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The European Commission published a proposal at the end of2011 for a self-standing directive on the awarding of concessions in the context of the revision of the public procurement framework. With the aim of harmonizing rules and developing minimum standards based on the EU primary law and ECJ case law, the purpose of the proposed directive was, according to the Commission, to ensure more transparency and legal certainty in all Member States in awarding concessions and enhance the development of PPPs (Public-Private Partnerships) 1 However, negotiations on the proposal for a concessions directive proved to be difficult. The text2 finally adopted on February 26, 2014 stems from three compromises: 1. Within the European Commission, between a fully fledged approach and a so-called "light approach "; 2. within the Council between Member States in favor of a detailed directive for the sake of easy transposition, and Member States reluctant to the very directive, whose added value was challenged either by fear of amending their own existing national legislation on concessions or, conversely, by fear of putting at risk existing contracts awarded without open tender; 3. within the European Parliament, as the rather technical issue of public procurement became a politically driven debate on both the principle of subsidiarity and the legitimacy of private operators to manage services of general interest. As a result of a complex deal brokered by the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament, the main merit of the directive is its existence. In the light of the numerous exclusions to its scope, it remains to be seen whether some of its promising provisions regarding the definition, the award and the life of concessions will facilitate on the ground the development of transparent, performing concessions projects. At the end of the day, options to be embraced by the Member States for the transposition of the concessions directive will be a key element in the success and use of the new legal concessions reg  相似文献   

The existence of Transnational Corporations (TNCs) in developing countries may affect the economic growth in developing countries as well as the environment. It is very common that in order to enhance economic growth in developing countries, the developing countries jeopardize their environment especially over exploitation of the natural resources. Therefore, it is paramount to harmonize between economic growth and protection of the environment.  相似文献   

由福建省台湾法研究中心、省文化经济交流中心、香港律师会、台湾华冈法学基金会等单位共同举办的海峡两岸法学论坛于 2 0 0 4年 8月 2 0日至 2 1日在福建省福州市隆重举行 ,此次论坛的主题为“借鉴与互动 :公司法现代化的探讨”。祖国大陆、香港、台湾三地 1 5 0多名公司法学专家、学者参加会议 ,就公司法学的理论问题展开研讨 ,交流各自公司法方面的最新研究成果 ,为大陆《公司法》的修改建言献策。现将研讨会论文及会议研讨的主要问题综述如下。  一、《公司法》修改的基本理念和指导思想与会者认为 ,大陆《公司法》的修改应遵循立足国…  相似文献   

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