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历史经验中并不存在廓除制度社会背景影响的,对国家所有权与私人所有权的平等保护.将以自由主义为基础的私人所有权规则"平等"适用于国家所有权,将有害于政治国家与市民社会的功能区分,有害于国家保障民生之责的实现.平等保护的前提条件是,在非经营性视角下,以法律上的公产制度为核心,国家所有权面向满足社会发展的基础性条件、实现国有财产利益社会公平分享进行制度建构.  相似文献   

论尸体的法律属性及其处置规则   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
杨立新  曹艳春 《法学家》2005,1(4):76-83
尸体是自然人死后身体的变化物,是具有人格利益、包含社会伦理道德因素、具有特定价值的特殊物,死者的近亲属作为所有权人,对尸体享有所有权.这种所有权的性质为准所有权,与一般的所有权有所不同.对于这样的特殊物,法律应当设置特殊的权利行使和保护的规则.  相似文献   

宪法意义上的国家所有权相对于社会主义目的而言只是手段,是为确保政府履行消除剥削、维护社会公平和保障公民基本权利实现的义务而赋予政府代表国家对国有土地、自然资源、财产上的利益进行合理分配的资格,是一种体现平等主义的义务性所有权、抽象所有权和私法类型的权利,政府原则上不享有收益权。政府只是这里的名义所有权人,真正的所有权人和受益人是全体国民。根据对我国宪法文本的解读,政府有义务优先将国有土地、自然资源和财产用于公共财产、公用事业建设和公民基本权利的保障,政府并无随意处置这类国有财产的权力。目前人们对国家所有权客体上的利益的无序争夺,很大程度上源于国有化之后政府并未按照宪法的原则和精神完成对国有土地、自然资源和财产利益的初始分配任务。  相似文献   

尹田 《法学杂志》2006,27(3):10-12
国家财产包括不能进入或者尚未进入民事领域的财产(包括为国家享有所有权的财产)与进入民事领域的财产两部分.国家通过投资或者拨款而进入国有企业或其他企业以及行政机关、事业单位的财产,除公有物及公用物之外,国家即丧失其所有权,财产所有权归国有企业等私法人或者行政机关等公法人享有,国家享有投资人或者设立人的权益.国家所有权或者由宪法或其他公法直接创设,或者关涉公共利益,故其性质为公权而非私权,不具备私权特征且基本不适用物权法的具体规则.民法为私法,重在保护私的利益,公法领域的国家财产应由公法加以规定和保护,"国家财产神圣不可侵犯"不应成为物权法的基本原则.  相似文献   

所有权人的物上请求权也称所有权人的物权请求权抑或对物诉权,其狭义上系指所有权人的物权请求权,广义上则还兼指占有请求权。狭义的所有权人的物上请求权涵括所有权人的所有物返还请求权、所有物妨害除去(排除)请求权与所有物妨害防止(预防)请求权。此三种请求权制度或规则的内容主要囊括各制度或规则的(规范)旨趣、构成(要件)、行使、法律特性、费用负担、有无让与性及是否罹于诉讼时效。我国民法典物权编并无完善而系统的所有权人的物上请求权规则体系,故而宜透过学理与学说的阐释而对之予以完整的建构。如此,方能使我国民法典物权编应付裕如地作用于我们的国家、社会与人民,并充分发挥与彰显所有权人的物上请求权制度及其规则的固有功用与价值。  相似文献   

盗赃车是指通过盗窃手段取得的车。无论是在我国还是在西方国家,盗窃汽车销赃出售是一个普遍存在的问题。据统计,仅深圳市,1980年4月至1990年4月,被盗汽车212辆,1997年全市被盗汽车升至928辆,平均每天盗2.5辆,1999年1月-10月份,全国被盗汽车12万辆。那些不知情购买盗赃车的人(以下称为善意买受人)也要购买汽车保险。在这种情况下,如果已经投保的盗赃车发生承保损失或又一次被盗,保险人在理赔过程中发现保险标的是盗赃车,保险人往往以被保险人对保险标的不具有保险利益而拒绝被保险人的索赔。善意买受人对盗赃车真的没有保险利益吗?  相似文献   

在财产被查封的情形,被执行人或所有权人擅自处分查封之物的,不得对抗执行申请人。查封的对抗效力是法律直接规定的结果,同处分权能和合同效力无关。查封不影响被执行人或所有权人的处分权,也不影响处分查封之物基础合同的法律效力。查封具有禁止处分的法律效果,即被执行人或所有权人不得擅自处分查封之物,否则可能引发公法上的责任。在擅自处分查封之物时,善意取得与公示对抗是两种保护善意第三人的模式。从立法论的角度来看,善意取得规则不应也无须适用于查封之物,否则会影响体系融贯,并导致制度重叠问题。查封制度具有独立的善意第三人保护规则,即查封的公示对抗规则。在公示对抗规则之下,执行申请人和善意第三人的利益得到了妥当平衡。  相似文献   

屈茂辉  刘敏 《北方法学》2011,5(1):21-27
国家所有权的行使,是国家所有权的权利主体通过代表人的积极行为,支配特定的客体,从而使所有权的利益得到实现的行为。国家所有权的行使是有权主体代表国家行使所有权,经济学界的委托—代理理论不适合大陆法传统的当代中国。国有财产有多种类型,应当根据其性质和功能确立国有财产所有权行使的多元机制。国务院以外的机构代表国家行使所有权,尤其是地方政府代表国家行使土地、矿产资源所有权,应当有法律的明文授权。国家所有权的行使者必须接受人民的监督。  相似文献   

程雪阳 《法学研究》2015,(4):105-126
中国现行宪法中的“国家所有”一词,不仅是经济学上的一种所有制,也是法学上的一种所有权.在法律地位、权能构造和权利外观上,国家所有权在宪法上和民法上并不存在差异.但在功能上,基于宪法第9条第1款关于“国家所有,即全民所有”的规定,国家所有权确实有特殊性,它不能为国家或政府的“私利”存在,而必须“为公民自由和自主发展提供物质和组织保障”.宪法第9条第1款和第10条第1、2款,赋予国家获得特定自然资源所有权的资格.具体的自然资源是否属于国家所有,依赖于法律对宪法上述条款的具体化和立法形成,在法律没有完成这项工作之前,特定自然资源属于没有进入物权法/财产法秩序的社会共有物,不属于国家所有的财产.对于这种共有物,国家可以基于主权以及由主权衍生的行政管理权来设定开发和使用规则,但不能作为所有权人获得相关财产性收益.  相似文献   

农民集体所有权的实现机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
农民集体所有权的实现机制韩松所有权的实现,就是所有权人以对财产的实际支配(占有、使用、收益、处分),使财产保值、增值,实现享有所有权的目的。我国农民集体所有权在实质上是一定范围的全体农民集体直接享有的所有权,是把集体意志和利益同集体成员的意志和利益有...  相似文献   

This article contributes to our understanding public art at the local level by providing analysis of local government public art programs. A survey was conducted with cities and towns in Arizona that have public art programs. The article begins by defining public art and explaining how government funding for public art began in the United States. Next, it highlights the benefits of public art. Public art program funding sources, budgets, maintenance, personnel, and promotion techniques are discussed for the cities/towns surveyed. Last, recommendations are provided for cities/towns seeking to create or expand their public art programs.  相似文献   

This article addresses the current focus within urban cultural policy on using art as a tool in urban development. Based on theories of participation, democracy, and public art, the article sets out to investigate critically the concept of placemaking. The discussion is based on an analysis of the public art project Placemaking, which took place during 2015 in eight municipalities around Copenhagen in Denmark. I argue that, when used as a tool in urban development, participatory public art engenders contradictory encounters. These encounters challenge the cultural political effort to democratize art and culture.  相似文献   

Artistic works can be utilized in an environmental-focused educational capacity, particularly when installed in the public realm. While some research on “ecological art” has been conducted in other countries, little attention has been paid to its application in Canada. This article addresses insights derived from in-depth interviews with members of three not-for-profit art organizations in the City of Toronto that are engaged in producing public artworks intended to provoke thought about the environment. Our findings reveal three key impediments to the application of public art as a tool for environmental outreach.  相似文献   

马立新 《政法论丛》2013,(2):95-100
当下数字艺术的产生和迅速崛起从根本上改变了原子艺术长期以来建构起来的艺术生态和艺术秩序,引发了某些引起人们重大关切的公共安全问题,其中突出的有网瘾问题、网络文化低俗化问题、数字谣言问题以及数字艺术知识产权保护问题等。这些问题不同于原子艺术公共安全隐患发生学上的外生性、随机性和个别性,而是呈现为内生性、公共性、流行性和危害性特征。一条比较可行的防控策略是在对数字艺术实施事前立法规范的同时,对数字艺术公共安全机制同步实施事后追溯监管。此外,加强数字艺术公共安全性及其应对机制的科研攻关和科普宣传,尽快提高全社会对数字艺术特殊规律及其公共安全性的认识和了解也是当务之急。  相似文献   

美国广播管制中的公共利益标准   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
在美国广播管制史上 ,公共利益标准是左右广播业准入管制和公共政策形成过程的核心概念。事实上 ,公共利益标准是实行管制的授权标准 ,蕴涵着对政策决定过程中相互竞争的诸价值和利益的衡量 ,有相当的弹性和延展性 ;在司法和管制实践中 ,则要结合具体情境 ,将形式上的公共利益标准转化为具有实质内容的方案 ,实现对裁量权的导控。在我国许可制度改革、放松管制以及公用事业民营化实践的背景下 ,如何发展出可操作的许可标准和精巧的利益衡量技术 ,保障“公共利益”不因民营化进程而侵蚀和消解 ,是需要认真对待的课题  相似文献   

This article addresses cultural policy in post-Communist Romania, focusing on the justifications for support of culture and the arts. The objectives are to clarify values legitimizing public support and to determine their effect on the meaning and impact of cultural policy. The author argues that justifications of public funding—instrumental or intrinsic—depend on how successive governments represent the roles conferred to culture and the arts, as well as on the particular ideas of culture and art they promote. Policy discourse after 1989 has been characterized by its nourishment of a persistent instrumental ideology that gradually connected to the international debate and has been dominated by a traditional, narrow conception of culture and art, which conflicts with a modern conception. Until recently, the fluctuations and conflicts between different values and ideas of culture and art have worked to constrain cultural policy, disrupting its implementation and altering its effects.  相似文献   

This paper examines the publicly visible aspects of counter-terrorism activity in pedestrian spaces as mechanisms of disruption. We discuss the objectives of counter-terrorism in terms of disruption of routine for both hostile actors and general users of public spaces, categorising the desired effects as 1) triangulation of attention; 2) creation of unexpected performance; and 3) choreographing of crowd flow. We review the potential effects of these existing forms of disruption used in counter-terrorism. We then present a palette of art, advertising, architecture, and entertainment projects that offer examples of the same disruption effects of triangulation, performance and flow. We conclude by reviewing the existing support for public art in counter-terrorism policy, and build on the argument for art as an important alternative to authority. We suggest that while advocates of authority-based disruption might regard the playfulness of some art as a weakness, the unexpectedness it offers is perhaps a key strength.  相似文献   

This article considers how the impact of art research can be evidenced, particularly the impact for general audiences through exhibitions or similar public events. This article uses thematic analysis to identify and then structure the types of evidence used in sixty-three selected impact case studies from the Research Excellence Framework 2014. The article then analyzes how the types of evidence are used and identifies opportunities to strengthen the evidence of impact. The focus is on the impact for the general public.  相似文献   

The paper presents a brief overview of the international scientific research regarding stalking, threats and attacks on public figures. A special focus lies on European research and its tradition. Particular attention is directed towards the concept of pathological fixations on public figures which covers different forms of harassment and aggressive behaviour. A closer look at the history of scientific research and relevant case examples in this area reveals that pathological fixation on public figures is a phenomenon which was described by psychiatrists as early as 150 years ago. As stalking can affect various kinds of public figures, the research presented here covers stalking of celebrities, politicians, corporate figures and royals who become the victim of harassment or violent attacks. Finally, the state of the art regarding the management of public figure stalking and harassment and the prevention of assassinations by fixated persons in Europe is reviewed.  相似文献   

The neutrality of the art and architecture of courtrooms and courthouses has dominated the public perception in the Indian context. The courtroom design and the visual artistic elements present within these judicial places have very often been considered to be insignificant to the notions of law and justice that they reflect. As art and architecture present certain historical narratives, reflect political allegories and have significant impact on the perceptions of their viewers, they have critical socio-political ramifications. This makes it pertinent to explore them and investigate the paradox of their deployment and interpretation in today’s increasingly mediatized world. Through an ethnographic study of the Supreme Court of India, this paper interprets its art and architecture, and, the symbolism and semiotics reflected through them. Arguing against their neutrality and insignificance, the paper demonstrates how they reflect nationalism, certain ideologies and power-space dynamics. It further argues that they act as evidence of political metaphors related to justice, power and democracy. With a conversation between law, architecture and semiotics, the paper investigates the historical and spatial dimensions of its architecture and artistic elements. Mapping the Court’s architectural elements, I examine how the visual representation of ‘justice as virtue’ finds translation in its design through transfer of certain images, including the image of the ‘scales of justice’, into it, while absenting the notion of ‘justice as struggle’—to contemplate on how legal architecture gives evidence to the vexed relationship between law and justice and also of the break from the colonial past  相似文献   

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