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Complex adaptive systems (CAS) theory is gaining mainstream recognition in development policy and management. This article looks to the correlations between development theory and CAS theory to support an argument for the validity of community level development as a complex adaptive system. The article describes some theoretical and practical implications of using CAS theory as a framework for community level development. This includes a call for researchers and practitioners to understand more thoroughly the contextualised nature of development, and the communities in which development interventions are implemented.  相似文献   

Development brings about changes in people's lives and their ways of understanding and dealing with their world. It is possible to distinguish between two types of development intervention: (a) improvements in the external situation, chiefly through the provision of public goods; and (b) strengthening people's inner capacities, an endeavour which depends on cognitive processes. The article links basic concepts from cognitive theory to development practice and proposes avenues for further research to study the way in which people develop their capacities and to find ways of supporting such processes. A fuller understanding of cognitive change as a key factor could greatly enhance the sustainability of development projects.  相似文献   

This article offers an intellectual genealogy of how the concept of human rights has entered the development discourse—from the formulation of a ‘right to development’ to the rhetorical incorporation of rights within prevailing discourse, to the articulation of a ‘rights-based approach’ to development. It concludes with some propositions about the important role that a focus on rights might play in the practice of international development.  相似文献   

Participation was originally conceived as part of a counter-hegemonic approach to radical social transformation and, as such, represented a challenge to the status quo. Paradoxically, throughout the 1980s and 1990s, ‘participation’ gained legitimacy within the institutional development world to the extent of achieving buzzword status. The precise manipulations required to convert a radical proposal into something that could serve the neo-liberal world order led to participation's political decapitation. Reduced to a series of methodological packages and techniques, participation would slowly lose its philosophical and ideological meaning. In order to make the approach and methodology serve counter-hegemonic processes of grassroots resistance and transformation, these meanings desperately need to be recovered. This calls for participation to be re-articulated within broader processes of social and political struggle in order to facilitate the recovery of social transformation in the world of twenty-first century capitalism.  相似文献   

Logistics support plays a critical role in the delivery of quality health care services, particularly in developing countries. This study utilised systems methodology and Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) analysis to develop a support framework for a Vision Centre in rural Vietnam. The methodology employs elements of both “soft” (in particular Checkland's Soft Systems Methodology approach) and “hard” systems practices to develop an accessible and robust logistics planning tool.  相似文献   

This article reviews current methodologies for the design of development projects and identifies foundational reasons for conflict between design approaches and participatory methods. A number of alternative approaches to the design of interventions in social systems are examined, and the potential application of some of these new ideas within a visioning process that is based on communicative rationality is explored. We conclude that there are many problems to be overcome before describing a complete design methodology which moves away from the objectivist basis of existing design systems, and that the new approach will need to address power relationships and the consequent and interrelated problems of accountability and trust.  相似文献   

Analysing wellbeing: a framework for development practice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article presents a framework for analysing wellbeing in development practice, drawing on the work of the Wellbeing in Developing Countries Research Group (WeD). Wellbeing is viewed as a social process with material, relational, and subjective dimensions. Wellbeing may be assessed at individual and collective levels, but at base is something that happens in relationship – between individual and collective; between local and global; between people and state. The article considers potential hazards in taking wellbeing as focus, and concludes by considering what real difference such a focus could make.  相似文献   

The accountability of international development NGOs (INGOs) has attracted a great deal of interest from academics and development practitioners. INGO accountability falls into two categories: practical accountability (for the use of inputs, the way activities are performed, and outputs) and strategic accountability for INGOs' performance in relation to their mission. This article presents a conceptual framework for exploring INGO accountability. It is based on information collected through a literature review and semi-structured interviews with representatives from 20 UK-based INGOs. The research found that INGOs tend to use a number of quality-assurance mechanisms to achieve ‘practical’ accountability. However, it is suggested that this kind of accountability will not necessarily enable INGOs to achieve their missions to alleviate poverty and eliminate injustice. Furthermore, the predominant use of practical accountability has led to a number of gaps in INGO accountability. It is suggested that, like the term ‘participation’ before it, accountability has been co-opted for its instrumental benefits to INGO project performance and management. It is argued that if INGOs are to achieve their missions, this will require more ‘strategic’ forms of accountability, geared towards fundamentally changing those social, economic, and political structures that promote poverty.  相似文献   

Development practice is informed by theories of change, but individuals and organisations may not make them explicit. Practitioners may be unaware of the extent to which strategic choices and debates are informed by disparate thinking about how history happens and the role of purposeful intervention for progressive social change. In the past few years, some Oxfam GB staff have been creating processes to debate their theories of change as part of an effort to improve practice. In this context, the authors introduce four sets of ideas about change, with a discussion of how they have been explored in two instances, and some of the challenges emerging from this process. Through explicitly debating theories of change, organisational decision-making processes can be better informed and strategic choices made more transparent.  相似文献   

This article reflects on the vocabulary commonly used within development organisations to communicate about ‘gender and development’. It argues that the relevant terminology, though frequently used, remains problematic. Some terms are almost entirely absent, while others are used loosely and inappropriately – with the subtleties of carefully developed and much-debated concepts often lost. Terms such as ‘empowerment’, ‘gender’, and ‘gender mainstreaming’ which originated in feminist thinking and activism have lost their moorings and become depoliticised. Despite these problems, there are indications that debates and language may be taking a more radical turn with the acknowledgement of the shortcomings of the practices of gender mainstreaming, the deepening of interest in the notion of empowerment, and the explicit adoption of a human-rights language.  相似文献   

Development research has responded to a number of charges over the past few decades. For example, when traditional research was accused of being ‘top–down’, the response was participatory research, linking the ‘receptors’ to the generators of research. As participatory processes were recognised as producing limited outcomes, the demand-led agenda was born. In response to the alleged failure of research to deliver its products, the ‘joined-up’ model, which links research with the private sector, has become popular. However, using examples from animal-health research, this article demonstrates that all the aforementioned approaches are seriously limited in their attempts to generate outputs to address the multi-faceted problems facing the poor. The article outlines a new approach to research: the Mosaic Model. By combining different knowledge forms, and focusing on existing gaps, the model aims to bridge basic and applied findings to enhance the efficiency and value of research, past, present, and future.  相似文献   

This article presents evidence from Uganda's National Agricultural Advisory Service to argue that the concept of ‘the learning organisation’ is a valuable complement to participatory development which may facilitate a shift towards more democratic development institutions in which target beneficiaries have a stronger voice in planning and managing development. The concept of ‘the learning organisation’ as developed within the literature of management studies cannot, however, be readily translated into anything as specific as a clear set of practical guidelines. Rather it acts as a seed that grows to take on characteristics specific to the rural development context.  相似文献   

Participatory approaches for impact assessment are increasingly becoming popular with development organisations for engaging multiple stakeholders. We present our use of participatory impact diagrams as an evaluation tool within a mixed methods impact assessment of several drought-reduction interventions in Kenya. Results show that because men and women have different roles, their experiences of interventions vary. We discuss how this methodology encouraged communities to describe various intervention outcomes including unintended impacts, often overlooked by conventional impact assessment approaches. Methodological challenges included the integration of quantitative data; opportunities for its application within the wider discipline of monitoring and evaluation are considered.

Utilisation des diagrammes d'impact participatives pour évaluer un projet de développement communautaire au Kenya

Les approches participatives de l’évaluation de l'impact sont de plus en plus populaires parmi les organisations de développement pour faire participer des parties prenantes multiples. Nous présentons notre utilisation des diagrammes participatifs des impacts comme un outil d’évaluation dans le cadre d'une évaluation multi-méthodes de l'impact de plusieurs interventions de réduction des inondations au Kenya. Les résultats montrent que, les hommes et les femmes ayant des rôles différents, leurs expériences des interventions varient. Nous discutons de la manière dont cette méthodologie a encouragé les communautés à décrire divers résultats des interventions, y compris les impacts non désirés, souvent oubliés par les approches conventionnelles d’évaluation de l'impact. Parmi les défis méthodologiques figurait l'intégration des données quantitatives ; les occasions de les mettre en application dans le cadre de la discipline du suivi et de l’évaluation sont examinées.

Utilizando diagramas participativos de impacto para evaluar un proyecto de desarrollo comunitario en Kenia

Con el objetivo de involucrar a diversos actores, las organizaciones de desarrollo utilizan cada vez más los enfoques participativos durante la realización de evaluaciones de impacto. En este artículo, las autoras presentan una herramienta de evaluación que utilizaron en el marco de una valoración de impacto: los diagramas de impacto participativo. Éstos incorporan métodos mixtos y fueron aplicados a varias acciones realizadas para reducir los efectos de la sequía en Kenia. Los resultados demuestran que, dado los distintos roles ejercidos por los hombres y las mujeres, sus opiniones en relación a las acciones llevadas a cabo difieren. Las autoras analizan cómo esta metodología promovió que las comunidades describieran los distintos resultados de las intervenciones, incluyendo aquellos impactos no previstos, los cuales a menudo son ignorados por los tradicionales métodos de evaluación de impacto. Entre los retos metodológicos enfrentados destacó la integración de datos cuantitativos. El artículo analiza las oportunidades que existen de aplicar esta metodología en un contexto de monitoreo y evaluación más amplio.

Usando diagramas de impacto participativas para avaliar um projeto de desenvolvimento comunitário em Quênia

As abordagens participativas de avaliação de impacto estão se tornando cada vez mais populares entre as organizações de desenvolvimento em seu objetivo de engajar múltiplos colaboradores. Apresentamos aqui nosso uso de diagramas participativos de impacto como uma ferramenta de avaliação dentro de uma avaliação de impacto com métodos variados sobre várias intervenções para redução da seca no Quênia. Os resultados mostram que pelo fato de homens e mulheres terem diferentes papéis, suas experiências de intervenção variam. Discutimos como essa metodologia incentivou comunidades a descreverem vários resultados de intervenção, inclusive impactos não-intencionais, frequentemente negligenciados por abordagens de avaliação de impacto convencionais. Os desafios metodológicos incluíram a integração de dados quantitativos; são consideradas também as oportunidades para sua aplicação dentro da disciplina mais geral de monitoramento e avaliação.  相似文献   

Development co-operation has traditionally been the playing field of governments, multilateral institutions, and established development NGOs. In the past decade, however, other actors in Northern countries (such as businesses, migrants' organisations, professional groups, and schools) have shown active interest in development-related activities. Although they do not belong to the epistemic community of development specialists and are often overlooked in the discourse and literature on development co-operation, their number and importance are growing. These novel approaches to development co-operation give rise to some important reflections about their methodologies, potential impact, and fundraising. Based on the authors' experiences and research in Belgium, the article raises some issues about what they term the fourth pillar of development co-operation, with the aim of stimulating the academic and policy-oriented debate.  相似文献   

An Action Learning process integrated with Sen's Capability Approach can support development agencies to formulate interventions that enhance freedom. The authors show that putting this approach into practice has important implications for the manner in which ‘development’ is undertaken as an ideological project. It may help to examine and challenge those who hold power in development: the guardians. This finding is the result of an emergent Action Learning process that was initiated by applying Sen's principles to focus-group interviews with women who care for people affected by HIV and AIDS. One of the findings of these focus groups was that the participants valued the process because it opened a space for them to influence the work of the implementing NGO. Essentially, they could hold the implementing agency to account. Reflection on this outcome by the agency led to important shifts in processes that are more supportive of freedom.  相似文献   

Despite its widespread usage, the meaning of the term ‘development’ remains vague, tending to refer to a set of beliefs and assumptions about the nature of social progress rather than to anything more precise. After presenting a brief history of the term, the author argues that not only will development fail to address poverty or to narrow the gap between rich and poor, but in fact it both widens and deepens this division and ultimately creates poverty, as natural resources and human beings alike are increasingly harnessed to the pursuit of consumption and profit. The survival of the planet will depend upon abandoning the deep-rooted belief that economic growth can deliver social justice, the rational use of environment, or human well-being, and embracing the notion that there would be a better life for all if we moved beyond ‘development’.  相似文献   

Every day 25,000 people die of hunger and hunger-related causes. While it is recognised that the international development system is not as effective as it should be, years of endeavours to achieve greater harmonisation of international aid and to create an effective architecture pass by without adequate results. The article introduces a framework for enhancing the effectiveness of the international development system, based on fundamental concepts of Systems Thinking. It discusses the complex systemic challenges to development and suggests that more effective control is a key precondition for greater effectiveness in development as a whole.  相似文献   

Applying the “human rights-based approach to development” (HRBAD) in practice is the biggest challenge facing advocates of human rights and development. This article seeks to bridge between. HRBAD at a theoretical level and the National Human Rights Action Plans (NHRAP) at a practical level in order to not merely provide a tool for putting HRBAD into practice but also to prepare a theoretical foundation for NHRAPs. To integrate HRBAD into NHRAPs, the whole conceptual space of development is mapped into a matrix called a “Substantive-Procedural Matrix of Development” (SPMD). This matrix helps states develop their plans within the road to development. The utility of this matrix as a heuristic will be demonstrated in the case of the right to health.  相似文献   

This article makes a case for a reconceptualisation of aid and development programme design. Specifically, it questions the role of the international “development expert” in the design and implementation process. We argue that by employing “design thinking” as a guiding principle, the way in which aid programmes are envisaged and delivered can be radically overhauled, resulting in dramatically improved outcomes for the users of aid. We argue that practical improvements in delivery are achievable through locally rooted, “user-driven” development solutions that originate from the beneficiaries themselves. Design thinking as applied here goes significantly further than other programme design and implementation methodologies that champion locally owned, needs-driven assistance. Furthermore, we make a case for this approach addressing wider problems within the sector, namely the perception, in some quarters, that aid is intrinsically “neo-imperialist” in design and ideologically driven.  相似文献   

Writing weblogs (blogs) has become a substantial part of how development is discussed on the Internet. Based on research with development bloggers and the authors' own social media practice, this article is an exploratory case study to approach the impact of blogging on reflective writing, work practices, as well as knowledge management. Based on interviews with bloggers, the article undertakes an analysis of bloggers' motivations and the potential as well as limitations of blogs for different sectors of the industry, for example in academia, inside aid organisations, and in understanding expatriate aid workers. Finally, the article explores the question of whose voice is represented in blogs.

Engagements basés sur la réflexion : l’évolution des blogs consacrés au développement international et les défis qu'elle présente

Les blogs sont devenus un élément considérable de la forme que prennent les discussions ayant trait au développement sur internet. Cet article se base sur des recherches menées auprès de blogueurs dans le secteur du développement et sur la propre pratique des auteurs en matière de médias sociaux, et présente une étude de cas exploratoire visant à aborder l'impact des blogs sur l’écriture réflexive, les pratiques de travail, ainsi que la gestion des connaissances. Sur la base d'entretiens avec des blogueurs, l'article entreprend une analyse des motivations des blogueurs et du potentiel, ainsi que des limites, des blogs pour différents secteurs de l'industrie, par exemple dans le milieu universitaire, au sein des organisations d'aide et au moment de comprendre les travailleurs humanitaires expatriés. Enfin, cet article examine la question de savoir quelles sont les entités dont la voix est représentée sur les blogs.

Intercambios reflexivos: la evolución del blog en torno al desarrollo internacional y sus retos

Los blogs se han convertido en un componente sustancial de la discusión sobre desarrollo que tiene lugar en Internet. Apoyándose en investigaciones realizadas con blogueros del desarrollo y en las experiencias de los autores con medios sociales, el presente artículo hace referencia a un estudio de caso exploratorio, cuyo objetivo se orientó a conocer el impacto que han tenido los blogs en los artículos analíticos, en las prácticas laborales y en la gestión de conocimientos. Mediante entrevistas realizadas a blogueros, el artículo analiza sus motivaciones, así como el potencial y las limitaciones de los blogs a nivel de distintos sectores —por ejemplo, en la academia, en las organizaciones de ayuda humanitaria y en la comprensión de los funcionarios de estas organizaciones en el extranjero. Para finalizar, el artículo examina la pregunta ¿de quién es la opinión que se expresa en los blogs?

Engajamentos reflexivos: a evolução de blogs sobre desenvolvimento internacional e seus desafios

Escrever weblogs (blogs) tem se tornado uma parte expressiva de como a questão sobre desenvolvimento é discutida na Internet. Baseado em experiências de blogueiros, este artigo realiza um estudo de caso investigativo para abordar o impacto dos blogs sobre textos reflexivos, práticas de trabalho e gestão de conhecimento. Tendo como base entrevistas com blogueiros, o artigo realiza uma análise das motivações dos blogueiros e o potencial e as limitações dos blogs para setores diferentes da indústria, como por exemplo na academia, dentro de organizações de ajuda humanitária e no entendimento de trabalhadores expatriados de ajuda humanitária. Por fim, o artigo examina a questão relativa a quais vozes são representadas nos blogs.  相似文献   

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