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Previous research has indicated that socio-economic and racial characteristics of an individual's environment influence not only group consciousness and solidarity, but also affect his or her views toward minority or majority groups. Missing from this research is a consideration of how context, social interaction, and interracial experiences combine to shape more general psychological orientations such as generalized trust. In this study we address this gap in the literature by conducting a neighborhood-level analysis that examines how race, racial attitudes, social interactions, and residential patterns affect generalized trust. Our findings suggest not only that the neighborhood context plays an important role in shaping civic orientations, but that the diversity of interaction settings is a key condition for the development of generalized trust.  相似文献   

新时期我国的社会主义现代化建设取得了举世瞩目的成就,但是,也要看到我国的发展还面临一系列挑战.这些挑战既是对中国特色社会主义的挑战,也是对大学生的挑战.当代大学生是我国社会主义事业的建设者和接班人,是民族的希望、祖国的未来,肩负着人民的重托、历史的责任.但当前由于受多种因素的影响,大学生的社会责任感缺失倾向凸显.因此高校应高度重视培养大学生的社会责任感,通过教育和实践使大学生认清自己的历史使命,确立为国家、为民族奋斗的志向,努力成长为对党、对人民有所贡献的人才.  相似文献   

文化作为一种古老悠久的社会现象,与教育有着密切的关系。没有文化,就不会有教育;如果抽去了文化,教育就不仅失去其内容,而且会失去其作用。在目前的全球化语境下,教育应该继承和发扬中华传统文化,重视与异质文化的交流和理解;同时也要警惕“殖民文化”,抵御“文化侵略”。  相似文献   

充分就业是实现社会和谐的重要保证。青年作为一个充满活力的群体,其就业程度事关经济社会发展和社会和谐稳定。影响青年就业的原因很多,既有社会经济环境、城乡差距等客观原因,也有青年自身技能欠缺、就业观念陈旧等主观原因。为此,需要政府、社会、家庭以及青年个体等多方共同努力,采取多种行之有效措施,以解决好青年就业问题。  相似文献   

在建设和谐社会的背景下,对公共利益的救济成为关注的焦点问题。公共利益是公益诉讼的利益源头,以利益出发,对公共利益进行法权凝练,进而建构社会公益权这种新型的权利,并以此为权利契机,对公益诉讼的主体进行分析,赋予社会中间层组织以原告资格,是对现有权利体系与诉讼制度的完善与修正。  相似文献   

高校知识分子不仅是我国高等教育事业发展的主要力量,也是社会主义和谐社会构建的一支重要力量。为此,高校知识分子应该肩负起"知识分子"的职责,在潜心治学的同时,以其特有的创造性、理性、批判性引领社会前进,在社会的激流中思考并探索国家和民族发展的捷径,从而发挥其促进社会和谐发展的作用。  相似文献   

This paper explores the key challenges of social media use by politicians in relation to political relationship marketing. Utilising a case study of the online footprint left by Welsh politicians and their attitude towards social media based on three business based rationales – engagement, level of control, and return on investment – the paper offers an expanded conception of the perceptions and fears influencing the use of social media by politicians in terms of political relationship marketing. The article concludes with some critical thoughts regarding the understanding of relationship marketing principles by politicians.  相似文献   

Despite scholarly interest in determining how exposure to disagreeable political ideas influences political participation, existing research supports few firm conclusions. This paper argues that these varied findings stem from an implicit model of contextual influence that fails to account for the indirect effect of aggregate social contexts. A model of contextual influence is outlined which implies that the neighborhood partisan context moderates the effect of political disagreement in social networks on campaign participation. The evidence shows that network disagreement demobilizes people who are the political minority in their neighborhood, but has no influence on people in the majority. When viewed together, these findings indicate that a person’s relationship to the broader political environment sets distinctive network processes in motion.
Scott D. McClurgEmail: Phone: +1-618-453-3191

越来越多的农村老人进入到城市生活,面临来自于家庭、社区以及社会政策多方面的排斥而难以适应和融入。社会工作者应该采取整合的社工介入策略,从个人、家庭、社区以及社会政策多层面帮助农村老年人应对以及改变社会排斥,帮助他们适应和融入城市生活。  相似文献   

In recent years, Arab-Palestinian citizens in Israel are in search of ‘a new vocabulary of citizenship’, among other ways, by resorting to ‘alternative educational initiatives’. We investigate and compare three alternative schools, each challenging the contested conception of Israeli citizenship. Our findings reveal different educational strategies to become ‘claimants of rights’, yet all initiatives demonstrate the constraints Arab citizens face while trying to become ‘activist citizens’ (E.F. Isin, 2009. Citizenship in flux: the figure of the activist citizen. Subjectivity, 29 (1), 367–388.).  相似文献   

This article argues that international peacebuilding efforts must be understood as identity-building projects and applies what we know from social psychology about identity processes to post-conflict peacebuilding. It argues that international peacebuilders must pay careful attention to the relationship between the multiple sources of identity from which individuals draw their self-concepts, such as their ethno-national belonging and their citizenship. Using qualitative evidence from field research on international interventions in post-conflict education reform in Bosnia-Herzegovina in the decade following Dayton, the article contends that the international community's efforts on the ground entrenched ethno-national group boundaries while simultaneously challenging the distinctiveness of these ethno-national identities. As a result, rather than being sites of peacebuilding, the schools of Bosnia-Herzegovina became sites of heightened tensions and controversy.  相似文献   


Proponents of the Social Impact Bond (SIB) model put forward a value-for-money case for SIBs based on new resources, efficiency enhancements and innovation for social service delivery, suggesting broad potential for SIB uptake in varying national contexts. SIB use has however been concentrated in Anglo-Saxon liberal market economies. This paper analyses the possibility that SIBs are proceeding given their alignment with particular governance and policy regimes, as opposed to any universal superiority from a cost-effectiveness or efficiency perspective. A comparative analysis is undertaken of the United Kingdom and the United States, leaders in SIB implementation, with France and Germany. A range of indicators representing the adoption of neoliberal governance approaches are reviewed and linked to their complementarity with the SIB model. Policy implications for SIB governance are then explored.  相似文献   

本文以1948年人文院士的评选为参照,对现阶段社会各界所推出的杰出人文社科学者评价模式进行了评析,指出人文社科院士须由权威性的学术机构所组织的同行评议方式产生。  相似文献   

The unusual size and persistence of the gender gap in political knowledge is perplexing in comparison to other dimensions of politics. Building on situational explanations of political engagement, this article claims that women’s and men’s specific adult roles lead to an enlargement of the gender gap in knowledge. The present study analyses men and women’s levels of political knowledge at different life stages by means of two unique datasets specifically collected to measure what people know about politics. Findings show that adult roles provide more opportunities for men to gain political knowledge than for women. Furthermore, the comparison of levels of political knowledge in two such dissimilar countries as Finland and Spain suggests that while gender equality policies are successful in tearing down some of the obstacles that hinder women’s contact with the political world, they are still insufficient to completely bridge the gender gap in political knowledge during adulthood.  相似文献   

林毅 《政治学研究》2020,(2):27-37,M0003
大一统作为一种重要的中国传统政治思想和实践遗产,时至今日仍深刻影响着中国的现实政治发展。围绕着大一统内涵、过程、性质与影响的认识与评价,思想史研究中也长期存在着诸多争论。但无论对于大一统本身所持态度如何,争论各方往往都倾向于将大一统视为一种独立于语境之外的固定结构。作为一种限制性认识前提,这无疑妨碍了对于大一统政治思想与实践发展史的全面理解,更影响到从学理逻辑上阐释大一统与现代中国国家建设与治理事业的内在关联。有鉴于此,在大一统政治思想研究中,有必要超越“正典解读”的束缚,以变的思维考察统的历程,同时也以统的逻辑来整合变的史实,将对大一统的思想史解读放在问题逻辑的语境中,关照智识语境与政治语境对其评价的影响,并慎重地探讨其内涵的普遍性与特殊性规律。唯其如此,对大一统的关照和本土化阐释才真正具有了历史性。  相似文献   

新中国成立70年来,社会福利制度体系经历了深刻的变迁。尝试从社会权利视角出发,通过构建福利资格准入、福利制度安排和福利结果的解释框架,对四个历史阶段的社会福利制度演变进行梳理和分析,可以发现:新中国的社会福利制度经历了国家主义统揽、发展主义主导、新世纪初期政策扩张和新时代政策深化的变迁过程,并面临严峻的现实挑战。为了建构新时代中国特色社会福利制度体系,应该克服福利发展上的认知悖论,重视福利制度安排的积极作用,着力解决福利责任主体不清的问题,形成多元的社会福利供给模式,并通过改变社会福利制度碎片化格局,构建统一公民身份的社会中国。  相似文献   

“三重三轻”:科研激励机制刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哲学社会科学激励是科研管理活动中一项重要的内容,有效的、科学的科研激励机制可以极大地激发科研人员的积极性和创造性,从而达到多出成果特别是精品成果、多出人才特别是拔尖人才的目的。本文侧重梳理了社科院系统的科研激励机制现状,并分析其中存在的问题,即重低层次激励、轻国家级政府激励,重成果、轻学者,重精神激励、轻物质激励,最后提出改进和完善科研激励机制的对策和建议。  相似文献   

Recent reforms instituted in the network of higher education in Israel have focused on two elements: adjusting the managerial structure of the universities to make it more amenable to market criteria of efficiency and reducing the proportional weight of state funding to the universities compared to that allotted to the technical and professional colleges. The main elements of this process—increasing power of managers in academic institutions, shifting universities toward entrepreneurialism, the idea of the service university, and the massification of the system of higher education—are characteristic of similar changes in higher education in the U.K., the U.S.A., Canada, and Australia.This article examines the impact of organizational and structural changes on the categories of knowledge produced, and by extension on the production of knowledge itself. By examining changes in the organization of higher education in Israel and in particular in the social sciences, the article suggests that institutional and academic diversification have influenced the categorization of legitimate knowledge pertaining to society, the economy, and the political arena—the traditional terrain of the social sciences—and hence what is considered knowledge worth knowing about these subjects. Finally, the article points to certain political interests that have motivated this change, and examines their larger impact upon Israeli society.  相似文献   

The growing call for social policy to be evidence‐based implies that ‘evidence’ possesses an intrinsic authority. Much of the evidence used by governments to formulate or evaluate social policy is signified through statistics and the language of quantification. Evidence presented in this way has the appearance of certainty and a legitimacy that seems beyond challenge. Having an appreciation of the history and sociology of the ‘science of the state’, as statistics was originally defined, helps demystify the authority of social statistics. This enables policy‐makers and program administrators to better discern the policy merit of numerical evidence.  相似文献   

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