界军事格局的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伊拉克战争表明 ,美军自 2 0世纪 90年代推进的军事革命已经取得了突出的成效 ,通过军事革命特别是最近几年的“军事转型” ,美军已经将其技术优势真正转化成了能力优势和决策优势 ,使其军事能力与以往相比又有了大的跃升 ,不仅具备了打现代信息化战争的能力 ,而且确立了其他任何国家都无法比拟的军事优势。像 2 0世纪 90年代以来爆发的历次局部战争一样 ,伊拉克战争也将极大地促进美军新军事革命的进程 ,加快其军事转型的步伐 ,进一步拉大与世界各国之间的军事能力差距 ,强化其世界军事霸主地位 ,并对世界军事格局和大国军事关系产生深刻的影响  相似文献   

印度文化民族主义及其对印度社会政治的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
印度文化民族主义是当代印度的主要社会思潮之一。当代印度文化民族主义有世俗和宗教两种表现形式,且在冷战后又有新的表现。它具有鲜明的民族性、宗教性、两面性和排斥性特征。当代印度文化民族主义产生原因复杂多样,包括政治、经济、文化、和宗教等因素。印度文化民族主义对印度社会政治有着深刻的影响。  相似文献   

As British Prime Minister Gordon Brown notes in this section, we are witnessing the birth pangs of a new global order in this deepest financial and economic crash since the Great Depression. There will be plenty of pain all around for a while. And when the quarter-century leveraged-debt bubble of the United States—the explosion of which detonated the crash—is finally unwound, the new global balance will favor an Asia flush with cash. The G-20 will replace the G-7 as the executive committee of globalization. And, if wise leadership stays the course, there will be a "green lining" to the recovery as the fiscal stimulus is imbued with an environmental sensibility.  相似文献   

鉴于中国和东亚地区日益上升的国际地位,双方在安全领域内的互动关系不仅在本地区,而且在全球范围内引起了广泛关注与思考.国际关系研究已为此提供了几种关系模式,如中国中心的等级制,权力转移背景下的"安全困境",大国协调或共治,地区安全共同体等.上述看法都在某种程度上带有结构(结果)决定论的烙印,并不具有说服力.作者提出地区复合安全的"过程导向"的分析范式,即东亚安全是地区复合安全,在此背景下中国与东亚在安全领域的互动关系,其现状与发展趋势具有"过程导向"的根本特征.文章对ARF机制下中国的适应与"学习"及中国在朝核危机中的角色与作用两个案例的实证分析,显示出"过程导向"的现实意义.这不仅有利于塑造中国自身的安全,而且有利于重塑整个东亚地区的和平、稳定与秩序.  相似文献   

区域经济增长取决于区域拥有的物质资本存量和人力资源存量的数量和质量,而区域的经济竞争能力越来越取决于该区域人力资源的质量.改革开放以来我国区域经济呈现出东、中、西部之间差距不断扩大的格局,较发达地区与相对落后地区经济差距拉大的马太效应正在引起社会的广泛关注,造成这种状况的原因很多,人力资源的区域差异是其中最重要的一个.探讨区域人力资源的差异及其成因,并制定出符合市场规则的人力资源配置对解决目前日益扩大的地区差距有着重要的意义.  相似文献   

社会服务令推广的“瓶颈”分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会服务令从2001年首次适用至今已经在一些法院试点三年多时间了,社会服务令该何去何从?在缺乏法律依据的情况下,究竟还能走多远?该如何总结经验建立完善的社会服务令制度?这些都是明确摆在我们面前的问题。本文主要以我国社会服务令的适用现状为切入口,分析法院中社会服务令的适用情况,总结法院试点社会服务令实施两年多的司法实践经验,试图解决社会服务令推广中的“瓶颈”问题。  相似文献   

魏冰 《国际展望》2022,14(2):36-58
国际秩序转型的动力、过程和方向是政策界与理论界关注的核心议题。历史上的国际秩序转型通常以暴力方式实现,旧的秩序被完全推翻,获胜大国及其集团围绕自身利益建立一套新的秩序安排。在当今时代,暴力方式难以为继,新兴大国只能通过一些相对和平的手段改变既有利益分配格局,以此推动秩序的渐进调整。进入21世纪以来,国际制度竞争成为国际秩序转型的核心动力,崛起国寻求提升在制度体系内的物质利益和规则主导权,守成国则试图利用制度体系内的优势地位维护既得利益。崛起国的制度竞争策略包括改革既有制度、创建新的包容守成国的制度和排斥守成国的制度,守成国针对崛起国的行动而制定相应的反制策略。双方的制度竞争通过改变既有利益分配的不同维度来决定国际秩序的转型模式。当前,中国通过改革既有制度和创建新的包容守成国的制度实现了物质利益和规则主导权的提升,中美两国在国际制度领域的持续互动将决定未来国际秩序转型的进程。  相似文献   

杨洁勉 《国际展望》2022,14(2):1-18
当前国际体系正处于新旧交替和质变飞跃的过渡期,筹划和推动新的国际体系建设是事关国际政治经济发展的重大问题。冷战结束以来三十年的国际体系延续和发展了二战后国际体系的主体框架,处于突变后的渐变过程,世界在“后冷战体系”和“前多极体系”之间探索和徘徊。越来越多的非西方国家在批判过时的国际关系理论,国际社会作为一个整体也在扶正祛邪中不断促进国际体系朝着更加公正、合理的方向前进。未来三十年世界将开启东西方力量相对平衡和世界多极化基本稳定的新时期,这一进程大体上与中国的第二个百年奋斗目标同步推进,国际体系将从后冷战转型期朝着构建新型国际关系和人类命运共同体的方向演进,并最终成熟定型。中国在逐步走近世界舞台中央的历史进程中,应注重加强国际体系理论建设,准确把握国际社会的主要矛盾。解决各自的发展问题和国际社会的共同挑战,对公平正义的普遍需求和供给的相对不足将越来越成为国际社会发展的主要矛盾。中国要着力解答当前和未来的时代命题,勾勒国际体系改革基本架构,进而促进和平、发展、合作、共赢的时代潮流不断向前,推动实现公正、共同富裕的新时代目标。  相似文献   

在欧洲的民主文化中,全民公决作为直接民主的形式,是对代议制民主的重要补充, 其影响甚为广泛.在欧洲一体化进程中,出现了更多地采用全民公决的方式决定欧盟扩大和深化的重大问题的趋势.议会的表决结果有时与全民公决的结果却大相径庭.与议会表决相比,全民公决的不确定性更强.尽管全民公决给欧洲一体化的前景增加了风险和不确定性 ,但全民公决的压力毕竟迫使欧洲领导人更多地考虑民众的意愿.  相似文献   

Purpose: This study investigates pertinent factors in perceived managerial discretion (PMD) in association with risk-taking behavior (RTB) and organizational performance within government organizations. Design/methodology/approach: This study used a mix of qualitative methods—using focus group discussions (FGDs) to select key variables affecting PMD and to validate the research findings—and quantitative methods—using structural equation modeling (SEM) to test eight hypotheses developed from FGDs and from a literature review. Out of 340 questionnaires sent out to potential participants, 260 were returned and deemed valid for SEM analysis, reflecting a satisfactory response rate of 76%. Findings: A total of six factors affecting PMD were identified: quasi-legal constraint (QLC), powerful outside forces (POFs), inertial forces (IFs), powerful inside forces (PIFs), power base (PB), and political acumen (PA). The SEM analysis indicated that QLC, PIF, PB, and PA enhance PMD, while IF tends to inhibit PMD. Stronger PMD was associated with weaker RTB on the part of government-official decision makers, while greater RTB was associated with more positive organizational outcomes. These findings are partially consistent with prior findings, with some notable contradictions. Research implications/limitations: The primary limitation of this study was its limited external validity, as these findings can only be extended to organizations with similar characteristics of those of the government institution used as the case study. These findings must be used with care for different types of public organizations. Practical implications: These findings support taking the following steps: (1) review and remove equivocal regulations that could restrain PMD, (2) streamline bureaucracy, (3) establish regulations that allow more space for innovation and discretion, (4) delineate the tasks and responsibilities of decision makers, and (5) discourage abrupt policy changes, promoting proper scrutiny and notice.  相似文献   

This article provides a critique of the literature on Russian economic growth and argues that broadening the growth debate to include regional perspectives may cast new light on economic processes at work in the varied geographical context of Russia. The article shows that growth in Russia's regions is much more comprehensive than often realised in the West and is closely associated with rising levels of industrial production in the overwhelming majority of regions. This contradicts the perception that resource dependency is the only formula of success within Russia. The author also provides a close examination of Leningrad oblast', once declining but recently one of the fastest growing regions in the Russian Federation. However, although the general vector of development has changed radically, the case of Leningrad oblast' demonstrates that the growing economy perpetuates the landscape of unevenness. New technologically intensive loci of development have paralleled ‘underinvested’ areas—despite being situated within the same administrative and political context. Nevertheless, growth continues to trickle down to less advantageous areas, both buttressing and spurring national growth as a whole.  相似文献   

More than two decades since the Cold War's end, the new ‘united’ Europe resembles the old divided one, without the ideological cleavage. Transferred farther east, the continent's re-division condemned Russia to Europe's fringes where it remains today. Some scholars trace the origins of this fault line to 1989–1990, blaming the United States, Germany and the USSR for failing to erect pan-European security foundations. Few, however, focus on the not insubstantial role of France in this story. Mikhail Gorbachev's close ties with his intellectual mentor François Mitterrand contributed to the failure in unexpected ways. This essay explains this element in the history of the pan-European idea while also shedding light on the politics behind the birth of the EU.  相似文献   

跨国公司投资战略调整对我国产业升级的影响及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
跨国公司投资对中国的经济增长和产业升级起到了不可忽视的作用,但是,跨国公司投资对中国产业升级的影响是双重的.随着跨国公司对华投资战略的调整,这种影响的双重性将会更加明显.我们应当进一步调整和完善引进外资政策,以继续利用跨国公司投资推动产业升级.  相似文献   

American‐led globalization has enabled the third great powershift of the last five hundred years—the “rise of the rest” following on the rise of the West and then the rise of the US as the dominant power in the West. When China, India, Brazil, Turkey and the rest sit at the table of global power with the West what will the world order look like? Will it be post‐American? Will it be culturally non‐Western, but play by the same rules of an open international order laid down by the American's after World War II? In the following pages, leading American and Asian intellectuals ponder these questions.  相似文献   

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