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The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is the most influential fake in contemporary history. The persuasive power of the protocols comes from the combination of a particular series of stereotypes from secular anti-Semitism, enhanced with contents outlining the "conspiracy". To understand the success of the protocols, it is necessary to examine the content of the group images and stereotypes conveyed by the text. The text has been content analyzed using psychological theories and methods. Specifically, the protocols is investigated within the framework of the stereotype content model (SCM; Fiske, Cuddy, Glick & XU, 2002) and the theory of group images (Alexander, Brewer & Herrmann, 1999). We expected to find an envious stereotype content of the Jewish group, which results from their being perceived as low in warmth but high in competence. Moreover, we expected that such a representation fit the image of the "enemy". Results are in line with our predictions.  相似文献   

去年12月4日,中央政治局会议一致同意关于改进工作作风、密切联系群众的八项规定。会议强调,抓作风建设,首先要从中央政治局做起,要求别人做到的自己先要做到,要求别人不做的自己坚决不做,以良好党风带动政风民风,真正赢得群众信任和拥护。  相似文献   

袁浩 《民主》2012,(7):56-56
近年来,随着人才强国战略的深入推进,各地纷纷大开门户,抢抓机遇,以各种优惠政策,广引人才,人才队伍建设空前繁荣。但也有一些地方的领导干部对人才工作的认识存在误区,他们一方面整天嘴上喊着没有人才、需要人才、重视人才,另一方面却对身边的人才熟视无睹,甚至遭到压制。对此,群众称他们是“揣着人才找人才”。  相似文献   

In his book The Imaginary Institution of Society, the French philosopher Castoriadis wanted to explain the radical change of societies and their diversity; the social imaginary matters, and explains social change. But what is it today? The Castoriadis's answer is mainly a criticism of the imaginary of the bureaucratic society (perfect anticipations). He hoped more autonomy. In the paper, it is proposed this interpretation of the imaginary of the city: The main myths are personal strength, chance (here the reference is Ulrich Beck's book The Risk Society), and individual happiness (the reference being the works of the French philosopher Lipovetsky). One is able to explain the discrepancy between public policies (including city planning) and the real social needs. It exists because the doctrines used lag behind the "social imaginary significations". The concerned fields are the beauty of cities, spatial segregation, women in the city, environment, drugs, etc.  相似文献   

党的十八大指出,要深入开展道德领域突出问题专项教育和治理,加强政务诚信、商务诚信、社会诚信和司法公信建设。为贯彻落实中央精神,上海市长宁区坚持把“诚信”建设作为专项活动的重要抓手,着力解决诚信建设中的难点瓶颈问题,努力营造守信受益、失信惩戒的社会环境。政务诚信方面,一是规划引领,出台《长宁区社会信用体系建设2013-2015年行动计划》,推出“改善社会公共服务、完善市场信用管理机制”等5方面24项具体举措;二是信息公开,形成政府行政许可事项从项目受理到办理结束的告知制度,不断深化政务信息公开内容,累计发布政府信息21400余条,公开栏目累计访问量1000余万次。商务诚信方面,  相似文献   

近年来,我们按照市县委要求,始终把“三争一促”活动抓在手上,在坚持中创新,在创新中发展,在发展中丰富,有效地推进了农村基层党组织建设,为全县经济社会又好又快发展提供了坚强组织保证。以“争创发展型党支部、争做服务型村干部、争当帮带型党员,促进社会主义新农村建设”为主要内容的“三争一促”活动,是搞好党建活动的一个重要抓手和载体。这项活动提炼总结于榆中县,推广见效于兰州市,已成为兰州市有一定影响的党建品牌。2011年12月,人民日报、新华社、甘肃日报等10余家中央和省市媒体对我县开展“三争一促”活动进行了集中采访。  相似文献   

The reform of higher education and the promulgation of the Law 01-00 in 2000 were a solid foundation of governance renovated in Moroccan universities. In 2009 the emergency plan has come to supplement and reaffirm the achievements of this reform. Indeed, following the deployment of the emergency plan and the introduction of an approach to contracts and projects in public education, Moroccan universities have moved from a logic means to a logic of results. Faced with this situation, and in order to ensure effective control, effective and efficient emergency plan, management control is then the "backbone" to meet the challenge of all reforms and make successful its deployment.  相似文献   

With the attempt to "reconcile" protection and tourism activities, spatial planning has a great importance in sustainable planning and management of Nature Protected Areas (NPAs). The spatial dimension of sustainability involves numerous processes and links among different purposes of lands, ecosystems, and biotopes at different levels through time, therefore, it is necessary to include all sciences and professions, whose common goal is the sustainability of the area, in the spatial planning process. This paper argues that there is a critical need for an interdisciplinary approach in spatial planning, which could improve the quality of planning of national parks and all other sensitive nature areas. Such approach should strive to the sustainability of protected nature destinations with the integration of knowledge. In Croatia, national park planning is still mostly done without comprehensive and integrated involvement of a wide range of science and profession, which ultimately significantly reduces the quality &the plans, as well as may have potentially negative effects on the future development.  相似文献   

随着年轻干部选用工作力度的不断加大,近年来各地优秀年轻干部的选拔可谓硕果频频、成效显著、导向明显。就当前年轻干部的选拔工作整体而言,仍须谨防以下“四种危险”:一、谨防“点热面冷”的危险。从目前年轻干部选拔的实践来看,选用结果与培养过程脱节、基本案例与整体导向脱节等现象仍然屡见不鲜。大力选拔年轻干部不仅需要关注干部选用的结构需求和示范效应,更要从完善年轻干部培养链、强化年轻干部队伍素质建设等基础工程着手,强调培养过程和培养效果,规范能力素质的硬性要求,切实提高年轻干部选拔任用的社会公信度,如此方能将选拔年轻干部打造成为内涵丰富、参与广泛、社会公认的党政人才培养系统工程。  相似文献   

十八大召开在即,回顾十七届六中全会关于推进社会主义核心价值观体系建设的决定,以及一年来在践行社会主义核心价值观建设的成效,觉得有必要增强“诠释、凝固、推行、维护”的工作力度。一、增强“诠释”力度增强诠释力度,让社会主义核心价值观既准确表达国家核心利益,又积极体现人类共同利益,将两者统一于一体。  相似文献   

This article exercises theoretical analysis tax-for-fee reform in politics and governance perspective method and attempts to understand the logic of country in China. The article considers that it presents two kinds of very differences phenomena in politics and governance angle of view on China country "tax-for-fee reform". The reform has basically improved state-peasant tension relationship and enhanced political validity in political angle of view. But absenting on method and shrinking on resources of governance, town-village organization reduced supplies on public service and public goods, new governance crisis formed. If politics and governance deviate for a long time, political validity has the possibility to glide away because of new governance crisis.  相似文献   

丁东 《各界》2012,(12):16-19
“文革”那年,我15岁,正在北京师大一附中读初中二年级。  相似文献   

刘景文 《民主》2012,(8):52-52
“会所”是近年内地出现的新现象与新名称,其特征在于它的私密性,区别于只要有钞票就可进的高档宾馆酒楼.是权贵小圈子显示身份与地位的聚会场所。2011年,闹得沸沸扬扬的北京故宫十重门事件(瞒报古籍善本丢失、压碎哥窑瓷盘、展品失窃、锦旗错字等十宗重大事故)之一,就有将院内建福宫改建为富豪私人会所。  相似文献   

芮彭年 《团结》2012,(6):32-34
用民革上海市闸北区委会所属的综一支部自己的话来说.新一届支部的领导密切联系广大党员,多形式、多渠道、多领域地开展支部工作,努力团结支部所有党员.争做维护支部团结和谐的“润滑剂”.在支部形成了“聚精会神搞工作,一心一意谋创新”的工作态势;建真言、献良策、办实事,最大限度增加和谐因素,促进了支部工作的发展。新老支部领导在回顾这段历程的时候纷纷说,别人是“五子登科”,我们是“四子登科”,我们为基层支部建设提供了一个好思路。  相似文献   

外交故事:及时澄清中国军方人士“核战论” 2003年我结束在法国的工作回到国内.当时听到一种说法.说是中国正处在第三次百家争鸣的时期.开始我并不大明白.后来看到网上的各种言论,才发现真是在一种争鸣的状况下。当时跟中国的外交学界接触时有两件事情让我印象深刻。第一件事:有一家报纸,  相似文献   

萧兼 《各界》2014,(3):13-14
与张作霖结盟开始平步青云 与张作霖相识,应该算是张景惠发迹的起点。  相似文献   

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