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MYancestralhomeisinXinhuiCounty,GuangdongProvince,andIwasborninChengduCity,SichuanProvince.ButsincethefoundingofthePeople'sRepublicofChinain1949,Beijinghasbeenmyhome.MyfiftyyearsinBeijingarelikeaprismfromwhichonecanseereflectionsofChina'sgrowthandchange.In1945,iaftergraduatingfromtheSouthwestAssociatedUniversityinKunming,knownthenasthe"democfaticstronghold"forstudentmovementsduringWOrldWarII,Iworkedasajournalist,firstinChongqingandtheninShanghai.In1946,whenthecivilwarthathadbeenplo…  相似文献   

Once a small,secretive institute with the sole target of providing information services for the government,the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS) has grown into a full-fledged academic body and one of the leading think tanks in China,and even the world,over the past five decades.Shortly before the SIIS' 50th anniversary commemorative conference on July 24,SIIS President Yang Jiemian sat down with Beijing Review reporter Yan Wei to explain how the SIIS has strived to be successful academically while also serving the country's economic development and foreign affairs needs.  相似文献   

ONOctober1,1949,MaoZedongstoodonTian'anmenRostruminBeijingandannouncedthebirthofthePeople'sRepublicofChina.Now,50yearslater,theChinesepeoplewillagaingathertogetheronTian'anmentoshowtheirnationalprideandcelebratethe50thanniversaryofthePeople'sRepublicofChina.Theactivities,includingadisplayofChina'smilitarymight,aparade,aneveninggalaandfireworks,areintendedtoshowChinaandtheworldhowfarthenationhascomeoverthepast50years.TheNationalDay,theimminentreturnofMacao,andthebeginningofthenewmillenn…  相似文献   

On the cold morning of February 24, 2009, a few hundred people were gathered outside Beijing Cultural Palace of the Nationalities. Among them were ethnic Tibetan students of the Central University for Nationalities, retired Tibetan cadres and people from all walks of life. They were waiting for the opening of the exhibition 50 Years of Democratic Reform in Tibet.  相似文献   

中国人类学研究50年回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨慧 《思想战线》2000,26(1):71-76
人类学在中国已经走过了近一个世纪的历程.前半世纪是人类学从西方传入中国,开始起步发展和传播的时期,在"抗战"前后达到中国人类学研究的第一个峰值;后半世纪中国人类学经历了坎坷曲折的发展过程,在文化大革命期间跌落至谷底,本世纪80年代,中国人类学研究重获新生,并于90年代后期在中国学术界的影响与日俱增.经历了大起大落之后,中国人类学在面向21世纪之时,在新的起点上正逐渐走向规范化、体系化及本土化,并以崭新的姿态准备充实现代国际人类学的理论和方法、为中国人类学研究做出相应的贡献.回顾和反思这一历程将有助于我们进一步深刻地认识中国人类学的历史地位、社会价值及总结经验教训,为中国人类学在新世纪的发展提供借鉴和建设性的参考意见.  相似文献   

Ijoined the Chinese language class for the first time at Banaras Hindu University in 1951. The Government of Nepal sent me to Beijing University in 1958 for further studies. Former Prime Minister and distinguished Nepali leader Tanka Prasad Acharya had written a letter introducing me to Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai.  相似文献   

Had it not been for the COVID-19 pandemic,Auckland, New Zealand's most populous city, would have been a busy place this month. Leaders, ministers and business communities from the 21 economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), including China, the U.S. and Russia, would have been gathering there to discuss the development and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region.Instead, New Zealand, which currently holds the rotating presidency, has decided to hold all of this year's APEC meetings online, drawing together representatives from 11 time zones.APEC, established in 1989, is the highest-level intergovernmental economic cooperation platform in the region. This year also marks the 30th anniversary of China's joining the alliance. While addressing the 28th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting on November 12, Chinese President Xi Jinping said, It has been three decades of deepening reform and opening up for China, and of broadening economic cooperation across the Asia-Pacific.  相似文献   

AnInterviewwithYuHong,DeputyGeneralManagerofChung-YoDepartmentStoreTHEChung-YoDepartmentStoreintheXidanshoppingdistrict,thefirstBeijingbranchofthefamousTaiwanChung-YoCompany,helditsgrandopeninginJanuary1999.Sixmonthslater,thestorealmostwentbankrupt.However,afterreorganizingitsassets,inApril2000itbecameanenterprisewhosecontrollingshareswereheldbyamajorBeijingcompany,andbytheendof2000,itssalesrevenuehadreached800millionyuandoublethetotalfigureof1999.Apollbyamarketresearchcompanyshowedt…  相似文献   

In the U.S.National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2020 passed on December 20,2019,a document titled Protecting Europe's Energy Security authorizes the U.S.president to impose sanctions on foreign persons or entities who knowingly sell。  相似文献   

Media celebrity Xu Jinglei shows Chinese women's ambitions In China the percentage of educated women admitting to being very ambitious is greater than 65 percent-compared to their contemporaries in the United States where it is only 33 percent,said an article on the Newsweek website.  相似文献   

<正>China calls for closer cooperation with Asian and African partners regarding international law By He WenpingIt is generally acknowledged that Western Europe and the United States led the establishment of the modern international legal system.However,the situation in which it was forged has changed considerably since the end of World War II.Over the past 30-odd years,developing countries have participated in creating an improved and more nuanced international  相似文献   

今年是西藏民主改革50周年。50年在人类历史长河中不过是短暂一瞬,但在西藏这片古老而神奇的土地上却创造了旷世未有的人间奇迹。从肃穆的藏北高原到盎然的藏南谷地,从草原的牧民帐篷到热闹的拉萨街头,雪域高原焕发出勃勃生机,一个繁荣昌盛、充满活力的社会主义新西藏展现在世人面前。西藏50年的历史巨变,蕴含着党中央的深情关切。以毛泽东同志为核心的党的第一代中央领导集体,顺应西藏人民翻身解放的强烈愿望,带领西藏人民进行民主改革,实行民族区域自治,  相似文献   

China and India can overcome trade obstacles with a shared commitment to mutual benefits,said the Indian Embassy in Beijing.In its response to Beijing Review's articleStumbling  相似文献   

THIS October 1 marks the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic of China. On October 1, 1949, Mao Zedong stood on the Tian'anmen Rostrum, declaring to the world, The Chinese people have arisen.  相似文献   

My House My Home     
FOR people like me in China, roughly 20 or 30 years ago, the modest apartments allotted to us by the state were our homes, and I took it for granted that mine belonged to me. At that time, all apartments allotted to people were state-owned, nevertheless we felt more assured and confi dent than I think people do today, having to pay as-tronomical prices to put a house in their name, as verifi ed by their property ownership certificates. The deed has a sunset  相似文献   

新中国成立 50年来 ,法制建设取得了巨大的成就 ,初步建立起有中国特色的法律制度和法律体系 ,一国多法的复合性的法律框架逐步形成 ,法学教育事业空前发展。法制建设是一个系统工程 ,要抓好立法、普法、执法、司法、守法的每一个环节 ;法制建设要立足于中国的国情 ,并注意借鉴发达国家的法制经验 ;法制建设是一个长期的历史过程 ,要在总结经验的基础上有计划、有步骤地进行。  相似文献   

DESPITE the mortgage repayments I've been making since December 2005.it will be another year before I actually see my new home.My boyfriend and  相似文献   

税务工作与文化建设关系密切.培育先进税务文化是建设学习型、服务型税务机关的基本战略;群体参与是关键环节;创建学习平台是重要条件;激励机制是可靠保障.  相似文献   

努力促进人的全面发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人的全面发展是马克思主义的理想目标。人的全面发展,只有在物质财富极大丰富、人民精神境界极大提高、生命的个性与能力得到充分张扬的共产主义社会才能得到完全的实现。但人的全面发展是一个逐步提高、不断发展的过程。在社会主义初级阶段,就要不断探索人的全面发展进程,努力促进人的全面发展,才能在共产主义社会最终实现其价值目标。  相似文献   

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