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Since the founding of New China in 1949, the land law system with Chinese characteristics has been formed based on various practices, inter alia, the evolution of the rural land law system from the agrarian reform to the cooperative and people’s communes and further to the household contract responsibility system, which made historical contributions to the development of Chinese social economy. However, with the development of the practices and the deepening of the reform, China’s land law system is facing great challenges under the new circumstances. Although many differences exist between English land law and Chinese land law in the areas of legal form, the regulated objects and contents, English land law can provide some beneficial enlightenment to China’s land law reform. Particularly, the “paradox of English land law,” which presents the way how the English land law, as the law adjusting the basic property relations with many traditional factors, responds to the process of social and economic development with leaps and bounds.  相似文献   

On June 19, 2014, the third Renmin University International Virtual Workshop (RUIVW) was held at Renmin Law School. Professor Jacques deLisle from Pennsylvania Law School gave a talk based on his recent work on Chinese tort law -- A Common Law-like Civil Law and a Public Face for Private Law China's Tort Law in Comparative Perspective.1 The article illustrates two characteristics of China's tort law: First it has been influenced by common law and, second it contains public law elements.  相似文献   

刘水庆 《时代法学》2014,(3):117-118
正我国体育法学研究萌芽于20世纪80年代,作为一门新兴学科,它研究的重心之一就是体育法律制度。遗憾的是,时至今日我们并没有看到一部全面研究中国体育法律制度及其法律适用的体育法学论著出现,散见于体育法学教材中的体育法律制度只是肤浅的介绍,充其量只能满足科普的需要,与全面和深入研究相去甚远。让人倍受鼓舞的是,康均心教授及其研究团队最近的一本新书《SPORTS LAW IN CHINA》的出版面世很好的弥补了上述遗憾。康教授是武汉大学法学院体育法专业的博士生导师,他在体育竞技冲突的刑事解决机制领域多有著述,尤其在研究反兴奋剂和体育竞技冲突解决领域成果  相似文献   

John W. Head, Great Legal Traditions - Civil Law, Common Law and Chinese Law in Historical and Operational Perspective. Durham (North Carolina): Carolina Academic Press, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-59460-957-2. Pgs: xxiv + 676.  相似文献   

Employment security is very often examined from a labor law rather than a human rights perspective. This article looks at the employment security in Chinese labor law from a human rights perspective. The right to employment security includes both negative and positive aspects: a negative right to protection against unfair dismissal, including dismissal for cause and economic redundancy, and a positive right to employment stability. Comparing Chinese labor law with international standards, this article focuses on analyzing important changes in the legislative developments in China in the past years, such as severance pay, labor contract with indefinite duration, and labor dispatching. This article also points out the main deficiencies, such as dismissal on the ground of criminal liabilities, weakness of trade unions and law enforcement, and no exemption of small employers. The article concludes with observing a tendency of Chinese law getting closer to international standards and pointing out the approach China should follow: to enhance employability through vocational training and providing better social security when strengthening the legislative protection of employment security.  相似文献   

This article begins explaining the Aristotelian reduction of rhetoric to persuasion, which came to determine Western tradition until modern times. To understand Aristotle’s methodology the author then wants to discuss the concept of enthymeme, the “rhetorical syllogism,” in Aristotle’s own words. In order to try a realistic critique on the Aristotelian rhetoric, more adequate to a rhetoric of modern law, the author will suggest three epistemological points of departure, three theses, and the three levels of rhetoric that support them.  相似文献   

In all democratic states, constitutional courts, which are traditionally empowered to invalidate or to annul unconstitutional statutes, have the role of interpreting and applying the Constitution to preserve its supremacy and to ensure the prevalence of fundamental rights. In this sense, they were traditionally considered as "negative legislators," unable to substitute for the legislators or to enact legislative provisions that could not be deduced from the Constitution. During the past decade, the role of constitutional courts has dramatically changed, as their role is no longer limited to declaring the unconstitutionality of statutes or annulling them. Today, constitutional courts condition their decisions on the presumption of constitutionality of statutes, opting to interpret them according to or in harmony with the Constitution to preserve them, instead of deciding their annulment or declaring them unconstitutional. More frequently, constitutional courts, instead of dealing with existing legislation, assume the role of assistants or auxiliaries to the legislator, creating provisions they deduce from the Constitution when controlling the absence of legislation or legislative omissions. In some cases, they act as "positive legislators ", issuing temporary or provisional rules to be applied pending the enactment of legislation.  相似文献   

How could Critical Legal Study's insights benefit China? When Chinese scholars at the inaugural session of Renmin University International Virtual Workshop (RUIVW) meet Duncan Kennedy, akey figure in the Critical Legal Study Movement, they seek to find out the answer.1 Kennedy's work on the globalization of law offers an ideal topic for the discussion.  相似文献   

Concerned about China's future, a panel of Chinese legal scholars invited Professor Duncan Kennedy to discuss legal transplants and the rule of law. This commentary contextualizes their ideas and concerns and aims to clarify some concepts and arguments that underlay their discussion. At times though using the same words the participants were talking about different things. By legal transplants, the Chinese scholars were initially speaking of specle laws, while Duncan Kennedy was referring to legal thought. By law being political, Duncan Kennedy largely meant the distributive and discretionary nature of adjudication, while the Chinese participants were criticizing the interference by the Party and the government with judicial practice. Yet through this encounter, much was exchanged and debated. Regarding the triggers of legal transplants, the Chinese participants emphasized the law's quality and the donor's power, while Duncan Kennedy was more interested in chance and the recipient's strategy. Among the multiple ways of defining the rule of law, both sides agreed that it should be an institutional framework within which an independent judiciary checks the executive power. Nonetheless, each side had their own hopes and reservations on how this institutional framework can enable judges to faithfully apply the law.  相似文献   

“China Law Development Report 2012: Professionalization of China ‘s Legal Workers” publishing conference was held on 4 May 2013, in Beijing. This is the fourth report on China Law Development published by Renmin University of China, following Report 2007 on database and indicators, Report 2010 on law-making, and Report 2011 on law-enforcement, Report 2012 focuses on the following aspects according to professor ZHU Jingwen, chief editor of the report.  相似文献   

At the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Decision of the Central Committee of the CPC on Some Major Issues concerning Deepening the Rule of Law 2014 was passed and delineated the direction for the research of our nation’s construction of a government under the rule of law. For years, the government at various levels and administrative agencies adhered to conducting work on the legal course under the CPC’s leadership, actively promoting administration according to law, and constructing a government under the rule of law, and have made enormous achievements. However, there many difficulties still co-exist, along with challenges and opportunities. By adopting theoretical and empirical research approaches such as data analysis, normative analysis, interviews and investigations, questionnaires, counter-measure research, and case studies, this article discusses and conducted systematic and in-depth research on the theoretical framework of the construction of a government under the rule of law from macroscopic, to microscopic aspects. This article outlined the basic contexts and realistic vision for China’s construction of a government under the rule of law, which can provide active implementation of the project of construction of government under the rule of law with a basis in theoretical reference.  相似文献   

China's latest Marriage Law amendment illustrates how tradition contributes to China's modernity. Traditionally, a house was a necessity for a marriage in China. This is because in ancient China, marriage secured the continuation of the family line and provision for ancestors. In modern China, the one child policy and soaring housing prices collectively force the "three families" to buy a house for the new couple. However, what happens when the couple divorces? Shall the house then be considered community property? The 2011 Judicial Interpretation of the Supreme People "s Court of Several Issues on the Application of the Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China, provides that where real estate is purchased by the parents of one party, and after the party's marriage is registered under the party's name, such real estate shall be deemed as a gift given by the parents to the party and the party's personal property. This interpretation represents a compromise between tradition and modernity.
The article will firstly introduce the marriage system in ancient China, illustrating that under the doctrine ofli, the real purpose of marriage was to be a bond of love between two (families of differenO surnames. Retrospectively, this secured observance of ancestral rituals in the ancestral temple, and prospectively, continuation of the family line. The house was a necessity for marriage because one of the six ceremonies required for marriage under li was the procession, and then welcome of the bride at the groom "s home. (Other ceremonies involved a matchmaker securing a proposal, matching auspicious birthdates, exchanging gifts between the bride's and groom's families, setting an auspicious wedding date, honoring ancestors and deities, and having an elaborate banquet).
The article will then analyze the marriage law in the of Republic of China, in which even the post-dynasty marriage law adopted the western marriage system, the strong resistance of the old tradition forced the law-  相似文献   

一、投稿总则(一)刊登范围和篇幅《中国卫生法制》杂志是由中华人民共和国卫生部主管,专门进行医药卫生法制研讨的国家级学术期刊。登载国内外医药卫生法制现状及相关学术研究的成果。设有以下栏目:立法动态与诠释、新闻透视、医事法苑、药事法苑、执法监督、医院改革与医务交流、以案说法、域外寻义、读者互动、文摘和信息等。  相似文献   

一、投稿总则(一)刊登范围和篇幅《中国卫生法制》杂志是由中华人民共和国卫生部主管,专门进行医药卫生法制研讨的国家级学术期刊。登载国内外医药卫生法制现状及相关学术研究的成果。设有以下栏目:立法动态与诠释、新闻透视、医事法苑、药事法苑、执法监督、医院改革与医务交流、以案说法、域外寻义、读者互动、文摘和信息等。立法动态与诠释——对医药卫生立法动态及最新颁布法律法规的介绍和评论,具有一定的指导性,是读者对国家的最新立法状况有所了解,每篇2000~3000字(1~1.5个版面)。  相似文献   

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