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企业合作问题研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
面对严峻的市场环境,许多企业纷纷从对立型的市场竞争转向合作型竞争,合作已经成为企业竞争的有效手段.企业合作不同于普通的市场交易,也有别于企业内部的层级管理,是介于市场交易和一体化之间的组织形式.企业是以赢利为目的的经济实体,降低交易成本、实现专业化分工和规模经济是企业进行合作的主要动力.在合作形式上有企业战略联盟、企业集团和对口支援等不同形式.  相似文献   

高等教育的国际化,正越来越引起教育界人士的关注,有关大学国际化的话题,也成为高校管理者们探讨的热点问题。在介绍我国大学课程国际化的背景和现状的基础上,引入波特的五力竞争模型对我国的大学课程国际化进行战略分析,使我国的高等教育正确面对威胁,化威胁为发展的契机,加快改革我国的人才培养模式,积极推进大学课程的国际化。  相似文献   

高等教育国际化背景下创新教学模式的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯红琴 《学理论》2011,(3):253-254
高等教育国际化推动着我国教学模式的改革与创新。为培养具有国际视野和创新精神的高素质人才,教师需要创新教学模式,调整教学内容、教学方法、教学手段和评价方式。  相似文献   

Governments throughout the world employ a variety of policy mechanisms to promote economy-enhancing innovation, although the embedding of SMEs in national systems of innovation has generally proved problematic. The Australian Cooperative Research Centres – Projects Program represents a recent attempt to do precisely this. Interviews with participants in the first two rounds of the Program report high levels of satisfaction, but also highlight potential for friction between SMEs and research providers, together with the opportunity for strategic manipulation. This study provides government officials and other stakeholders with preliminary recommendations regarding where the Program is succeeding, and where further vigilance may be required.  相似文献   

汉语国际传播的历史相当久远,但汉语国际化的速度和规模却是在20世纪90年代才开始显现出来的。汉语国际化既是一个客观进程,是中国走向世界的必然结果,同时也是一个自觉的国际推广过程,这两个进程有机地交织在一起。  相似文献   

我国反腐败国际合作历史不长,但积极参与了全球、区域内多边和国际双边三个层面的活动,在世界反腐败国际合作中扮演了重要角色。不过,当前我国反腐败国际合作仍存在一些问题,仅从海外追捕腐败分子的实践来看,就面临着“调查取证难,人员遣返难,资金返还难”等一系列问题。我国相关法律规定不符合国际惯例、法律制度不健全、死刑惩罚数量过多以及双边引渡条约数量不足是导致海外追逃成效不高的制度原因;办案人员素质不高、办案经费不足是开展反腐败国际合作的人力物力制约;西方国家对我国人权保护和法治的不信任感、敌对势力对我国形象的破坏以及国内司法腐败现象也影响了我国反腐败国际合作。因此加强制度建设、提高执法人员素质及做好国家形象宣传是推进我国反腐败国际合作进程的当务之急。  相似文献   

A staple of policymaking in any federation is intergovernmental cooperation, which can take the form of vertical initiatives between the central and substate governments or as horizontal initiatives among the substate governments themselves. Most research has focused the former whereby the central government often deploys powerful levers to encourage the constituent members to cooperate. Such accounts, however, cannot be applied to cases occurring without the influence of the proverbial Leviathan. This article sets out to identify conditions that may be conducive to horizontal cooperation, developing a set of propositions focusing on economic, institutional, and ideational factors. These propositions are then considered on three cases of cooperation with varying results in Canadian education. While no single factor can be identified as necessary and sufficient for horizontal cooperation, institutional and ideational conditions interacted in dynamic ways and appeared to play the leading roles in the outcomes presented here.  相似文献   

泛滥两岸的电信诈骗犯罪具有非接触性、运作产业化、技术智能性等特点,要求两岸侦查机关简化程序,展开常态化、形式多样化的警务合作。两岸近年来的警务合作取得了一些经验和成果,这是两岸警务合作的实践基础和思想基础。两岸应协商建立和完善定期会晤制、直接联系人制,适时开展犯罪信息互换平台建设,强化培训、交流,以推进两岸电信诈骗犯罪侦查警务合作深入发展。  相似文献   

Internationalization constitutes a dominant strategy for former public enterprises, as they enter emerging markets in other countries. This article provides a firm-level analysis of the drivers of (and obstacles to) internationalization. It focuses primarily on the experience of Italian companies in the railway and utility sectors by comparing and contrasting them with major European companies as well as among themselves. The article shows the diverse degrees of internationalization of Italian companies and takes into account possible explanations, showing how the policy and regulatory environment do interact with the configurations of actors’ preferences in shaping companies’ strategies.  相似文献   

论侦查管辖的相对性及侦查协作的多样化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在犯罪的动态化成为常态的时候,侦查管辖的相对性就凸显出来。这种基于相对性认识的侦查思维应转化为多样化、多层次的侦查协作形式,并将之纳入法制化建设轨道,实现侦查与防范的有效结合。  相似文献   

社会网络研究已经逐步推广应用到各个领域,通过介绍社会网络分析方法并将之引用到我校科研合作分析中,从中心性分析、凝聚子群分析以及核心一边缘结构等角度,以我校2010年的科研合作者为对象,对我校的科研合作网络进行了实证研究。通过实证研究,评价我校科研人员在合作网络中的地位,发现了合作网络中联系紧密的团体,指出了科研合作网络中核心作者的数量和所属部门。  相似文献   

In June 2004, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) announced changes to the guidelines and protocols of some 40 ministerial councils and intergovernmental fora which comprise the web of intergovernmental consultative arrangements. This article examines the impact of the guidelines on the operation of the oldest of the sectoral ministerial councils, those relating to agriculture. The COAG guidelines aim to increase the strategic focus of the councils. However, in the case of agricultural policy there appears to have been a centralising of policy control, both within state governments and towards the Commonwealth, which undermines that objective and leaves the ministerial councils focusing on the more technical issues which they are more effective at addressing.  相似文献   

本文概述了职业学校校企合作的现实意义和发展现状,通过对校企合作存在的现实问题和原因分析,提出今后促进校企合作长效发展的思考和建议。  相似文献   

International technology cooperation promises to help countries exploit the potential of new innovations, but commercial rivalry between companies and governments raises obstacles to it. In this article, I present and solve a model of international technology cooperation. The formal analysis shows that a technology agreement must address two issues. First, governments must be able to induce companies to innovate. Second, governments must credibly commit to penalizing companies for failing to share new information produced through research. Based on these observations, I show that the potential for technology cooperation is maximized in symmetric settings between equally capable governments and companies. In practice, this observation warrants a policy focus on countries and industries that are already on a level playing ground. I also consider extensions to multinational companies and adverse selection problems. The formal analysis provides a solid foundation for practical policy implementation.  相似文献   

先进性建设是中国共产党在新世纪的一项根本性建设,它与中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度有着密切的关系,关系着这一有中国特色的社会主义政党制度,即我国的基本政治制度能否更加巩固和继续发展,关系着中国共产党的执政地位能否更加巩固和执政地位是否坚强有力。从一定的意义上说,这样认识党的先进性建设问题,党的先进性建设才能确确实实地落在实处,达到通过党自身的先进性建设促进国家和社会发展的目的,实现坚持和发展多党合作和政治协商制度的目的。  相似文献   

刘春俊 《学理论》2012,(10):105-107
21世纪是人才竞争的社会,人才对大企业来说固然重要,对中小企业来说更是生存攸关,企业只有想方设法招才、育才、用才、留才,才有可能在激烈的市场竞争中发展壮大。而人才激励正是人才管理中的关键一环,为了充分激发人才对于企业的贡献度,提升企业经营与管理水平,以中小企业为研究对象,以建立科学的人才激励机制为目的,分析中小企业人才激励方面的特点,有针对性地提出了一些人才激励的具体策略和方法,为中小企业人才管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

吕建设  魏立政  秦兆泉 《学理论》2012,(10):256-258
中外合作办学作为新时期高校加强开放办学、国际交流与合作的重要窗口,应切实把创新学生教育管理模式作为推动大学生思想政治教育工作的内生动力。以山东农业大学中外合作办学为例,为创新中外合作办学思想政治教育工作作了积极实践与路径探索。  相似文献   

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