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This paper proposes a conceptual framework for alternative financial institutions in Nicaragua. The article includes a discussion on innovative services and policies, which differentiate CARUNA (National Savings and Credit Cooperative ?Caja Rural?), and other financial institutions from conventional banks. It further examines theories that have altered the way development practitioners think about the economy, poverty reduction, and the positions of men and women in the society. These theories are the feminist economic theory and alternative development theories. Specific ways to incorporate the concepts of alternative and feminist economic theories in the design of financial institutions include open credit, savings, and remittance mechanisms, and coordinating councils. The gender analysis approach was used to evaluate the design of financial institutions.  相似文献   

Theinternationalsituationinthepastyearwascomplicatedandchangeable.TheUnitedStateswagedwaronIraq熏whichshockedtheworld鸦therelationshipamongtheworldpowershadundergonepro鄄foundchanges鸦therehadbeennewdivisionandrealignmentintherelationsacrosstheAtlantic鸦thebuildingof″LargeEurope″hadmaderapidprogress鸦theMiddle-EastsituationhadremainedunstablewithPalestineandIsraelstillgettingstuckinantroubledtimes鸦KoreaPeninsulanuclearissuehaddrawntheworldwideattention鸦UNwasregainingitsvigorafterhavin…  相似文献   

This article critically examines the role of microfinance in shaping gender relations and empowerment outcomes for women. One aim of advancing credit to women is to empower them, thereby increasing their bargaining power and challenging existing gender subordination. We caution against this view and instead show that the mainstream argument is much more complex than what the popular rhetoric preaches. We argue that lack of a systematic strategy to incorporate men and the wider socio-cultural dynamics within which women are domiciled radically constrain the empowerment potential of microcredit programmes, and in some contexts may lead to unintended consequences for women.  相似文献   

DistinguishedPrincessSirindhorn,DistinguishedVice-ChairmanLuoHaocai,Ladies,gentlemenandfriends:Firstofall,pleaseallowme,onbehalfoftheChineseAssociationforInternationalUnderstand-ing(CAFIU),topresentaheart-feltcomplimenttothesponsorsofthemeeting.Thismeetinghasadistinctthemeandaclearobjective.Wearecon-vincedthatwiththejointeffortsbyallpartici-pants,thismeetingwillsurelypromoteculturalexchangesandstimulatethedevelopmentofeco-nomiccooperationbetweenChinaandThailand.CAFIUhasdedicateditsel…  相似文献   

The ideal of deliberation requires that citizens engage in reasonable discussion despite disagreements. In practice, if their experience is to match this normative ideal, participants in an actual deliberation should prefer moderate disagreement to conflict-free discussion within homogeneous groups, and to conflict-driven discussion where differences are intractable. This article proposes a research design and methods for assessing the quality of a deliberative event based on the perceptions of the participants themselves. In a structured deliberative event, over 2,000 individuals were assigned to small groups composed of about 10 persons of varying levels of ideological difference to discuss health care reform in California. We find that participants experience higher satisfaction with deliberation under moderate ideological difference than when they are in homogeneous or in highly disparate groups. That moderate disagreement induces optimal deliberation is consistent with normative expectations and empirically demonstrates the deliberative quality of this event.  相似文献   

Theories and concepts of political transition have been influenced to a great deal by Western theoretical and conceptual reflection. The parameters of transition are usually based on two assumptions or expectations: The goal of transition is democracy or a democratic system, and both actors and affected persons are perceived as gender-neutral beings, i.e., there is no distinction made between male or female actors and persons concerned. This article problematizes the conventional concept of transition and attempts a gendered conceptualization. Empirically, it draws from studies and fieldwork during the periods of political transition in Indonesia (mostly accomplished) and Malaysia (ongoing). It addresses the impacts of transition on women in particular. The core argument is that conceptual reflections of transition need to integrate a gender-sensitive perspective, but at the same time attend to the fact that “women” is not an exhausting analytical category. As illustrated by the examples of Indonesia and Malaysia, a gender-sensitive approach thus requires to also take the pluralism and heterogeneity of “women” (as well as “men”) into account.  相似文献   

How is the EU-ASEAN FTA viewed by ASEAN stakeholders?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since April 2007, the EU Commission has been entrusted to start negotiating a FTA with ASEAN countries. Being enshrined in the logic contained in its ‘Global Europe strategy’, the proposed EU-ASEAN FTA finds its economic rationale in the expected overall positive impact found by most econometric studies on the topic. This article argues that although beneficial, these studies are limited conceptually and methodologically. In particular, they are unable to tackle the issue of differentiated effects on several groups of stakeholders. By analysing, through a questionnaire, the opinion of a number of ASEAN stakeholders, this article brings complementary information on the perception of the planned EU-ASEAN FTA by these different stakeholders. Whilst offering many opportunities, the FTA presents also a number of risks, the most critical one being the costs of adjustment, particularly for poorer ASEAN member countries. This paper draws partly on research work conducted jointly with F. Nicolas as part of a research contract for the European Commission DG Trade
Bernadette Andreosso-O’CallaghanEmail:

What does the American public label as “terrorism?” How do people think about the factors motivating violence, and in turn, the policies that are favored? Using ingroup and outgroup dynamics, we argue that the terrorist label is more readily applied to Arab-Americans than Whites, and to members of militant groups. Moreover, people attribute different motives to violence committed by Arabs versus Whites, and favor different policies in response. We conducted an experiment where we randomly assigned one of six stories about a failed armed attack, each with a different combination of ethnicity and group affiliation. We find that an Arab ethnicity and Islamist group affiliation increase the likelihood of labeling an act as terrorism. Attacks by Whites and members of a White supremacist group are less likely to be labeled terrorism. Rather, Whites are more likely to be called “mass shooters.” Despite never discussing motive, Arab-American attackers are more likely to be ascribed political or religious motives, while White suspects are more likely to be seen as mentally ill. Lastly, an Arab ethnicity increases support for counterterrorism policies and decreases support for mental health care.  相似文献   

正I am Li Xi, a council member of China Association for Preservation and Development of Tibetan Culture.Tibetan culture has a long history and distinctive features. At present, nearly 800 intangible cultural heritage elements have been identified in Tibet. In addition, there are more than 80 troupes that perform traditional operas,  相似文献   

Irena Hayter 《Japan Forum》2015,27(4):454-475
A lot has been written about how, in the first decades of the twentieth century, cinema validated new perceptual structures and how these affected literary narrative. But the department store was also a vital part of the mobile spectacle of modernity. Ginza and its department stores provided experiences of urban flâneuring and visual consumption that would have important effects on gender and subjectivity. This essay focuses on three short stories published between 1922 and 1931, all set in department stores or on the Ginza: Tanizaki Jun'ichirō’s ‘Aoi hana’ (The Blue Flower, 1922), Itō Sei's ‘M hyakkaten’ (The M Department Store, 1931) and Yokomitsu Riichi's ‘Nanakai no undō’ (Seven Floors of Exercise, 1927). The stories share a radically experimental modernist form: fragmented interior monologues, montage-like juxtapositions, abrupt shifts of narrative perspective. They are also connected in their preoccupation with looking, with the drama of seeing and being seen. My analysis traces how the domain of vision becomes a place of struggle over subjectivity, how gendered visual hierarchies are undermined and at least temporarily reversed.  相似文献   

In June 2008, despite intense lobbying from the Bush administration, the Council of Ministers of the European Union lifted the diplomatic sanctions on Havana that it had imposed in 2003 and agreed to resume a “comprehensive political dialogue” with the revolutionary regime. Instrumental in this decision was a change in policy by the UK that had hitherto stood against such a normalisation of relations. The move came as a surprise to many who had anticipated that the British would oppose the lifting of sanctions in deference to their “special relationship” with their transatlantic ally. However, as this overview suggests, the UK decision was not unusual. Even from the earliest days of the revolution, the UK has differed with the US over Cuba. By surveying the five decades of the UK–Cuba relationship since 1959 the article explains how the UK has maintained an ambivalent attitude towards Washington's embargo. While recognising US primacy of interest in Cuba, London has consistently attempted to follow an independent policy that at times has come between the close allies. It concludes that although the UK (along with other European partners and Canada) shares the US goal of seeing the end of Communism on the island, it has ironically helped to thwart this ambition. The history of the relationship provides an example of the limitations of unilateral economic sanctions as policy instruments. The failure of the US embargo to affect the behaviour of the Castro regime should be no surprise when Washington's closest ally has never fully agreed to it.  相似文献   

In China's diplomacy, the term "Central and Eastern European countries" (CEE countries) refers to a geographic area. It alsocontains multi-dimensional political concepts of ideology and geopolitics. During the Cold-War era, CEE countries included all socialist countries in Europe other than the Soviet Union.  相似文献   

This article reviews some of the main arguments advanced by scholars operating at the interface of religion and development. It then seeks to expand the current literature on religion and development to include more ‘uncomfortable’ subject matter, such as homosexuality and discrimination. Using the 1995 Zimbabwe Book Fair as a case study, the author argues that international religious NGOs engaged in evangelical activity must show greater attention to the contexts in which they operate. In particular, they must take an explicit stand against homophobia and discrimination. Otherwise, their development interventions risk strengthening and legitimating cultures of exclusion in countries like Zimbabwe.

Le développement pour qui ? Homosexualité et développement basé sur la foi au Zimbabwe

Cet article passe en revue certains des principaux arguments avancés par les érudits qui travaillent à l'interface de la religion et du développement. Il cherche ensuite à élargir les documents actuels traitant de la religion et du développement pour y inclure des sujets « qui dérangent », comme l'homosexualité et la discrimination. En se basant sur le Salon du livre du Zimbabwe de 1995 comme étude de cas, l'auteur soutient que les ONG religieuses internationales engagées dans des activités évangéliques doivent manifester une plus grande attention aux contextes dans lesquels elles travaillent. Elles doivent notamment adopter une position claire contre l'homophobie et la discrimination. Autrement, leurs interventions de développement risquent de renforcer et de légitimer les cultures d'exclusion dans des pays comme le Zimbabwe.

Desenvolvimento para quem? Homosexualidade e desenvolvimento baseado na fé no Zimbábue

Este artigo revê alguns dos principais argumentos levantados por acadêmicos atuando na interface da religião e desenvolvimento. Ele então busca expandir a literatura atual sobre religião e desenvolvimento para incluir assuntos mais “desconfortáveis”, como homossexualidade e discriminação. Utilizando a Feira de Livros do Zimbábue de 1995 como estudo de caso, o autor argumenta que ONGs religiosas internacionais engajadas em atividade evangélica devem dar uma maior atenção aos contextos nos quais elas operam. Em particular, elas devem assumir uma posição explícita contra a homofobia e a discriminação. Do contrário, suas intervenções para o desenvolvimento correm o risco de fortalecer e legitimar culturas de exclusão em países como o Zimbábue.

¿Desarrollo para quién? La homosexualidad y el desarrollo basado en la fe en Zimbabwe

Este ensayo analiza algunas de las principales hipótesis manejadas por los académicos que estudian la religión y el desarrollo. También procura ampliar los estudios actuales sobre religión y desarrollo incluyendo temas más “incómodos” como la homosexualidad y la discriminación. Usando la Feria del Libro de Zimbabwe de 1995 como estudio de caso, el autor sostiene que las ONG religiosas internacionales que realizan labores de evangelización deberán prestar más atención a los contextos donde trabajan. En particular, tendrán que posicionarse explícitamente contra la homofobia y la discriminación. En caso contrario, sus acciones para el desarrollo podrían fortalecer y legitimar las culturas de exclusión que existen en países como Zimbabwe.  相似文献   

Since the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 1325 (2000), which is referenced in most of the mandates for peacekeeping authorizations and renewals as of its adoption, UN peacekeeping forces have begun a process of gender balancing. While we have seen an increase in the numbers of female peacekeepers during the decade 2000–2010 and variation in the distribution patterns of female military personnel, we do not know if female military peacekeepers are deploying to areas that are safest or to areas with the greatest need for gender-balanced international involvement. Because the decision-making authority in the allocation of peacekeeping forces rests with the troop-contributing countries, which might not have bought into the gender balancing and mainstreaming initiatives mandated by the UN Security Council, we propose and find evidence that female military personnel tend to deploy to areas where there is least risk. They tend not to deploy where they may be most needed—where sexual violence and gender equity has been a major problem—and we find only a modest effect of having specific language in the mandates related to gender issues.  相似文献   

Robert Jervis 《安全研究》2013,22(2):153-179
This paper will explore the ambivalence or conflict in the literature about the extent to which leaders matter in international politics, commonly linked to the level-of-analysis question. One the one hand, national leaders are often larger than life figures with strong preferences and distinctive personalities who seem to leave their stamp on events. On the other hand, most ir scholars place great stress on the incentives and constraints posed by the environment, be it domestic or international. I will proceed in four sections. The first discusses the essential claims at stake, the kinds of evidence that could be adduced to support one position or the other, and the pathways by which individual differences can make themselves felt. The second section examines the implications for morality, responsibility, and democratic theory. This discussion too will point to relevant methods, including ones that are contested. I will then turn to post-Cold War American foreign policy, skeptically examine the claim that individual presidents, even George W. Bush, mattered as much as is generally believed and close by discussing the implications for democratic accountability and control.  相似文献   

Global oil markets are increasingly jittery because of the recent political turbulence in North Africa and the Middle East,prompting China to seek more cooperation with other countries in the field of unconventional energy resources.Considering form the perspective of a hedging strategy,China should expand its cooperation with developed energy-exporting countries.China and Canada are highly complementary in the areas of energy exploration and mutual trade and this provides a broad space for their energy cooperation.However,up until now,this potential has not yet been fully explored,and there have been few substantial achievements in bilateral energy cooperation.Various reasons,including economical and political,can be attributed to this.The Chinese government and enterprises should both make efforts to overcome obstacles and make good use of all advantages to further develop energy cooperation with Canada,so as to realize greater energy politics and economic interests.  相似文献   

China'sEconomicDevelopment,ReformandOpeninggoIntoDepth¥WenDeshengChinaadoptedthepolicyofreformandopeningtotheoutsideworldin19...  相似文献   

A large field study examined female and male mediators' perceptions of their jobs, looking in particular at their attitudes toward mediation styles lying on the continuum between instrumental and transformative. Based on scholarship on gender and negotiation literature that has portrayed women as more interpersonal and somewhat less task oriented than men, we expected female mediators to be more transformative and less instrumental in their practice than their male peers. Our study was both qualitative and quantitative: we formulated the content of twenty in‐depth interviews into an extensive questionnaire, answered by a representative sample of 189 Israeli mediators. Compared with their male counterparts, we found female mediators to be more transformative, but no less instrumental, in their view of mediation's goals and orientation. They were also somewhat more facilitative in preferred style, while male mediators were somewhat more directive. We also found additional intriguing gender differences, including that women mediators reported higher job satisfaction than did male mediators, but they also displayed a greater readiness to perceive failure in mediation.  相似文献   

Normative power can be defined as the ability to govern interdependencies by means of rules, regimes and compliance strategies. This paper presents two case studies in security governance—international responsibility to protect in Sudan and counter-proliferation policies towards Iran’s nuclear programme—to evaluate the degree of normative convergence between China and Europe. It concludes that there are still major differences between Europe and China on employing normative strategies in security governance but that both modes of governance and identities as security actors are mobile so that the trend is towards convergence, albeit with some distance still to travel.  相似文献   

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