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International order is the norm,standards and corresponding guaranteeing mechanism,decision-making process,and rule of procedures established by members of the international system to coordinate and deal with various international affairs,in order to maintain stability and the normal operation of the international system.As an international public product,international order is usually supplied by the major actors of the international system,i.e.the great powers.  相似文献   

20 0 2年 3月 2 2日 ,尼加拉瓜司法总监署里亚斯法官授权对犯有欺骗、滥用公款和贪污公共财产罪的 8名前政府高官实施逮捕 ,并对前总统阿莱曼及上述合伙人立案 ,进行司法调查。司法总监署是博拉尼奥斯总统提议设立的机构。私人企业家出身的现总统博拉尼奥斯是这场反腐斗争的倡导者 ,他一再表示要把反腐斗争进行到底。但是现总统与前总统及其追随者之间的斗争涉及前任的和在任的许多要员 ,关系到各政党的利益 ,甚至关系到美国的反恐反毒战略 ,稍一不慎 ,就有可能触发国内政治危机。反对党桑解阵是两种力量争取的对象。2 0 0 2年 4~ 5月 ,前…  相似文献   

恐怖势力借助当前国际社会存在的诸多矛盾与冲突,不断调整其组织结构,采用多变的袭击方式与手段,使国际社会处于防不胜防困境.一些国家为确保本土免遭恐怖袭击,几乎倾力防范,但恐怖威胁仍有增无减.对整个国际社会而言,制约国际反恐合作的诸多因素,如双重标准等尤其亟待解决.  相似文献   

Sara Kalm 《Global Society》2020,34(4):528-551

This article examines the citizenship dimension of transnational inequalities. It is clear that some citizenships offer great advantages while others are liabilities for the individual, and the aim of this present article is to develop a conceptualisation of citizenship and inequality, in order to be able to assess and compare them. For this purpose, elements of Pierre Bourdieu's sociology are utilized. The argument is that citizenship can be thought of as a form of capital in this Bourdieusian sense – that is, as a resource with which individuals are more or less endowed, and which impacts on people's transnational social positions, their capacities for action, their strategies and perceptions. The main contribution is to develop this idea, which is referred to as “citizenship capital”. Its usefulness is demonstrated by considering its interaction with economic capital for shaping positions in transnational social space.  相似文献   


This article explores the intricate interrelationships between discourses on, struggles of, identity and the multiple processes associated with increasing globalisation in the modern age. Globalisation is often exclusively associated with worldwide economic integration and the emergence of a borderless global market. However, globalisation also involves sweeping changes on the social, cultural and political terrains. Globalisation furthermore entails apparently contradictory processes of, among other things, homogenisation and universalisation on the one hand and localisation and differensiation on the other. Various analysts point out that the often contradictory processes of globalisation have led to wide-ranging changes in the processes of identity formation that have, in turn, resulted not only in a flourishing of discourses on identity, but also in struggles of identity involving various minority and marginalised groups. Apart from exploring various definitions of identity, discourses and struggles of identity are discussed on five levels, namely the individual, subnational, national, supranational and global levels. Attention is given to the role of the media, information and communication technologies in these struggles and the implications for policy-making within the media and communications sector. The far-reaching implications for Africa, South Africa in particular, are also considered.  相似文献   

Drawing from the work of Andrew Dobson, two notions of citizenship in civil society can be distinguished: environmental citizenship, which focuses on environmental rights and seeks to redefine the relationship between the state and the citizen; and ecological citizenship, which goes beyond a rights-based notion of citizenship to advocate the fair usage of ecological space across international borders. Using civil society initiatives to conserve forests, this article argues that these two notions of citizenship should be seen as overlapping in that civil society groups seek to work through national and international law to reduce the ecological footprint of some countries on others. The article concludes by drawing a distinction between the environmental state and the ecological state.  相似文献   

Citizenship: a perverse confluence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article discusses the different meanings that citizenship has assumed in Latin America in the past few decades. Its main argument is that, in the perverse confluence between neo-liberal and democratic participatory projects, the common reference to citizenship, used by different political actors, projects an apparent homogeneity, obscuring differences and diluting the conflict between those projects.  相似文献   


What explains the causes and outcomes of rebel factional struggles? Existing explanations focus on exogenous and material factors that disrupt rebel organizations’ internal processes. Yet rebel groups succumb to infighting and organizational splinters even in the absence of external shocks. In this article I present an endogenous and social theory of rebel factional struggles, in which leadership disputes result from a shifting balance of loyalties within a rebel organization. In my model, rival rebel leaders cultivate the loyalty of two types of networks, recruitment networks and operational networks, which serve as power bases to initiate leadership struggles, launch coups, or split organizations. I build my theory through a case study of Nicaragua’s Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN), which splintered into three factions in 1975–76. Drawing on an original network dataset of FSLN commanders, I trace how the organization’s network structure changed over time, spurring disputes over rank-and-file fighters’ loyalties that tore the FSLN apart.  相似文献   

This article explores how ethnoreligious conflict over boundaries and territoriality involves a politics of scale, that is, how positions and demands are framed by actors according to, for instance, local, regional, and national scales. The analysis focuses on how Muslim actors in a conflict in Kaduna State in Nigeria frame a regional, northern Nigerian identity that varies in content and form depending on the scalar context in which communal conflict is placed with regional and national politics yielding different identifications.  相似文献   

舒运国 《西亚非洲》2013,(1):85-101
以非洲统一组织成立为标志,非洲国家开始了独立以后探索经济一体化的进程。非洲大陆的经济一体化始终以泛非主义作为理论基础和指导思想。至今大约经历了两个历史阶段的发展,即1963~1991年的初始阶段和1991年至今的发展阶段。经过半个世纪的努力,非洲的经济一体化已经取得了可观的进展,诸如已经在全洲和次区域层面建立了比较健全的组织机构和运作制度、制定了经济一体化的路线图和时间表,在实践中取得了一定的进展,以及呈现出向更高层次发展的趋势等。然而,由于历史和现实的种种原因,非洲经济一体化面临许多问题和困难,因此至今仍然处于较低发展水平。  相似文献   

New directions for pastoral development in Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The last few years have seen a major rethinking of some of the hallowed assumptions of range ecology and range-management practice. The usefulness of terms such as ‘vegetation succession?s, ‘carrying capacity?s, and ‘desertification?s is being reassessed, particularly for the dry rangelands which are dominated by highly variable rainfall and episodic, chance events such as drought. This article examines the management and policy implications of this thinking for pastoral development in dryland areas. It briefly examines the consequences of environmental variability for pastoral development planning, range and fodder management, drought responses, livestock marketing, resource tenure, institutional development, and pastoral administration. By offering new directions for development workers, researchers, and policy planners, the article illustrates, in practical terms, a future for pastoral development in dryland Africa that recognises both the importance of pastoral livelihoods and the significance of environmental variability.  相似文献   

刘慧  肖宪 《国际观察》2004,(4):39-44
功能主义在过去 4 0年中一直主导着一体化进程 ,但如今其工具理性在一体化深化方面显得非常乏力。何以发掘一体化的深层动力 ?笔者认为体现价值理性的公民身份和集体认同的形成是摆脱当前理论和现实窘困的关键所在。公民身份和集体认同的形成代表了欧洲文明的有机生长和持续进化 ,集体身份的进化和最终形成附着于政治文化 ,而欧洲多元民主社会的统一政治文化的整合依赖于行政灌输和社会习得  相似文献   

2005年的非洲,政治联合继续向纵深发展,经济保持中低速增长,安全形势总体趋向稳定,外交更趋活跃务实,非洲的国际地位明显提升.与此同时,围绕石油、资源、反恐和联合国改革等问题,西方大国对非争夺方兴未艾.中非传统友好关系更加牢固,双方在各个领域的务实合作稳步推进.  相似文献   

2004年,非洲政治形势继续保持总体平稳、局部震荡的态势;经济中低速持续增长进入第10个年头,但发展面临一些深层问题;西方大国出于多重战略利益考虑重新看重非洲,使非洲的国际战略地位明显提升;中非友好合作关系继续全面、深入发展,出现一些新的喜人亮点。一、政局总体稳定,但局部震荡2004年,非洲安全形势出现了一些令人瞩目的“大事”,如苏丹达尔富尔地区的人道主义危机,科特迪瓦国内战乱再起以及刚果(金)东部地区安全局势脆弱、小规模武装冲突不断等。但是,非洲政局总体趋稳的大势未发生逆转,在内外多种利好因素的互动中,这一趋势正在向纵…  相似文献   

在中国和友好的非洲国家之间召开“中非合作论坛”意义重大,期望论坛在不断变化的全球形势中制定出一个世界政治和经济的新秩序,期望通过这次会议密切中国和非洲国家之间的政治、……  相似文献   

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