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智力研究的新思路——元认知研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统的智力研究存在着许多弊端:在方法上,重智力结果、轻智力过程,重智力因素结构的理论分析、轻智力潜能开发的实验研究;在内容上,重智力现有水平、轻发展潜力,重智力低级因素、轻智力高级因素。当代认知心理学关于元认知的研究揭示出元认知是智力的核心和高级成分,拓展了智力研究的范围,使智力研究转向研究智力的高级认知机能及过程,为科学地揭示智力的本质提供了新思路  相似文献   

自我调控不当与犯罪性社会适应不良   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自我调控决定着个体是否适应社会。个体适应的是有益于人类的社会环境、合理的社会管理机制、主流文化和健康风气占主导地位的社会。自我调控与社会适应有正向和反向之分。自我调控不当导致社会适应不良,社会适应不良是指不符合社会道德、法律、心理健康三个标准的心理和行为。个体认知、社会智力,价值观和品德等多纬度的自我调控不当,导致谋生本领、人际关系和物欲、性欲、信仰的犯罪性社会适应不良。  相似文献   

学习策略是学习者主动寻求的,旨在有效提高学习和信息加工效率的规则系统.20世纪80年代以来,学习策略始终是教育心理学,特别是学习心理学研究的核心问题之一.元认知和自我调节学习构成了学习策略的核心或监控层面.学习策略研究从初期单纯强调元认知到强调包括元认知、动机在内的自我调节学习反映了学习心理学领域一种新的整合趋势,同时也表明学习策略研究日益强调课堂干预和应用.  相似文献   

从实体自我到关系自我——后现代心理学视野下的自我观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代主流心理学在考察"自我"时,假设了我们每个人都有一个作为精神实体而存在的"我",它是个体存在的核心,统领着我们的一切.后现代心理学对这种实体自我观进行了猛烈批判,认为根本就不存在所谓真实的实体自我.后现代心理学从社会建构主义出发,将自我视为关系的创造物,是我们在与他人的关系中通过语言建构而成.它将自我理解为关系性的、多元的、变化的、去中心的.从现代社会向后现代社会的转变过程中,人们自我意识观的变化要经历策略操作者、混杂人格和关系自我这三个不同的阶段.后现代心理学自我观的提出对我们理解自身、解决自身的心理问题具有重要意义.  相似文献   

认知评价疗法的核心概念是"个人生活规则",它是指个体的一种认知结构,代表个体对心理和社会性事件的法则化的看法和道德伦理的规定性.个体所产生的各种情绪和对自我的看法、评价皆与个人生活规则相关.个体心理问题之所以出现,在于个体所持有的个人生活规则缺乏一定的适应性,故心理治疗就是要对个人生活规则加以调整和修正.认知评价疗法吸收了诸多人文主义的观点,体现了心理疗法间相互融合的趋势.  相似文献   

条件推理能力的传统认知发展观认为认知发展的轨迹是单向的,并只存在于一个加工系统中,认知发展存在着几个不同质的阶段,按由低到高的顺序发展,在个体发展的早期,其认知特点主要是以直觉加工为主,而后逐渐转换为以分析式加工为主,但这些理论无法很好地解释为什么年龄和智力的增长并不必然导致推理中符合传统逻辑规范的回答率的提高.双重加工理论对此提出异议,认为条件推理能力的发展沿着两条轨迹进行,一条径直指向计算加工和对问题内容的去情境化推理能力的增长;第二条是启发式的、高度情境化加工的发展路线,对那种认为认知是从直觉加工到逻辑数学加工的单向发展的观点提出了挑战.  相似文献   

连春亮在《犯罪与改造研究》2004年第7期上撰文《罪犯自我意识障碍及其调适》指出罪犯的自我意识是罪犯对自己在服刑改造过程中的生理状况、心理特征的认识,以及对自己的社会地位和方式、自己和周围关系的认识。它的发展经历了生理自我、社会自我和心理自我三个时期。由最原始的自我状态,到自我意识的趋于成熟。  相似文献   

元认知的观点在临床心理学中具有重要的应用价值,其理论建构的特色是强调元认知对情绪状态的监控。这种理论的认知框架的核心是:个人对自己的情绪状态作出标签,它被看成个人对特定事件、关系或对象的一种本能反应方式,生理唤起与认知评价之间的密切联系和相互作用决定着情绪。个人将其与目标状态相比较并通过实际行动让自己的情绪状态更加接近目标状况并加以监控。近年来,心理学家对精神分裂症和对不适当的过度愤怒研究的成功案例,证明了元认知模型在心理治疗中的应用价值。  相似文献   

认知评价疗法的核心概念是"个人生活规则",它是指个体的一种认知结构,代表个体对心理和社会性事件的法则化的看法和道德伦理的规定性。个体所产生的各种情绪和对自我的看法、评价皆与个人生活规则相关。个体心理问题之所以出现,在于个体所持有的个人生活规则缺乏一定的适应性,故心理治疗就是要对个人生活规则加以调整和修正。认知评价疗法吸收了诸多人文主义的观点,体现了心理疗法间相互融合的趋势。  相似文献   

我国的高校教育对学生智商方面的开发和研究已经达到相当完善的层面,在情绪智商的研究方面显得相对薄弱.加强大学生情商教育是实施素质教育的重要举措,是高校深化教育教学改革的客观需要,也是我国高校教育所面临的亟需解决的重要问题.越来越多的教育工作者已经意识到情商对大学生成长成才的重要意义,出现了很多关于情商教育和情商管理的学术性研究成果,一些高校也开设了关于大学生情商提升的课程.但是,我国大学生的情商水平仍处于较低水平,具体表现在:自我意识强烈、抗挫折能力较差;智商较高、接受能力强,社会适应力缺乏;好奇心重、个性张扬,自控力不强;不能进行正确的自我认知,团队意识薄弱等等.本文通过分析当代大学生情商现状的分析,点出现代大学教育体系中关于情商教育的不足,进而结合教育的具体实践,提出强化高校情商教育,建立健全大学生情商培育的具体措施,提高大学生情商水平,顺利帮助他们成功成才..  相似文献   

窦竹君 《河北法学》2012,(1):45-46,47,48,49,50,51,52
传统中国形成了一元化的行政管理与多元化社会基层组织自我管理有机结合的多元共治机制,这是出于社会环境的必然选择。在多元共治中,国家着眼于指导思想、文化背景、法制保障等方面建设,而具体的、细化的甚至是琐碎的管理事务则由基层社会组织完成。基层社会组织通过民间规约实现自我管理。伦理法制为维护基层组织权威和社会共同价值文化提供法制保障。创新社会管理在某种意义上亦是抹不去的历史回归。  相似文献   

陈岱松 《河北法学》2006,24(1):129-133
2005年10月27日,证券法修正案三读通过,新证券法将于2006年施行.证券法对于证券监管有更多的规范和要求.以美国和英国证券监管体制为例,比较和分析当今证券监管体制中的典型代表,即政府主导型和自律主导型之间的差异;并且分析两国证券监管体制进入新世纪的改革与发展.最后得出结论,完善的证券监管体制应当是建立在政府集中统一监管下加强自律的证券监管体制;以期对我国的证券监管体制改革有所借鉴.  相似文献   

The present paper examines young offenders’ decisions to re-offend, as a function of a breakdown of self-regulation, as represented by moral disengagement. There were 152 male inmates randomly selected from the largest young offender institution in Scotland and were asked to fill-in a moral disengagement scale and a questionnaire which assessed their cognitive representations. It was found that moral disengagement was neither related to frequency of offending nor age of initiation of delinquent behaviour. Moral disengagement was significantly related to attitudes, perceived behavioural control and intentions to offend in the future. Moral disengagement contributed to the prediction of intentions when the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) was operationalised through the direct measurement of the constructs of the model, although such did not contribute to the prediction of intentions when the constructs were operationalised by indirect, belief-based measurements of the constructs of the model. A model is proposed in terms of self-regulation of hierarchically organised feedback loops. Attitudes and perceived behavioural control are operating at the level of program control, as a function of disengagement of moral principles at the level of principles control.  相似文献   

Companies, as primary disseminators of information, and financial institutions, as major recipients, have economic incentives to self-regulate the transmission and usage of price-sensitive information. These include increased (lost) reputation costs and adverse share price penalties arising from poor management of information disclosure. The economic motivation for self-regulation is seen as conceptually linked to but distinct from legislative changes. Self-regulation has the strong support of economic efficiency arguments, whereas recent additional new legislative changes do not. This article examines a major corporate and institutional response to the new regulatory climate—to internalize part of the regulatory process during their regular relationship communications. Relationships between the case companies and institutions already exist for transaction purposes. They are used as a convenient and low-cost means to pursue self-regulation and to avoid errors of price-sensitive information release. This self-regulatory process is illustrated using case material. It is clear from the response pattern presented that the development of a self-regulatory framework by the parties has been an iterative one. The corporate and institutional systems that have been evolving seem to be significantly influenced by the regulatory trends. The regulatory changes appear to have played a role in increasing market costs incurred by those companies with poor stock market communication practices. The article ends by arguing that new proposals to change in the formal regulatory system should recognize that further legislation is unlikely to improve the poor prosecution record. Nevertheless, legislative changes can combine with and buttress the self-regulation process to create an effective regulatory system.  相似文献   

东亚普通法是以古代中国法为质地、中韩日三国独特的交涉为背景而形成的概念。东亚普通法由法典化、儒教法文化、乡约村落法和法学四种要素组成。东亚普通法的发展有赖于东亚人的自觉与成熟态度。  相似文献   

The paper compares institutional professionalization of advocates (licensed private-practice lawyers) and in-house lawyers during the state-socialist and the post-socialist periods in Poland and Russia. The comparative analysis uses the conceptual framework of the sociology of professions. It shows that: (1) advocates were able to preserve a certain degree of collective autonomy and self-regulation during most of the socialist period in both countries; (2) Polish advocates were better integrated at the national level than their Soviet/Russian counterparts; (3) these institutional path dependencies determined the degree of autonomy and self-regulation in the post-socialist period; (4) the discrepancy between both countries is particularly pronounced in the case of in-house lawyers who were able to establish themselves as a self-regulated profession in Poland, but never made such an attempt in Russia; and (5) there was a process of partial ‘advocatization' of legal professionals who practiced in-house during the state-socialist period. The term ‘advocatization' means a change in the form of professional practice from employment relationship to service-for-fee practice. This process could be observed in both countries, but it took very different forms due to the institutional differences described above.  相似文献   

Older people constitute an important category of eyewitnesses. Episodic memory performance in older persons is poorer than in younger adults, but little research has been made on older persons’ metacognitive judgments. Since more persons of advanced age will likely be called upon as witnesses in coming years, it is critical to characterize this population’s metacognitive abilities. We compared event memory metacognition in old adults (66-year-old, n = 74) to very old adults (87 or 90 years old, n = 55). Participants were tested on their memory of a film, using questions with two answer alternatives and the confidence in their answer. As expected, the very old group had a lower accuracy rate than the old group (d = 0.59). The very old group, however, monitored this impairment, since their over-/underconfidence and calibration did not differ from the old group but they displayed a poorer ability to separate correct from incorrect answers (discrimination ability). Possibly, the very old group was able to monitor the level of their over-/underconfidence because they applied general self-knowledge about their memory skills. In contrast, the discrimination of correct from incorrect answers may be more dependent on ability to attend to the features of each retrieved memory.  相似文献   

情感在认识中具有多方面的作用 ,其中最基本的是以下三种作用 :情感是人探求真理的动力 ;情感决定主体认识能否处于最佳状态 ;情感直接影响认识过程中的信息的选择和加工。主体情感的变化与其所处的外部社会文化环境的变化并非绝对同步的。主体情感具有自身的相对独立性 ,因而拓展对主体情感在认识中的作用的研究 ,具有很大的必要性  相似文献   

This study begins by reflecting on the literature characterizing the nature and function of a profession qua profession. It continues by arguing that based upon commonly used indicia of a profession that the practice of law in the US is de-professionalizing in significant ways and morphing towards a functioning business model. The related advantages of such a development for American society, its lawyers and their clients, including especially criminal defendants are critically discussed. It then traces the emergence and ascendancy of the rule of law in China and corresponding quest to institutionalize the practice of law in China as a profession. The study concludes by exploring the alternative advantages of applying the business model to Chinese legal practice. It recommends that embracing a paradigm shift away from the professional model towards a business model, comparable to what is happening in the US, would be to the greater advantage of Chinese lawyers in terms of enhanced authority, increased self-regulation, as well as providing greater leverage in advocating client interests.  相似文献   

谢惠加 《法人》2009,(9):50-52
版权保护与合理使用的冲突及协调,其实质是信息的控制与信息的免费获取之间的制度博弈。这是互联网发展过程中一个长期纠结的问题,厘清其中的关系,对于信息的合理运用将能更好地维护企业和个人的合法利益  相似文献   

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