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近年来甚嚣尘上的"中国责任论"对中国的要求,与中国应尽的责任风马牛不相及.中国历来是负责任的国家,坚持走和平发展的道路,努力营造和谐社会,加强与世界各国的合作,推动建设一个持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界.这就是中国对世界和各国人民应尽的最伟大、最神圣的责任.  相似文献   

大国成长过程中最大的风险是过度扩张引起崛起受挫,而政治家秉持何种战略,这对崛起的结果殊为关键.就历史经验来看,政治家秉持明智的战略,这对国家成功崛起有着重要的作用.要实现这一目标,政治家需要保持国内战略和国际战略的平衡,在国内层面控制民众不合理的激情和欲望,平衡各集团之间的利益冲突,防止国内的纠纷外溢到国际社会.在国际层面上,政治家则应该引导国家追求适度的权力,同时保持自我克制,通过战略学习积累经验.  相似文献   

Between 1993 and 1995, the National Air and Space Museum was involved in a heated generic controversy. Curators at the museum planned a display called "The Last Act" from an interpretative genre to interrogate the traditional histories surrounding the Enola Gay bombing of Hiroshima. Characterized as "revisionists," these curators became involved in a political clash with those veterans and members of Congress who saw the Smithsonian as part of a commemorative genre that should celebrate the end of World War II. The present analysis examines the political implications that attended this clash of genres and the resulting rhetorical constraints in the cultural wars over the Enola Gay display.  相似文献   

This article examines the development of a new normative principle of international order, sovereignty as responsibility; its communitarian implications; and the ways in which the newly conceived responsibility of the “international community” to protect the people of states failing to live up to their responsibilities as defined by international norms can come to terms with the notion of democratic self-government.  相似文献   

Mediators generally avoid the issue of whether parties accept their individual share of responsibility for a conflict. But the results of this study demonstrate the important role that taking responsibility for the conflict can play to encourage the emergence of cooperation within the mediation process. In this article, the author first explores the role of responsibility within the context of various mediation approaches and styles. Next, he reports the results of a quantitative study that examined the attitudes of disputants involved in workplace conflict mediations. His results indicate that acceptance of responsibility can play a parodixical role in the mediation process: it seems to be effective only when both parties jointly acknowledge responsibility. When responsibility is acknowledged unilaterally, it seems to have a negative effect on the emergence of cooperation. Finally, the author proposes an intervention strategy for mediators that is designed to encourage the joint acceptance of responsibility and thus facilitate the emergence of cooperation in mediation.  相似文献   

International responsibility falls upon the shoulders of every country. China's growing contributions to world peace and development have surpassed the view of her as a "threat. "Instead, it was, among world mainstream opinion, expected to shoulder a still-bigger burden. Such external expectations, together with internal yearnings for a higher profile abroad, urge a response in terms of Chinese diplomacy. What is to be done? This paper explores the answer.  相似文献   

变迁中的地区环境治理——以东盟环境合作为例   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
自20世纪70年代以来国际社会应对环境问题的各种制度安排经历了重大的发展和演变,其标志性的事件包括1972年的联合国人类环境会议、1992年的联合国环境与发展会议以及2002年的约翰内斯堡地球峰会。在关注全球环境治理的同时,人们不能忽视的现实就是,一个地区内的生态环境变化更能影响人们的生活乃至生存,环境治理这一概念本身就侧重生态区域的理念,人类虽日益意识到全球性环境难题,但所见证和参与的大多数环境行动大都是地方化的。  相似文献   

近期,美国前助理贸易代表、经济评论家查尔斯·布鲁姆(CharlesH.Blum)接受《和平与发展》杂志采访,就全球金融危机对国际经济秩序及中美关系的影响发表看法。布鲁姆认为,“布雷顿森林体系”正在走入历史的故纸堆,需要建立一种新的机制去应对金融危机并保障全球经济持续复苏。中美两国必须承担起确保世界经济持续复苏及重建全球经济秩序的大部分责任。中美两国的未来紧密相连,需要相互理解、相互学习、相互帮助,尽最大努力合作,以取得具体的成效。  相似文献   

Written prior to the release of the UN Secretary-General's report on implementing the Responsibility to Protect (R2P), this article examines the effort to translate the principle from words into deeds. It begins by noting a post-2005 "revolt" against the principle in which a number of states expressed skepticism about the principle and its use in different settings. This revolt, the article contends, was largely a product of the continuing association between R2P and humanitarian intervention. This association was, in turn, caused by a combination of misplaced commentary and the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty's focus on the intervention question. This article maintains that building consensus on the R2P requires a shift in emphasis and proposes three avenues: clarifying the nature of prevention, developing practical measures, and proposing modest proposals for institutional reform.  相似文献   

"中国责任论"析论   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
国际责任是国家作为国际社会成员属性的派生物。随着中国综合国力以及国际参与度的不断提升,“中国威胁论”难以获得足够且有力的追随者,“中国责任论”渐渐成为国际体系内主要行为体的对华主流态度,其主要宗旨在于从外部塑造中国的国际角色和影响。在既有外部期待也有内部要求的情况下,如何应对“中国责任论”成为新时期中国外交的重要课题。  相似文献   

日本环境产业的发展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
环境产业是改善环境和保证经济社会可持续发展的物质技术条件,也是促进日本经济与环境协调发展和激活其地区活力的强大动力.目前,日本的环境产业已从少数产业部门扩展到几乎所有产业部门,未来将同汽车业和建筑业并驾齐驱,成为支撑日本经济发展的主导支柱产业之一.促进日本环境产业发展的主要因素是,强化环境法规的限制,推动经济政策的绿色化,完善企业的环境管理和发展绿色消费.  相似文献   

This article focuses on one of the assumptions of corporate social responsibility (CSR), namely its usefulness as a tool for eradicating poverty. The claims that business and CSR strategies can be effective in fighting poverty face major challenges, in particular the wide divergence of understandings about the notion and implementation of CSR, and the absence of clear understanding of underlying ideological bases concerning business and poverty. The authors find that, although usually considered as ideologically neutral, the CSR discourse requires the introduction of ideological debate if it is to meet the goal of poverty eradication.  相似文献   

正Syria has been in turmoil since March 2011.Western countries have intervened in Syria in a high-profile manner since the beginning of the turmoil,first imposing unilateral sanctions on the Bashar  相似文献   

跨界大气污染已成为国际环境外交关注的重要问题,清晰的责任界定是解决跨界大气污染问题的基础。本文提出了污染排放的"经济—环境"全过程分析方法,构建了跨界大气污染中的国家排放责任识别体系,研究指出:在界定责任时,首先,要从各国的发展阶段出发,保障其基本的发展排放权;其次,也要充分考虑各国为减轻环境污染而做出的超常减排努力;第三,还应重视国家间经济贸易往来中隐性的污染转移。基于此责任识别框架,对中日韩跨界大气污染问题中中国应承担的责任进行了定量分析,这为中国在环境外交中树立负责任大国形象提供了有力的理论和实证支持。  相似文献   

大国的成长会对现存国际体系产生直接而深远的影响,因此随着中国融入国际体系及国际地位的提升,"中国责任"就成为中国崛起过程中不可回避的话题。西方大国在谈论"中国责任"时,主要强调中国的国际责任。但中国责任不仅仅是国际责任,还有国内责任。而且,承担好国内责任是中国责任的关键。即使是国际责任,也不能任由西方大国根据需要来认定,而应该由中国根据自身能力和国家利益来确定。  相似文献   

印度自古以来的宗教信仰、文化传统和生活方式无不体现出一种既出自纯朴天性、又基于深邃哲理的对自然的敬重与爱护,而这一传统在当代印度的几种环保理论中依然富有生机。印度文化对于自然生态的独特的情感、良知和保护实践,对今天的环境伦理仍具有重要的构建作用。  相似文献   

While a vast and growing literature on various aspects of responsibility to protect (R2P) exists, little attention has yet been given to the role played by civil society in the development and implementation of this doctrine. This paper aims to fill this gap. After providing a typology of civil society organisations—categorising this amorphous sphere into advocacy, operational and indigenous groups—this paper examines the contribution of civil society to the discussion surrounding the development of R2P. In particular, civil society has debated three main issues: the pros and cons of building an international coalition to promote R2P, the possibility that great powers could hijack the doctrine and the opportunity of using force during R2P implementation. As a whole, this paper argues that not only advocacy, operational and indigenous civil society organisations hold different ideas about R2P and have different strategies for its implementation but, more importantly, their approaches, strategies and actions may end up undercutting one another. This argument is explored in the case of Darfur—the first crisis many analysts have described as an R2P situation.  相似文献   

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