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Since the mid-1970s, the subject Australian Cinema, and its various synonyms and neologisms, has been studied in humanities, social sciences and the arts in Australian higher education, and research in the field has played an important role in informing the critical approaches underpinning curriculum. Yet to date there is limited insight into the types of subjects offered, approaches to curriculum and syllabus, and their alignment with research. This article maps Australian cinema studies in higher education at an undergraduate level, and provides insight into common curriculum and syllabus models. Findings are drawn from an online survey of university course handbooks, content and thematic analysis of study guides and weekly syllabus, and correspondence with coordinators. Twenty-seven universities offered subjects with a dominant Australian cinema focus. Australian cinema studies is firmly embedded in national cinema curriculum, and three common curriculum models include the following: (1) a historical chronology of Australian cinema, (2) a text-dominant approach organised around the weekly study of a key film and (3) an approach predominately structured around Australian cinema discourses and critical theory. Despite the increasing importance of transnational approaches to Australian screen in research, transnationalism rarely functions as a dominant organising logic for curriculum in its own right.  相似文献   

涉及群众利害的事业能否顺利完成,全凭众人是否能够达成共识。日本教育改革的呼声起于20世纪70年代初。20世纪80年代中曾根内阁作为国家任务去抓。设置临时教育审议会确定改革的基本方针。在首先确定议事规则、关键概念的含义后开展具体审议。临教审内部各个分会间,临教审与内阁高层、与社会各界通过各种会议以及征文、发行刊物等方式,收集和扩散各种意见和看法,通过3年审议提出4次报告,内阁以最终报告为基础确定了教育改革大纲。充分的讨论和争辩是达成共识的有效途径,寻求共识虽然费时但保证了决策慎重。在社会共识基础上的决策可以避免朝令夕改、最大限度减少决策失误造成的无可估量的损失。  相似文献   

大江氏家族是日本平安时代名闻遐迩的文化世家,公元7-8世纪中国科举制的东传为大江氏家族发展提供了重要契机。大江氏家族自始祖大江音人以来,读书应举,十一世父子、兄弟连第,可谓是英才迭出。研究大江氏家族的贡举参与不仅有益于剖析大江氏家族贡举成功的原因,还能把握大江氏家族与日本贡举制特征的内在关联性,挖掘贡举制度无法根植在日本社会的泉源。  相似文献   

近代日本的一些女教育家们参与或独立创办女子学校,鲜明地提出了自己的教育思想和理念,实施各具特色的教育方针,为近代日本女子教育的发展做出了重要贡献,在日本女子教育史乃至日本教育史上写下了壮丽的篇章。本文将从教育思想和理念、学校的影响以及社会活动等方面,来说明这些女教育家及其女子学校在近代日本女子教育史上的地位及作用,并在此基础上对女性与教育的互动作用做一些思考。  相似文献   

日本农业普及教育的发展及其借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本农业普及教育产生于“二战”之后,是日本农业发展体系的关键一环,为日本农业的发展提供了强有力的支撑。由于日本经济和社会的发展变化,日本农业普及教育在经济恢复时期、经济高速发展时期、经济低速发展时期的三个发展阶段中呈现出不同的发展特征。研究日本农业普及教育的发展对我国农业普及教育的发展具有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

幼儿的美术教育是幼儿教育的组成部分,也是促进认知,培养美感和发展智力的一种教育手段。日本幼儿美术教育界一致认为:根据幼儿的生理和心理特点,幼儿美术教育的着眼点应落实在造形活动的基础上。造形活动可以使幼儿在体验造形材料和造形表现的过程中萌发美感和创造力,促进幼儿的认知、智力、技能与社会性的发展。通过对日本幼儿造形活动的解读,为我国的幼儿美术教育提供经验。  相似文献   

甲午战后,在严重的民族危机唤醒下,以“求学”为良药,广大学子纷纷负笈东瀛,近代中国形成了轰轰烈烈的留学日本热潮。偏处腹地的四川,留日也蔚为风气,出现了留日学生这一群体。留日学生学成归国后,对清末四川的政治、军事、文化方面发挥了积极的作用,尤其在教育方面,留日学生对四川的教育变革做出了很大的贡献,推进了四川教育近代化的进程。  相似文献   

日本战后动漫角色商品化是在美国迪士尼角色商品化模式影响下发展起来的,尤其是由大众传媒发展、角色版权授权、角色商品系列开发等所带来的动漫产业链条的拉长,以及丰厚的利润回报,为日本动漫从业者以及动漫企业开辟了新的经济增长点。日本战后动漫角色商品化发展也进一步明确了以授权为主的市场交易机制,并以丰富多样的商业实践,奠定了日本动漫产业的发展基础。同时,日本战后动漫角色商品化发展也与当时社会需要相呼应,并为首要目标群体——儿童消费者广泛接受,这也为日本动漫产业的快速发展提供了社会基础与发展空间。  相似文献   

日本是世界第三大经济实体,同时也是资源消费大国。作为一个本身自然资源匮乏的国度,日本是如何在发展经济的同时,克服了能源短缺的问题?又是如何在提高能源利用效率的同时将对环境的污染控制到最低限度的?围绕上述问题,探讨日本在城市能源利用方面的节能措施以及对新能源在环保领域中所起的重要作用的同时,梳理了在京都会议后,日本的节能环保技术、理念,以及未来的发展趋势,以期为中国解决在新常态下,在推动城镇化经济发展的同时所面临的能源以及环境问题提供思路。  相似文献   

国家形象与当代中美日在东南亚的竞争   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国家形象是国家"软力量"的重要一环,在维护国家权利合法性方面起着其他力量不可替代的作用.中美日在东南亚地区的权利和影响自1997年以来,因其国家形象的变化而此消彼长,正是国家形象在一国对外关系中的政治、经济与安全功能的一个绝好例证.  相似文献   

The literature on regime shift suggests that Japan, and perhaps also Switzerland, have experienced a shift in their political systems. In this contribution, it is argued that both political systems underwent considerable change. However, this change did not represent regime shift in terms of a break with the past. Compared to other established democracies in the OECD country group, the changes to various aspects of the political systems have been similar in magnitude and type in both countries. Among OECD members, similar new elements have been layered on to stable cores of pre‐existing institutions, actor constellations and policies differing vastly in international comparison. Therewith, most countries moved in comparable directions without significantly changing their relative position within the group of established democracies  相似文献   

随着人口年龄结构不断趋于老龄化,老年人成为社会服务的高需求人群,养老已经逐渐成为人们普遍关注的社会问题。选择何种养老模式是目前老年人面临的一个重要问题。在诸多养老模式中,依托社区的居家养老服务是能够满足老年人多样化需求,最符合现代的养老理念。文章通过日韩两国在选择养老模式方面所采取的措施,分析日韩两国发展居家养老服务的社会背景和相关内容,并通过分析,为促进中国居家养老服务事业提供启示。  相似文献   

日本中小企业法治建设的特点及其借鉴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周显志  周洁 《东南亚研究》2002,(5):38-41,48
二战结束以后 ,日本十分重视中小企业的发展 ,从制度环境、金融财政、社会化服务体系等方面给予了大力支持 ,使其迅速发展。本文针对我国中小企业立法大大滞后于中小企业发展的实际情况 ,借鉴日本立法的经验 ,提出完善我国中小企业立法的建议。  相似文献   

日本财政投融资体制改革的特点及借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本的财政投融资体制曾经对日本经济的发展产生过重要影响。但是,随着日本经济的不断发展,财政投融资的僵化体制已经越来越不适应新的经济发展形势。在这一背景下,以市场筹集资金为核心的财政投融资体制改革便展开了。此次改革有如下特点:总体规模逐步缩小;资金来源更加多样化;资金运用方向有所调整;加强信息披露引入政策成本分析机制等。从日本财政投融资体制改革中我们可以借鉴的是改革方向的市场化、信息的透明和资金的重点集中投放。  相似文献   

清政府开始仿效日本实行君主立宪之初,急需大量具备西学知识结构的新式人才,于是向日本广派留学生.基于当时国情与留学生自身特点,法政科的学习成为不少留日生的选择.留日学生在日学习期间,通过办报、译书等形式,将西方的政治体制、民主自由观念、法制思想等源源不断地介绍到中国.他们对西方法政思想的宣传活动,在开启国人视野,增强人们法政意识和观念以及推进中国法政体系近代化的进程,发挥了启蒙作用.  相似文献   


This paper analyses legal frameworks designed to reconcile work and family responsibilities in Mozambique and Tanzania from the perspective of ILO standards. Three labour laws are explored, the Mozambique Family Law 2004, the Mozambique Labour Law 2007, and the Tanzania Employment and Labour Relations Act 2004. ILO standards have encouraged both countries to become better equipped for working families to reconcile their work and family responsibilities. Their legal frameworks, however, remain below ILO standards, especially in parental leave and childcare services. The paper finds the root cause of such low compliance from a number of historical junctures, including a historical hangover from colonial regimes, social development policies and structural adjustment policies. The paper suggests a stronger commitment by the Mozambique and Tanzania governments’ and active involvement of civil societies to reshape the patriarchal political economy and promote gender equality in both public and private spheres.  相似文献   

This contribution analyses recent developments in science and technology policy in two countries ‐ Japan and Switzerland ‐ that are often assumed to be of very different traditions and structures: politically, economically and culturally. The main argument is to demonstrate that despite of these differences we find an astonishing convergence of science and technology policies since the 90s, though their basic organisational features remain, of course, very different. This is due to major changes in the perception of how innovation comes about, to the rise of generic technologies and a new philosophy in state action. The article elucidates how the two countries have changed their structure of guidance and implementation in research.  相似文献   

中日韩三国纺织服装品在东盟市场竞争力的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从市场占有率、贸易竞争指数、显示性比较优势指数和出口产品相似度指数等4个不同视角出发,全面考察了2000-2008年期间中日韩3国纺织服装品在东盟市场竞争力的大小.实证结果表明,近年来我国纺织服装品在东盟市场的竞争力不断上升,同日韩两国相比,我国纺织服装品的竞争优势非常明显.本文的研究可为我国纺织行业进一步开拓东盟市场提供借鉴.  相似文献   

本文回顾了中、韩、日三国女性古代社会地位的发展和表现,并对其进行了对比,在此基础上分析了随着儒教的根基性影响及各国本土传统的结合,三国女性古代社会地位在整体相似的基础上出现了怎样的差异。  相似文献   

This article examines the transformation of nuptiality patterns in the Baltic countries since the late 1960s, in the context of long-term trends. The aim of the study is to compare the entry into first conjugal union in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and analyze the position of the Baltic countries in a broader European perspective. The analyses employ microdata from national surveys conducted in the framework of the European Family and Fertility Surveys program. Our main results on the timing and mode of union formation show that in Estonia and Latvia the shift from direct marriage to cohabitation started well before the fall of the state socialist regime, and followed a trajectory close to Scandinavian countries. In Lithuania, on the other hand, the change in the pattern of union formation has been much slower. The article discusses the factors underlying the observed similarities and dissimilarities in union formation.  相似文献   

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